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WATER !! WATER ? "Water"

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Wednesday, May 7

Public Notice for all fellow Atkinsonians

This Wednesday, May 7, at 7 p.m. at Dyke Auditorium at Atkinson Academy, there will be a Public Hearing concerning the Hampstead Area Water Company’s (HAWC) application to drill 5 additional bedrock wells in Atkinson so as to pump out and sell AN ADDITIONAL 648,000 GALLONS PER DAY of Atkinson groundwater.

Two of those new wells will go on the grounds of the Atkinson Country Club (which already uses many, many millions of gallons during the summer to water its golf course), while another well will go in the center of town on the island in the wetlands east of Wright Farm Condominiums. Two more wells will go on Settlers Ridge south of the Lexington Commons Condominiums.
The Hampstead Area Water Company already pumps and sells groundwater to 11 towns: Atkinson, Chester, Danville, East Kingston, Fremont, Hampstead, Kingston, Nottingham, Plaistow, Salem and Sandown.

Almost two-thirds of our Atkinson homes rely soley on private wells while Wright Farm Condominium s and the Commons condominiums each have their own private community well/ water system. Any further drainage and lowering of our ground water table can have disasterous effects on our homes’ and condominiums’ future water supplies and Atkinsonians having adequate water for normal future needs.

Atkinsonians being serviced by HAWC should realize that they also stand to lose from any future water shortage caused by more of Atkinson’s limited water being shipped out to other towns. Salem is right on our eastern border, is already experiencing a water shortage, and has noticed the State about its serious water shortages.

N.H. law requires that our Board of Selectmen hold a public hearing to listen to the comments and feelings of our townspeople before the Board advises the state (DES) on whether the townspeople support or opposes HAWC’s request to put in more wells and pump out and sell for private profit, an additional 648,000 gallons per day of our limited Atkinson ground water.
Please try to attend this important public hearing and express your feelings on HAWC’s application so the selectmen can adequately and accurately represent the townpeople’s position on HAWC’s new application.


Anonymous said...

I went and looked at the report that they submitted which is on file at the town hall. It appears the that well site is not at the Atkinson Country club but adjacent to it over near Field Stone Village. The other site looks like it is on an Island but not quite in the Middle of town. It appears this site is mostly surrounded by people who are all ready on the water companies system and who would not have wells to be effected. Lastly I believe the Atkinson Country Club gets its water from Man-made storage ponds on the property and not wells.

Unknown said...

While the last post tries to defend pumping 650,000 gallons a DAY out of Atkinson's limited watar supply, let me add a few facts:

> Atkinson has TWO golf courses pumping MILLIONS of gallons of water out of our aquifiers; don't forget the golf course on the Derry/Atkinson border on Route 111.

Hasn't LEWIS BUILDERS made enough money off the town of Atkinson? Do they really need to drain their neighbors wells, causing many thousands of dollars of costs to their fellow citizens, to line their pockets? Isn't enough that they sat on the planning board and manipulated town politics to their own benefit?

If your well is working today it's no guarantee that, once they get a permit that will allow them to remove ALMOST 25 MILLION GALLONS a year from the Akinson water supply. it will work after years of being drained by that ridiculous amount.

Stop this permit! Go and speak out. Once they get the permit it will be too late; how many times have we seen reports of coming water shortages? If you stand by and say nothing, you get what you deserve; a dry well, and a $5,000 to $10,000 dollar bill for drilling a new, deeper well.

Unknown said...

While the last post tries to defend pumping 650,000 gallons a DAY out of Atkinson's limited watar supply, let me add a few facts:

> Atkinson has TWO golf courses pumping MILLIONS of gallons of water out of our aquifiers; don't forget the golf course on the Derry/Atkinson border on Route 111.

Hasn't LEWIS BUILDERS made enough money off the town of Atkinson? Do they really need to drain their neighbors wells, causing many thousands of dollars of costs to their fellow citizens, to line their pockets? Isn't enough that they sat on the planning board and manipulated town politics to their own benefit?

If your well is working today it's no guarantee that, once they get a permit that will allow them to remove ALMOST 25 MILLION GALLONS a year from the Akinson water supply. it will work after years of being drained by that ridiculous amount.

Stop this permit! Go and speak out. Once they get the permit it will be too late; how many times have we seen reports of coming water shortages? If you stand by and say nothing, you get what you deserve; a dry well, and a $5,000 to $10,000 dollar bill for drilling a new, deeper well.

Anonymous said...

didn't we vote this down. why is this an issue?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification Mr. Lewis!

Atkinson-Factor said...

Nice defense for lewis water kingdom Anon.! All it will take is one low rain season, and hundreds of residents wells will run dry. This risk is not worth the townspeoples interest, but it does favour one company's profit margin.

Anonymous said...

So once my well goes belly-up, who is responsible? Who will be the one to fork over the $10k to get my water back? This is a no win situation for the towns people. How valuable is your property if it has NO water because the well has been sucked dry? Lets put it this way, I and others cannot afford to drill a new well all because some selfish person decided it was good business to pump more water.

Hacktivista said...

WHY DO I HAVE TO FIND OUT ABOUT THIS TOWN MEETING IN THE BLOG? Was this in the newspaper? or did the town do a mailing?

I'll be there....they are already restricting our water at HAWC and they want us to allow this when they already have a shortage? No way.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding these new wells will help rectify the system shortage and provide the existing Atkinson customers water, such that they are not on watering bans, etc. Reading the report, it appears the system is under capacity and in order to provide people with drinking water it needs to keep bans on the system.

I am concerned about my well, but after extensive research it appears there are numerous safe guards in place to help protect non customers. The NHDES keeps a very careful eye on water levels in neighboring wells and NH LAW does not allow for these proposed wells to EVER become a problem for a neighboring supply. If they do become a problem the water company will have to cut back production or rectify these problems immediately.

I don't think this is a situation where residents are going to have dry wells in a matter of days, weeks or even years.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:18 AM, so if by chance my well goes dry, Hampstead Water Co gets a slap on the wrist while I try to resolve my dead well. Chances are once my well has been sucked dry, I am STILL going to have to get another one drilled. How thrilling this is!

Someone did a calculation of those in Atkinson that are tied to Hampstead Water Co and by those numbers, it still does not make sense why they need to pump more. They are capable of supplying all of the good citizens of Atkinson with enough water for each household (unless they plan on selling it to other towns).

I think the need to pump more is a load of crap and is typical of what goes on in this town.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, May 5 at 5:31 p.m.

Yes, you're right. The town did OVERWHELMINGLY vote down allowing our groundwater from being able to be pumped out of town for sale for private profit.
Yes, at Sept. 2007 Special Town Meeting, the Atkinson Water Withdrawal Control Ordinance was passed.

The question is whether our Board of Selectmen is going to protect the interests of the townspeople they represent or whether they are going to sell us out to the profit interests of Lewis Builders' Hampstead Area Water Company.

You'll recall that as soon as Special Town Meeting passed the ordinance, the first thing the previous Board did was to send letters to the N.H. Attorney General's office, DES, and the NH Public Utilities Commission to try to get their support for the Board not enforcing the ordinance. Their immediate reaction to the town meeting vote was to try to ignore it and the townspeople. They made it clear that their loyalties were to HAWC and not to the townspeople. (They also put one of the HAWC Directors on the Planning Board in a clear conflict of interest. Whether or not Morse voted on water issues, his presence did have an influence. Planning board chairwoman Sue Killam is squarely behind HAWC.)

The Selectmen's letters trying to get out of having to enforce the Ordinance did no good. You all recall former Town Administrator McAllister reading at a selectmen's meeting the response from the AG's office which stated that: 1) they have no authority to speak for the Courts about the ordinance, and 2) that, in effect, the ordinance IS IN EFFECT until or unless a Court rules otherwise.

The problem is the lack of ethics of recent boards of selectmen in their failure to comply with Town Meeting votes. The previous board of Consentino, Childs and Sapia sold out Atkinson's Vietnam veterans and arrogantly and illegally refused to comply with the Town Meeting vote mandating the placement of the Vietnam Honor Roll panels in front of Town Hall.
It took a class action law suit against the board and a special town meeting vote for the panels to go where they were supposed to.

Is the current Board of Selectmen going to bring on ANOTHER law suit against the Board for failing to comply with another town meeting vote or are they going to act ethically and enforce the current ordinance as passed.

Whether or not Lewis Builders/HAWC is successful in getting their latest application approved by the rubber-stamping DES, this board of selectmen is required to issue a restraining order against HAWC if they try to violate the current ordinance in effect. The BOS is also ethically bound to object to the granting of HAWC's latest application because it is counter to an existing town ordinance.

Hacktivista said...

I'm sure everyone will stand by and keep an eye on any problems that come up for consumers however, they won't acually DO anything to help anyone who runs into water problems as a result of this. They'll claim the HAWC is not responsible. They'll claim it was the weather, the water table, anything but the water co. if something goes wrong. It's a typical Atkinson scam-in-progress.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:18 AM,

Thank you for your comment. The question is if our selectmen were protecting our rights, (not catering to special interest groups which they are reaping a reward) where in the contract does it say that Mr. Lewis will pay for drilling your new well? Where does it say we can hold selectmen personally and financially responsible for the devastation their decision caused? (considering they will be out of office by the time the law (if we) could hold them responsible) HUH?

These selectmen know they can not be held responsible for the decisions they make, so it’s no wonder they violate their oath of office, for their personal gain. It’s time to take these corrupt selectmen out of office and sue them personally. Otherwise, we as taxpayers will pay the bill in another form of (not paying attention) tax. It’s your choice. It's time to put a stop to 15 - 20 people running our town. People like Polito, Childs, Sapia, Sullivan, Friel, Snicer, Police Chief, Town Administrator, and any other political hack that wants to participate.

Your Comments Please!

Anonymous said...

At tomorrow night's Public Hearing, John Wolters, President of the Wright Farm Condominum Assn., will have a petition for which he is just short a few signatures of the needed 50 for a Special Town Meeting vote. Please help by signing the petition.

The purpose of the petition is to have a Special Town Meeting vote on the two petitioned articles which you all were blocked from being able to vote on at last Town Meeting. Those two petitioned warrant articles strengthened and supported the already-passed Atkinson Groundwater Withdrawal Control Ordinance.
Those new additions to the Groundwater Withdrawal Control Ordinance were submitted by the same environmental lawyers who wrote the original ordinance.

BOTH PETITIONED WARRANT ARTICLES WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VOTED ON AT LAST TOWN MEETING. These additions were to make the ordinance stronger and easier to defend should Lewis Builders and HAWC take the town to court.

To help out the water company, you'll recall that at last Deliberative Session, former selectman Sapia (supported by the other two selectmen) led a group which backed the interests of the Water Company.

There were very few people left at the end of that Deliberative Session so it was easy for Sapia and his small clique to vote to kill the two petitioned warrant articles and block them from going on the ballot for the townspeople to vote on.

This petition restores the right of the townspeople to vote on those two petitioned warrant articles which protect Atkinson's ground water and strengthen the Water Ordinance.

Please help by signing the Special Town Meeting petition at tommorrow night's Public Hearing.

Atkinson-Factor said...

Im sure the "Dirty Dozen" (names mentioned by anon) will continue the unethical behavior till they are individually held responsable. Personally, not defended by town tax dollars for thier lawyers. Because the town tax dollars buy their attorny fee's in any lawsuit, they feel above any law, an untouchable if you will.
I am sure they would act different if they had to pay for thier own lawyers. Much different indeed.

Hacktivista said... tell me...if

""The Hampstead Area Water Company already pumps and sells groundwater to 11 towns: Atkinson, Chester, Danville, East Kingston, Fremont, Hampstead, Kingston, Nottingham, Plaistow, Salem and Sandown.""

WHO are they selling it to? These towns don't have townwide water systems. Where is the water going? It's not going to the towns as stated here. Where is it going WHERE???

Anonymous said...

To "hactivist" May 6, 7:14 p.m.

The listing of the 11 towns which the Hampstead Area Water Company sells water to was obtained from the website for the N.H. Public Utilities Commission which overseas all Regulated Water Systems in N.H.

That same website states that HAWC currently provides water to 2836 customers.

Anonymous said...

Sure, 2836 of their customers. They're taking this water to sell to their customers in other towns. It's all about them.

Anonymous said...

The other systems are individual small community water systems that would be impossible to provide "Atkinson" water to.

Anonymous said...

How the heck are they selling it? Do the other town store the water purchased from Hampstead Water CO and store it into some sort of reservoir? Most residences in NH have their own wells. Perhaps it is being sold to companies such as Lawrence Water who will fill up your pool or perhaps Polland Springs so that they can sell it back to us in a plastic jug.

Either case, their cry to pump more water really cannot be justified especially at the expense of those who pump their own and rely on the aquifer.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the .pdf file that lists the customers of the HAWC by town. The customers are HAWC franchises.

Lewis is taking Atkinson ground water and selling it to his other HAWC customers in other towns.


Anonymous said...

It is shipped in tanker trucks so he must have holding tanks at each of his other sites in the other towns. He could also have pool companies and other businesses that buy directly from him.

If he can't supply his Atkinson HAWC customers enough water (which he can't right now), I don't want him selling it outside of town. He should have enough wells in our town to supply us first. He should then back off so as not to impact the wells of the other residents.

Anonymous said...

All these other systems in other towns are smaller versions of the atkinson systems with their own wells and pumps, etc. They're all over the state. Wright Farm for example is a small system. It is nonsensical to think water is being tanked to other tanks or pool companys.

Unknown said...

Did you notice that Peter Lewis' son-in-law (Harold, who failed at running for selectman) then ran for the ethics committee; want to guess why?

Then he can have power over Atkinson politicians; if they have a case that comes before the ethics board, he can gain influence over them by doing a you-scratch-my-back, I'll-scratch-yours. If he helps someone out by lobbying ethics boards members to support their case, he'll be owed a favor by that politician.

This town is sad...

Anonymous said...

One minor correction to the original post: The hearing was run by the state DES, not by the Atkinson selectmen. The selectmen are NOT required by state law to participate at all. They exercised their option under the law to request that the state hold the hearing. But they didn't have to do it.

I have no stake in this issue other than that I have a well serving my house. I am not an employee, friend, or vendor of Peter Lewis.

Some of you people posting here really need to get a clue about how government works in NH, particularly the relationship of state powers and town powers, and the relationship of the town meeting and the selectmen.

The town has no powers not specifically authorized by state law. RSA 485-C lays out the process for regulation of large water withdrawals. The town can participate in the process but it can not control the process. Local requirements and procedures exceeding the state requirements and procedures are specifically NOT authorized by RSA 485-C. It doesn't matter if there are 1, 2, or N regular or special town meeting votes on this topic. None of the votes have any meaning whatsoever.

And by the way the selectmen are not robots who have to do whatever the town meeting votes. Even if the town meeting votes on water withdrawals were valid, which they are not, the selectmen have discretion in enforcing local ordinances, the same way a policeman can give you a ticket or a warning if you are pulled over for speeding.

The fact that various state agencies declined to tell the selectmen that they did not have to enforce the water withdrawal ordinance should not be taken as proof that the selectmen were wrong. It is exactly what the state agencies said. They just don't want to get in the middle between town selectmen and clueless locals.

Anonymous said...

I am never amazed or amused when an Atkinson Public Official, anonymously, calls the people "clueless".

Atkinson-Factor said...

Watching the tv last nite on this meeting i understood that if a residents well goes dry due to the trillions of gallons being sucked out, the water company will gladly hook up the resident to the system free of charge. But then, the resident has to pay for the water, which before, only had to upkeep thier own well. Does this seem fair to anyone? Im sorry, that is not fair to any citizen of Atkinson. If the Water company takes your water from you, you should not have to pay anything. Their should be the option to either drill the homeowner a new well or hook them up to free water. And don't be fooled by "check points" and other terms, if demand is needed for money they will take all of your water. All it takes is one dry season, and alot of people will be sorry if you support this Water War.

Anonymous said...

I think it would cost them a lot more money to hook most people up especially if the main trunk line that distributes the water is miles away. This would incur digging up roadways and such; not good.

So now my well runs dry. I have to wait six to nine months before they get me hooked up meanwhile I am living off of Polland Spring containers and I cannot flush my toilet, never mind a shower now and then.

Are we hoodwinked here or what?

Anonymous said...

No matter how you cut it, your well is under attack due to the "plunder" of a greedy few. Remember, greedy people know no boundaries and have no pity and show no mercy. You people have to wake up. The day of just voting being enough is GONE. If you think all you have to do is vote and that will take care of this situation, you are sorely mistaken. Listen carefully for that sucking sound when the air goes down your facet instead of the water coming out. YOU really think they are going to protect your water rights if there is a buck to be made off your ignorance? Can't you people see through all the maps and charts and mumbo jumbo to the slick attempt to rape you of your water? No? Then go ahead and sit there passively and wait till a dry season hits or a nice little pollution spill. Sit there and LISTEN for the whawoohhooossseee.

Anonymous said...

Lewis Builders are figuratively, and now literally, sucking Atkinson dry. Residents should boycott and picket in front of places like East Coast Lumber, The Atkinson Country Club, Stagecoach Grille, HAWC, and Merril's Tavern! Seriously! We should use this blog to plan pickets and protests at these sites!

Do not forget that in 2006 Lewis Builders unsuccessfully attempted to get a zoning ordinance changed in order to build his 55+ condos. They very quietly got the proposed zoning change back on the town meeting ballot in 2007 and got it approved! If all units are sold, this will swell the town's population by 40%!

A question comes to mind: are the new wells being built in anticipation of the increase to our population when these condos are completed or to address existing problems? Watching the meeting on TV, it certainly appeared to me that it was presented to address a system that was currently failing under the existing population. So what are the plans to accommodate the increased population once the wrinkle ranch is built? More wells??? I think it's safe to assume you know those condos will be on HAWC water.

Lewis Builders are the worst thing that ever happened to Atkinson, NH!

Anonymous said...

Why is it so comforting to some to vilify Lewis Builders?

They build homes, bug deal. They build homes that broaden our tax base. Take for example the planned over 55 community at the country club, I was in support of that because it is likely, with budgetary sanity, to reduce all of our property taxes by 25%.

Here is how;

400 condos at $300,000 each for conservative valuation, increases the towns valuation by $120,000,000. @ a tax rate of $15.30x $120,000= $1,836,000. in new tax revenue. This represents over 40% of our current budget.

Most of those residents will enter and leave their homes via Shannon rd. for convenience to highways and shopping, leaving little increased traffic on town roads. Their will be some impact to our fire dept.

But here is the best part... NO IMPACT to schools! that means almost all of that revenue stays here in town!

Thank you Peter Lewis, and good luck!

Hacktivista said...

These 55+ condos will impact the town in a negative way. You can't presume that they will only drive out via Shannon Rd. never to take to the streets of Atkinham and just supplement and reduce the tax rate by their mere presence. The tax rate of $15.30 per thousand is not real, it's currently $14.10 per thousand and with the deflated market, there won't be 400 condos with a realistic value of $300k each. We are in a depression right now. You also have to consider the impact to town services such as police and fire and ambulance needs, which are higher for elderly people who are less healthy and more prone to accidents and disease. This will also increase the need for Elder Services and, thanks to the bone head, we'll need several new wheelchair vans for the 400 to 800 new seniors we will have in town. Driving them around to the mall and to their hairdresser and doctor appointments will cost us a bundle. Good grief. Undoubtedly our auto insurance will skyrocket when they discover that the mean age is 96!!! Have you considered that we may need to increase the size of the Community Center so there's room for everyone to play bingo and take pilates? Ugh.

But I like your style,,, an inflated assessment of $300k, under rated tax rate of $15.30....that's the Atkinson way,,,need I say more???

You can't be Mark Acciard.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard, with all due respect, this is a "bug" deal, as in it really bugs me and other concerned citizens of our community.

The devil is always in the details and a comment such as: "I was in support of that because it is LIKELY, with budgetary SANITY, to reduce all of our property taxes by 25%." Those two words I highlighted are key and, I might add , carefully chosen by you. Furthermore, please explain to me how a projected population swell of 40% will leave "little increased traffic on town roads." Are we to assume that these new residents plan only to leave their homes to go shopping and day trips and stay out of "our" way?

Finally you say, "Their will be some impact to our fire dept." Do you care to further elaborate?

I would hazard to say that the recent events with the HAWC are an indication of the impact of Lewis Builder's need to carve out every inch on unprotected land in town and claim it for themselves. Furthermore, I agree with the gentleman at Wednesday's meeting who said that HAWC will be draining the water from under our feet and selling it back to us.


A clueless local

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard,

Furthermore, I find it hard that a population swell of 40% of individuals older than age 55 will have NO IMPACT to our schools. Consider how long it took to get public kindergarten passed in Timberlane? While I realize that the whole district had to vote on kindergarten, I find it hard to believe that a population that has, in all likelihood, already raised and educated their children, will be willing to vote yes on school district budget items that may require a tax increase. So, you see, there may be a very silent, yet important impact.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hac,

WOW, I never realized my evaluation could evoke such anger, but allow me to explain;

When this first came up on budget committee, that was my first, off the cuff, assessment. As I researched the proposal further everything I found backed up my original assessment.

First realize that 75% of your property taxes are for the schools. Secondly, My "impact on the fire dept." statement was meant to reflect that we would probably build an ambulance substation on the country club property, as has already been discussed. This idea was originally offerred, I believe, by Mr. Lewis, as an incentive to get the project off the ground, therefore the construction is not a cost to the town, just the staffing, and equipping.

Despite what the town has been told, our elderly affairs program does not provide rides for even MOST of the elderly in town, most are reasonably self sufficient, and don't want to owe anyone a favor.

So assuming the constant figure of 8-10% of the elderly population using our glorified taxi service, that means 80 new customers. Even a doubling of the ACTUAL COST ( not just the budget) for this program would only add $30- $40,000 to the budget. And what I neglected to mention is that innaddition to the approx. $1.8M that would now come into th town in property taxes, there would be approximately $100,000 in new vehicle registration fees as well.

So... All of that having been said, with almost $2M coming into the town, even with an increase in budget for new services of $300,000 on the high side, you STILL realize a 25% savings on your income taxes.

Further, even the blight argument does ot work here because this is not like a long standing family farm being plowed over for tract housing, this is a property that is already in use, on the edge of town, you are merely increasing the valuation of this property.

Anonymous said...

Reduce our property taxes by 25%?! Yeah, right! Like that'll happen! I'll have what he's drinking!

Unknown said...

It's too bad that Mark, of all people, is clueless as to the bloodsucking aspects of Lewis Builders and the fact that they want to join the TWO GOLF COURSES that are already taking MILLIONS of gallons of water out of our groundwater supply and take even more!

Mark, please open your eyes on this. With 2 golf courses already hitting our aquifers, does it make sense for these people to pump this water out from under Atkinson?

Anonymous said...


I sense someone who has been won over by the Lewis family. They're always up to something that only a selected few people know about and something tells me that you've been 'convinced' to change sides. They simply do not do things that don't benefit THEM - first and foremost!

Anonymous said...

Dan, I think you misunderstood me, I am NOT in favor of the new wells, nor the linking of Atkinson's water system with the other towns, thus permitting the free flow of water between towns.

What I AM in favor of is the condo project at the country club.

Hacktivista said...


I'm not angry, annoyed and irritated maybe. Your numbers don't make sense to me, the condo project won't bring in 2M$. The tax rate is 14.10 not 15.30. It is going to require a new sub fire station and ambulance service, it was in the plans. The expansion all over town is, generally speaking, undesireable. If they'd just stop developing large amounts of land, using minimum requirements for units, we'd be better off. If we eat up all the open space with these tall intrusive buildings, it won't benefit this town. People like it here because of the small town feeling. It's already tipping towards being conjested and I for one, don't like it. The more traffic, the more road maintenance, more roads to plow, higher highway budgets, police, fire personnel and building budgets etc. This is not cut and dry. There are other factors here besides the tax money that may come in.

What is the situation with the scool impact fees that Lewis didn't want to pay? How does that affect the situation?

Hacktivista said...

Man man storage ponds need a source of water too. All that water is not coming from the rain, this water comes from wells, springs or tankers too, it has to. The source is also ground water.

Anonymous said...


You write:

"This idea was originally offerred, I believe, by Mr. Lewis, as an incentive to get the project off the ground, therefore the construction is not a cost to the town, just the staffing, and equipping."

During the special hearing, it was revealed that if residents are affected by the new wells and it is proved that the new well caused a problem, HAWC can, at no cost, hook the residence up to their water supply. HOWEVER, once they are part of the HAWC system, they must now pay for the water.

I believe these are two examples of Lewis Builders/HAWC giving us the razors at no cost so they can sell us the blades.

While I understand you are in favor of the new condo project, I find it hard to believe the need for these new wells are not somehow related to the condo project. I find it more difficult to believe you, of all people, do not see through this scam.

I wonder what other "town" needs will develop as this condo site is built.

Anonymous said...

You could be right, the water project COULD be tied to the condo project, but I have no evidence to that end. but that doesn't change the numbers;

400 units x $300k per = $120M in valuation.

even @ $14.10/thousand =

$1,692,000 in new revenue! + motor vehicle reg fees, for same, probably around $100,000

With Pete Lewis building an ambulance substation on the property, even if it costs the town $300,000 increase in budget for everything,

you still have 1.5M almost to offset taxes. That is 32% of our current budget.

What doesn't make sense?

Anonymous said...

Now here is the kicker, like all condos run by Mr. Lewis, eventually their septic tanks get full and low and behold he has to have them pumped. He does this himself and empties them onto his fields which are off of Salem Road.

This, being geographically higher and is a participant to have water runoff and drain into the aquifer.

So what you say? Well, it has been known that dumping biosolids (also known as sludge), contains bacteria, pathogens and other toxins that have been known to cause cancer and other life threatening ailments. This is a serious matter folks.

Until this practice is stopped and the biosolids are properly treated at a waste treatment facility, our future health of our water source is at stake.

The last dumping that took place was back in October and the results of this can still be seen while traveling down Salem Road.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard,

What doesn't make sense to me is quite simply this; why are we discussing a proposed well system from HAWC, which was voted down by Atkinson residents that, by your own admission could be linked to the 55+ condo project at the country club, which was also not supported by the residents? The answer is, quite simply, that Lewis Builders will not take no for an answer. They will pursue projects that help their bottom line.

While I understand your assessment of the increased revenue to the town. I would be interested to hear from you an honest assessment of any anticipated increased costs to the town. In other words, what is the actual profit margin to Atkinson pertaining to this project?

Already I can see there will be a cost associated with staffing and maintaining his ambulance substation. What other hidden costs are lurking?

Hacktivista said...

We'll need more PT cops and two cars each, no guns.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just saw the video about the falling water table on this site under ATKINSON FACTOR. Atkinson factor is to the right of your screen just under "Welcome to Our New Neighbors." (It is where all the videos are on this site.) Anyway, to my horror it showed how homeowners are already traveling to get water with 450 gallon drums in the back of their pickup trucks! OMG, the video shows just exactly what will happen to Atkinson in the future. I wonder if Lewis Builders will also "suck up" Big Island Pond too. It is fed on Spring Water! Duh! Maybe the solution is for me to buy a rain bucket that that I read are selling locally so I can catch rain water. Since Lewis sells townspeople water for $240 a year. Now I have to build a big tank on my roof so I can take a shower. It will be heavy, not to mention UGLY. Does Lewis "the leach" really own East Coast Lumber? If so, I will never go there again. Can someone tell me about this? I am ready to vote with my wallet!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon,

Lewis Builders own the following properties:

* East Coast Lumber
* Atkinson Country Club and Resort
* Merrill's Tavern
* Stagecoach Grille
* Cartside Cafe
* Legacy Ballroom and Conference Center
* Hampstead Area Water Company

Most of these places are on the Atkinson Country Club property, so there are only two places to boycott: East Coast Lumber & Atkinson Country Club.

Be sure to tell all your friends to stay as far away from these places as possible. Doing business there only helps line the pockets of Lewis Builders so they can continue to suck the lifeblood from Atkinson and make it a cookie-cutter wonderland for elderly golfers.

I never thought I would say this, but having to choose between Home Depot and East Coast Lumber, I would pick the lesser of two evils and go with Home Depot!

Get the word out folks!

Anonymous said...

Re the video about falling water tables:

Gimme a break! This is about California. That state has major water issues, much or most of the state being semi-arid, and all the competition between big cities and agriculture that depends on irrigation.

NH's issues of water usage don't approach the seriousness of California's issues.

The fearmongering, personal attacks, and hyperbole expressed on this web site demonstrate why the state doesn't, won't and shouldn't let local communities control the decision process for water withdrawals.

I wonder if you care about other people's groundwater as much as your own. Perhaps you should think carefully about the appropriateness of business or vacation trips to water-challenged places like California or Las Vegas or Phoenix. Or is it that while you assume that the NH regulatory process is rigged in favor of commercial interests, at the same time you assume that the process is fair to homeowners everywhere else in the country or the world, so you can shower or swim in the pool without having to wonder about whether you are complicit in stealing water from some family that lives a half mile from your resort or convention center.

Closer to home, perhaps you should cut down on your consumption of bottled water, or do some research to assure yourselves that its withdrawal from springs, wells, rivers or lakes does not compromise the well-being of residents of the area from which it is taken.

Anonymous said...


You bring up a good point. I seem to recall that when Lewis Builders (LB) initially tried to get approval to build the condos, he wanted a waiver on a public school fee. Their reasoning was that since their residents were not raising families in their development, they should not have to pay this fee.

Can anyone please update as to whatever happened with that attempt to have their cake and eat it too?

Hacktivista said...

I'm not raising a family, can I have a rebate on this fee?

Anonymous said...

Hamptead Water Company does NOT test for Radon... why do we expect them to act responsibly. People die from cancer caused by Radon... maybe that will help change their position?

Atkinson-Factor said...

To anon of water war,
Fear mongering? Far from that, I'm stating my opinion with real people and real places. Never say never. If you also say, this will never happen here, Think again. I am not in favor of stealing Atkinsons water, government or no governments aproval. One persons profit, or all local Atkinson townpeople? Im for the Atkinson townspeople.

Anonymous said...

Petition calls for vote on water withdrawal
By Meghan Carey
Staff writer

ATKINSON — Just days after the Hampstead Area Water Co. went public with its plans to withdraw more water from Atkinson, an effort began to amend the town's water withdrawal ordinance — again.

John Wolters, president of the Wright Farms Condo Association, submitted a petition for a Special Town Meeting on Friday morning. The petition calls for a vote on the same two questions asked at Town Meeting in March, which were amended at deliberative session to mean nothing, Wolters said.

"Well, we had (the water withdrawal ordinance) approved last September; then we had another petition go in based on legal advice," Wolters said. "Selectmen changed the wording at the last minute when there weren't enough people attending that session."

Wolters said it's important to try again to strengthen the ordinance since the Hampstead Area Water Co. has another active application with the state for a large groundwater withdrawal.

The company wants to pump an additional 100,800 gallons a day — or 70 gallons per minute — over the coming years from five new wells. The state requires the water company to test all wells within 1,000 feet of its new wells before issuing a permit. Wolters said he thinks wells at his condo and around town would be affected.

"If you take a cup of water from one end of your bathtub, it comes down equally all around," he said. "At some point, drawing down water there will have an effect throughout the town."

The petition asks voters to make the water withdrawal ordinance a health ordinance. It seeks the addition of three lengthy amendments to the existing ordinance, designed to make businesses who deprive residents or ecosystems of clean water responsible for damages and giving residents the right to take action if they think their right to clean water is violated. The petitions were written by the same group of lawyers, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, who wrote the original amendment.

Selectmen Chairman Paul Sullivan said he wasn't surprised to see the petition. But he said he had hoped it would call for a vote at next year's Town Meeting. A Special Town Meeting would cost the town about $5,000, he said.

Selectmen planned to discuss last week's public hearing on the large water withdrawal application at their workshop session tonight, so Sullivan said they would also take the time to review the petition. However, they cannot make any decisions at the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

"We'll look at it like we did the other one," Sullivan said. "If you have the proper signatures, we should attempt to move forward."

Interim Town Administrator Craig Kleman said he immediately passed the petition over to the town clerk Friday to make sure the signatures were all from town residents. Once that is done, selectmen will set a date and time for the Special Town Meeting, he said.

The petition needs to have 50 valid signatures and Wolters said he got 60 signatures, just in case.

Anonymous said...

Lewis always seems to be taking... and never giving back. I can't understand why he feels the need to continue to take and take.. he must be rotting on the inside.

Atkinson-Factor said...

It is called greed, the more you have, the more you need. It is never enough.

Anonymous said...

To Atkinson-Factor:

You most certainly are engaging in fear-mongering with the video you posted.

Nobody would contest that it would be a ***BAD THING*** if somebody's well ran dry if this proposal were implemented.

The main question should not have been "what will you do if my well runs dry." The main question should have been "what assurance can you give me that my well will not run dry." Hydrology is a science. HAWC should be able to give a reasonable (meaning accurate) answer to that question, and the state should be able to analyze the data submitted and agree with the answer or not.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 10:19 PM:

HAWC and the State of NH have already answered this question: At their expense, they will either drill a new well (of course, if they've drained your aquifer, this makes little sense) or they will hook you up to their water system...and you will have to buy their water.

I am sure this will be done only after having to go to considerable lengths and expenses (not to mention all the time you'll spend on this) to prove that it was the HAWC wells that caused problems.

So here is my question for you: do we engage in "fear mongering" and at least people know the possible ramifications of this plan? Or do we simply take the expert hydrologists at their word, even though they happen to have been contracted by HAWC?

Anonymous said...

Correct! So in the meantime while you fight to get some sort of H20 back into your home, you will be waterless! How long the process will take, I bet it will be months of political and legal red tape.

I heard they have the approval to do a test draw to make sure it does not cause a problem. If they do it now when the water table is quite high, it may not look like a big deal. However do the test in late July or mid August and you will have a few unhappy campers.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "