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Friday, March 30

Selectmen efforts to usurp Library Trustees authority?

Click Title -Library RSA's
Has anyone wondered why after two years of planning we STILL have no construction bid documents ready to go? I mean, kindergarten passed 17 days ago, and they have already broken ground behind the academy, yet we STILL don't have bid documents for the new library. At whose doorstep does the blame for this lie? The Selectmen as this blog hears.

Apparently after last years presentation Mr. Sapia wanted Architect Ron LaMarre fired, which is really funny as he has not been officially hired yet, because the selectmen refuse to release the monies. It seems Jack feels that the selectmen should have ultimate oversight and authority over this project, too bad the law says differently. Are you willing to place the library on hold for 18 months so that you can take the town to court over this idiotic usurpation of the library trustees authority, Jack?

Try this on for size, the construction industry is dead right now. Contractors are looking for work, and would surely discount their rates to get the job. If we could have construction bid documents ready to go within the next 45 days or so, we could save probably 5-8% of the cost. This means $125,000- $180,000. Yet we can't do this because our selectmen are trying to usurp control of this project.

Jack, when will you do the right thing, just because it is the right thing. Then again, in light of your recent debacle with Linda, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut until you are kicked out of office.

You Reap as You Sow - QUO WARRANTO

#1 in a series.

The " question" has been raised, Sua Sponte, (all by yourself) "funny how the moderator got .... votes ........... "?

Then Quo Warranto Mr. Moderator- Show us by what authority you have claimed this office in opposition to law.

The law is clear.

The election of the moderator in a town shall be at the annual meeting in every even-numbered year. RSA 40:1 (CLICK THIS ARTICLE TITLE)

How many votes have you ever recieved for moderator in an even numbered year?

By what authority, Mr. Moderator, By what authority?

AMENDMENT- This is a neutral question inquiring of the required qualifications to hold a specific office.
To be answered by the office holder in this instance.

This is not for debate or comment, simply a question.

Therefore other comments or responses will not be posted with this article.

Thursday, March 29

Bully Pulpit, yes; but a Bully Selectman?


Heard in the Town Hall.

It appears that when the cameras are turned off, our new chairman of the board of selectmen is not quite so charming, in fact, he is downright a bully!

Earlier this week our Town Clerk, an elected official herself, invited a resident back to her desk to look up some information. This resident just happened to be Mr. Grant, eveidently Mr. Sapia's outright hate for Mr. Grant superceded whatever common sense he has, because after approaching and asking what was going on, and after Mr. Grant left the town hall, Mr. Sapia proceeded to scream insanely at our beloved town clerk. He told her that "from now on, no one would come behind the counter!" She could come up to the counter to serve the residents. This screaming and demeaning behavior would be bullying if it were directed at any resident, but an elected town official over whom THE SELECTMEN HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO SET POLICY FOR!, and a woman at that! Not very gentlmanly Jack! In fact your behavior is dispicable!

You can not treat anyone like that let alone someone who has forgotten more about town government than you will ever learn, Jack, that's if you were even interested in learning your job, which evidently you are not. What made this even worse is that it took place in front of the town clerk's staf, within earshot of the rest of the town hall employees, and in fornt of two residents who were in the town hall for whatever reason. This was a public humiliation and therefore the apology should be public as well.

Mrs. Jette is a class act, always ready to help any resident, even when she is at home. She is dedicated, conscientous, and hard working, and your conduct, while becoming a habit for you, is still dispicable! You owe the town clerk an apology! And it should be a public one at that! While you are at it you can publicly apologize to Mr. Sullivan for your swearing at him a couple of months ago. This has to stop! You do not earn respect by treating others so shabbily.

Remember, Jack, behavior like this in the private sector would get you fired!

It is sickening that you have to be told to apologize but it falls to this blog to do so.

Apologize to the Town Clerk, Publicly, Jack!

How can you effectively represent the town when you obviously harbor such abject hate for some of it's residents, Jack?

Wednesday, March 28

Selectmen are NOT omnipotent!

Welcome to another contributor under the Publius byline.

Publius: Article Submission please

Seenitdoneit said:

One of the most common mistakes layman make with the law is that they take a single line out of a statute, and twist it to cover their own excesses. Atkinson's selectmen Consentino, Childs, Sapia, along with the advise of unofficial consiglierre Polito, have gotten really good at this. And the reason they have gotten away with it is that noone has taken the time, energy, and expense of taking them to court to get a Judge to rule on it.

For the record the selectmen ARE NOT the "general agents" for the people. They have specific enumerated powers that they can accomplish without calling a special town meeting to ask the people's permission.

Every Statute(RSA) has annotations at the bottom. If you have access to legal references, they tell you the case law that defines the statute, and how it is to be interpreted. Here are the selectmen's duties;

1.) Perhaps their most important function is to call the meeting.

2.) To manage the "prudential" affairs of the town. This means filling in the details necesary to carry out the votes taken at town meeting. "the power to act, while broad, is not unlimited. The selectmen are not the general agents of the town and therefore have no broad authority to act with the full power of the town." Moulton v. Beals, 98 NH 461 (1954).

3.) RSA 41:8 "a majority of the selectmen shall be competent at all times." This does not mean mentally competent, although that would be nice too. It means that for the board to take an action, any action, such as buying an SUV, a majortiy of the board must vote, and RSA 91A further states that this vote must be taken in a public meeting. There is much case law on this ranging all the way back to 1854.

Here are the selectmen's statutory responsibilities;

1.) Laying out of roads and highways. RSA 231:8-19 cover this, RSA 41:11 includes in this setting speed limits, and weight restrictions. They also braodly supervise the road agent. This means the selectmen set out the broad goals and policies for the road agent to accomplish and follow. NOT that they call him into every meeting to assasinate his character over some new imagined evil.

2.) Condemning buildings deemed hazardous. RSA 155B allows this authority.

3.) Licensing. There are many RSA's covering a number of lisence types, such as junkyards, movie theatres, etc.

4.) Health Regulations. RSA 147, gives the selectmen and the health officer the power together of a board of health.

5.) Setting Fees. RSA 41:9 allows the selectmen to set fees such as permits, lisences and the such.

6.) Set Welfare guidelines. This is inherently a selectmen function, which in the case of elderly affairs they have farmed out without oversight to the chief.

7.) Manage use of town property. This is self-explanatory.

8.) Financial Accounting and safeguarding. The selectmen are authorized to spend the budgeted money. They must spend it wisely, and keep true and accurate records, and they are accountable at all times to the legislative body(the people)

9.) Appoint officers. This includes planning board members, ZBA members, inspectors.

10.) Election Duties. The selectmen are responsible for the phyical structure of the polling place. the set up, and layout. However RSA 659:9 designates the moderator as the town's chief election official.

11.) Setting ordinances. This one is conditional in towns of less than 10,000 population. If the legislative body has given the selectmen the authority they may enact ordinances. I don't believe Atkinson has ever done that.

12.) Taxation. The selectmen must report to the tax collector, the assessed value of all property in town, and all abatements they have granted.

13.) Litigation. The selectmen MUST work to resolve and/or defend the town against all ations brought against the town for its actions or those of it's employees, or boards. This is why selectman Sapia's offer and provision of sworn affidavits to help Mr. Polito's case AGAINST the town was so heinous.

That is the breadth of their statutory authority. They do not "run the town". They do not have authority over other elected officals, except in cetain circumstances.


For the most part the elected officials have their own statutory authority, and regulations, and are INDEPENDENT OF THE SELECTMEN. Officials like the town clerk, tax collector, and treasurer, the budget committee, the conflict of interest committee, the library trustees; the selectmen have NO AUTHORITY OVER.

The selectmen can not interfere with the exercise of duties that are, by statute, delegated to those officials.

hopefully this will help the residents understand when the selectmen are overstepping thier bounds.

Tuesday, March 27

Why do we need a Construction consultant for the Library?

Selectman Sapia seems to be insistent upon this consultant "friend" of his to be inserted into the library construction project. Why?

First, we have houses in Atkinson that are more complicated buildings than this library. Second, No consultant was discussed during the many meetings, to set this project up and create the warrant article for the bond. Third, and perhaps the most important, what will this guy's role be? How much will he cost? Why wasn't this issue brought before the public before the vote? Why isn't this position going out to bid? Wouldn't it be a conflict for selectman Sapia to push his "friend" which he has known " most all of his life" on the library trustees?

Further, the selectmen have no authority over the library! By law.

By law the selectmen have a few statutory responsibilities. There are also many people or entities in town over which they have no authority. For example, The selectmen have no authority over the Conflict of interest committee, The budget committee, The library, the town clerk, or the tax collector!

Our chairman of the board does not seem to understand that. Perhaps in his third year of office he will finally learn the limitations of his job.

Sunday, March 25

We ask; Who has caused the most bad press for Atkinson?

A short time ago, one of our less than illustrious town officials sent us a comment suggesting that the town would not have sufferred the damage to it's character by the amount of bad press it has received if not for two individuals. Who you ask? You guessed it; Carol Grant and Mark Acciard! According to this offical they are responsible for all the bad press and the greatest number of negative stories about Atkinson. The poster suggested that all that was needed to prove this was a google search, for Eagle-Tribune articles.

So we decided to take this poster's suggestion, and we found out that the single greatest magnet for bad press in Atkinson was none other than our police chief, Consentino! There were 19 stories dealing with Mr. Acciard all concerning his battle to get Mr. Consentino to do the right thing and step aside on police matters as a selectman, and the investigation by the budget committee into the improper, if not illegal purchase of the SUV. There were 7 stories about Mrs. Grant all dealing with the vietnem honor roll project(which the selectmen have STILL not honored the town meeting vote)

But there were 94 stories dealing with the chief's follies ranging over too many topics to go into detail about, over just the last 8 years. but here are the summaries, for those who are counting;

6 stories about the need for a tower, 4 on hog hill, 2 in center of town. 1/11/06- 3/11/06
3 stories about his write-in campaign for selectmen. 2/23/06, 3/13/06
7 stories about the vietnam honor roll, and his roll in stopping it. 11/13/05, 8/15/05, 4/7/05-6/26/05.
1 story about the promotion of Sgt. Baldwin to LT. 2 weeks before 1 story of him ripping Teddy for not advertising the asst. road agent job a second time. Hypocracy? 6/15/05,6/29/05
3 stories about the court finding him in contempt. 9/ 8/05, 9/22/05, 9/10/05
4 stories about him fighting the contempt order to the Supreme Court, 9/11/05, 10/02/05, 10/04/05, 11/15/05.
5 stories about the Court ordering him to step aside on police matters. 5/11/05-6/6/05
6 stories about the purchse of the SUV, including him threatening to use the police to remove the budget commitee from a selectmen's meeting for asking how it happened. 4/13/05, 4/20/05, 4/27/05, 5/4/05, 5/5/05, 5/6/05
1 story about selectmen holding un posted, unofficial meetings, with only two selectmen present. 7/04
3 stories about him signing a voucher for himself to receive an extra $1,300 "union benefit". 11/30/04, 12/15/04, 12/28/04
2 stories on his request for "pay cut" of $326. to deflect attention from $1,300. 12/14/04, 12/15/04.
2 stories about his proposal of a "gag order" on information to the papers from the selectmen, because he didn't like the critical stories. 07/05
2 stories about the petition by Acciard to order him to step aside on police matters. 7/28/04, 8/10/04
3 stories about his threatening one of his officers who took him to the PELRB. 7/21/04, 7/22/04, 9/15/04.
4 stories about the conflict issue of him voting on police withdrawal as selectman. 3/19/04, 5/12/04, 5/22/04, 4/13/04.
2 stories about Boyle questions of his participation in town employee policy setting. 4/7/04, 4/8/04.
7 stories about "the Town that hate trick or treaters" This story was repeated NATION-WIDE! Was heard on Howard Stern, Blute/Scotto, Jay Severin, and many other radio shows. We are onlt counting the original 7 although we found more than 37 references to it. 10/24/03, 10/24/03, 10/25/03, 10/26/03, 10/25/03, 11/1/03.
4 stories about Chief demanding Barbara Stewart "step off" the board on road issues as her brother-in- law is road agent. HUGE HYPOCRACY! Ethics is only what the other woman does! 4/15/03, 4/18/03, 5/2/03, 10/03
3 stories about Boyle's raising questions about conflict issues originally. 2/24/04, 2/21/03, 3/15/03.
3 stories about ethics issues. 4/22/04, 5/4/04, 5/11/04.
2 stories about chief (as selectman) settling issue of police detail pay 6/30/04, 7/2/04.
3 stories on why he ran for selectmen(3 different reasons)(selectman scrutiny of PD, fear of elderly being cut, help people) 1/03, 3/03, 3/03.
3 stories about his harrasment of Mrs. Childs after she questioned his work habits to police standards. 3/16/00, 3/18/00, 3/21/00.
4 stories on state ordering him to maintain part-time hours. 3/2/00, 5/23/00, 6/18/00, 6/28/00.
3 stories on the petition warrant article to replace him with FT chief. 1/12/00, 1/22/00, 2/13/00.
3 stories on the State's order for chief to stop harrassing his officers. 12/28/98, 12/29/98, 1/15/99.
2 stories on chief decision to run for selectman because of selectman scrutiny of PD. 8/24/98, 8/28/98.
3 stories on chiefs search for "informer" in his dept. and how that led to officer organizing a union. 3/12/98, 3/14/98.

As you can see there are certain people who, while seeking to destroy those who shed the light of public attention on their actions, can not stand for that light to be shined upon them.

Perhaps those people belong in the dark.

The Academy award for the biggest troublemaker in a small New England town drama goes to.......


Thursday, March 22

Electioneering:pt.2 According to the Eagle-Tribune

Front Page in the Eagle-Tribune today, March 22 is a story about electioneering. Timely given our story of a few days ago. It appears that Mrs. Webster, Principal of the Atkinson Academy may be in some hot water due to her placing in the Academy newsletter an article urging the public to vote to approve kindergarten for Timberlane. It seems that the School Budget committee has raised questions as to whether or not this may be electioneering.

This is funny in Atkinson where we have selectmen that openly campaign on t.v. for their pet warrant articles. Where we have a chief who drives elderly people to the pols on election day, does he encourage these people dependant upon this service to vote "appropriately"? we will never know.

Mrs. Webster, what you have done, albeit with the best of intentions, is far less than is done every year by the corrupt administration of this town.

Was this any different than the Chief sending out a mailer to everyone in town encouraging them to vote for the wheelchair van? By the way, how WAS that mailer paid for? Wasn't approved out of the donation account, at least not before it was sent out. Is this any different than chief or Lt. Baldwin trying to pitch their pet warrant articles on camera, in a selectmen's meeting the night before an election?

Why dont we have everyone who puts a warrant article forward, even the ones the selectmen don't like, come in to the selectmen's meeting the night before the election to pitch their projects?

Can you say ILLEGAL?

Wednesday, March 21

Congressional Witch hunt

I know this is not a strictly Atkinson topic, please forgive me, but I have to rail against my Federal elected representatives for a moment, especially including Senator John Sununu R?- NH.

I am certain by now you have heard about the Democrats in Congress seeking to subpeona White House staff to question them about the firing of 8 US Attornies. As ludicrous as this is, it is not as ridiculous as a sitting President who will allow himself to get distracted by a Congress that will stop at nothing to discredit, and demean his presidency.

US Attornies serve at the pleasure of the President! That is it. He can fire them at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all! These very same Senators had no issues with Bill Clinton when he fired 92 out of 93 US Attornies in 1993. They had no problem with George H.W. Bush firing 52 Us Attornies in 1990. They had No problem with Ronald Reagan firing 56 US Attornies in 1981. And they had no problem with Carter firing 86 US attornies in 1977.

Yet they devour Bush because his Attorney General fired 8!

Why the political witch hunt? because the position of the Democrat party in the Senate is a political scorched earth policy of endless, accusations until the other side gives up. This is similar to the way politics has been conducted in Atkinson in recent years. Criticize those in power and watch the accusations fly against you. You have a vendetta, you are bad for the town, you have a personality conflict, you insult and demean decent public officials just trying to do their jobs. And lost in all the accusations against you is the fact that you were right.

Electioneering: Attention to all Town Employees who do not wish to be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Welcome to another contributor under the Publius byline

Sorry, didn't notice the "Article Submission" originally.

Anonymous said...
Publius: Article Submission

Electioneering: Attention to all Town Employees who do not wish to be guilty of a misdemeanor.

When I saw someone post the information about electioneering, I could not believe what I read. So I looked it up for myself on the internet and found it at:

Here is the text from the NH RSA:

Prohibited Acts
Section 659:44-a

"659:44-a Electioneering by Public Employees. – No public employee, as defined in RSA 273-A:1, IX, shall electioneer while in the performance of his or her official duties or use government property, including, but not limited to, telephones, facsimile machines, vehicles, and computers, for electioneering. For the purposes of this section, ""electioneer'' means to act in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Source. 2003, 172:2, eff. June 18, 2003."

So if ANY PUBLIC EMPLOYEE used town owned property to make telephone calls, emails, faxes to "get out the vote" or even use town property to say, give numerous voters rides in town vehicles to the polls.....wouldn't that be Electioneering?

I was told by several witnesses standing at the Atkinson community Center on election day that they saw elderly residents given a significant number of rides from the Atkinson PD. We are talking about quite a few more than 5 or 10. Uhm, isn't this influencing the town vote? So under the RSA, wouldn't EVERY Police Officer and Community Officer that participated in giving rides to the polls fall under this statute? Or every Public Employee that used town phones to make phone calls to "get out the vote"? Or Every Public Employee that put up political signs on town time using a town vehicle?

What about using other town resources such as the town owned video equipment that communicates messages across our town cable channel? It only takes a few statements during a Selectman's meeting.

Remember, the RSA states " act in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office".

In my opinion, our Atkinson PD is a political organization that is funded by the taxpayers. Taxpayer resources are used every year to influence the vote through the Dept. of Elderly Services.

For those specific users of Elderly Services who abuse this service and are now obligated for your vote, shame on you for being complicit in this activity.

I also want to say to Atkinson Residents: Shame on us for not stepping up and volunteering to help our elderly friends and neighbors with rides and appointments. If a small percentage of the town volunteered and each volunteer gave one elderly person one ride per week (or picked up groceries or prescriptions - heck, I live at Shaws and CVS), the need for the Dept. of Elderly Services would cease to exist.

Instead, we pay increased taxes to fund a political organization that is using town owned property and resources to influence the vote on issues and elections - using my tax dollars to get votes for issues I do not support, or get votes for people I do not support, or to get votes against people I do support (some very qualified people were voted out of office in the last election).

If this is not electioneering, I do not know what is.

Tuesday, March 20

Selectmen want a consultant for the library? for what?

Would someone please explain to Chairman Sapia that as a selectman he has no control over who is hired for the library building project, and to "recommend" as he did last night, is just that, and carries no weight unless the trustees wish it to. It is the Library Trustees that are responsible for overseeing the project. Once again, the voters told the selectmen to go out and negotiate and get the bonds necessary to build the library, up to the amount specified. They must now go and do it. They do not get to pick a consultant for a project. And why does this project need a consultant. They have a competent Architect, they will hire a competent builder. It is not a particularly large project, as buildings go. Why would this consultant be needed, and from where would he be paid? Just what line item(read spending purpose) in the budget allows the selectmen to hire a consultant? Why wasn't this put into a warrant article for the voters, since this expenditure must be more than $5,000. Jack you are starting off your chairmanship as you have led(if that isn't too comical a term) for your last two years.

Saturday, March 17

Lack of ethics on display

One notable event at last monday's selectmen's meeting was the appearance of Lt. Baldwin to attempt to break the law by electioneering. This is when you use your official position to lobby for an candidate or issue. Lt. Baldwin tried to pitch his tower at the selectmen's meeting, Thank God selectman Sullivan had the presence of mind to stop it saying that it was unethical! Selectman Sapia did not have any such concerns, explaining why Lt. Baldwin's pitch was ok by him. The day before an election selectmen should not be discussing warrant article that are on the ballot the next day. Not that ethics have detered selectman sapia in the past. Well at least we will have plaenty to write about over the coming year.

Thursday, March 15

Atkinsonians in the News

Well we have all heard of the recent demise of former Boston lead singer Brad Delp, an apparent suicide in his Academy Ave. home, but it has come to the attention of this blog that we have another reasonably famous Atkinsonian, although his notoriety is on the other side of the world. In Australia, no less. Matt Kelcourse, former resident, Timberlane Graduate, and son of Frank Kelcourse, former town official in too many capacities to list, is a verterinarian in Australia. He has recently performed the FIRST Spinal surgery on a snake. A Taipan! A taipan. The second most deadly snake in Australia. Until this surgery was done, the practice was to "put down" snake with such sever spinal injuries.

Here is Matt's snake surgery blog.

Congratulations Matt!

Wednesday, March 14

The appearance of Impropriety

Welcome to another contributor under the Publius Byline



I have never been involved in town politics but have been an avid reader of published town information as well as all televised meeting. I have always voted religiously after educating myself (as best as possible) on all the issues on the ballot.

Since receiving the flyer in the Carriage Town News about this blog site, I have read all the blog entries on this site. I disregarded all the obviously repetitive, crank, out of town, and old town history entries.

One of the lasting impressions that stayed with me after all this reading is that Atkinson does not care about the appearance of impropriety. Sometimes, doing the right thing is not the cheapest, is not the easiest, and is not the way it has been done for years and years.

Another impression that remains is that the town is made up of a handful of small cliques that for monetary or ego related reasons feel the need to control the town. The vast majority of the town is not in these cliques and is made up of two groups, the hard working individuals who do not have the time to get involved in these issues and also the senior citizens.

The last item of concern for me is the blatant use of town resources and personnel for political, clique related or personal business. The idea that certain people feel that the town owes them or that they are entitled to special treatment is a very serious issue. Most while collar crime is committed by individuals that felt, “they are entitled” for their years of service or for their hard work.

The history of the Elderly affairs Dept., and it's two directors

Welcome to another contributor under the publius byline


The history of the Elderly affairs Dept., and it's two directors

As an elderly resident of Atkinson who was involved in town politics about 20 years ago, I think the town needs to know the evolution of the elderly affairs program.

First of all it evolved out of the general welfare duties of the selectmen, around 1978 or 79. At that time there was one person in town that went out of her way to fight for elderly issues, and that was Carol Grant. Mrs. Grant was a selectmen and assumed these responsibilities as they were selectmen duties that noone seemed to be addressing. After leaving office she continued to do the job becuse the selectmen were not. Selctman at the time Bill Rollins decided in the early-eighties to create an official Director of Elderly Affairs, and to appoint Carol Grant as the first such Director, so that she would have official clout with which to approach state and federal agencies for assistance. There was NO BUDGET at this time for the elderly, that would not come for many years. Carol was tireless in her adopted duties. She brought elderly people to her home for food, rest, and company. She applied for state and federal grants and assistance through those agencies for whatever the needs were for the town's elderly. She made thanksgiving dinners and baskets for the elderly, she called to check on them frequently. All of this was done out of the goodness of her heart, and the depth of her own wallet. No town money was forthcoming.

There was Ruth McPhearson who many of us have seen in a picture with the chief, he in full dress uniform for his photo op, when he brought her soup one day. Yes, he was kind to her, and he solicited and received on or before her death donations to his donation account. Quid pro Quo. What is not generally known is that Carol Grant provided most if not all of Ruth's care for her last months on Earth. Even bringing her to their home so that she could shower, and eat a home cooked meal. The Grant's solicited nothing, and received nothing for this work.

Carol even went to the school board to ask them to abate school district taxes for elderly living on fixed incomes. The district said no, and Carol, as selectman went ahead and did it anyway, even though, upon review, DRA said she couldn't do that. She took hard and controversial stands on behalf of her charges, and never waivered. She also did not take taxpayer money to do all this, and never announced at selectmen's meetings how much she was doing for the elderly. She never canvassed them for votes. She never used them as political cover, or as a voting bloc. She just did what she could to help, without appreciation or recognition.

In 1993, The chief took over as elderly affairs director, he turned what was a comprehensive program into mainly a taxi service run out of the police dept. The petitions to state and federal agencies for assistance stopped. The research into what governmental assistance was out there stopped. He placed an elderly affairs line in his police budget to fund his program. He sent out birthday and christmas cards out of this budget as well as providing rides for the elderly. He was into the selectmen's meetings at least once a month to pat himself on the back for the services he had provided with taxpayer money. Gone was the honor and integrity that were the hallmarks of the program under it's former director. His initial budget request was roughly $3,000 if I remember right. It has increased every year. When the budget committee started asking questions about accountability in 2001, it was roughly $7,000/yr. plus what he spent out of the police budget, and the donation account, by this time he had four years of practice soliciting donations form the very people he was providing services to, into a donation account which he controlled and spent as he wished. He is quoted in the minutes of the June 30, 2003 selectmen's meeting as follows;

"Phil Consentino stated that he considered it a confidential database and names did not need to be given out. He was not going to give out the names unless he was legally challenged."

In 2004, when asked by the budget committee if he referred seniors to help from state and federal agencies, he did not know what help was out there, he did not know the schedules for Lamprey, he did not know the services provided by Salem Caregivers, or any of the other agencies out there. His was a glorified taxi service. The result of that questioning was officer Anderson becoming familiar with these services, but the program still does not primarily refer seniors to other agencies for help. Finally, in 2005, for the first time the town heard from officer Anderson that 61 people used the program, and it gave those 61 people 727 rides. This on a budget of $16,000 plus the overlap from the police dept. plus approximately $8,000 from the donation account.

We went from an honorable program ran by a dedicated individual who asked for nothing for herself, no recognition, no praise, no votes, no adulation. To an still honorable program, although much more expensive, with much less accountablility, run by an egoist, who screams from the rooftops everytime he gives someone a ride, or sends them a birthday card(all with taxpayer money) or receives a letter thanking him. And uses these fine people for political support. Who can forget the letter sent to the elderly in the town elderly database, by the chief, three years ago, when Fred Childs was running against Janine Sawyer-Stanley, excoriating Janine for being a friend of Brian Boyle's and praising Fred for his years of town employment. This letter was sent to the elderly in that database he manages the weekend before the election in an effort to sway an election, and it worked! When asked if he used his position to help a candidate, he stated that he made the copies himself, outside the PD. But what noone cared to discuss was that the list itself is a taxpayer funded, and owned town resource. This is surely electionering.

Bottom line is that "all that glitters is not gold"!

Tuesday, March 13

SCOOP! The votes are in

Here are the preliminary results, published before the Eagle-Tribune even has them.


Childs(incumbent, town employee)-984


Acciard(incumbent, chair)-770
Morelli(town employee)-960



Road Agent:



2007-02: Extended family living unit:
Yes:1394 No:487

2007-03: Increase of work hours:
Yes:1488 No:618

2007-04: Allow Tower in center of town:
Yes:1403 No:736

2007-05: Waive School impact fee:
Yes:1449 No:997

2007-06: Library Bond:
Yes:1487 No:802

2007-07: Operating Budget:
Yes:1575 No:617

2007-08: Wheelchair Van Lease:
Yes:1651 No:611

2007-09: Walker rd. Paving:
Yes:1393 No:823

2007-10: Wood dr. Paving:
Yes:1298 No:857

2007-11: Fire Dept. Capital reserve:
Yes:1441 No:760

2007-12: Fire Dept. exhaust ventilator:
Yes:1425 No:754

2007-13: Recreation Capital Reserve:
Yes:1403 No:723

2007-14: Partial Facility lease:
Yes:1940 No:224

2007-15: Toddler playset:
Yes:1623 No:590

2007-16: Tee Ball Field improvements:
Yes:1629 No:582

2007-17: Create Recreation revolving fund:
Yes:1682 No:499

2007-18: Fund Mosquito control:
Yes:1952 No:279

2007-19: Emergency lane designation:
Yes:1619 No:533

2007-20: Accept Granite ridge rd.:
Yes:1364 No:722

2007-21: Lease town center for tower:
Yes:1433 No:725

2007-22: Study tower needs:
Yes:1378 No:800

2007-23: Allow town employees to be selectmen:
Yes:940 No:1213

2007-24: Prohibit tower in town center pending study:
Yes:1051 No:994

2007-25: Make Noriko full-time:
Yes:787 No:1333

2007-26: Survey and study of Sawyer ave. town land:
Yes:644 No:1485

2007-27: Conservation easement on town land:
Yes:1351 No:802

2007-28: Recreation deed on east rd. land:
Yes:1079 No:1045

2007-29: NOT accept Wright Farm rd.:
Yes:997 No:1053

2007-30: Climate change:
Yes:1447 No:711

2007-31: change wording of conflict of interest ordinance:
Yes:1359 No:629

Monday, March 12


Your Realestate Assesment- For those who feel that their assesment is higher than it should be. We will provide a guide to take you through the appeal and review process. This must be done correctly or you will loose the appeal as is the case in more than 80% of appeals. If you have a valid appeal and do it correctly you will substantialy improve your results.

Like the "Rate Your Selectmen!" game, we are contemplating a "where did you see a town employee working?" game. This should be fun and keep everyone "on their toes".

No Free Ride in Atkinson- Part 2

Welcome to another new contributor under the Publius byline

Anonymous said...

Article Submission:

No Free Ride Part II - Facts & The Van

Recently, I received a letter from the Chief asking taxpayers to vote to fund a new wheelchair van for Elderly Services. And I quote his letter:

"We are still receiving donations towards this van and all funds received during the year will be applied to the total cost of the van."

Since the Selectman approve all disbursements from the Police Dept. Donation Account, I did some checking in the 2006 Selectman meeting minutes. Following are strict facts taken from the 2006 minutes. You can confirm them all yourself by going to the Town of Atkinson website at:

Select “Selectman” link
Select “Update Selectman Meetings Minutes”

Following is a list of withdrawls from the PD Donations fund. These were approved by the Selectman. The date of the minutes is mentioned so you can look it up yourself:

12/18/2006 $950
9/18/2006 $870
8/28/2006 $225
7/17/2006 $428
6/26/2006 $850
4/6/2006 $900
3/27/1902 $828
2/13/2006 $950
1/23/2006 $2,300

Grand Total for 2006: $8,301

The reason for each withdrawl is stipulated. They include such things a paying for:

- "Helping a senior in need of assistance" ($400)
- Help a Senior w/electric bill ($240)
- Miscellaneous (4 entries: two of them total $338, the other two have no cost specific associated with them - a guess is they are probably similar in the $300-$400 range based on total withdrawl)

Commentary/Opinion Section

Please don't get me wrong. I am not against helping seniors. The question is this - if the donation funds were managed properly, isn't there enough annual funding donated to cover the costs requested for the wheel chair van? We know that donations are coming in every year. And the chief is promising that "....all funds received during the year will be applied to the total cost of the wheelchair van." Again, his written words, not mine.

Since $8,301 was spent in 2006 out of the donation funds, and the chief promises to use all incoming funds to cover the total cost of the wheelchair van, why are taxpayers being asked to foot the bill for the new van? He could have easily covered the cost of the first year with some of the money spent in 2006.

It should also be noted the Salem Caregivers offers a redundant service which raises even more questions. Questions such as - why do we need to buy this if Salem Caregivers offers it? How many wheelchair rides do we give? Is the demand overwhelming Salem?

My other question to the Budget committee is this: Is there a documented paper trail showing where every penny is going from these donation accounts? How do we know the direct donations get to people?

For those who received direct financial assistance (but no obligation for a vote here!), were they denied state aid for energy assistance - and if so, doesn't that usually means they don't qualify? I would think the purpose of Elderly Affairs is to help people become aware of and apply for state services like energy assistance, food stamps or whatever benefits may be available to seniors in need. We pay the State of NH taxes for those programs, already. So wouldn't it make more sense to ensure they use state services and then apply donation funds toward the wheelchair van?

And how does our chief determine who gets aid and who does not? Why would your grandmother get direct financial assistance as opposed to mine?

And what are all these "Miscellaneous" withdrawls? The only thing that can answer this question is receipts, cancelled checks and audits. Do we have these things in place? Has any official outside of the PD seen them?

The more closely we look at the management of Elderly Affairs, the more questions that come up.

What really confused me was in the November 20, 2006 minutes where the Chief made the following request to Selectman and I quote:

"Chief Consentino is requesting of the Board for a new line item in the Police Department budget for elderly affairs. The reasons Chief Consentino is requesting that the elderly affairs operation be placed in the Police Department budget is because it schedules senior transports, the community service officers are police officers, the transport vehicles are police cars, the payroll records are paid through the Police Department payroll, the expenses are through the Police Department budget, the gasoline is paid through the Police Department and the Police Department is in charge of the senior program."

So now he wants everything under the PD budget. Why?

I can envision a retirement plan that goes like this:

1) Move Elderly Affairs under PD
2) Retire and get job as Community Officer (assuming Fred gets re-elected and article 23 passes)
3) Continue to maintain the status quo

With two of his family members already working for the Atkinson PD and the positioning of LT Baldwin as his successor, in my opinion, it seems like a logical retirement plan to me. But that is just one person's opinion.

Giving our elderly citizens rides, sending them cards and running concerts is not a police function. Our officers should be policing the streets and fighting crime and not being a taxi service.

I also have to take note of the recent expansion of the services offered by Elderly Affairs where you can get a ride to a visit a friend (this is new to me - just check the ads in the Tribune). What a nice gesture. But having POLICE DEPT resources giving rides to a friend? Has every elderly person in town been abandoned by every relative and neighbor they have?

Who said there is no free ride in Atkinson??

Moving the Dept of Elderly Services under the Recreation Dept is a logical scenario. It should also be staffed by volunteers (See Salem Caregivers Website). In our town, I bet many would step up and volunteer to give one senior one ride a week. It would be a great way to get to know our neighbors better. In a town of 6800, we only need a handful of volunteers (count me in as one). But I would only volunteer if there was new management. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will a ride for the Elderly in Atkinson be truly Free.

Saturday, March 10


After hearing Chief Consentino speak of this site and then reading the flyer in the paper I had to come and see what all the fuss was about. Well from what I've read so far it really isn't hard to figure out whose in charge of this site. Just reading the rate your selectman figures tells the story. C'mon guys what did you ever do that sets you so far apart from previous selectman?

My two cents, thoughts, suggestions, complaints and overall view of Atkinson.

Fire Department. Hey people don't forget there is another Chief in town. Fire Chief. Every year it's more, more, more. I need, I need, I need. We needed that big new truck to cover all the high rise fires that occur in Atkinson. Where oh where are the high rises? Yes we will probably be getting new buildings going up on the golf course. Will give my opinion on that later. Let's face it Chief Murphy isn't any better than Chief Consentino but seeing as this is an anti-anything Consentino site you'll never hear a bad word against Murphy. Is his job another life time appointment. I have to wonder if his men are just as afraid to speak out against him as Consentino's are.

Highway Department. Ted does a good job. While he can't please all the people all the time he does what he has to do and then some .I think the biggest problem he had was having his sister-in-law as selectman years ago. I for one and happy with his performance and would like to see him get re-elected.

Cemetery. Where does all the money get spent? The trustee does a lot of work there and it doesn't cost us a cent.

Library. Ok they smartened up and scaled back. Yes we need a new one bad. Still don't like the argument about needing a meeting room. We have a community center no reason they can't use it.

Police Department. Why is Consentino still there? Please don't tell me "we're getting the most bang for our buck".
Let me start off with Elderly Affairs. There is NO reason it couldn't be taken over by the Recreation Department. If a senior needs a ride they call recreation's phone. I think Norika is a pretty intelligent person. She could handle a name, date, address and destination. She could then go through the list of drivers to see who is available. It would be a 9-5 operation. Perhaps the seniors would just have to make appointments during regular working hours. When someone is doing something for you, you learn to work around that person - common courtesy, end of story. If it is a true emergency call 911. If you need a ride home at 2:30 in the morning, call a cab. I'm all for the help given with this department but believe me the people that use it have to be more like willows and bend a little, not oaks never willing to bend a bit. (In my opinion there are more willows using the service than providing it - Did I just call him a big oak?) Here's where there would be a problem. The Police posers working that department wouldn't work out of the community center. Why? No more badges (to flash at ball park attendants, for restaurant discounts etc. ), no more driving "Police" cars with lights and sirens ( and look at me - oh my) Would they settle for being regular Recreation Department employees - NO! Where is the prestige and glory in that? Bottom line, everything being done out of the PD could be done out of the Recreation Department including accepting donations to the Elderly Affairs Donation Account. The citizens would just have a better accounting of it to peruse if they so chose.
Why are there no woman Police Officers? Now don't take this personally, but I mean other than the two senior citizen dispatchers. I'm talking about an officer that could handle a serious situation. Could it be Atkinson isn't as good of a department to work for as say Plaistow? They have woman officers and from what I hear are very good at what they do. Could it be the working conditions over in Plaistow are just more, what's the word - comfortable for woman?
Reading the annual report I notice the Chiefs son is still a part time officer. Does he still go out and drive around on a regular basis as an officer? May I ask why every officer I see in a police car is wearing a uniform except him? Does he get a clothing allowance, does he have a uniform, is he too cool to don one? Just wondering. If he is, wear a uniform, if he isn't drop him and save us a couple of bucks.
Why do we have a uniformed police officer working crossing guard at the Academy standing in the middle of the road with a cigarette in his hand? Besides being a nasty and unhealthy habit it is setting the wrong example to any student walking or driving by. D.A.R.E.
I'm all for raising the age of retirement but doesn't it seem like half the employees of the Police Department are close to 70 years old.

Selectman Where do I start? Child's and Sapia are useless, arrogant, rude and so bad for this town. Sullivan is - as far as I can see a fair and honest kind of guy. Problem is, it's just another builder-real estate agent and from past experience with builders or real estate agents, they stick together like glue and may not always have the best interest of the towns people. If they can lose the day job hat and stick to selectman duties I think they can and have done a good job.

Now for my opinion on the 55+ housing that will be going up. While there won't be any impact to the school system from it, I certainly believe the police and fire/EMT won't be that lucky. I would hold the people responsible for giving the ok to this development - responsibility for the impact it will have on said departments. Is there an impact fee being imposed and if not why? Secondly, Chief Murphy knew of this proposed development. Why wasn't the developer asked to provide a bigger fire truck. His would certainly be the only buildings in town that would need it, so why wouldn't he pay the bill for it. I see all the time when businesses want to go into a town and build something, that would impact the departments in a town, be made to compensate the town. If you want it bad enough you will be more than happy to work with the town and save the taxpayers from paying for your gain.

Would like to see a supplement to the annual report so we can see what we are paying for vendors and salaries. It's our right and obligation as citizens to review this information.

A comment or two on some candidates. Fred Child's. Last year the intelligent and informed voters of Atkinson said no to employees holding paid and elected positions. We did, we really did - and we meant it. This also pertains to Ginny Morelli. Please let up and believe us when we said NO!

Article 23 ummmm I repeat... Last year the intelligent and informed voters of Atkinson said no to employees holding paid and elected positions. We did, we really did - and we meant it. Fred wants this and I'm sure Consentino is pushing it also so he and Sapia can duke it out next year for the seat. Last years warrant article passed, we knew what we were voting on and that's that.

Would I ever sign my name to this? Do I look like a fool who wants to be harassed by a bully? Yes Chief Consentino you are a bully and I will tell you right now that I would never feel safe knowing you knew me. Now that is scary for a small town resident to have to admit.

Friday, March 9

Childs' Consequences- part 1

Welcome to another new contributor under the Publius byline.


Childs’ Consequences- part 1

Do not be fooled again. Fred Childs’ Candidacy and performance has continuing BAD consequences for YOU and Atkinson. He has taken and abused your trust. He has taken your votes and broken your laws; then told you it doesn’t matter because YOU don’t know anything. He has taken your tax money and spent it as he pleased and then told you to shut-up and quit whining He has interfered with your projects because YOU could not be trusted to spend the money and demanded that he became the controller.

As is the Tin Woodsman of OZ so goes Childs. The allegorical Tin Man, a heartless and indifferent instigator, accompanied by his cabal of The brainless Scarecrow, who has not a clue as to good government, and the Cowardly Lion, who for years has been all roar, little courage and nothing more. All while following the Wrong Road and that is a CONSEQUENCE we suffer. We must wonder from what deceived pen dripped “his” Characterization of Atkinson as HIS Beloved town.

Childs joined with the remnants of Atkinson Vietnam war protesters who continue to hold disrespect for those from Atkinson who have served. Have you ever wondered why the monument in honor of these veterans was disallowed among our other honorees and installed in a remote place of convenience in front of town hall. Well it was this group to which Childs now associates and credits his “decisions”. Again dishonoring the most honorable service of those amongst which he will never be fit to stand in their shadow . Not only is that behavior undeserving of any respect, I find it so Despicable I can only hope, along with a recording in the true history of Atkinson, a proper place in the eternity of hell has been reserved such a person.

The election is upon us. This is the time the cabal is out or on the telephone cajoling our neighbors. As history repeats, They are likely scaring the most vulnerable in exchange for a vote. Making promises on Childs’ behalf that he does not mean, will not keep or has no right to make. That is what they do and that is despicable. It is time to for all good people to talk with our friends, call and visit our neighbors and build a NEW board of selectmen, which we can respect and which will serve all the people Atkinson, and not only the interests of themselves.

We must look to “Childs Consequences of the past” (HIS PROLOG), “Childs consequences present (HIS EMPTY RHETORIC), and “Childs Consequences promised” (A DECEPTIVE RECIPE) The record is clear, the actions are revealing and his intentions are consistent.

Wednesday, March 7

The most beautiful town report I have seen

Well The Town report arrived today, and it has an absolutely beautiful picture of Dow Common on the front. The report makes interesting reading too, as it usually does.

I was astounded to see how many of our town officials endorsed this blog in the town report(spiritually, if not literally) And thank God there are no petty, vindictive slams against particular residents this year as there was last in the selectmen's report.

The report begins with an eloquent memorial day address given by Donald Latham, USNR Retired. The line in this address that jumped out at me was; "With respect comes tolerance for the rights of others." Profound words. Given the numerous selectmen's meetings where residents were shouted down by Mr. Childs and Mr. Sapia, one can only hope they re-read this address many times.

This is followed by the selectmen's report. It speaks of the many committee's formed by concerned residents over the past year, but notable makes no mention of the proposed police radio tower, in the center of town, or the work undertaken by that committee, hmmmmm, strange. It also talks of the reduction in the waste management contract this year, due in part to the reduction in fuel prices form $3.00/gal. at this time last year. But I almost choked on my coffee when I read the end of the report where selectman chairman Childs states;

"I would be remiss, however, if as a leader of the community I did not point out that we are able to accomplish more when we show each other the highest degree of respect for our differences and rise above those that choose not to."

Utterly amazing given the fact that it has been he and selectman Sapia in the past year, and the two of them along with the chief before that who have refused to allow people with dissenting opinions to speak, talked trash about those who disagreed with them after those people left, shouted down those who complained, and many other equally egregious acts that have landed the selectmen in court on a number of occasions.

Just imagine the size of the rocks it takes to admonish others about respect, in light of the selectmen's performance this past two years!

Also the Town report has something missing....

For the first time in recent history, there is no listing of payments to town employees and vendors! Why I wonder? is it excessively cynical of me to think that it may have something to do with the fact that two town employees are running for office? or the fact that our recent exceedingly generous union contract, negotiated by the chief gives three of our five full timers over $50,000 per year, plus benefits? I MUST be too cynical!

Mass. Governor in similar conflicts to Atkinson selectmen

Another Submission under the Publius byline

Publius: Article Submission

Mass. Governor in similar conflicts to Atkinson selectmen

I was listening to the radio this morning and heard all this controversy about Mass. Governor Deval Patrick and conflicts of interest, so I listened, and I thought this is the problem in Atkinson.

Evidently, Deval used to sit on the board of Ameriquest, and stepped off it during the campaign to avoid the PERCEPTION of impropriety. Ameriquest called him last week and asked him to intercede with Citibank in their favor... And he did!!!

Now he didn't benefit from this. He pocketed nothing. He could even say he was just calling an old friend. But the impropriety is that as governor, he oversees policy on mortgage regulation in the state, he SHOULD have been smart enough to say I'm sorry I can't do that.

Now fast-forward to Atkinson... The chief voted on things for his dept. He didn't personally benefit, although that IS his paid employment, but it was still wrong! Fred voted on his own pay raise, as chief said he got nothing more than anyone else, but it was still wrong! NHMA had told him it was wrong. I had pointed it out to him and even warned him that if he did it I would file the code of ethics complaint. He did, and I did. What if he wanted a 5% raise, would it be ok as long as he gave ALL town employees 5% raises? It is STILL wrong!

The point of this is that this is not about a town employee pocketing money, this is about having the honor and judgement to stay above the fray, not wallow in it.

I heard it put well on the radio, Steve Bailey said the problem was the people elected deval for his Judgement, and now that has been called into question!

Well, I say to you the voters of Atkinson, we elect Selectmen for their judgement, and based upon Fred's past actions as selectman, that Judgement has been called in to question.

If you can't do the right thing, even when it is the hardest thing to do, even when it goes against your wishes, you don't belong in office.

Thank you,
Mark Acciard

Tuesday, March 6

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a sign

Welcome to another new commentator under the Publius byline.

Publius: Article Submission

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Did you ever notice the political signs posted around town on little plots of land that are actually part of the roadway?

I see them on some of the most traveled roads. The intersection of Providence Hill and North Broadway is a perfect example. There is a traffic island that is land that belongs to...WHO EXACTLY???? Can't really tell, can you? Especially since the street used to be there!!

But Fred Childs has his sign right on that little island by one of the busiest intersections. And of course Mr. Child's sign is right next to a sign supporting Article 23 – what an amazing coincidence!

I would like to point out that there are signs on "no man's land" all around town that should be removed. They are basically on the town Right of Way (ROW). Isn’t our Road Agent responsible for maintaining roads including the removal of any hazards? These signs are hazardous and in many cases block the view of cars trying to pull onto a very busy street.

Last year, they were really bad. There was one at the corner of my property that I never authorized so I took it down. The little plot of land the sign was on is not "privately owned" because the corner of my lot has an iron stake about 10' from the pavement. So I knew this sign was posted on the Right of Way. Basically, on town controlled land. And I know the town can't allow political signs on town property. I found it odd that nobody ever asked me about it or complained about it when I took it down – especially when it was so obvious that my property was the only private property abutting where the sign was posted. Somebody was pretty arrogant to put it there in the first place.

If it is not already a law on the books, I will support a Citizen petition next year abolishing the posting of political signs on any town Right of Way.

In the meantime, take a look at all of the street corners and look very closely. The corner of Atkinson Academy and East Road is another suspicious one. The signs sure don't help visibility pulling onto East Road - what a hazard!

When in doubt, ask the abutter if they authorized the sign to be posted there. I would bet the signs are not legally posted and can and SHOULD be rightfully removed.

I bet some people really appreciate me pointing this out. Have a nice day.

Free Advertising at the Selectmen's Meeting! Thank you, Chief

At the Selectmen's meeting, Monday The Chief came in to advertise for the Atkinson- Reporter! We appreciate your efforts, Chief. Thank you.

Although he mistakenly identified the blog operators as "Pluto" and "Useless", We are flattered none the less. But This blog has some questions for the chief.

Chief, you stated that our fact are wrong, Please tell us which ones, and offer verifiable proof that they are wrong and we will not only correct them but apologize to our readers for the mistake. (if only the selectmen would do the same, what a wonderful world it would be) Please don't confuse FACTS stated in the original article with QUESTIONS asked by commentators.

It is nice to see that we are being noticed, and having an effect, although the Selectmen's and the chief's M.O. Remains the same. For the past three years, whenever criticized, this band of brothers, has indeed banded together to shoot the messenger, all the while ignoring the message. Guys, wouldn't it be much simpler and better if you addressed the individuals criticism, and dealt with the issue, and left the personal attacks out of it? Oh, and Chief, just an observation, every time someone criticized you or your actions, they do not have a vendetta against you, it is not personal, they just question an action you took. If you honestly believe whatever it is you did that they are complaining about was right, explain it, defend it, but do it without verbally assaulting the complaintant. It gets old, and you have been using the same tactic for the last 20 years with everyone from Carol Grant, Mark Acciard, Brian Kaye, officer Dale Childs, officer Gary Lorden, Officer Micheal Rivera, Fred Childs, Brian Boyle, officer Rick Daniels, officer Pat Judge, Wayne Peak. And those are just the ones reported in the Eagle-Tribune.

Oh, and By the way, what made this town business that had to be discussed at selectmen's meetings? It wasn't on the agenda, and I have heard selectmen Childs and Sapia admonish residents many times for trying to introduce discussion without being put on the agenda, I guess if you are saying something they like to hear it is ok, only if you are critical do you get the boot.

This Blog is assuming that the chief is simply responding to the "No Free Ride" article and it's comments. I have just re-read all of them and they are honest, and reasonable in their criticisms, And they are universal in their support of the elderly affairs program. I would think the chief would be happy to have so much public support for a program that is obviously near and dear to his heart. But, apparently, again, any level of criticism, even the mildest is unacceptable.

This is free speech, And it is being done anonymously, not out of cowardice, but out of fear of retaliation from you and your brethren, who have the authority and the power to enforce your whims on an innocent populace. That is why this Blog and it's format is so necesary.

It is truly funny to see the Chief, selctmen Sapia, Moderator Polito, and other town officials deride this blog in public meetings, all because they are being forced, for the first time to deal with the message, because they can't find the meesenger to shoot her. Never before have they dealt with the residents criticism, they merely assualt the complaintants character, motivations, and family, and never answer what they are being asked.

It is time for a change!

The Sign Wars are upon us! The political season is in full swing

In the race for selectmen it appears Harold Morse is winning the sign wars. It appears as we drive around town that he has the most signs out, followed by Fred Childs, with Valerie Tobin bringing up the rear. But, is the number of sign the dterminer of the election? The answer is no! It is much easier to vote your conscience behind a closed curtain than to tell someone, face-to-face, "I dont believe in you, I dont want your sign in my yard."

But the real comedy of this placing of signs are the "yes on #23" signs. According to the signs, the Fiscal Agent for the Yes on #23 campaign is none other than Fred Childs, "your selectmen" and town employee, who in light of last years ordinance which he is now trying to overturn, he shouldn't even be on the ballot!

For those of you who do not see the Conflict of Interest Issue, here it is, it can not be plainer...

Fred Childs is leading a campaign and placing signs to advocate an article from which he will benefit, as selectman!

I know some are saying that this isn't the same thing, but it is. Last year 1094 voters said, we don't want town employees as selectmen, or on the budget committee. They said we want to enact the same policy that is in operation in EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT in the state, and many, many cities and towns. We all know why we did this, we were sick of what we saw on camera every monday night from our town employee selectmen. We were sick of spending OUR money to defend them in court, only to see them lose on these conflict issues EVERY TIME! And STILL, they were arogant enough to claim they did nothing wrong. Well they did! Chief did many things wrong, Rockingham Superior Court said so, and the NH Supreme Court upheld that decision. Fred Childs did something wrong, the Atkinson Code of ethics committee said so. NHMA warned him beforehand that it was wrong, he did it anyway!

It is time to end this corruption from people who don't care what the law is, or what the voters say. It is time to vote for the only candidate in the race with NO CONFLICTS! Mrs. Tobin, thank you for throwing your hat into the ring.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "