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Tuesday, September 25

A Threatening Letter From Chief Consentino!

MAcciard said:

Publius, please accept this as an article submission.

A Threatening letter from Chief Consentino!

First, let me apologize up front if I offend anyone with my strident tone, but I am Very Angry!

I returned home from work today to find a certified letter from Atkinson's Chief of Police, on official stationary, threatening me with legal action if I keep criticizing his official actions on this blog!

Since Chief obviously reads this blog, and is incensed about what he reads here, I decided to respond here, publicly! So that everyone can imagine how they would feel if they received this threat from our Chief, I will first reprint this exactly as it was written to me. Afterwards I will respond;

"Dear Mr. Acciard, September 22, 2007

This letter is a long time coming. In the past I have put up with your untruths missinturpation of the facts and your blatant efforts to print these unwanted articles in your BLOG. Publius, or what ever cyber space name you are using, I feel it appropriate to place you on notice. If I am told that you are again printing false and misleading articles pertaining to me or any member of my family, I will be forced and compelled to seek legal relief from these slanderous articles in a court of justice.

I am sure by now you are saying what remarks have I made that would upset the Chief. Let me give you a quick trip through your slanderous and untruth statements.

When I spoke to you several weeks ago and advised you that the information you wrote about pertaining to how much I made in a year and the amount that the Chief from Hampstead made, I advised you that you had your facts all wrong. Let's go over that conversation. The Hampstead Police Chief is part-time the same as I am. For his 2007 budget he is projected to make $23,527. You listed my salary as $24,485. I advised you that for 2007 my budget indicated a sum of only $22,585.00. You made this look like I was making more that the Hampsted Chief. You were going to print a retraction, but to my knowledge that never occurred. You also list that Hampstead's Police Department Budget was $734,254.00 and Atkinson's Police budget was $778,128.00 I again advised you that our Police budget was $754,021.00. Again you continue to publish false information.

Your article FUZZY MATH is another example of your tireless action to try to discredit me in your BLOG. Let's start with your picture of a blue Ford cruiser. I have no idea were you got that photo from, but that car is in great shape and looks better than some of our older cruisers. Please look at the REAL 2000 FORD CRUISER that we traded in, I have attached several pictures of this vehicle for you to look over. This car is covered with rust, has over 165,000 miles on it and has been in several accidents. This is the oldest cruiser we had in our fleet, and was only used for police details. The inside was in deplorable condition and we could not get the engine light to turn off so we had to cover it up with a piece of black tape.

Every two years we trade in two old cruisers to Irwin Ford in Laconia. We generally get any were from $500.00 to a $1,000.00 for these old cruisers. This cruiser was going to be sent to the junk yard for it had absolutely no resale value at all. When my son asked me were it was going I advised him that we had already traded it in with Irwin Ford and that he was gracious enough to give us $300.00 as a trade in. I advised him if he wanted this car he would have to deal directly with Irwin Ford, and that he did do. How can you portray to folks and try to make them believe that there was something that did not pass the sniff test pertaining to the trade of this old cruiser?

You keep looking for that smoking gun, and it must be very frustrating to you and your small group of ill informed friends that everything in the Police Department and the Elderly Affairs Division is above board and is always open for inspection. Sorry, but maybe you should look in some other back yards to see if you can dig up and any dirt on other hard working town employees.

Getting back to my first comment I am officially placing you on notice, STOP YOUR SLANDEROUS ATTACKS AGAINST MY GOOD NAME, or legal action will sure to follow."

This factually challenged diatribe was signed Philip V. Consentino, Police Chief, Director of Elderly Affairs, and it was Cc'd to Attorney McKintrick, Attorney Giarrusso, Attorney Stine.

Now let me address the issues the chief raises in what I see as his rather heavy handed attempt to use the power and authority of his badge to muzzle any and all criticism of his actions;

BTW, Chief, did it ever occur to you that the reason people post anonymously on this blog, is that they DO NOT want certified letters threatening them like this one delivered to their homes, to upset their wives and families. They do not want tickets hand served by uniformed officer at their homes, thereby scaring their 6 year old sons into thinking they are going to take away his daddy. If you are so sensitive to a little criticism you should put yourself in my position, How would YOU like having your customers and suppliers called by the police chief and told that you are under investigation by the Atkinson police dept.?

First of all you need to know that I did not write the Fuzzy Math Article, nor did I write the Cost of the Police Dept. article, I commented to both, but my comments have my name attached to them and are readily visible. So you are threatening legal action over someone else's article. Second, when we spoke I thought you were addressing my comments about the Cost article, I went home and looked the article up, and saw that you were complaining about the details in the original article, not my comments, That is why I did not "publish a retraction"! I can't retract what I didn't say in the first place. Like I told you that day, if you contest facts on this blog, why don't you post your own response, that is what open debate is all about!

Now to the points in your letter;

1.) I am looking over my budget sheets for last year, and I have your salary @ $ 22,585.00, Wow, you were right, the article was off by $1,900. I have Hampstead's chief @ $23,527.00 You are absolutely right, he makes almost $1,000 more than you, for a town 25% larger. But that is balanced out by the fact that his second-in-command make about $20,000 less than yours in total compensation.

2.) Hampstead's total police budget this year is $735,855.20 with 7 FT officers, and 6 times the business of Atkinson, plus 25% larger town. While Atkinson's total police budget this year was $ 754,021.00 for a much smaller operation, and, be honest; THAT figure was only arrived at by taking out of the police budget over the last two years; -$18,758 for the dispatch contract, -$16,437 for insurance, and -$70,000 for details, plus the budget committee used -$20,000 if I am not mistaken out of the revolving fund to buy down budget items. So if you wish to be honest, and your budget had the same items as it did two years ago, it would be $125,195.00 higher for a total of $ 879,216.00 or 17% higher than Hampstead's for a much smaller job!

But again, I didn't publish the mistaken data, and your assessment of your budget is not totally honest, in my view, either.

Onto the Fuzzy Math article, which, again, I am not the author of, but when I read it and commented on it, I took the photo to be a stock photo of a blue cruiser, not the particular blue cruiser you traded in, and your son evidently bought shortly thereafter. BTW: Here is what 2000 Crown Vic Cruisers are selling for on

They even have a 2000 former cruiser with 166,000 miles for $3,800. Besides how can you say it "had absolutely no resale value" when it was resold in a matter of days for a 25% profit? By the way the three photos you included, were of two rust spots over the two front tires, one that looks to be about 5" in length, and the other looks to be about 10" long, That doesn't look "covered in rust" to me, but what do I know?

And, in closing, Chief, I have never attacked you personally. I asked the Court to order you to recuse yourself from dealing with police matters as a selectman, because you evidently did not have the honor or integrity to do it yourself. When you defied that Order, I notified the Court and you were found in Contempt. When you were dismissed from NH Supreme Court for lack of standing, I could have demanded that the town seek reimbursment for your personal legal expenses that the town paid, but had no laibility for(all expenses after first Court Order), I did not. All of this is in the past. I am over it. I do not attack you or your family, and I will not tolerate you threatening my family, or my business.

Get over yourself, if you don't like people criticizing you, then perhaps you should do the right thing, and don't use your position to attack your critics.

Sunday, September 23

Marbury and Eliot?.... or Atkinson?

Check out these stories, and note the similarities, perhaps they really WERE talking about Atkinson, and simply changed the names to protect the corrupt.

First about Marbury's 31 year police chief, whom NH Police Standards and Training stripped of his certification after it was discovered that he had been falsifying his physicals, psychological, and firearms tests.

Taylor, who served as chief for 31 years, was decertified by the standards and training council on June 28 based on what the council called false documents submitted on behalf of the department. The decertification means Taylor can no longer serve as a police officer in the state and his name has been entered into a national database of decertified police officers.

Taylor has denied any wrongdoing and called the council's action unfair.

Some of Malone's larger signs, which are no longer on display, include phrases like, "Honesty is the Best Policy" and "Don't Do The Crime If You Can't Do Time."

Now we all know chief has a bad heart, does anyone believe he could pass a physical? We also all know that he can not hit the broad side of a barn, and does not carry a gun. This blog has been told that he is not certified to carry a gun. And after watching his maniacal outbursts on camera at selectmen's meeting for the past three years, does anyone believe he could pass a psych eval. I doubt it. Maybe that is why the selectmen have failed to re-appoint him even though his appointment expired in 1999.

Second, Eliot's selectmen and their many many lawsuits;

While on the subject of volunteers, I was very saddened by comments that were made online after the Memorial Day parade. After participating in the annual parade I learned that members of the Eliot Board of Selectmen were upset that their names were not read during the ceremony. I am confident this was simply an oversight and certainly not an intentional slight of any one person.

The parade was for our military members, both past and present. It was not for the BOS!

Volunteers have always made this parade happen and because of them veterans and their families have been honored on this day. One of the many duties as members of the BOS is to attend and participate in Town events. For me it was always an honor to be a part of these events and my gratitude was not from hearing my name announced or being recognized as a selectman.

One of my concerns for the future of the Town of Eliot is the amount of taxpayer dollars being spent on law suits. A few short years ago we were only spending approximately $20,000 for attorney fees. This past year over $100,000 was spent. There were a number of cases that were very costly.

As I leave the BOS I hope the people of this town are wise before bringing suits that the town has to pay to defend. An example, at town meeting someone did not want to vote to pay $1.00 for property to be deeded to the town. It is a requirement by law that the municipality must pay at least one dollar to make the transaction legal and binding. There was quite a lengthy discussion about why the town should pay one dollar when the contractor said he would donate the land. Had the people not voted for the article as written the project would have been slowed down and the contractor would have had take the Town to court in order to get the project moving again. This one example is why the residences of this town end up paying thousands of unnecessary dollars in legal fees. There are documented cases in Eliot where contractors or individuals have had to sue the town to develop property that they have paid taxes on for years. These developments have been planned within the town of Eliot ordinance structure. They have gone through the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals processes and have been approved. Unfortunately, they have become lawsuits because an element in the Town appears to not want development. I would hope that in the future all citizens will be thoughtful and understand that all property owners have rights. Our growth ordinance is working. If development is stopped, our individual taxes will go up, as our tax base will not grow.

Atkinson too, has had too many lawsuits in recent years, many because the selectmen fail to do what is right. Remember, it took a resident acting on his own taking the police chief to court to get the court to order him to recuse himself on police matters, a no-brainer which is spelled out in the conflict of interest ordinance, but which that committee failed to uphold. No resident should have to go to court to get public officials to act honorably.

Friday, September 21

Nice car-how about some answers??

We still reqire answers about the Atkinson Police Dept. Ford Crown Victoria Cruiser.

We sold, traded or otherwise disposed of the Ford Crown Victoria for $300.

The dealer is located 80 miles from Atkinson.

We know the book value of the Ford Crown Victoria Cruiser is MUCH, NUCH more than $300.

We have seen the Ford Crown Victoria Cruiser about town after it was disposed of.

We have asked for an accounting of the Ford Crown Victoeia Cruiser transactions and never received any answers.

We deserve answers.

We ask again;
" Explain the transactions for the Ford Crown Victoria where:
1. it only brought $300 to the town.
2. It has reappeared in town in private use."

We will ask "til the cows come home" so the Selectmen should answer.

Monday, September 17

Selectmen Vow to obey the will of the voters! This is a first!

We are watching the meeting as it is progressing and a few things leap to mind; Mr. Artess was very good at trying to hold the selectmen to some accountability. Mr. Acciard was, perhaps more tactful and eloquent, but the points were made by these two men, none the less. The facts are, in spite of Mr. Sapia's endless hand-wringing over the divisiveness in town, and the issue of honoring the veterans, that the voters passed two warrant articles in 2005, and the Selectmen FAILEd to fulfill either of them. Mr. Acciard asked Mr. Sapia about this very issue, but Mr. Sapia insisted that they had followed the two articles, he must mean "the spirit" rather than the actual wording.

The facts are that Article 2005-15 directed the selectmen to spend $1.00, on these panels.

Article 2005-16, directed that the area in front of the town hall in between the two flagpoles, up to and including the two flagpoles be left undisturbed.

Town Counsel told the selectmen in a letter dated Mar. 22, 2005, that, legally; "It would appear obvious that the reduction of the amount to be raised under Article 2005-15 was intended to give permission for the two marble panels, however did not include an appropriation for this purpose by the taxpayers of the Town of Atkinson. Article 2005-16 doe snot prohibit any additional monumentation concerning the Vietnam Memorial area but appears to limit changes "between and including the flagpoles in front of the Town Hall."

He also stated; " Both legally passed warrant articles are binding upon the town" " When you compare the two articles there is actually no conflict" " By positioning the two panels outside of the area between the two plagpoles, the legal requirements of both articles are met."

The Selectmen refused to place the two panels, even though the voters directed them to.

The Selectmen never paid the $1.00

The selectmen's refusal to do their duty, all but forced the historical society to litigate this.

At the mediation the sleectmen allowed the presence of Mr. Weymouth who although not parties to this case, did not want the panels placed in front of the town hall.

Mr. Sapia stated many times that the selectmen were bound by law to fulfill the wishes of the voters, but he ignores the fact that it was their refusal to do this for two years that created the current situation, as well as the expense of the special town meeting.

We congratulate the Board on finally taking the appropriate and legal action. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.

If anything further happens at the meeting we will update this later.

Saturday, September 15

Why aren't the budget committee meetings being shown on Cable access?

We wondered why none of the budget meetings have been on TV, with the start of the budget season only two weeks away, we wanted to know what is going on. So we did some digging.

It appears that the selectmen have not looked at replacements for Erica or Denise yet. We hear that Russ has over 10 applications on his desk for Erica's job of Studio Director, but has yet to review them or even present them to the selectmen for consideration. Adele has been doing all of the production work since Erica left, by herself! She can not do three nights a week. So either they hire someone, or decide which is mor eimportant, planning board or budget committee, we believe budget is the priority.

The better question is why the foot dragging? It is time for the residents to call your selectmen and start letting them know how you feel about these things.

Thursday, September 13

Thank you Atkinson!

In what can only be described as a legislative slap in the face to the board of selectmen, voters decisively took opposing positions to the boards in yesterday's special election.

The water ordinance article passed by a 2 to 1 margin in spite of the inaccurate, spite filled scare tactic letter sent around to all of it's customers by the Hampstead Area Water Co. Voters are more scared of their wells running dry, and the depletion of our groundwater, than the water company's scare tactics.

The Honor roll panel article passed by a 3 to 1 margin, as voters, clearly disgusted, and angry about the selectmens refusal to do their statutory duty for the last two years, decided this time to tell them in no uncertain terms, to quit stonewalling and place the panels in front of the town hall, where they should be. We trust that Mr. Weymouth and his group will finally accept the defeat that they refused to accept two years ago, and with the help of our two least honorable selectmen were able to stonewall for over two years.

Thank you to the citizens of Atkinson. We all did a good thing yesterday. Maybe we can continue this roll we are on and take back our town from the people who put their own desires before what is best for the town.

Wednesday, September 12


Ladies, Gentlemen, fellow Atkinsonians,

This is a day of special import. This is the day of a "Special Election"! This is an election called by the PEOPLE, not their government!

This election was called by the people to force their government(the selectmen) to do their duty in the first case, and to follow the directions we gave them by vote two years ago!

You will see the water issue discussed in other articles, so let us take this time to discuss the Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll. This issue was voted on in 2005, the selectmen ignored it! Selectmen Sapia has been claiming for two years that the two warrant article passed were "too vague" to be acted upon, This is a LIE! This was said AFTER Town counsel stated that "There was no ambiguity in the two articles".

We heard at deliberative session, selectmen Sapia and Childs whine about trying to please everyone, and being liked; well gentlemen neither of those things are your duty, placing this memorial where the voters said to, was, and you blew it!

People, we are in a time of war! An unconventional war, where our enemy does not wear the uniform of a Nation-State, but blends in with the civilian population. We have young men and women in harms way right now, it is time to honor them and the men and women who left from Atkinson to defend our county in Vietnam!

We are one of only a few towns in this area that does not honor our Vietnam Vets. It is time to end this war, and do the right thing for those who have already sacrificed for us!

Go to the polls on Wednesday, and vote yes on Article #2! Send the selectmen a message that they work for us, not the other way around.

Monday, September 10

Selectmen Sapia is right!

MAcciard said...
Publius, Please accept this as an article submission.

Selectman Sapia is right!

For the first time in quite a while I have to agree with selectman Sapia. He is right, the voters approved a $2.7million fully furnished brand spanking new town library.

You can not start a government building project $200,000 over the approved amount. Typically the interest on the capital reserve stays in either the general fund, or the capital reserve fund to be used as the trustees see fit.

What Mr. LaMarre is saying is not right. We, the voters already turned down a $3M library. We approved a $2.7M library, if we had wanted an almost $3M library, we could have approved it last year!

The proposal that was approved at town meeting, was for a total cost of $2.7M, $1M of which was either in the capital reserve or would be raised. $1.7M of which would be bonded.

Mr. LaMarre and the library trustees would be well advised to stay within that proposal.

But however you present this, you are still proposing a $2.9M library, when the voters told you $2.7M

If the board of selectmen had been this conscientious about adhering to town meeting votes two years ago, maybe we could have avoided all the litigation and the coming town meeting on the Vietnam Honor Roll issue.

September 10, 2007 8:20 PM

Never Forget.... September 11, 2001

On this, the 6th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, We chose to take this day not only to remember those who gave their lives that fateful day, but those who have stood in harm's way ever since, especially those in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Imagine my disgust when I heard General David Petreaus' report on the effects of the surge on the ground in Iraq. General Petreaus sat there detailing what is transpiring on the ground over there while traitorous Democrats in Congress had the gall to call him a liar, accusing him of being a patsy for the White House. Those ignorant, partisan liars, sat there and besmirched the honor, integrity, and reputation of a man who has spent his life providing the very security that enabled them to play politics with this report, as they have with everything else for the last 7 years.

In another time, such as WWII these Senators, and Representatives conduct during a time of war, when we have young men and women serving in harms way, would have been labelled as treason. But this is a kinder, gentler time we live in, and we can not be that intolerant of their feelings. Bulls**t! I prefer to call them as I see them, and this conduct is abhorent.

I thought our own selectmen's wanton disregard for law, custom and proper policy, was disgusting, but this topped even them. The fact that if you lexis-nexis news coverage of the war over the last 4 years(1460 days) you will find that ther ehave been over 31,000 negative stories about the war, and our President, in the major newspapers of record, and only 216 positive stories. Is it any wonder that public sentiment has turned against the war, and our troops efforts? These mainstream media in this country have managed to achieve in 4 years what it took them 9 years to accomplish during the Vietnam war.

This blog has many friends and relatives that are serving in Iraq. We hear what is truly hapenning on the ground over there. We see the pictures of Iraqi children playing soccer with our troops, sharing candy with them. We hear about the 637 schools that our troops have opened, and that for the first time also educate women. We hear about 243 hospitals and clinics that are open and serving the people. We see the almost superhuman efforts of the Iraqis who when given the chance at democracy, brave the very real possibilty of being shot, to vote! And here in America, a nation in which 60% of the populace can not rouse itself to vote, had the nerve to criticize the fact that only 60% of Iraqis voted. How arrogant can some people be?

On this day I ask all of you to remember that Ideas, concepts, Ideals, are worth fighting for. They don't change, and are at all times worth defending. And further that politics should stop at the water's edge. When we have troops under fre in a foreign land, our political leaders should not be giving aid and comfort to the enemy! They should not be giving sound bites that play well on Al Jezeera.

Saturday, September 8

Water lies and other half truths...

i received a letter in the mail today from my local water company. It is a very nice presentation, and with all due respect to Mr. Lewis who signed the letter, there are many factual innaccuracies in this letter.

First this ordinance was taken almost word for word from one passed a few years ago in Center Barnstead, NH. Where they got their ordinance form we don't know.

Second, The water company would not have to stop pumping for 60 days, this is a scare tactic. This ordinance was carefully worded so that it merely stops large groundwater withdrawals, over 50,000 gals/day, form being shipped out of town. It specifically does not threaten water used and sold within town. This was discussed at length at the deliberative session.

Third, we have never heard of Attorney Linzey!

Fourth, this is not a zoning ordinance, even town counsel says that! It does not prohibit something in one section of town that it allows somewhere else, it simply stops anyone from pumping water out of the ground in Atkinson, so that they can pipe it to say...... Hampstead or Chester!

Fifth, While the State purports to regulate large groundwater withdrawals, the Rep form the State that came down for the public hearing admitted that they just rubber stamp applications if they are filled out properly, and no one from the town enjoins the case to complain.

This ordiinance is necessary because the Selectmen, who had the responsibilty to enjoin this case on behalf of the residents to make certain that our needs were being considered, as usual, did nothing! People with wells in town, are very worried about their water supply, and they should be.

Lets say, you have a well, and it is 500' deep. And one of these 8 new wells are being drilled within a mile or so of your well, to a depth of 1000' or 1500', how long will it take for your well to be sucking air? 6 months, a year? Guess what you do then,.... you buy water from the water company.

But we are certain they are simply a disinterested party here. Sure.

Friday, September 7

Why are Atkinson Taxpayers paying for redundant services?

Welcome to another new contributor under the Publius byline



Salem Caregivers

(603) 434-3569

"CART" is regional transportation (yes, in our region - Plaistow uses it) for elderly AND disabled. Yet in our town, we taxpayers fund this service. We just voted for a new van for it, too.

Have you heard of CART?

What is CART?

The Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation (CART) is a curb-to-curb transportation system serving the towns of Chester, Danville, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Plaistow, Salem, Sandown and Windham.

CART is designed to: 1) coordinate the efforts of a range of existing agencies providing van service to senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, and others in need of transportation in the region; and 2) expand the level of service available by accessing federal transit funds available to the region which have not been tapped previously. CART is structured as a regional brokerage system intended to improve the efficiency of existing transportation services by centralizing scheduling and dispatching of vehicles.

Who provides service for CART?

CART works with multiple agencies in the nine-town Greater Derry-Salem region to coordinate scheduling and dispatching of rides, pool resources to be more efficient, and access federal transportation funds. The vans you see on the road will display the CART logo, and also often the logo of one of the agencies that is part of CART.

Who can use CART ?

CART is a shared-ride service that is available to any resident of the nine service towns including seniors and others in the community who need transportation. Wheelchair lift-equipped vehicles are available to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities.

What kind of trips can I take with CART?

There are a variety of times when a ride with CART can be helpful. CART service is available for medical appointments, shopping trips, visits with friends or family, or any number of other reasons when you need a convenient, safe ride.

Where can I go on CART?

CART goes to any destinations within our nine town service area that includes Chester, Danville, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Plaistow, Salem, Sandown and Windham.

In order to accommodate frequent requests for the following out-of-area destinations, CART will also provide rides to Caritas Holy Family Hospital, Lawrence General Hospital, Catholic Medical Center, Elliot Hospital, and Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Manchester.

Out of region destinations may change based on service capacity. CART is not an airport shuttle service, so rides to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport will not be provided.

When can I use CART?

CART service operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Service is not available on weekends or holidays.

How much does it cost to ride CART?

The base fare for CART service is $2 per one-way ride which can be paid in advance or when boarding the CART vehicle. Riders must have exact fare. A 10-ride pass is $20, and a 5-ride pass is $10. These can be purchased from CART. Call for additional information on CART ride cards. For riders meeting certain income limitations, free ride passes are available. Call to see if you qualify.

Yet Atkinson Taxpayers create additional work for our PD and Community Service Officers for services that are already provided by multiple, local organizations. We just voted for a van we don't even need if we used CART and Salem Caregivers. We burden our town with additional costs for personnel, vehicles, fuel, insurance and more. Our PD is growing based on the demand for these services which contnues to increase all of our taxes.

So CART cost $2 each way. Why don't we just buy passes for our citizens who can't afford them instead of funding a redundant organization? And here is the beauty of it - it is available to ANY resident that is part of their regional organization. So services actually get expanded.

Can someone please enlighten me as to why our town is not using these other services and paying our own way?

Wednesday, September 5


The world awaits answers!
Full explanation of the transactions is still required and the question will not go away.

Is it coincidence that it was only after this blog started a conversation about the possible illegal, and certainly shady characteristics of this transaction, that the car disappeared from the Apartment building on Main st. across from Robie ln.?

Is it coincidence that our selectmen have been made aware of this situation, and yet REFUSE TO INVESTIGATE this transaction?

Does anyone find it strange that everyone is strangely silent, hoping against hope that this will fade quietly away?


ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "