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Thursday, January 31

Do we get Value for money from our Police Dept.?

MAcciard said

Publius please accept this as an article submission, second part in the series.

Do we get Value for money from our Police Dept.?

As long as I have committed to try and make public these budget numbers, I will try to concentrate on the three or four largest budgets in town, Highway, police, fire, and possibly library. Hopefully this will engender more public discussion of where our tax dollars go.

officers salary $451,675
custodial wages $3,553
police chief salary $23,528
medical insurance $61,539
dental insurance $5,261
life insurance $800
LTD insurance $800
STD insurance $1,200
retirement $40,000
legal expense $16,000
telephone expense $7,500
advertising expense $100
dues and subscriptions $300
general supplies $4,500
postage $400
equipment $25,300
uniforms $7,200
communications $900
gasoline $22,000
vehicle repairs $7,000
radio $600
miscellaneous expense $700
workshops and training $8,000
other compensation $1,000
cruiser replacement $27,000
other misc.expense $1,000
electricity $4,500
heat $3,000
repair and maintenance $10,000
restitution $100

Hampstead Police Dept. handled 11,400 calls making thier budget $64.55/call

chief's salary $22,585
PT Officers pay $81,137
FT officers pay $195272
dispatch $43,505
school crossing guard $7,786
lt. salary $59,588
clerical $13,907
FT officers overtime $25,587
Insurance AD&D $87,130
fica $8,559
medicare $6,090
NH Retirement $30,342
legal services $20,474
dues/subs/memberships $1,850
mileage $250
education and training $16,842
telephone $12,816
physicals $929
printing & binding $1,126
office supplies $7,062
postage $1,300
new equipment $8,736
uniforms $12,996
Town details $5,000
community service $2,256
custodial $2,980
electricity $6,900
heat $3,082
general maintenance $591
household supplies $591
food $1,563
juvenile officer $2,691
juvenile supplies $2,474
equipment repairs $2,729
cruiser gas $30,000
cruiser maintenance $10,870
cruiser lease agreements $5,605
new equipment $9,690

Atkinson Police dept. handled 9726 calls in 2006(the last year we have numbers for?) it is unclear how many of those calls are for elderly affairs as both depts calls go to the same place. But 9726 calls makes their budget $77.41/call

Additional Duties $513
Ammo $1,200
Bereavement Leave $1,280
Books $941
Communications $4,100
Community Service $1,708
Cruiser Purchase $24,728
Call Back Hous $418
Details $20,000
Dues $250
Educational Incentive $3,766
Equip. Maint. $9,407
Equip. Purchase $10,900
Gasoline $19,000
Grievance pay $384
Health $1,100
Incremental sick days $3,821
Merit Pay $400
Overtime $20,692
Payroll $326,796
PT Holiday $1,959
PT Vacation $2,118
Photography $210
Prosecution $14,450
Shift Differential $6,334
Supplies $3,000
Telephone $3,500
Training $3,732
Trustee Lunches $1,716
Tuition Reimbursement $3,000
Uniforms $9,506
Vehicle Maint. $9,783
Witness Fees $6,000
TOTAL $509,325
Sandoown Police handled 10,500 calls; making their budget $48.51/call

Please note when comparing depts. that both Hampstead and Sandown purchased cruisers adding $25k+ to their budgets that Atkinson does not have. Also note the differences in Gas 19k for Sandown, 22k for Hampstead both of which have more roads to patrol, equal or greater population, far more business, than Atkinson, yet Atkinson spends $30k.


Anonymous said...

I dont see heat and elec. listed for sandown..Do they go without??

Anonymous said...

I dont see heat and elec. listed for sandown..Do they go without??

Anonymous said...

HEY, why is our gas $30,000 while Hampstead and Sandown is only $22,000 and $19,000?

Anonymous said...

Because... How do you think they can do umpteen thousand elderly rides a year?

Did you REALLY believe that elderly only used $1,300 in gas a year?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard, please keepin mind that people who call for rides from the elderly affairs section do not generate a case number or "calls for service".

You also rail aganist the money spent on gas. Please keep in mind that police patrol the streets. I would rather see the cops out riding around than sitting around the station. You may have a valid point if you question the gas cost for the elderly affairs folks; but people call and complain about speeding cars and suspicious people...then the cops have to a car...they dont cross their arms and blink like "I Dream of Genie" to get where they have to go.

I for one a glad that the "real cops patrol and patrol constantly. I was talking with one officer, who said that they regularly patrol up to 100 miles a shift. Thats what they need to do...get out the flag...stop cars..answer the radio calls...and investigate all the "quality of life" issues that us citizens phone in.

Do the math...they work three 8 hour shifts in a 24 hour day. Thats 300 patrol miles A DAY...EVERY DAY.. FOR 365 DAYS A YEAR.

Leave the cops alone. If they didnt drive'd complain about that.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me, that the axe that is being ground is against elderly affairs. I agree that that program should NOT be run out of...or affliated with the PD. It should be a separate entity unto itself and should have office space in either the town hall or community center. Also, its employees should NOT wear ANY article of clothing with the words "police" on it; nor should the vehicles they drive have ANY type of "police" logo on them. Just stop and think of the liability if one of the old people drivers ignores someone who approaches them thinking that they are cops...or worse if they stumble into a crime in progress. It is myunderstanding that only phil and jody are part time certified cops and all the others in that program are unsworn (and therefore untrained) civilians.

As one of the other posters put it...I am glad that there are "real" cops patrolling our fine town.

Once there is a full time police will see changes and the budget will make a whole lot more sense.

It feels as if Mark is attacking the rank and file instead of focusing on the two biggest problems that department has. One: Phil Consentino Two: Elderly Affairs as a police function.

Let's support the working cops. It just feels that there is too much anti police on this blog. My son is a cop in a small midwestern town, so I can identify with what the Atkinson "boys in blue" must feel.

Anonymous said...

first of all, I am not attacking anything. I am giving you the numbers, sans spin. I am pointing out differences in line items so that you can get as close to "apples to apples" comparison as possible. Please notice that I did not state any personal opinions about this budget although I have them, because I don't wat it to be seen as a "vendetta" to quote someone I know. So here are the three dept. budgets. here are the differences, decide for yourself if we get value for money.

oh and btw your math doesn't work. our officers, as I have said many times are a great and professional bunch of guys, and I get along well with all of them that I know., but they are not supermen. They do not patrol for the entire 8 hours of their shifts, all shifts, which they would have to do to put the 300 mile/day on the vehicles that you claim. that would mean that the front line cruiser would get 130,000 miles a year, it typically averages about 50,000 according to information supplied the budget committee by the chief, in 2006.

Anonymous said...

As for the comment about Elderly Affairs I agree it should be run out of the community center with all of the other elderly programs, and turned into a TRUE full service elderly center. That was Jane Cole's idea when she was on budget committee, but let's just say there is a lot of resistance to that idea.

Anonymous said...

Now Can anyone answer me a question, honestly?

Why is it that you can examine, question, analyze Highway budget, or Fire budget, or Library budget, but when you point out that Atkinson's PD uses 50% more Gas than a dept. right next door in a town that is 40% larger, you are accused of Attacking the rank and file police officers?

I was trying to point out that Hampstead spends $22,000 to patrol its 70 miles of road($314.29/mile)

Sandown spends $19,000 to patrol its 56 miles of road($339.29/mile)

While Atkinson spends $30,000 to patrol its 53 miles of road($566.04/mile)

How is that "attacking" the PD?

I ask this because in Sept. some of you will remember the Chief sent me a certified letter threatening legal action over an article on the police budget(that I didnt even write) claiming I was slandering HIM.

So, how is looking at numbers in a budget attacking anyone?

Answers please.

Anonymous said...

THE ISSUE IS plain and simple. This is not about Mr. Acciard or the police officers in town. THE ISSUE IS, our town apparently spends a lot more for our PD budget than neighboring towns. THE ISSUE IS: WHY?

The issue is, that on a regular basis, we here reports from our PD that 100 or 110 rides were provided in a prior month to residents from Elderly Affairs Dept. THE ISSUE IS, that any person with commons sense can see that the annual budget for Elderly Affairs could not possibly ever pass the sniff test to support so many rides (approx 1200 per year). The issue is, then, how is it being paid for? How do you pay for:

Vehicles, maintenance, gas, insurance, manpower, phones, and other misc costs to provide so many rides.

With the Elderly Affairs budget only at $19,157 with only $1,350 budgeted for gas, how is this possibly done? At 1200 rides/yr, that comes in at about $1.12 for gas per ride or about 1/3 of a gallon per ride. The PD does not use hybrid vehicles - they are using vehicles not exactly known for their fuel efficiency. No matter how you slice it, even if you estimated 600 rides per year, the numbers do not add up. So the issue is, how is our Elderly Affairs dept able to deliver such a high volume of services with such a small budget?


Anonymous said...

First of all, not all elders who need rides actually get them. We were told that we had to request a ride 30 days in advance, yet they've never said yes to us. Second, since the PD has a seperate budget, elderly affairs is CLEARLY a seperate dept, run ILLEGALLY by the same dept. head. We have an law on the books against this. Third, though I support the boys in blue, the chief has refused to address serious crimes we have witnessed. He claims that the cops have to see the crime in order for him to take any action. People do not realize how he is putting our families in harms way by inaction, hiding crime statistics and general dishonesty. I will NOT tolerate this any more. I INSIST he be removed.

Anonymous said...

I too agree the elderly affairs should be moved away from the PD.I also would like to see a full time police chief...Someone not so "old school" I am also glad to see other people standing up for our Police Department and the officers. We have alot of good Police officers in town.And for them to take the flack because of the way some citizens feel about the police chief is unfair.I dont have a problem with the way the numbers look either...As a resident of Atkinson I expect when I need the police they are there to assist me. Which has been the case in the 11 years I have lived in this Town. As far as needing to see the crime... Im not really sure what you mean by this, we had an issue and the police were called, spoke to everyone involved, asked me if I wanted to press charges. I did not get, well we cant do anything if we didnt see it happen.That was not at all the case..I have been satisfied with the Atkinson Police
any time I have had contact with them. Thank You..

Anonymous said...

YEAH! "the cops have to SEE the crime in order to take action"

Unles it is Acciard, or Grant, or Kaye, or a bunch of others, that an get investigated without probable cause.

Anonymous said...

To 3:47 PM

I'm glad to hear that the PD took action when you were the victim of a crime. I assume that you were able to press charges and that the PD followed thru, based on your defense of them.

This was not the case for us. We were constantly witness to drug and gun problems (public usage of drugs and public distribution of drugs and gun threats to the neighbors, brawls, public underage drinking, vandalism, robbery etc.). The PD NEVER did a thing about it. We were not the only family to witness or be hurt by these crimes, there were several families who saw these things over a course of several years. We signed complaints, we offered to testify, still the Chief did nothing. I have logs that show dozens of calls, serious in nature, were never taken seriously.

If you go to the PD, anyone can look at the police logs and see that most of the information is blacked out. The PD is a sham.

As far as the numbers are concerned, and I did the math, 300 miles per day at 30 MPH is 10 hours total road work for the entire PD per day. Too much time spent at the station. Look at the cost of unforms, stamps, and membership fees and you will see that these overhead costs are not in line with other towns.

Anonymous said...

Look at the costs for telephone and education, they are double those of Hampstead. Why?

Food ($1563.00), part-timers don't even get a lunch break in the corporate world so who are we feeding and why?

Where are the 2007 numbers?

Why doesn't the Town website have current data?

If the PD answered 9726 calls, that's about 30 per day. WE HAVE CRIME, FOLKS.

Are they mixing the elderly calls in with the PD calls? Can we get these numbers broken down Mark?

Is it legal to mix the Elderly Affairs calls into the PD budget? I believe they are looking for trouble.

Anonymous said...

No you can not get them broken out because when you call the PD it is a call, whether you call for an elderly ride, or a police call.

Publius said...

This isn't about how good or not good the officers are, it is about how much we spend to do the same job larger towns do for less.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why the PD advertises in the Eagle Tribune for Elderly Affairs. The ads state that you can call the Atkinson PD for a ride. And the PD is counting these as police calls? Wow.

I saw PD stats for 2002-2005 and they showed no appreciable escalation in criminal activity during that time period. About 1 "event" was recorded per day on average. You can see the stats at:

Anonymous said...

I look at it this way;

In 1999 we had one patrol officer per shift, that means one guy cruising around town.

In 2007 he had one guy cruising around town on most any given shift.

yet the budget in that time has doubled.

No appreciable increase in police protection, for double the money.

BTW inflation only accounts for 14% of that increase.

Anonymous said...

I beleive this statement was ignored....... Mr. Acciard, please keep in mind that people who call for rides from the elderly affairs section do not generate a case number or "calls for service"
I would assume this means the elderly affairs calls are not included in the calls for service.At least thats what i get from this statement...

Anonymous said...

So how do you explain the fact that Atkinson PD claims almost 10,000 calls, while Plaistow, who does 77% of our dispatching for us, only records 3,000 calls for Atkinson?

Anonymous said...

77% I find that hard to beleive..

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the chief rail on the blog at the end of the deliberative session? He admitted on camera at length that the Fuzzy Math police car was an absolute piece of junk, but his son subsequently bought it from the dealer. If it was such a clunker like he describes, why wouldn't the tell his son to NOT buy it? Makes no sense to me. And he was all redfaced and yelling at this guy Brownfield who put forth a petition to sell all stuff on ebay. I am sorry, but this man's behavior is unacceptable to talk to town residents like that just because we want a transparent public auction process. It still leaves many unanswered questions.

Anonymous said...

We need to get rid of the Chief. How can we do that? He could be fired by the BOS. How else, any ideas? Any lawyers in town how could chime in here?

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 7:32pm.

You find that hard to believe, Do the Math!

There are 24hours in a day x 7 days in a week =
24 x 7 = 168 hours in a week.

Atkinson dispatches 8am - 4 pm Mon. - Fri. or 40Hours per week.

Plaistow dispatches 4pm - 8 am Mon. - Fri. + all weekend. or 128 hours per week.

128/168 = 76.19%

Any more questions?

Anonymous said...

I just re-read the original "Fuzzy Math" article.

This is tha same article he threatened Acciard with legal action over isn't it?

So Nice to see Phil admit everything stated in the article was TRUE!

If you are going to yell and scream that something isn't true, do you do it by admitting it IS true?

What the hell was he yelling about?
Oh I know, because it was being discussed in public, thats what is pissing him off.

Anonymous said...

Here is My Opinion and simply just that, My opinion...Mark You knew when you started this about how much each Dept. cost the town. That you main Goal was to go after the I asked around, some of my neighbors and friends in town asked their opinion on these figures and we all seem to be in agreement...1.when the police have been called they respond, do what needs to be done..2. as far as the gas...maybe Atkinson patrols the streets more..this is nit pickey..
Most Familys dont often need the police, but when your family does it could be a matter of life or dealth!!!So come on leave it alone..This is getting quite ridiculous....And let me tell you alot of residents in Atkinson feel this way!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, I have heard those very same remarks from Jack Sapia in our many conversations about this subject.

Yes, I know the budget figures for each dept. I do not post them here for MY edification but for the voters who do not know.

Again, the issue here is not whether or not the police or fire dept. comes when you need them, that is what we fund and pay for. Nor is the issue, risking any officers life or limb, for the more hysterical anti-debaters among us. No, rather, the issue here is one that the budget committee has looked at for years, and that is....
Does Atkinson get value for money?

Do our neighbors provide similar service cheaper? If so, How?

Why is it when you ask that basic question, which we ask of every dept. in town, about the police dept. it is characterized as "having a vendetta", or "attacking" the police? Why is that one dept. immune from budgetary scrutiny?

The numbers I listed are accurate. They are what they are. I did not "spin" them in any way, look at them and ask whatever questions may come to mind.

Funny thing is if this was the highway budget, and a neighbor 40% larger did the job for a 30% savings over our highway dept. Jack and Fred would be the first ones to rake Teddy over the coals in a public meeting.

Hypocracy? You judge.

Anonymous said...

To Rid the evil serpent we must remove it's head. Well you get what I mean, I don't want to offend anyone.
I have talked to dozens of people in town and they all think Phil needs to go now. Almost all considered this town as if you ain't one of us than you are s&^%! When it comes to our politics.
Most I have talked to did not know of this blog. They do now.
After watching the buffoons heckle tax payers than wanted change made me sick and I hope a few of the people I talked to saw the meeting. Even though the audio was bad but better than last year.
Let face it, the police better show up when called as the fire department. THAT IS WHAT THEY GET PAID TO DO!

Anonymous said...

I am re-posting the same question I posted above since I havent received any answers:

How is our Elderly Affairs dept able to deliver such a high volume of services with such a small budget?

Not even a guess?

Anonymous said...

I for one would like a thorough analysis done across all departments and see where we can save money rather than just spend, spend, spend. There is fat in every budget. The bigger the budget, the more fat there is to cut. And I am guessing there is a lot of fat in that PD budget. You know, the actual costs are about $900K if you attribute real costs with each dept.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

All of the govt organizations you need to file a complaint are located at:

Anonymous said...

Some of these posts are being deleted and I don't understand why. Can someone please explain. The last deletion in particular.

Anonymous said...

The answer is NO!!!!!!!

Hampstead has TWO patrol officers on every shift! Why doesn't Atkinson, because the officers dont want to work those hours according to Lt. Baldwin.

Hampstead has alot more road, alot more business, and 2,300 more people, their budget is approx. $750k. Atkinson's budget would be $900k if the selectmen didnt take $130k out two years ago.

The answer is we waste money! But everytime someone tries to point that out, they are verbally tarred and feathered, as hating police!

What a crock! Why cant we look at this budget as we do other bdugets, why an't we ask why do other towns that are bigger do it cheaper?

Publius said...

To Anon @ 4:26pm

The Last post was removed because it was nothing more that an ad hominum attack against a town resident that did nothing to deserve it, and that type of post has no business on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The question was asked - How is our Elderly Affairs dept able to deliver such a high volume of services with such a small budget?

I posted a response but it was removed, so I will attempt to answer it a different way.

The PD and the elderly affairs dept are both run out of the same dept and use some of the same assets, and calls go to same location.

An audit of the budget could be done to prove they are separate and distinct and that no errors are found in appropriation.

Do we support an audit process in town?

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly when budget committee chair Jane Cole, and member mark acciard, asked these questions and tried to look into the overlap between the two depts. they could not get any info. or help from the chief, AND they got reamed verbally as having vendetta's, and going after the chief and the pd. These comments were made by phil and jack.

Anonymous said...

We need a real audit of all departments because this stuff is going on in more than one place. You can't single out the PD because that would look like you have a vendetta. So you must audit them all. To be fair.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so come March, if we vote in a neutral party, the depts. would have to handover the books if they were requested by the BOS. The key is to put someone in place who is strong enough to ask the tough questions. They would have to acquiesce, as we all do when asked by our superiors :)

p.s. - Someone please step up to run against Frank.

Anonymous said...

This whole issue about "calls" has muddied the water. The PD used to track their work by the number of incidents like car theft, car accident, suspicious activity, etc. In Oct 2005, the PD changed how they track their activity. Now it is by "calls". So there website now lists every 911 hangup, for example, which were not provided for 2002-2005. The PD used to post stats back to 2002 on their website but no more. So you can only see info about all Calls in recent times and only stats about incidents from 2005.
Confused? Me too.
Good thing someone was smart enough to save the information from 2002-2005 which is available at the link posted by Anon 10:26. Here, I will save you the trip:

As I see it, these stats show a fairly flat level of crime/PD activity in town. How the new method of tracking Calls translates over, I have no idea. Nice and confusing for those who want to know exactly what level of PD work there actually is in town. Clear as mud. Certainly doesn't indicate an increased workload to justify the huge runup in PD costs over the same time period.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "