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Tuesday, March 11

Part #1-Please use this article to post any comments about the Selectmen's Candidates positions

Part #1 In the above article the candidates are free to post their position papers, please use this article for comments on those positions.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Friel,

I'd like to know how long you've lived in town. I think the current state of affairs may be lost on a newcomer.

Anonymous said...

Re read the 1st paragraph.

Anonymous said...

after you.

at least i had a question directed at the politician instead of merely a criticism.

Anonymous said...


What's your stand on the communications towers?

Anonymous said...

Geeze, I was only trying to help. Chill.

Anonymous said...

to join a club in lawrence you have to be an associate member for five year's before you can run for any office.kiel is running for a major office and he's been in town two years what a joke ;;;

Anonymous said...

To anon 2:05
Valerie Tobin said

During the deliberative session, Mr. Norm Boucher-who conducted the study, indicated
that there was a power issue with regard to the hand held units transmitting to the base unit. Based on the study, and his comments regarding power problems, I would like to see the residents approve the capital reserve fund. This would allow the board of selectmen time to investigate the possibility of improving the power of the hand held units and potentially resolve the communication problem and not involve the expense and location issues with a tower. If it is not successful, then I would recommend that the board put together another committee with "new eyes" to consider all of the other options available to the town, other than a tower.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure friel has been here for 2 years? He tried to vote here and wasn't allowed in January because he was not a resident. You'd think a person would know where they reside.

Anonymous said...

The buzz at the police station is that they don't have a communication problem. That study did not prove a need for this nor did it provide objective analysis.

If boosters are good enough for major US cities, it's good enough for Atkinson.

Vote everything down.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch Mr. Albright's questions to the consultant?

He asked why the transmitter at the Atkinson PD was not operating. There was no answer!

Did it occur to anyone else that the reason there may be a communications issue is that the transmitter in town is shut off?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I caught that too so I wonder why people are still assuming that we need new equipment if we don't even turn on that which we have.

Anonymous said...

It is time ! . Mr. O’Leary, Mr. Friel, we would like to hear from you.

Are you going to participate? In this public debate? Why are you running? What do you stand for? Have you met the other candidates? Have you discussed the issues, if you are running on any, with the other candidates? With who have you discussed your issues? How are you going to campaign? Are you going to have an open campaign? Will your conduct in office be a reflection of your campaign?

What have blog readers heard from the candidates and what are they saying? Who are the campaign workers and surrogates? What are their negatives? Positives?

Lets post any and all information we know about the campaigns and try to keep this election on as level a playing field as possible. Atkinson will be the better for it.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Tobin

I have heard a rumor that you and Mr. Friel met prior to your signing up.

Is this rumor true?
And what was the purpose of the meeting, and the result?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Tobin,

You LOST my vote when you descrfibed your position regarding Elderly Services. That was nothing more than pandering to a large group that always votes come election day.

Can anyone running for office be honest and not have ties to others who do not have a desire to serve the public - but to serve this good ol' boy network that has made the town a joke to non-residents and made residents not want to have anything to do with this town?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the issue surrounding Mr. O'Leary the last time he ran for office.

Anonymous said...

Can't remember. ???

Anonymous said...

to anon 12:00am
Valerie Tobin said
I had heard that Mr. Friel was considering running and did have a meeting with him on the Tuesday night before the filing deadline. We discussed many things and he decided that because I knew more of what was going on and the issues facing the town, that it would be better for me to run as candidate for selectman, agreeing that a 3rd candidate would split the vote and hurt the interest of the town. We had assumed at the time that Jack was going to run. I hope this answers your question.

Anonymous said...

To anon 5:18
Valerie Tobin said
I'm sorry if I lost your vote, but I'm not pandering to anyone in particular. I feel that there are many free services available to the elderly that should be made available. Sometime, just having someone available to get information for you is a huge service. Many people don't have a computer, or don't have access to the internet. If you were in that age bracket, wouldn't you want any and all services and information that didn't cost the town money, made available and accessible to you? I also want to improve communication and make information more readily available to everyone regarding budgets, assessments, meetings, planning of projects etc.
I hope that this will enlighten people and get more of the community involved in the running of the town.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, for answering my question Ms. Tobin, Now to Mr. Friel;

If you told or led Ms. Tobin to believe that you were not running, shouldn't you have given her a courtesy call to inform her of your change of heart?

Is it true that Mr. Sapia called you and asked you to sign up?

Why did you change your mind about running after Mr. Sapia's call?

Anonymous said...

Mr. O'Leary, Why did you agree to change your sign up to selectmen, after Mr. Sapia asked you to?

Why didn't you stay with conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sapia, Why are you trying to manipulate a race which you are not running in?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Tobin,
It sounds as if your posting under anon, then answering under your name to smear Mr. Friel? Or maybe it's one of your backers. It sure sounds as if whomever is asking these questions was either at the meeting or was directly informed by someone who was at this meeting.
The only one I know was there for sure was you by your statement. Please explain this to me, I am confused. I think we need our newly elected officials to be a little more tranparent than this foolish little game...

Anonymous said...

anon 10:58,
You are wrong.
The meeting was set up by a third, respected, party. The questions are asked because of general information circulating within the town.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for running Valerie. There are lots of new things we can do for the elderly in our town, all of them. Maybe they can make some suggestions of their own about what they need or want.

Anonymous said...

The issue with Mr. O'Leary the last time he ran for office had something to with notes in peoples mailboxes. I don't remember all the details

Anonymous said...

I am troubled with how Elderly Affairs is managed. I don't like the fact it is run out of our PD. The police are supposed to be in the business of protecting us from crime. I think they should focus on their core mission of police work and not be spending one minute on anything other than that. So in my opinion, managing Elderly Affairs is not part of police work, plain and simple. I really think it is a distraction from a very serious job. I know people are well intended in all this, but using police assets to give seniors rides?

Most activities for seniors are run out of the Community center. Why can't we apply common sense to the situation and have it handled by Noriko out of there? Heck, I bet half the seniors that go to the community center could/would volunteer to assist friends and neighbors as a nice gesture. Isn't that what being a good neighbor is all about? We need to revisit and re-think this whole issue. Having our PD work on anything besides police work is not a good idea. Wouldn't it sound silly to suggest we run it out of the fire dept or highway dept? So why is it run from the PD? I don't see any other towns police dept providing services like this and I suspect there is a good reason for it. Its time to make changes to this situation and do what makes sense for the town and our senior friends and neighbors.

I would be glad to volunteer to give a person a ride or pickup some groceries or a prescription. I am at the store regularly anyway. I've spoken to friends and they would too. Why aren't we doing this as volunteers like the people who volunteer to help the Salem Caregivers? Any other volunteers out there?

Where do the candidates stand on this issue?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the 6:06 post. One Elderly group would be much more effective.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a petition article pasted last election that prohibited people from holding two town posts?

If so, why does it not apply to the PD and Elderly Affairs? Why is it when I go to the PD's site on the town web site, I see Elderly Affairs prominently listed on that site? Why is it shown on the PD letterhead?

If this town is going to get back on track, all conflicts of interests need to be eliminated. It should be obvious to anyone, and check it out if you think I'm wrong, the PD and Elderly Affairs seem to be a little too connected.

And, you might want to consider the subject of nepotism. A town department should not be the family business.

But, that's just my take on things.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I don't think it's right for Consentino's wife and son to work for him. Not in the least.

If we did not have so much fear here, we could raise these issues to the Conflict of Interest Committee....if it were confidential.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, to bring an issue to the conflict committe you must be a resident and you must publicly state your case. This information becomes public to all including your identity. This on one side protects from false and frivolous accusations, however prevents most from ever bringing up an issue for fear of retaliation.

Anonymous said...

The Conflict of Interest Committee is rendered ineffectual because of the publicity people are forced to endure. We might as well not a have the committee at all. People should be allowed to present issues anonomously and if they aren't, they will never hear the issues that need to be addressed.

If the selectment can go into private meetings to discuss town employees away from the public, then the public shoould be allowed some privacy of their own.

There will always be some number of issues that cannot be substantiated, but to force everyone to be placed under public scrutiny is ineffective, obviously. No one is using this committee as a result.

Anonymous said...

To Mrs. Tobin,
I know that you talk the talk, but you do not walk the walk. Trying to slander Mr. Friel, is working against you. I for one look at all of the candidates who are running. I am sorry to say that I believe that you hide behind words, and therefore can not be an effective selectment. But then again, I am only 1 tax payer who has a voice.

Anonymous said...

I don't see where Mrs. Tobin slandered Mr. Friel.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in knowing why the other candidates for Selectman have not represented themselves here.

Either they do not know of this Blog, which is doubtful, or they have been advised not to participate. The later raises many questions. Will we hear from them or will we speculate?

Anonymous said...

I am going to say that the other candidates do not know of this blog. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who don't know about this blog. Maybe someone at candidates night could ask a question about the blog to the other candidates. You know, get a feel from them on where they stand on free speech.

Anonymous said...

That is possible but unlikely. Will anyone that knows either of the other candidates please call them an give them a "heads up" on how to participate?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Feb. 19, 1:07
To say that Friel and O"leary haven't posted their positions on the blog because they don't know about the blog is "road apples"!!
(horse droppings - for you non-country folk).

The blog has been attacked at selectmen's meetings and most recently, at the Deliberative Session by a raving, out-of-control Consentino.

O'Leary and Friel were both present at Deliberative Session.

For anyone running for selectmen to claim that they don't know what is going on in their own town, including the much discussed blog, shows a total lack of knowledge about their own town. There isn't a single issue that has not been discussed pro and con on the blog. If Friel and O'leary don't keep current on issues being disucssed in town, then how knowledgeable can they be as selectmen.

Sure, they know about the blog. They just don't have the guts to set out and defend their positions like Valerie Tobin has.

Anonymous said...

February 19, 2008 10:58 AM - Sounds like Mr. "Emotional" and "Business" talking again. Observe the phrase "is working against you". You'll find it has been used several times. Talk, Talk, Talk but no facts. Who is hiding behind whom?

Anonymous said...

Come on, Ms. Tobin, Mrs. Grant, Valerie, Mark etc.. have been toasted over the last few weeks. Do you really think they have stood behind their positions? Or should you say they have been kicked in the behind for their positions? Mr. Emotional has had a field day playing on peoples emotions.. set the bait and watch them run. It's been a no-win for these people. Mr. Friel and Mr. O'leary clearly have enough common sense not to respond to these blog
questions that are just set ups for
failure. Reread the last couple of weeks posts carefully and you will clearly see Ms. Tobin does not appear to have guts but is actually lacking in common sense to have responded.
Longtime Supporter

Anonymous said...


Well, then you're saying you don't have sense because you are responding to the blog.

Anonymous said...

OLeary knows about the blog, he's spoken about it.

Blogs are a common way of communicating on the internet. If anyone shies away from this then it's to their disadvantage. You cannot escape the internet anymore and people expect you to be computer savy and use these tools.

Anonymous said...

Unlike everyone here, I imagine that the candidates do not want to comment on this blog. I know that some of the things that are discussed here are a joke. I get more comedic value from just listening to everyone rant. You know there are a lot of people that do not know the web address to get here, or just don't plain care. So keep up the good work, I always need a good chuckle.

Anonymous said...

That's odd that you think this is a joke. I don't take this as a joke, this banter is important. You always get the negative people who have nothing of value to add but it's still part of free speech.

It's a great way for people to spread the word about the nasty behavior by our leaders, to let folks know that there are others who agree that this has to change.

You don't like it , don't read it, don't comment.

Anonymous said...

Friel and O'Leary are probably reading the blog, it's natural curiosity. They'll want to know what people think and this is the place to find out. They are most likely too afraid to post any comments or they would have done so.

They now appear out of touch, disinterested and distant. Not too appealing.

Anonymous said...

"you will clearly see Ms. Tobin does not appear to have guts but is actually lacking in common sense to have responded."

Your opinion, certainly not mine. I think she's handled herself quite well here. At least we know her a little better. No clue about the other two.

She's been criticized, and that is to be expected when you run for office. At least she has made herself available to respond, again, unlike the other two.

We've also seen a thinly veiled attempts to smear her. Can only guess where that is coming from.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting here Valerie.

Anonymous said...

Palito was so very rude to Carol Grant on Canidate's nite...shut her off from clearifying a question that she had asked the canidates. Man is he just into him self. No need to of been that agressive on that matter. Let us all have the same name to "write in" on his re-election. I dont care if a Monkey gets the job! At least the monkey wouldnt be as rude at Palito.

Anonymous said...

All 3 candidates are in favor of 2 eldery programs and that is unfortunate. I am very much in favor of moving the entire program to Noriko and letting her manage the entire thing.

Anonymous said...

I cant stand Frank as much as the next guy, but Carol asked a question and then started rambling about the memorial as an example. Frank was rude but I agreed with shutting her down from babbling on and on..

Anonymous said...

Frank shut Carol down once because she was interrupting the person who had the floor, and I agree with that.

Second time was when she started to bring up the memorial. She had asked her question already so I was OK with that also. Sorry Carol.

And Frank brought up one very good point. Carol may have had 2000 signatures but where were those people when it mattered. That needs to be a lesson to all those who write petition warrants. You want them to pass and not turned to mush, get your people at the meeting. After the deliberative session I'm not a big fan of Franks either. But tonight I think he did OK.

I was disappointed that all three supported elderly affairs as is, but the chief is a hard guy to say no to. The PD and elderly affairs need to be completely separated.

I was hoping for more hardball questions, but, oh well.

I think Valerie did well when she suggested that all departments need a budget review. If I were picking winners and losers, I think she won.

They all said the right things, its now a question of who you really believe. I'm sure Mr. Sapia had all the right answers too and look where that got us.

Anonymous said...

In defense of Mrs. Grant. Watch the re-run of Candidates' Night. Carol Grant didn't interrupt someone who had the floor. The candidate said to her that he wasn't sure what she meant by her question and she simply answered him to clarify her meaning. Well, anyway, she tried to when Polito rudely cut her off.

She cited the Vietnam Honor Roll only to give an example of what she was talking about when she asked if the selectmen candidates would honor future town meeting votes. She wasn't rambling, she was citing an example to make her question clear.

When Mrs. Grant asked the candidates about what their position would be if at future town meetings, attendees would try to block petitioned warrant articles from going before the townspeople, the reason Polito kept cutting her off was that at the last Deliberative Session, HE was the one who told the attendees that if they didn't like a petitioned warrant article, to amend it to make it meaningless. He knew that he bore the guilt of what happened to all the petitioned warrant articles at Deliberative Session and he felt uncomfortable that Mrs. Grant was referencing his misconduct at that meeting.

Mrs. Grant didn't question the right to amend articles. She questioned the mis-use and abuse of the amendment process. She questioned the morality of the Moderator telling the few attendees present to block petitioned warrant articles from the townspeople's voting on them.

By asking the candidates about their positions on that, she was obviously hoping that they would say that they would URGE Deliberative Session attendees not to abuse the amendment process and deny townspeople the right to vote on all warrant articles.

Remember, at Deliberative Session, Sapia and a few others, AT THE URGING OF MODERATOR POLITO, took an active lead in destroying petitioned warrant articles.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that i'm impressed with valerie after watching the canidates night. I feel that she is a strong person and will do what is right for the residents of atkinson and not bow down to the likes of the chief and sapia...on another note I could not believe my eyes when the chief threw a crumpled piece of paper at carol while she was talking. I know a lot of folks have problems with her but in all fairness her heart is in the right place with our water issues and the unfairness of the placement of warrant articles...but come on the chief should serve detention for his childish behavior...role model I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

The paper throwing was just another perfect example and reason why Polito should be removed as Moderator.

Polito was supposed to be moderating Candidates' Night, but not only was he out of line in repeatedly cutting Mrs. Grant off, but he allowed that jack-ass Phil to rudely throw paper at her while she was speaking. Why didn't Polito ask him to leave the room? Why didn't he say something? Why did he allow Phil to be so rude and abusive to Mrs. Grant? Polito's bias against Mrs. Grant has always been so obvious. As a Moderator at Deliberative Session and Candidates' Night, he's a total failure.

And Phil, don't you ever get tired of being such a jerk? No wonder the townspeople have such contempt for you.

Anonymous said...

Carol Grant was absolutely right to question each candidate, if they won, about what would be their position at future Town Meetings when Polito mis-uses his Moderator position to encourages Delib. Sessions attendees to destroy by amendment petitioned articles they disagree with.

I have young kids and couldn't be present at Deliberative Session. I was one of the almost 5500 residents who was denied the right to ballot vote on all of the petitioned warrant articles.

Whether or not all of the 5500 residents were or were not present at Deliberative Session is not the issue. The intent of Senate Bill 2 was never to destroy or obstruct petitioned warranr articles from the residents of a town getting to vote on them. Senate Bill 2's intent for amending articles was to make clarifications, technical corrections or correct erroneous appropriationg amounts.

A relatively few people at Deliberative Session, supported by Polito and the selectmen, mis-used the amendment process to block warrant articles that they oppose and which they know would pass if the townspeople could vote on them. Destroying petitioned articles at deliberative session is cowardice on the part of those who fear the ballot vote of their fellow residents.

Just because not so many people attend Deliberative Session, doesn't give those present a right to thwart the democratic process and block a fair democratic vote in the voting booth.

Those, like Polito, who say it's ok to thwart the democratic process just because not all 5500 voters are present, are just showing their ignorance and their contempt for their fellow townspeople.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice? Valerie Tobin was the only candidate present who was aware of and pointed out the deliberate and calculated mis-positioning of the water ordinance article at the end of deliberative session.
All ordinances or amendments to ordinances are ALWAYS placed first on the warrant, right after election of town officials. The correct procedure was deliberately not followed with regard to the water ordinance because the selectmen opposed the ordinance and wanted it to be acted on last when most people have already usually gone home.

They didn't want the water ordinances acted on when there was a full gymnasium so they broke with the required format and placed the ordinances last to be acted on.
Polito, as moderator, knew that the selectmen were manipulating the vote by changing the correct order of articles, but he went along with it and even ecouraged the people to destroy the articles.

Mrs. Tobin was the only one who obviously knew what was going on.
O'Leary doesn't have a clue to anything, while Friel is too naive to know things for what they are.

Anonymous said...

Paper throwing is so juvenile!

But I just saw my police chief do just that, and yt everyone thinks He is the saint who is being attacked by everyone here, what a crock!

Anonymous said...

If we are looking for someone to actually change thinks they need to stand up to the Mob before elections. Nobody would even ask the question about getting rid of the chief never mind any of the candidates talking about this. If you don't have the guts to say things that are obvious before being elected they are not going to do a thing after.
Man does this town resemble some of the old westerns where the mayor and the sheriff were the bad guys and the townspeople's were to scared to do anything. Too bad we only have a few that will stand up to the "mob" and they are in positions that couldn't change anything anyway.


I have come to the very sad conclusion that I have just two choices: Just turn a blind eye to the politics and wait for the market to go up. Then sell and get out of here, because I won't be able to afford the taxes. The other is to stand up and fight but there are way to many "Anonymous" in this town that I would not thing they would come out at show time and stand by me......This is sad.

Anonymous said...

Think not Thing

Anonymous said...

To last anonymous...I would stand with you! Yes i would.

Anonymous said...

I signed the petitions for four of the petitioned warrant articles which were destroyed at Deliberative Sessions.
I also work on Saturdays to support my family.

No one has any right to criticize my non-presence at Deliberative Session because of my priority to financially provide for my family.
Also, no one has any right to take advantage of my necessary absence
to destroy petitioned articles which I signed.

Thank you Carol Grant for standing up for me and others in my same position. You take a lot of abuse for standing up for residents
like me.

Anonymous said...

Isnt Consentino being sued by two people for improper conduct in meetings?

And he throws paper at Mrs. Grant?

And that's smart, how?

Anonymous said...

If you can't be at the session, then you can't. Nobody would fault you for that. If you have to work or stay home to take care of family, that obviously has priority.

However, I think it is safe to assume a lot of people who did sign the petitions could have attended. The people who go to the deliberative session every year is mostly made up of the same people. When you make your argument for a petition don't expect logic to sway a lot of minds. If you want a petition passed, and passed the way you intended, you need enough supporters there to assure that. Sorry, but that is the way it is. Look at the library vote last year. Enough supporters showed up to assure it passage.

There is the intent of the law and then the letter of the law. One part of the law is that only registered voters attending the session can vote. If you are a supporter of a petition, are able to attend, and did not, shame on you.

The letter of the law was followed. For now, it's up to the supporters to assure the intent.

And as far as the Chief, he's been throwing fuel on his fire for years. Let's hope a reconfigured BOS can start to douse it.

Anonymous said...

Why was the police chief wearing between 4 and 5 feet of half inch thick gold chain around his neck? Can he really afford to spend $10K on jewelry on his meager salary?

We need to organize some write in candidates and push out Frank and jack. This must be done and if we don't they will get in again and we will be listening to this crap for 3 more years.

Has anyone called the AGO, the FBI, the IRS to report Phil? Has Mmark included any of these incidents in his law suit, I sure hope so.

Anonymous said...

Would someone be so kind as to write a paragraph on OLeary's and Friel's speeches last night? I dod not have cable and work second shift. I saw Valeries posting and feel I have info on her.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

When it was time to question the selectmen candidates, did you notice that Polito asked them no questions, but instead, used their question/answer time to make a self-serving speech in which he defended his urging the destruction of petitioned warrant articles at Deliberative Session.

He had the nerve and un-mitigated gall to blame absent petitioners for his mis-conduct and that of those who followed his advice to destroy the articles to keep them from going to ballot vote.

The victims of what happened at Deliberative Session were not just the many citizens who tried in good faith, by citizens' initiative petitioned warrant articles, to get active in the democratic process in town. The victims of the Deliberative Session fiasco under Polito as Moderator, were also, and more importantly, the thousands of townspeople who were denied their right to vote on ALL warrant articles, including those submitted by their fellow citizens.

We definitely need a write-in candidate against Polito's subjecting us to his arrogant misconduct for another 3 years.

Anonymous said...

What Polito urged to happen at Deliberative Session goes far beyond his abuse of his position to urge destroying petitioned articles to keep them from ballot vote.

What happened was also a symptom of a cancer growing in town -- a cancer which is attacking our democratic process. A cancer which feeds on the un-civil behavior of a very small anti-democracy minority who use deliberative session to minipulate and destroy the integrity of a town meeting.

Seniors can't be expected to sit on hard chairs for the many hours of deliberative session. Mothers of children can't be expected to be there. Working people can't be expected to be there.

Additionally, with regard to the two water articles, it was not unreasonable for the 2/3's of the town who already voted to pass the water ordinance to expect that the
already overwhelmingly voted wishes of the townspeople would be respected at Deliberative Session and that their presence would become so needed against the people who don't respect town meeting votes.

What happened to the golden rule of not doing to others what you would not want done to yourself?

If you had signed or submitted a petitioned warrant article, would you have wanted a small group of anti's to destroy your petition and block it from action on by your fellow townspeople?

The anti-petition small minority in Atkinson have shown a total lack of courtesy and civility towards their fellow residents. If they disagree with the intent of a petition, they should just vote against in in the voting booth. They have no right to destroy and trample on the rights of their fellow citizens to cast a vote in opposition to theirs.

This anti-petition cancer that has come to dominate our deliberative session, encouraged by the moderator, is hurting our town. If they cared about our town, they wouldn't repeatedly destroy its citizens' petition democratic process.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for taking the time to convey some of the festivities I missed last evening. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a good time to start expanding in the town, the economy being what it is. If Friel is leaning this way, I cannot afford to vote for him. HE may be in a position to afford higher taxes but I am not.

Anonymous said...

I don't think a well off builder can represent my interests.

Anonymous said...

You know what I'd like to see; this race narrowed down to two people, since that is what it really is. Sorry Rich, you haven't got a prayer. The only thing you can accomplish is pull votes away from another, which, may be your, or someone else's, intent. Don't know. Did notice you were sitting next to Mr. Friel before your Q&A. Just an observation.

All the answers were pretty much same and predictable. No one wants to upset any of the electorate. I think this is precisely why the chief asked about his senior program. The elderly are a big voting block and who wants to rock that boat.

Hey, here's a thought. If someone has the chiefs little antic on DVR or tape, and it clearly shows what he did, and you have the means to extract it, put it YouTube for all to see. Same for his outburst at the deliberative session. You hear the stories, but to see it something else again.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at all upset with Ms. Tobin's explanation of her "expansion" idea for elderly affairs.

She explained that her idea of expansion was to tap into all the regional and state programs that are being underutilized in Atkinson. She did make it clear that there would be no cost to the taxpayers.

All in all good answer.

Also she was leaning towards a combination of services with the community center elderly services, in my opinion the way to go.

Sorry Phil, the vote buying express is pulling out of the station.

Anonymous said...

For Consentino to throw something at Carol is insane. he's on camera and being sued! He's dumb AND ugly.
(Internally and externally).
It will be great to see him lose his lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Friel and O'Leary thought is was ok to modify the warrant articles at the deliberative session. They will never get my vote now. I think that was undemocratic, the articles should go to the voters with their original intent intact.

Anonymous said...

O'Leary didn't even stay at the deliberative session he left very early on. Who knows if Friel was even there, I don't emember him being there. I know Valerie stayed all day.

Anonymous said...

Are you refering to Tobin and Friel as the well off builder? They could both be described as such when you drive by their properties. Good luck with Rich!

Anonymous said...

O'leary and Friel both attended the delib session and stayed. Do your homework or go home.

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:02am
If you and other bloggers have a problem with the way deliberative session conducts it's business, then call your state legisltive rep. They are the ones who created the law. To say it's anti-democratic makes you sound foolish.
So you think we should just break the law because it did't go your way? If the petitioners actually
supported the warrants then more than about 5 of them would have shown up. Sometimes people sign pettitions because they are obligated too, even though they don't really support the cause. Sometimes its alot easier to just sign and hope and pray it either gets changed at deliberative session or they make sure to go to election day and vote it down. This was pretty obvious at the last session. Some people get confused at the ballot box by all these warrants and it is possible for some crazy articles to slide through. This is why the system works the way it does. It must pass thru the will of the legislative body not once, but twice if it makes it that far.
Just my take on things.

Anonymous said...

To Valerie
Wow, did I hear the tv correct last night? You support keeping the elderly affairs driving program in the PD? Is this really true? And you would like to expand it even further? What do you want, another 5, 10 or so vehicles for extra expanded ride services? I heard you say you would like to expand and utilize other available services. I'm assuming the cart program was what you were refering too but you can't have both. Please explain your position on this issue. I would have liked to ask you directly last night but I had to work my 2nd job and was unable to attend. I hope you don't want us to pay for both or add more cars but only you know the answer. Ps: I taped the program as I was working.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what, I will write in Brian Boyle for moderator. whos with me? Im tierd of Polito and his group of control freaks. we need to elect some one else. Any other ideas? Instead of bla bla blaing, who should we write in? I have given my idea, anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon @ 6:23

Thats not what she said, she said she favored an expansion of both elderly services by tappign into regional, state, and fed programs that the current elderly affairs director either doesnt know about, or just doesnt give the info out.

And she said nothing about keeping it in the PD. She talked about both programs, phils taxi service, and norikos trips and classes, and I had the impression she is at least open to merging the two, and running it out of the CC.

Anonymous said...

To Anon. 6:40p.m. What a good idea! I will write in Brian Boyle's name for moderator. Think he would want the job?

Anonymous said...

To Anon. 6:40p.m. What a good idea! I will write in Brian Boyle's name for moderator. Think he would want the job?

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post.

Anonymous said...

Just a comment about Valerie and the senior programs. I did not get the impression she was up for merging the 2. she said both were good and we should expand our services. She did discuss expanding to include services Salem may offer, but I did not hear the mention of putting the 2 current programs together. Maybe a bad example but we dont have 2 PD's, 2 highway departments or anything else, why is 2 seperate elderly programs ok ?

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Write in Brian Boyle for moderator. I will spread the word.

Anonymous said...

To anon @6:50pm and VALERIE
Qustion two from the Chief was specific to whether she would support the elderly program run out of the PD.
She said she was for expanding the program. Perhaps if Valerie were to
respond to the question we could clear up any confusion. Valerie, please respond to this troubling issue. I'm sure their are lots and lots and lots of people who would like an answer from both sides of this issue. Where do you stand ??????

Anonymous said...

Brian's only worried about that wonderful tower proposal next to his development. He is not interested in being the moderator.
Just ask him!
Of cousre this is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Rich absolutely did not stay at the deliberative session past lunch and Friel was not seen all day. I did my homework and I was there all day and evening.

Anonymous said...

The well to do builder is Friel. I don't care for builders as town officers in any capacity.

Valerie is not a builder.

Rich is on his way to embarassment yet again.

Anonymous said...

Though I think Brian is better than Frank, Brian made a beeline for the Chief as soon as he walked into candidates night. That made me uncomfortable.

So if Brian wants to run, I think someone close to him should ask him to log in here and talk to us.

Anonymous said...

Valerie and I spoke of the Elderly Affairs program and she said she does not want it run out of the PD.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 11:02 2/21

It is anti democratic when fewer people can knock down an article than the number it took to get it on the ballot. Democracy has to do with the majority vote, so you look foolish now.

No one asked you to break the law. I guess you can't add OR read.

Anonymous said...

The chief is a crass individual and I look forward to the day he is gone.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Friel came from and how long he has been in town?

Anonymous said...

I dont think Boyle knows how to turn on a computer, let alone log in here.

Friel said he has been in town for 6 years. I think he lived in Sandown before that.

I know he got appointed to ZBA before he was a resident. They had to bump him off it, and Frank fought to keep him, even though he was a resident of Sandown.

So much for our moderator sticking to the rules. Guess there are rules, and there are rules, and they must not always apply the same, right Frank?

Anonymous said...

To anon 8:49am 2/22
What are you talking about? Did
you actually read anon 11:02 2/21?
It appears you can't read. Stop throwing mud. You look foolish.

Anonymous said...

To anon 8:39 2/22
If Valerie is not a builder then what is she? A pretender? I believe
at candidates night she stated she was a builder which is why she felt qualified to handle the job. She spoke of all the sub-contractors she deals with. Maybe I watched the wrong town candidates nights program. Oh well,
maybe comcast piped in the wrong channel to my TV. If she's not a well to do builder, what is she?

Anonymous said...

Brian doesn't own or know how to turn one on. Wow! What a good line to use if you never want to be discovered as ANON. I might try to start a rumor that I'm computer
useless. I hope it works. I love the comedy that this blog provides.
Keep up the jokes. I love them.

Anonymous said...

To February 21, 2008 10:26 PM

"Just ask him!
Of cousre this is just my opinion."

Did you actually ask him, or are you just stating your opinion of what you think he would say if you asked him?

You imply your opinion is fact. Which is it?

Anonymous said...

whats your position on the expansion of elder services specifically run out of the PD?
How many more cars?
How many more officers?
Whats the answer?
It was asked at candidates night but the answer seemed like FUZZY math to me. Please respond with a
clear answer.

Anonymous said...

Of croursescro it is only my humble
opinion, otherwise I would have stated it as being a fact with live video posted on you-tube. Of corseue I appreciate you clearing up this issue. Your posts are always appreciated.
Mr Of crousrese

Anonymous said...

If you go back to the original post you will find "course" was misspelled. Hard to believe since this blog has spell check. The quote above was directly copied from the original post.

So, continue your misspellings. Makes tracking a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

So you're a trcaker. I'll be crareful.
Mr. Of croresoere

Anonymous said...

Re: Writing in Brian Boyle as Moderator.

Great idea! It should be a "Draft Boyle Initiative."

Some important points:

1. Write-in candidates are usually at a disadvantage, but in this case, a write-in candidate has a very good chance for the below reasons:

2. Polito really crossed the line and lost credibility when he advised the small group of deliberative session attendees still present after 8 long hours of session,(mostly town employees, town officials and their families) that if they didn't like a petitioned warrant article, they should just amend it to make it meaningless.
Polito crossed the line by taking a position against the many residents who cared enough about their town to get involved in the civic process and sign a citizen's petition. None of these petition signers are going to vote for Polito who basically told them all to go to hell. Polito's displayed lack of neutrality where petitioned warrant articles are concerned (also displayed at the two previous deliberative sessions) is disqualifying for his continuing as a moderator.

3. At Deliberative Session, once again, Polito showed that he was incapable OR unwilling to maintain order when he repeatedly allowed Dale Childs and Ginny Morelli to disrupt the session by rudely heckling and making insulting remarks about the speakers for the petitioned warrant articles while they were trying to speak.

Because Polito panders to the selectmen who were also against the petitioned articles, and because he is spineless in standing up to Dale Childs (who has also, unchallenged by Polito, heckled and disrupted previous deliberative sessions) Polito has shown that he can't or won't control rude and disruptive wives and friends of his cronies. That's a critical failure and disqualification to be a moderator.

4. While this didn't happen at deliberative session, Polito was also acting as a moderator at this week's candidates' night. Once again, he displayed his double standard. I am not referring to his not-hidden dislike and continuing rudeness to Mrs. Grant, which is itself inappropriate and un-acceptable in a moderator. I'm specifically referring to his AGAIN refusing to control his cronies. He allowed Consentino to rudely throw spit-balls (paper) at Mrs. Grant while she was speaking.

Phil is a crude jerk totally lacking in self-control, but Polito had a responsibility as acting moderator to say or do something about Phil's jerk behavior, and once again, he failed as a moderator. What Politio does or doesn't do depends on who the victim is and who the perpetrator is. That is disqualifying for a moderator.

5. A "write-in draft movement" should never put the draftee on the spot by asking him directly if he would serve. It puts the draftee in the undesirable position of feeling bad if the write-in isn't successful. By not asking him out-right directly, he is properly kept above the write-in initiative, which he should be.
Should Mr. Boyle win, he will have the option one year from now of either acting as moderator at next deliberative session, or doing as Jack Herhily did when he wasn't feeling well and appointed his own deputy moderator to step in for him.

3. Brian Boyle is no stranger to deliberative sessions or town meetings. For many years he has sat at a head table at deliberative session in his capacities as a selectman and also as chairman of the budget committee. He is very capable and we all know it.

6. Let's do it! Brian Boyle as a write-in candidate for Moderator.
Much of Polito's arrogance is from his knowing that he is un-opposed each election. Let's all join together and take back our town -- one position by one. This election we, the people, can take back the moderator and one selectman position, and one code of ethics slot.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

To anon 10:26 AM today

You are correct, I was quoting 6:19 and their criticism of 11:02., a typo on my part. We are on the same page. My comments were to 6:19 pm 2/21.

Anonymous said...

Valerie is a real estate broker not a builder. I don't know any woman builders do you?

Anonymous said...

If you want Boyle, let me suggest you get the word out. Some signs around town and on vehicles.

Maybe a poster at the Village Store.

Anonymous said...

Some of these posts on this blog are becoming a little hard to follow and somewhat pointless...try to stick to the facts really typos and spelling errors are not a big deal. I still understand someones point even if words are misspelled..and im sure everone else does too.

Anonymous said...

Its Like critizising someones hand writing...POINTLESS..It is what it is..

Anonymous said...

to anon 8:37am 2/22
friel was at deliberative session. he sat in the back with his hands crossed and stayed until the end.
he was constantly in the camera's view. looks like you flunked your homework assignment or you just have a problem with the truth.

ps: where is the spell check function or was that some posters fabrication of the truth also?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really believe that Polito saw Consentino throw a spitball at Carol? The object thrown disappeared from camera view once it approached Carol. Her body blocked the objects trajectory and no-one knows what is was or where it landed. Should anything have been thrown? NO. Was
Polito responsible for not taking action on something he was unaware of? NO. Maybe the Chief was swatting at a flY. Who knows? Who cares. Lets move on. This is fun, but also a waste of time.

Ps: Did Carol check her hair?

Anonymous said...

Are you a real estate broker or not? Are you a developer or not? You stated you manage all your sub-contractors at candidates night. I've been reading these past posts and I am completely confused. Someone posted a sexist comment in my mind that that implied that no females are builders. Whats up with that crap?
Please post an answer. Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Yes, some one needs to make signs for Brian Boyle. Write in for Moderator. I have talked to alot of people today, and everyone agrees that its a good idea. To the Blog chairman , We need to have a article writen titled " New moderator write in canidate"
This topic is getting very hot!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, Feb. 22,2:31

"Maybe the Chief was swatting at a fly."
Consentino swatting at a fly with spitballs? DUH !!
Also, there are no flies in winter. DUH !!
Who is our Anonymous Consentino or Polito butt kisser?

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "