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Monday, January 7

$10,000. to be donated to the Family of Corporal Lapham for Medical Expenses!

Thank you to another new contributor under the Publius byline.


Atkinson Police Department Donations Fund

At the January 7 Selectmen's meeting at 7:30 PM, a resident is on the agenda to request the town make a $10,000 withdrawl from the Atkinson PD Donations account to be made payable to the family of Officer Lapham, who had to be revived last week and nearly didn't make it.

The precendent has been set for the use of these funds for such purchases as:

- Refrigerater for the Atkinson PD station
- Seniors Fall Scenic Bus Tour
- Seniors Christmas luncheon
- Verious medical equipment and medical supplies
- Flashlights
- Oil and electric bills for needy individuals

All of these requests are itemized every week in the meeting minutes on the Town Website

Select "Selectmen" and "Selectmen's Meeting Minutes"

Here is a quote from the Dec. 3 Meeting minutes for a disbursement from the PD Donations account:

"Chief Consentino addressed the Board relative to a request to withdraw funding in the amount of $2,968 from the PD Donation account. The items to be funded are listed below.

- New Dentures
- Toolbox
- Snow Tires
- Writing Bench for the PD Bathroom
- Postage
- Siren set-up for a cruiser

OK, I have to say I found the need for a Writing Bench for the PD Bathroom somewhat humorous.

It seems to me there is no clear, consistent and dedicated use of this money by our PD and that past precedents clear the path for our Selectmen to make such a donation to a needy member of the Atkinson PD and one of Atkinson's finest officers.

The warrant article creating this fund does not clearly limit the use of this money so it appears it can be given to Officer Lapham. I think it puts to very good use of funds that in the past have purchased some needed items and some really not so needed items. Given the life and death situation, this falls into the "needed items" category.

This is a town owned asset controlled by the Selectmen. It currently holds over $20,000. I think it is a great idea to use less than half of these funds to help out Officer Lapham and his wife and 2 young children who had to endure Christmas without their father. Time is of the essence and our Selectmen should approve this idea very quickly at tonight's meeting.


Anonymous said...

What about the $2,700 for stamps, utility payment for a senior, fuel assistance Senior Transport drivers Christmas party, and a senior dinner function. Nov. 19, 2007?

or the $2,068 for the following items:
Senior Birthday Cards
Flu vaccine and clinic
Coach Fare

Coach fare???

or the $1,850. The request breakout is listed below.

Oil for a senior 350
Flashlights (3) 375
Wheel Chair Ramp 250
GPS for Wheelchair Van 375
Car Phone 100
Phone Recorder 400

$125.00 Flashlights???

I think Cpl. Laphams family is a much better use for this money.

Thank you, Mr. Acciard for thinking of it!
I wonder why the chief didn't think of it?

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea Mark. Finally good to see that money put to good use instead of for electioneering.

Anonymous said...

I've got $10 says that Chief Consentino comes in and presents a withdrawal for oficer Lapham, as if it is his idea!

THAT would be in character for him!

Anonymous said...

This would be a much better use than the usual buying political support from the elderly.

Anonymous said...


Phil came in to withdraw $2000. for officer Lapham!

Then he criticizes Acciard for not donating to the donation account!

Isn't he being sued for making comments about Acciard on camera already?

How dumb can one person be?

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight,

Donating MORe than $2000 will hurt Phil's ability to give that money to the elderly? That IS what he said.

I cant think of a better reason.

Anonymous said...

any one watching the selectmens meeting tonigtht should be finally able to see first hand how out of control the chief is. even jack said the chief was having "AN OFF NIGHT' this guy is out of control. no matter what the issue was tongiht reguarding the pd he was in his usual mode of it's my way or no way. I feel badly for him, he needs to get a reality check and not be so quick to think that every one is out to get him. Dale Childs was attacked by him ( another lawsuit?) and for once Jack the sap stuck up for someone and told the chief to go home and he would talk with him in the morining. lets hope jack shows some balls and put the chief in his place.

Anonymous said...

Was the comments about how much Acciard has donated to the account necessary?

Is he going to publicly humiliate everyone who doesn't donate to his slush fund?

Why is he allowed to get away with this?

Anonymous said...

Nope, not $10,000.00

Only $2,000.00 by decree of the chief and the selectmen.

And why?

Because any more than that will cut into his elderly funds! His words!

Anonymous said...

I like the Chief, but how stupid can you be!? Your being sued for saying rude/sladerous comments about someone, then you come on TV, being recorded and displayed live across town, and throw digs at Acciard all night! "I tell you what Mr. Acciard, I'll do a step better, I'll tripple what you donated to the account . . . Oh wait, you havent donated anything" -- Chief that's why your going to lose!

Secondly, Acciard was trying to tak, and Jack goes "Mark Shut it".. wow, "Mark Shut it" ? plus a few other rude comments which I cant remember...

Nice job Mark for going tonight, I think it just won your court case. Congrats.. Take that money, and put ALL of it, in that "donation account" and THEN ask Phil to tripple that, yeah right.. his 1.2% raise cant even cover that.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Mark !! What you did was magnificant, wonderful and caring.

The crisis that the Lapham family is going through is one of those terrible things that makes one breathe a prayer of thanksgiving --that there, but for the grace of God, could go my family.

With the main provider in that family is such a desparate health situation, that family can surely use those funds.

The donation of $10,000 to the family of one of Atkinson's critically ill police officers is what that fund is all about-- or should be all about. On behalf of all of we townspeople, thank you for your initiative on that family's behalf and for your compassion towards that family.

It's so right a use for some of those funds, rather than they be continued to use as Phil's private slush fund. That Phil could speak against such a wonderful use of that money and want to continue to personally control that money is disgusting and shows how far out of control Phil is. His behavior is sick, outrageous, controlling and totally ego-manical.

It is the selectmen who control how those town funds are to be spent. Let our selectmen please do the right thing and now show that they have compassion and carrying for Cpl. Lapham and his family in their time of crisis and need.

Let them now, on behalf of the townspeople, approve the $10,000 donation to the Lapham family.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Mr. Acciard. At least you got the Laphams $2,000 that goes to a really good cause. It should have been the $10,000 you asked for. But of course we need much more important things like a Writing Bench for the PD Bathroom. Which I checked and sure enough it was listed in the Dec 3 Selectmen's meeting minutes.

Wink wink went Mr. Sapia to the chief. Did anyone see Sapia wink to the chief? Jack, why don't you go make 500 phone calls? And what was with the chief's comment about Mark's contributions to the PD Donations account? What does that have to do with Officer Lapham's family? Consentino and Sapia just got sued for $3Million and they can't stop from handing Mr. Acciard more evidence of harrassment. All they do is try and discredit him.

Mr. Sapia and Mr. Consentino: this is not about Mark Acciard. This was about a resident making a request for a donation to help a needy family. And you turned it into a disgusting "its about me" circus. Consentino hijacked the idea from Mark because Phil thinks its about him. No wonder you guys keep getting sued and you keep costing taxpayers more and more and more.

Anonymous said...

On another issue - warrant articles. I stayed through the meeting for most of it....there's a warrant article for a cell tower (in the center of town), with a cost of $659,000. There's one for an addition to town hall for another $600,000, but with $300,000coming from the Cable Capital Reserve. Couple of road articles -one at $45,000 and another for Walker Road (unknown). We're talking over $1,000,000 in warrant articles, or roughly $1.00 on your tax rate. Budget Public hearing Thursday, Jan. 9th.

Also - at least 25 warrant articles, including 8 petitioned articles that I know of.

Going to be a long deliberative session.

Anonymous said...

yes, once again Mark was treated rudely ! I agree the Chief embarassed himself - once AGAIN.
Kudos to Paul Sullivan - did anyone notice how the Chief stood up and brought papers up to him tring to intimidate him ? The Chief should've been TOLD to sit down. Also, the chief is playing the "no officers available on polling day" card. There is at least one firefighter who is on the PD pt time payroll! And - lastly the Chief was dead set against the union when they first tried to get it in!
signing anonymous and you all know why!

Anonymous said...

I may not be the biggest fan of Mark Acciard but he presented himself very well last night. Well done Mark! Very professional.

I have been a bigger fan of the Chief in the past years but after last nights cheap shot to Mark.....
well its making me revisit my views of these people.

During last nights discussion on Mr.Lapham, I would never had expected anyone to stoop to such low levels of displaying improper behavior. Please think before you speak.

Anonymous said...

Well, we all heard last night. Straight out of Selectman Childs
mouth, that fund is the Chiefs and
only he can request disbursements from it????????????? Hello, Hello,
Hello..... I thought this was a
town asset and was controlled by the B.O.S. Obviously I was wrong!
Great job on the public humiliation of Mr Acciard Chief. I thought you were being sued and would refrain from this type of behavior. Apparently the suit was dropped by Mr. A otherwise you would not have run your mouth like
a 2nd grader on the playground...
Oh by the way, good thing we have that gate to help traffic during elections.....NOT...... I see it is closed since that would require
man power which we do not have...
plus opening it is a safety hazzard
as the Chief pointed out last night
when he became upset that is was opened without his permission....BRAVo and two pats on the back for our vision and leadership.

Anonymous said...

It infuriates me to think that Phil has this fund to use as he pleases. There should be strict limits and control over how this is spent. Secondly, has this fund helped any other town families having problems? Maybe the $10k should be shared. I will not vote to put any money in this fund again.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone told Phil that this fund is not primarily for the elderly? The elderly have town services though a different department.

Anonymous said...

And what about Fred's comment; "it is phil's account"~


And phil's comment after Acciar dgot done speaking; "can we get back to MY public hearing"


Anonymous said...

I saw Mr. Acciard at the polls today giving people rides!

Why doesn't He go into the meeting Monday to tell the town how many rides he gave, and how selfless he is, in donating his time to help others vote, like Phil does?

Anonymous said...

Phils conduct last night was downright nasty.

It wasn't necessary, and the meeting wasn't about him or his precious ego, it was about helping officer Lapham!

One of his men!

Would he have even been in there to request $2000. If he hadn't been told that Acciard was coming in to request $10,000?

Probably not, as he said last night That money is for the elderly!

Obviously they are far more important to him than one of his men!

Anonymous said...

You know why you wont see acciard come in to blow his own horn, because people that help others out of the goodness of their hearts, don't care about credit!

They dont care who knows about it!

Anonymous said...

I believe that the account in question is a Donation account for Elderly Affairs. It is not the towns money to do what ever the BOS wants to do with it. People donated to that account under the assumption it would support the work that the Elderly Affairs committee does. The Elder affairs committee decides what it is used for. If a person who donates does not like how the money is being used then they can stop donating.

I do not agree with the way Mr Consentino reacted. But it seems that Mr Acciard was looking to create an issue, disguised as trying to help the Lapham family. I think it shows very poor judgement on Mr. Acciard part.

Anonymous said...

No, that is how the Chief has always portrayed it, but if you read the establishing warrant article, and the enabling RSA, the account is under the hand of the selectmen, no one else. And it can specifically be spent on "any purpose, which the selectmen can legally appropriate money for."

Furhter, it can only be spent after a public hearing which has been duly posted in a newspaper of general circulation in the town, for a period of 7 days PRIOR to the publlic hearing.

Meaning that there has never been a legal withdrawal from that account! But I know that is just semantics, right?

The Fact is that when our prior town adminnsitrator died I was the one who established the trust account for his family at fleet bank. That was a way for the town to donate without incurring liability. That was my thought in suggesting this. By the way, this was never an issue until I put in the agenda request form for this purpose.

Anonymous said...

There IS NO elder affairs committee!!

There is only Phil! He doesnt even let the selectmen and budget committee know how many people use the program.

Anonymous said...

How can you possibly say it was Mr. Acciard trying to create an issue?

He got on the agenda and then the chief made it an issue. Mr. Acciard got on the agenda the previous Thursday so it was public knowledge he wanted to ask the Selectmen to make a donation to Officer Lapham's family.

Then the chief tried to make a preemptive strike because he can't let anyone know that golden goose known as the PD Donations account is anyone's to touch but his. Rather than Mr. Acciard getting a "thank you for bringing this idea to our attention" the poor guy gets maligned like he did a bad thing. What is wrong with Sapia and the Chief to act like they did in that meeting? This was not about Mr. Acciard. This was about helping a family in need. Too bad Sapia and the chief only think of themselves and how they look in public. Anyone watching closely saw they were buffoons.

I understand an email was circulated among hundreds of Atkinson residents before the meeting so the fact is known and documented that Mr. Acciard was trying to a good deed before Consentino and Sapia turned it into a circus. Anyone who says otherwise either did not watch the meeting or is trying to conduct damage control for our incompetent leadership.

Anonymous said...

I know this is off the subject but I can't help but make this comment. I have been watching the budget committee meeting tonight. what a difference between them and the selectmen. The budget committee should be commended for their profession manner in which they all conduct themselves. maybe the BOS can learn something from them.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me if the 6th full timer warrant article is going to be on the ballot this year? It wasn't clear the other night.

P.S. Does anyone know where I can get a writing bench for the bathroom? I am thinking of moving my home office in bathroom.

Anonymous said...

You mean the people on the budget committe don't play poker with the Chief of Police like members of the BOS do?

Anonymous said...

The poilice donation account needs to be re-named for it can definately mis;ead the generous people of Atkinson. Call it the Elderly Affairs Donation account or something else that a committee of Phil's cronies come up with, but stop misleading the public.

Was the GPS really bought for the Wheelchair Van or did Phil have ulterior motives when buying it? Hmm, can anyone answer that question for me....inquiring minds want to know!

Anonymous said...

Let's change the scenario a bit, one of Phil's "frequent flyers" is ill, which most of them are, and may lose his/her house, does Director Consentino give him/her 2000.00 or does he come in to pay a couple months mortgage. OOOPs they probably don't have a mortgage anymore because they purchased back in the 60's. Phil you have no clue!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is quite comical how the Chief is so concerned about Cpl Lapham losing benefits, since he's not a union employee. This is lower than stating that the police donation account is not for issues like Lapham. Now he is using the Lapham illness to help save some benefits for him and is "right hand man", who if you watch the tape was wishing he could crawl under the table the other night while his "dad" was digging a big hole.

Anyone notice?

Anonymous said...

It was my undertstanding there will not be an article for a 6th full-timer. And, I think it was too late for Phil to submit a petitioned warrant article.

Anonymous said...

Does the "frequent flyer" to whom you refer, work at the station any more, and is he/she still kept on the payroll to ensure that benefits stay in effect?

Anonymous said...

To Jan.9th at 9:50 A.M. To the best of my knowledge all GPS'Ss are removalable from use to avoid theft. You do have a definite thought as to its misuse by someone who is to cheap to buy one of their own. I wonder if that person has the first penny they earned in their working time in life , don't you?

Anonymous said...

While I did not get the chance to watch the Selectmen's meeting last Monday evening, I've spoken with some who did and read the comments in this blog. I too am puzzled by the Chief's behavior (NOT!). I also am in agreement with any donation to Officer Lapham (or any of the other officers as required) and am equally puzzled at the Chief's "low-balling" his donation request. He should have joined forces with Mr. Acciard in making the original request. All that having been said, there's a bigger question here. I've been told that the police department officers (as well as the other Town employees)do not even have access to a Long-Term Disability Insurance Program. If this is true, shame on the Town of Atkinson. Shame also on the Police Officer's Union for not pushing for such a benefit. It would appear that no one is actually looking out for the police officers and Town employees and their famiies at this point in time. That saddens and infuriates me. I may be a taxpater, but I am not a heartless taxpayer. I consider the medical/Dental/Short & Long Term Insurance I receive from my employer to be THE most important benefit I receive. I beleive that our Town employees should also have such a benefit. To not provide such insurance is not only appalling, it's heinous.

Submitted by Observerous.

Fishgutz said...

It seems obvious that the Chief "low balled" in another attempt to publicly humiliate Mark. It also seems clear that the Chief needs to keep from public knowledge that his actions relative to the PD account is at the very least questionable, at worst Criminal. It is common knowledge that he uses the senior program for electioneering and voter manipulation. Dependency breeds compliance.
And now Mark has one more piece of hard evidence to support his law suit.

Anonymous said...

I watched cheap Consentino. I mean chief Consentino. What a joke. He spends thousands on junk, luncheons and Senior Fall Scenic Bus Tours with the PD donations account but is too cheap to give the $10K to one of his officer's family when the guy has cancer. There's over $20,000 in the account! Told me a lot about consentino. Then he attacks Acciard. Why? Cause Acciard suggested it first? Waaaa.

He'd rather give payola to buy votes. Man that was a cheap move. That's my new nickname for him: Cheap Consentino. Hey Cheap, how's that new writing bench in the PD bathroom working out? You can use it to rite your defense against all those lawsuits you keep getting for us. You should use it to start writing your memoirs cause you'll be saying fairwell real soon. Hurry up and spend that donations account on more junk before Acciard comes up with another good idea.

I know, how about we vote to spend that PD Donations money to refund us taxpayers for all those legal fees youve been costing us? And pay us back for all those car accidents, higher insurance rates, lost guns, etc. etc. Good idea Cheap?

Anonymous said...

As usual the Chief was misstating(was that politicaly correct enough) the issue, and the selectmen are obviously not knowledgable enough to call him on it, only Paul came close.

By law, all officers of the same class get the same pay, union or not. Meaning that all PATROL officers get the same COLA raise, whether they are in the union or not, and that is how it has always been.

What the Chief was angling for while being very careful not to spell it out, is the Admin officers, like Himself, Lt., Sgt., Cpl., They get the same COLa raise that town employees get. And THAT is how it has always been.

They are PROHIBITED from participating in the benefits of the contract, Article 2 I think.

Unknown said...


Atkinson Community Transport clocked at 84 MPH !!

My Fellow Atkinson Taxpayers:

Today, January 10, 2007 at approximately 10:10 AM, one of the
"Atkinson Community Police Senior Transport" vehicles was clocked at 84 MPH while traveling south on Route 93, just south of Manchester.

This was witnessed and clocked by a NH resident, Ed Naile, who phoned in his eyewitness account of the incident as it occurred. Ed stated the license plate number was G15388. There were two occupants in the vehicle, a "little old lady" and a driver described as "a large, fellow with a large head and thick neck" (sorry, no offense intended,
just conveying the description). Ed stated they were traveling at
such a high rate of speed, he had a hard time just keeping up with the Community vehicle to clock them. Ed also said he thought it was a police car but then noted it had no lights. And he said both occupants looked fine so there didn't appear to be any apparent
emergency. Ed pulled up along the vehicle and said they both looked
at him and seemed OK. He stopped following at the weigh station.
Hopefully, they made it back to Atkinson without incident.

Why should Atkinson residents care? Well, what if they crashed? We don't like the idea of seeing residents unnecessarily exposed to potential serious
injury/death. Not to mention the open-ended liability to the town
perhaps in the millions of dollars. Reckless driving using town vehicles is inexcusable. Especially with one of our elderly residents in the vehicle. Our "Community Officers" are not certified police officers. Reality is they are part of the Elderly Affairs transportation program, are giving rides and are paid an hourly rate for doing so. This is how one of the 11 cars under our police budget is put to use. We still haven't figured out why we need 11 police cars in Atkinson. And oh, by the way, the insurance for all these vehicles does not appear in the PD budget - so taxpayers are not provided with an accurate depiction of the total cost of our police budget (no "Truth-in-Budgeting").

Ed Naile is willing to testify to what he saw and can be reached on
his cell phone at 603-831-2031. Feel free to call him.

Last month our PD lost a gun. Before that they crashed two police
cars in the PD parking lot. The Chief has been sued twice and received numerous complaints. All of these within the past year.

You can read the actual lawsuit documents, complaints and news articles posted at There is also an ongoing investigation by NH Police Standards and Training. All these incidents add up to increased injury risks, higher costs, higher insurance rates and more legal fees that are passed on to all town residents and

In our opinon, the Atkinson PD is broken. Does someone have to be
injured or killed before we fix it?

Atkinson Taxpayers Association

Opinons and editorials posted at the Atkinson Reporter Blog:

"....a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a
superficial appearance of being right...."

Thomas Paine
Feb. 14, 1776
Author of "Common Sense"

Anonymous said...

P.S. Does anyone know where I can get a writing bench for the bathroom? I am thinking of moving my home office in bathroom.

January 9, 2008 7:36 AM
May I respond?? It is only fair to say... the dispatchers at any given time of day MUST use the bathroom. If there isn't anyone in the bldg. to answer the phone (it's the dispatchers job, not the officers) then THEY MUST ANSWER THE PHONE, RECORD THE MESSAGE AND CONTACT AN OFFICER (IF REQUIRED)while in the bathroom. People this is crazy to be debating this. Please run your business from your "thrown" and see how hard it would be without a desk. Don't think we're talking about a big piece of furniture here. On this I have to say ease up. For the record: I don't work there and don't like or respect the chief, just trying to ask that people think about this before they criticize. That could be your child in need when the dispatcher had other "duties" to tend to when your emergency call came in.

Anonymous said...

A few observations:

Little birdie told me that the donation account doesn't have a tax-id number and some people from Concord and Washington are checking into it.

Secondly, the Atkinson Police Union did try to negotiate for long-term disability and the town refused to give it to them.

Anonymous said...

To say a desk by the crapper would save my kids life, is about as much of a stretch as I've ever heard. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? If it was so important, why didn't Consentino buy it through his police budget years ago? I have to laugh how people run to the "public safety defense" whenever they want to turn a debate. I guess that just means I am one of those bad people against public safety. The point here is when I look at all the stuff the PD buys with the donations account (and its all in the Selectmen's meeting minutes posted on the town website) you have to walk away wondering what is going on with all this money and these really strange purchases. Why the $10K didn't go to Lapham makes no sense. Maybe cheap is the word.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Just for the record....

While I refuse on principle to donate any CASH to the Donation account, I have donated 2 wheelchairs(almost new) One wide, 1 adjustable height walker, 1 set of aluminum crutches and 1 set of aluminum forearm crutches.

Total Value about $1,000.00

So, Chief, I am sure Cpl. Larham will appreciate your $3,000.00 PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION to his medical fund.

Anonymous said...

I have heard in some circles this account is called the chief's "extortion" account; also that the elderly that are served are encouraged to donate generously!

Anonymous said...

anon 2:30 I guess it makes sense that if you must leave your desk that must be covered at all times, that a make shift desk be made available. It is a time when you must "go" and isn't like a coffee or cigarette break.
anon 8:24 I can tell you that you are 100% correct, but due to my love of living a peaceful life, can't tell you how i know.

Anonymous said...

to anon 6:05 I was just defending the need for a desk. True he has money for Christmas parties and tour buses etc, so he has the money to buy one out of one of his slush funds. Just don't have a problem with getting one, that was my point.

Anonymous said...

I have donated to this account, and after watching Phil on Monday, I NEVER will again!

I couldn't believe it when I heard him say that HE couldn't spend any more money for Officer Lapham, because that money was for the elderly!

I also didn't like the way he revealed that Mr. Acciard hadn't donated to the account! Does this mean that if he gets mad at me in the future, he will reveal that I stopped donating in 2007?

He has always said that he doesn't reveal who ontributes, or benefits from that account, and I was dismayed to see how quickly he would break his own rules just to hurt someone who made him mad.

Never again!

Anonymous said...

Ive been a beneficiary of Phils' good will and have to be honest with myself that I always thought it was a little unusual. Its gottent to the point where its overdone. I'm no longer comfortable with what I see going on. Phil should spend more time on police work than planning so many things for seniors. That is his job after all. Police work I mean. He should've given the money to Officer Lapham's family. They really need it more than I need things from Phil. I am very independent and can get by without his help so I'm not taking any more of his freebies. I don't like feeling obligated to him and his political plans. I wish I never voted for Sapia. Never again. And I will talk with my friends.

Anonymous said...

FLOWERS, Are you kidding me? Will wonders ever cease? Can't give money to a well deserving dedicated employee but he can send flowers to a deserving senior on her birthday. Nice try Paul but I think you stopped pushing to quickly. By the way Happy 91st Birthday Mrs Sawyer!!!!!!! That was smoooooth Phil.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "