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Monday, February 4

Civility is disappearing from Atkinson politics.

MAcciard said...
Publius, please accept this as an article submission.

Civility is disappearing from Atkinson politics.


I do, I admit it. I love the give and take, the raw examination of both sides of an idea, or issue. The effort by both sides to get thier point of view in front of the voters. And like any other contest, there are proper ways to do this, and there are gutter tactics.

I know; the old adage is "all is fair in love and war"(and politics) but I would disagree. I believe in the time honored military concept of honor; that you dont harm non-combatants.

Although I did not attend the deliberative session this year(my first miss in 8 years) I have seen most of the tape, and I am appalled at the lack of civility on the parts of our elected, and appointed officials.

As I said earlier in a comment, there was a time in the not to distant past when a resident could come into a public meeting, and speak their mind, without fear of being belittled for their opinions on camera, without fear of retribution, without fear of having their names and reputations harmed within the community. Sadly, it would appear those times are gone.

This is the first town meeting that I have been to where I have heard the moderator start out the meeting by telling(it sounded like advice to me) the assembly that they could ammend an article till it meant nothing.

Unfortunately this is the third time I have seen our board of selectmen, who, by the way, have no official function at town meeting, abuse the privilege of having a microphone in front of them, to heckle, interrupt, and demean the very residents that elected them. That microphone is there, by the way, so that they may answer questions put to the board of selectmen by the people, not for them to pontificate from. The proper actions for town officials if they have something to say, is to descend from their thrones and speak from the floor like every other resident. And the moderator should have reigned them in for that, as a former moderator, Jack Herlihy, did many times.

I always thought the purpose of deliberative session was to debate issues, to debate warrant articles placed before the legislative body(the people), The actions of our selectmen, police chief, and moderator over the last three town meetings, four if you count the special town meeting in 2007, have shown me that there is an inherent risk for those who come into that meeting in opposition of those officials.
I have watched residents interrupted, bullied, belittled, heckled, demeaned, and for what? It is apparent to me that we have a town government of dictators, but not benevolent ones.

It is time for a change in town politics. It is time for the people to be treated with respect. It is high time we DEMANDED THIS FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS!


Anonymous said...

It really pains and disturbs me to say this, but the inmates are running the asylum.

There are, of course, exceptions. My respect for Chief Murphy grows by the day. He gets it. And the road agent, Ted Stewart. He's become a punching bag and he takes it. My hat is off to you sir. There other good eggs, but not in the right places. Really sad.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree on Respect for Teddy and Chief Murphy. Also some of the great people at the Town office.

There is an article in the Tribune about a Bill that would allow residents to remove Selectmen during their terms.

I have commented earlier about the way Childs and her groupies treated speakers. Phil made a complete fool of himself. The BOS used their positions to harass, belittle and twist the opinions of the assembly.

Frank did not do his job controlling his buddys!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you driven thru the Coventry Road area, or down Maple Ave today?
I counted over 30 mailboxes destroyed. This has become a common theme for our town plow trucks. The right of way is an easement for utilities that extends from the center of the road and usually lands 10' into residents property. It is not town land and is not the HW Depts property to destroy. Who pays for this carnage? There is no excuse for this to happen storm after storm. I understand on occaission and sometimes during blizzard conditions. This was a mostly rain event!!!!!!!. This has been going on for years.... and thankfully Selectman Childs brought out the truth that the healthcare costs for the fulltime position could run aprox 1900.00 per month. Do the math. This is fact, not a twist. If the blog wants to clean up the town, then it needs to be truthful with all depts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Walmart mailboxes are $6.00. In this town, spending more than that may turn out to be a bad investment.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have to take sides on the people? I am not for or against anyone. I am not taking sides for the chief or the road agent or the town clerk or anyone. As far as I'm concerned, the entire town needs fixing and everyone has to participate. The divisive behavior of taking sides is promoted by those who want to control things. If we focus on issues and not on people, we can make progress.

Anonymous said...

Civility is disappearing? Correction to the title should be:

Civility has disappeared from Atkinson politics

Just watch the rerun of the chief yelling at people. What is up with that?

Anonymous said...

A majority of roads in town have a width of 48 to 50 feet, of which 24 or 25 feet are paved. The rest of it still belongs to the town, people. Go in to the Planning Board office and check your subdivision plans.

Anonymous said...

Right. And within the edges of the road there are culverts, drains and all kinds of other stuff. If you want to clean then out and repair when needed, be my guest.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you give us a link on the town web site so we can see for ourselves. I guess this makes it ok for the HW Dept to destroy
peoples property. I've never seen Ted's mailbox ruined. Oh, its probably 12 to 12.5 feet off the road edge.

Anonymous said...

gee, i checked my deed and it looks like your right. looks like the town owns out to my back yard.....maybe i should pave it to help out the plow i'll move my mailbox up to hog hill
on top of the tower and i'll bet it'll be safe....

Anonymous said...

A majority of the plowers are private contractors. What do you want Ted to do, ride with every one of them?

I lived on a main road long ago and I planned on at least 1 new mailbox a year, sometimes 2. Usually due to mailbox baseball, but not always. You learn to get by with the minimum. Put something fancy up , might as well have a bulls eye on it.

Ted is doing the best he can under the circumstances. He has hostile bosses and now hostile clients. In the private sector he would have left long ago.

So, leave Ted alone and focus on the real problem.

Anonymous said...

Mr. February 5, 2008 4:30 PM. You're right, Mr. Childs did a lot of questioning the insurance costs for a hard working part timer and looking out for the taxpayer. But, he didn't seem to have any problem voting for a $682,500 expense. Do the math on that one. Oh I forgot, lives are at stake, screw looking for alternatives.

Anonymous said...

I agree with post from 8:22pm. Most
plowers are private contractors, however they should be held accountable for this type of performance. At least have their eyes checked before someone gets hurt. God forbid a little kid is sent out to get the mail... we'll be looking for him like the search that took place for that lost gun.
This is just my humble opion.

Anonymous said...

That $$$$$$ jackpot he takes home helps him get thru the long hard days and nights and the insufferable blog attacks that keep being levied at him. It would put a smile on my face as long as my cks keep a coming. I know what your thinking, look at the budget. We still need the actual spending to be posted for the real story. Until then the jury is still out because it may be part of "the real problem".

Anonymous said...

Mailboxes always get destroyed when there is heavy, wet, slush being plowed. This is because slush that heavy flying through the air, makes an impact when it hits a mailbox. It is not usually because a plow hit the boxes, but because of the snow.

Also, the spending should be available on the town website under the budget committee tab. I had it put there a year ago.

Anonymous said...

I have plowed state highways in Ma 20 years ago. Mark is right, the heaver the snow the more mailbox complaints there are.
We have had an exceptional winter this year. If the plows slowed down you'd be complaining about the roads not getting clears fast enough.
I'll offer a suggestion. Install your mail box next to (not on) a telephone pole on the side were it would protect, to an extent, it from flying slush. This also makes it impossible for batting practice.

Anonymous said...

With Russ and Sapia gone, there is hope for civility to return. As long as the next selectman can be a straight shooter and not just take the side of one person over the other. Decisions need to be based on issues, not people. This good ole boy system and all these old cronies need to move aside. Newer residents have less baggage and are not obligated to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Jane Cole says:

The person who noted the planning widths of roads got it almost right. Roads are planned at 40 to 50 feet, but plowed to 20 to 22 feet, leaving at least 10 feet on either side which technically belongs to the town. That's most roads. Up in the pond area, originally subdivided as a seasonal area, roads are only paved to about 18 feet, and that's deteriorated to a lot less over the years. There's no room up there for snow, drainage or much of anything.

And yes, wander in to see Shirley in the Planning Board. She has all the subdivision plans and can show them to you. (Nice lady. You'd like her.)

And haven't you ever heard Teddy complain to the Selectmen about the fact that people are planting shrubs in the town's right of way?
He also grumbles about mail boxes. He's not happy about it either, but, as someone said, he can't go with every plower to ensure that every mail box is missed. And besides all that, if the plowers carefully avoided all mailboxes it would (1) take longers (and cost us more) and (2) leave you with a huge pile of snow in front of your mail box, which you would be responsible for shovelling. You need to set your mailboxes back, possibly with an expended "arm" on which the box sits. Plowers won't hit it as much. How would I know that? Been there, done that, and I live on a state road, where the plows are MUCH larger.

Anonymous said...

Jane says:

Sorry - I meant to say PLOWED to a width of 20 to 22 feet. Too early.

Anonymous said...

I havent had a problem with my Mailbox at all it is on a wooden stand open at the bottom.The stand sits back..easy design. So the plow doesnt hit it.. We do live in New england where we realize some things just need to be modified to work with the winter..gee but I guess its just eaiser to complain.

Anonymous said...

call me stupid, but i just realized that the snow/slush is extra heavy only on a few certain roads. i just might move over to a road that has the light slush when we get these kind of storms. i have noticed that the other twenty roads i passed thru did not have this blatant damage. silly me for picking a heavy slush road to live on. as i get older i become more educated.

Anonymous said...

I just found the line item under proposed HW budget. Equipment repair $8000.00, no wonder we can't fund benefits for the assistant. I guess its true to the word "bang for your buck". Rumor is its that big green wing plow that has the biggest problem. I'm not sure about this rumor because I've never seen it myself.

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate how frustrating it can be to lose you mailbox. You might say they are in harms way. Not long ago I slid out on an icy road and took out some poor guys mailbox. I apologized and offered to pay damages. He smiled , thanked me for stopping and said it was OK.

Anyways, look at it from the plowers perspective. He's sitting on the left side of the cab. The plow corner is on the far right so that can make it a little hard to determine exactly where it is. Next, after fresh snowfall the road edge may not be clearly identifiable. He may only have mailboxes to go by. Also, most people do not put reflectors on their boxes, and if they are black or dark gray, at night they could be nearly invisible until you're right on them. And Jane is right, if the plower went much slower, more time to clear the road, and that could be a public safety hazard.

Its a problem, no argument. Can we get back on topic?

Anonymous said...

Please consider this as a new topic for discussion. It's in regards to the length of time we take at our deliberative session. It's too long and we don't get a very good turn out, especially at the end. So why do communities like Hampstead succeed with starting their deliberative session at 7PM. Hampstead has their meeting tonight, Feb 7th. I wonder if they are going until 2AM ?

This is from yesterday's tribune:

Deliberative sessions


What: School deliberative session

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Salem High School auditorium, 44 Geremonty Drive


What: School deliberative session

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Sanborn Regional High School auditorium, 17 Danville Road, Kingston


What: School deliberative session

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Timberlane Performing Arts Center, 40 Greenough Road, Plaistow


What: Town deliberative session

When: Tomorrow at 7 p.m.

Where: Hampstead Middle School, 28 School St.


What: School deliberative session

When: Tomorrow at 7 p.m.

Where: Town Hall, 268B Mammoth Road


What: School deliberative session

When: Tomorrow at 7 p.m.

Where: Golden Brook Elementary School, 112 Lowell Road

Anonymous said...


Regarding my "insult", I was stating my "opinion" about some of the "voters" in Atkinson, not targeting the posters on this board. A few anonymous posters may fall into that category, but this board is a great place to voice opinions and correct inaccurate information.

"Ill informed" is when one posts the following regarding our channel 20:
"Cable is a business, not a Town owned asset,...To build an expensive addition to make some service company more comfortable in OUR town hall is ludicrous and dumb."

We the people of Atkinson own channel 20 and its employees work for us. We even took over ownership of all of the equipment when the last franchise agreement was signed.

From this post, a reader becomes "mis-informed". And this story leaks out to the general populace who do not read this board but get the info 2nd hand. This in turn influences the way they vote.

And "uninformed" in Town does not even know this blog exists. They are the voters who show up in March to vote for Selectman or some other public office. I've talked to many of them the days and weeks after the vote to ask what they thought of some of the warrants. I can't tell you how many say "I didn't even know about this or that warrant article until I read it in the voting booth."
I'm sure some voters will not know about the Town Hall addition until they reach the booth. That being said, my original article submission, (unaccepted I guess), was to open up the discussion.

I was at the Budget Committee public hearing when they voted this down. Past experience tells me it is very rare to see a large expenditure passed at Town Meeting when it says "not recommended by Budget Committee."

I found out at the beginning of Deliberative Session about the 10% rule. With your Budget Committee background, you understood right away what "not recommended by Budget Committee" effectively did to this warrant article even if it passed.

With this new knowledge, I decided to follow Jane Cole's lead and add a "Town Hall Capital Reserve Fund" article. I hoped for $100,000, since cable has let over $150,000 in franchise fees drop right to the general fund in 2006-2008. They amended it to $50,000 on the floor. (this is how much extra franchise fees will hit the general fund in 2008 alone)
Now my hope is to spend another year discussing this proposal and other options. I loved some of the ideas posted after my "biting" response. They had some great new opinions and offered innovative solutions. I plan to present these ideas to the Building Needs Committee to see if we can help the space needs at Town Hall this year. (More input from other residents would be great)
And if people take my posts as being "arguing and insulting", so be it. At least they know "who" is posting what they consider to be argumentative and insulting.

Michael Torris

Anonymous said...


Good luck on both our CR warrant articles. I'm seeing a determination to vote down ALL the tower articles, and I've also seen comments about the "need" for a Town Hall addition.

I'm hoping voters will recognize the inevitably of both, and realize that these "down payments" will mean less they will have to pay out of their pockets in the future.

And both are earning some relatively decent interest!


Anonymous said...


Points taken!
I apologize if I sounded as if I was chastising you.

I was one of those who fought to keep the cable franchise fees in the capital reserve just for this addition.

Good Luck, with THIS group

Anonymous said...

I have learned alot from both Jane & Mike. You have ideas that will help defray the cost of both articles. Thankyou Mike for explaining your views so well. I now have the correct facts to "digest"

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Amazing what can happen when real communication occurs and more accurate information is provided.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike...

Am I wrong in believing that the $50K going into the general fund offsets the cost of the cable budget? (Please say Yes. I'd hate to believe I was mislead all these years!) Therefore, you'd be getting a $50,000 Capital Reserve AND the town effectively is getting free town cable....right?


Anonymous said...


We are getting close to $100,000.00 from cable every year. The first $45,000.00 to $50,000.00 effectively offsets what running channel 20 costs the town and the rest hits the general fund unless we submit a warrant article to place it in cap. reserve. (not done the past few years since we planned on having a Town Hall warrant)

Where does this money come from? When cable first came to town, 1983, the companies were all jockeying for position. You may be able to tell me who took the payoff in some smokey back room that gave us Harron in Atkinson. (then I would know who to stupid slap) Continental was all around us but someone agreed to Harron as the service provider. That being said, we got them to give us a portion of profits every year like all companies were offering. This was essentially a payment of rent for the use of our right of ways.
In 1996, the government gave them permission to line item this and show it as a separate franchise fee on each bill. Whether you pay $105.00 or $100.00 with a 5% franchise fee, it comes from the same place, profits. It's paid to them by cable subscribers.
Now I realize this franchise fee payment to the town is not "cable's" money or just for use by or benefit of cable customers, it is a rent for use of the right of ways in town. All taxpayers in town deserve equal use of this money. This is why I am trying to spend it to supply the entire town with an expanded Town Hall. As Chairman of the Cable Committee I would hope we continue to fund and expand channel 20. I really wanted to see Erica buy the needed equipment to put 20 on the web but the Selectmen decided it was more important to look like heroes by "saving" $35,000.00 in approved spending funds and letting it fall back into the general fund than buying web equipment. So I guess we will have to warrant again to buy this much needed equipment to service all the residents who have dishes or no cable but have internet access and want to watch channel 20. (sorry, I have a bad habit of throwing everyone under the bus)
I was shooting for $100k into a new Town Hall cap fund. If I knew it was going to be knocked to $50k, I would have just sent it to the Cable Cap Reserve. Same difference.

So yes, we get "free" cable 20. But nothing is free, someone always has to carry the cost. Free stuff from a company comes out of increased cost we all pay. Wait until everyone finds out our "free" tax rebates are really a pre-payment of our 2009 refunds. Does anyone want to put theirs into the cable fund while it still feels free?

Anonymous said...


You stated:

'All taxpayers in town deserve equal use of this money. This is why I am trying to spend it to supply the entire town with an expanded Town Hall. '

Spending this money doesn't get the town an expanded town hall, it's going to cost alot more. If you want to expand town hall just for cable and pay for the entire expansion, knock yourself out.

I'm dead set against adding office space considering how the residents get treated.

When you point out that the selectment don't what to buy web equipment so that more residents would be able to watch the meetings, you are proposing something that unfair to the rest of us...and you are admitting it.


Anonymous said...


When Erica came into the Budget Committee meetings to request the webcast equipment( I was her dept. liason) I thought it was a great idea. I think our town website is vastly under-utilized now take a look at Danville's site, or any one of a number of town sites in this area. But Russ was the selectmen appointed watchdog over Erica, and he didn't want the equipment, he wanted the savings to add to the general fund balance. We had many disagreements over this, but they were able to convince a majority of the board, and of course the selectmen control the actual spending.

There is an old adage that people get the government they want.

Mark Acciard

Anonymous said...

Just to fill everyone who is interested in on how we got to this place regarding web casting:

Erica was ready to put a spending warrant in 2006 for $30,000 in camera equipment. I asked her how much would it cost to fully equip our studio for the next 10 years. (Our cameras and decks were from 1984) She said soup to nuts would cost under $90,000 net. Of course this meant retail cost was closer to $150,000. I helped her structure a warrant for $90,000, $50,000 from the cap reserve and $40,000 from 2006 franchise fees.
We did not ask for $90,000 from cap reserve and then ask to add $40,000 of franchise fees back in. I tried to avoid confusing the voters who had rejected spending $30,000 from cap reserve in 2005.(That warrant did not have the balance of the cap reserve or explain that no tax dollars were being spent.)
We passed in 2006 with flying colors. Since we planned on buying $150,000 worth of equipment for $90,000, Russ and company would only let her put $90,000 retail out for bid. Of course this came in at under $50,000. Now when Erica tried to bid out the other $60,000,(under $40,000 net for web cast equipment and other important items) they said "no way jose".
As Mark said, they chose to keep it in general fund and look like heroes. (of course they took the first $50,000 out of cable cap reserve before spending any of left over $40,000 in 2006 franchise fees)
So today, we would need to do another $60,000 article to buy $40,000 in equipment. Plus we will have to spend it out of the cap reserve we plan on using to expand Town Hall. And since we did not put such a warrant on this year, we have to wait till 2009.
I wish I had got more involved when they said no, but Erica did not call me for help until it was too late.

Now here is my Plan B:

Let's start a channel 20 donation fund. We can raise money, just like others in town do, to buy web cast equipment for cable. Or maybe someone can just donate the equipment to make it happen. I know the $40,000 we planned on spending was going to buy many different things, including more portable cameras and remote equipment to use at Deliberative session and other off site broadcast locations. Maybe someone can tell me how and just how much money is needed to web cast. I'm sure some readers of this site know. Maybe they even have access to retired equipment we can get donated.

As they say, Ask, and you shall receive.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have it broadcast over the web. Maybe Phil would like to manage a channel 20 donation fund too.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "