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Tuesday, September 25

A Threatening Letter From Chief Consentino!

MAcciard said:

Publius, please accept this as an article submission.

A Threatening letter from Chief Consentino!

First, let me apologize up front if I offend anyone with my strident tone, but I am Very Angry!

I returned home from work today to find a certified letter from Atkinson's Chief of Police, on official stationary, threatening me with legal action if I keep criticizing his official actions on this blog!

Since Chief obviously reads this blog, and is incensed about what he reads here, I decided to respond here, publicly! So that everyone can imagine how they would feel if they received this threat from our Chief, I will first reprint this exactly as it was written to me. Afterwards I will respond;

"Dear Mr. Acciard, September 22, 2007

This letter is a long time coming. In the past I have put up with your untruths missinturpation of the facts and your blatant efforts to print these unwanted articles in your BLOG. Publius, or what ever cyber space name you are using, I feel it appropriate to place you on notice. If I am told that you are again printing false and misleading articles pertaining to me or any member of my family, I will be forced and compelled to seek legal relief from these slanderous articles in a court of justice.

I am sure by now you are saying what remarks have I made that would upset the Chief. Let me give you a quick trip through your slanderous and untruth statements.

When I spoke to you several weeks ago and advised you that the information you wrote about pertaining to how much I made in a year and the amount that the Chief from Hampstead made, I advised you that you had your facts all wrong. Let's go over that conversation. The Hampstead Police Chief is part-time the same as I am. For his 2007 budget he is projected to make $23,527. You listed my salary as $24,485. I advised you that for 2007 my budget indicated a sum of only $22,585.00. You made this look like I was making more that the Hampsted Chief. You were going to print a retraction, but to my knowledge that never occurred. You also list that Hampstead's Police Department Budget was $734,254.00 and Atkinson's Police budget was $778,128.00 I again advised you that our Police budget was $754,021.00. Again you continue to publish false information.

Your article FUZZY MATH is another example of your tireless action to try to discredit me in your BLOG. Let's start with your picture of a blue Ford cruiser. I have no idea were you got that photo from, but that car is in great shape and looks better than some of our older cruisers. Please look at the REAL 2000 FORD CRUISER that we traded in, I have attached several pictures of this vehicle for you to look over. This car is covered with rust, has over 165,000 miles on it and has been in several accidents. This is the oldest cruiser we had in our fleet, and was only used for police details. The inside was in deplorable condition and we could not get the engine light to turn off so we had to cover it up with a piece of black tape.

Every two years we trade in two old cruisers to Irwin Ford in Laconia. We generally get any were from $500.00 to a $1,000.00 for these old cruisers. This cruiser was going to be sent to the junk yard for it had absolutely no resale value at all. When my son asked me were it was going I advised him that we had already traded it in with Irwin Ford and that he was gracious enough to give us $300.00 as a trade in. I advised him if he wanted this car he would have to deal directly with Irwin Ford, and that he did do. How can you portray to folks and try to make them believe that there was something that did not pass the sniff test pertaining to the trade of this old cruiser?

You keep looking for that smoking gun, and it must be very frustrating to you and your small group of ill informed friends that everything in the Police Department and the Elderly Affairs Division is above board and is always open for inspection. Sorry, but maybe you should look in some other back yards to see if you can dig up and any dirt on other hard working town employees.

Getting back to my first comment I am officially placing you on notice, STOP YOUR SLANDEROUS ATTACKS AGAINST MY GOOD NAME, or legal action will sure to follow."

This factually challenged diatribe was signed Philip V. Consentino, Police Chief, Director of Elderly Affairs, and it was Cc'd to Attorney McKintrick, Attorney Giarrusso, Attorney Stine.

Now let me address the issues the chief raises in what I see as his rather heavy handed attempt to use the power and authority of his badge to muzzle any and all criticism of his actions;

BTW, Chief, did it ever occur to you that the reason people post anonymously on this blog, is that they DO NOT want certified letters threatening them like this one delivered to their homes, to upset their wives and families. They do not want tickets hand served by uniformed officer at their homes, thereby scaring their 6 year old sons into thinking they are going to take away his daddy. If you are so sensitive to a little criticism you should put yourself in my position, How would YOU like having your customers and suppliers called by the police chief and told that you are under investigation by the Atkinson police dept.?

First of all you need to know that I did not write the Fuzzy Math Article, nor did I write the Cost of the Police Dept. article, I commented to both, but my comments have my name attached to them and are readily visible. So you are threatening legal action over someone else's article. Second, when we spoke I thought you were addressing my comments about the Cost article, I went home and looked the article up, and saw that you were complaining about the details in the original article, not my comments, That is why I did not "publish a retraction"! I can't retract what I didn't say in the first place. Like I told you that day, if you contest facts on this blog, why don't you post your own response, that is what open debate is all about!

Now to the points in your letter;

1.) I am looking over my budget sheets for last year, and I have your salary @ $ 22,585.00, Wow, you were right, the article was off by $1,900. I have Hampstead's chief @ $23,527.00 You are absolutely right, he makes almost $1,000 more than you, for a town 25% larger. But that is balanced out by the fact that his second-in-command make about $20,000 less than yours in total compensation.

2.) Hampstead's total police budget this year is $735,855.20 with 7 FT officers, and 6 times the business of Atkinson, plus 25% larger town. While Atkinson's total police budget this year was $ 754,021.00 for a much smaller operation, and, be honest; THAT figure was only arrived at by taking out of the police budget over the last two years; -$18,758 for the dispatch contract, -$16,437 for insurance, and -$70,000 for details, plus the budget committee used -$20,000 if I am not mistaken out of the revolving fund to buy down budget items. So if you wish to be honest, and your budget had the same items as it did two years ago, it would be $125,195.00 higher for a total of $ 879,216.00 or 17% higher than Hampstead's for a much smaller job!

But again, I didn't publish the mistaken data, and your assessment of your budget is not totally honest, in my view, either.

Onto the Fuzzy Math article, which, again, I am not the author of, but when I read it and commented on it, I took the photo to be a stock photo of a blue cruiser, not the particular blue cruiser you traded in, and your son evidently bought shortly thereafter. BTW: Here is what 2000 Crown Vic Cruisers are selling for on

They even have a 2000 former cruiser with 166,000 miles for $3,800. Besides how can you say it "had absolutely no resale value" when it was resold in a matter of days for a 25% profit? By the way the three photos you included, were of two rust spots over the two front tires, one that looks to be about 5" in length, and the other looks to be about 10" long, That doesn't look "covered in rust" to me, but what do I know?

And, in closing, Chief, I have never attacked you personally. I asked the Court to order you to recuse yourself from dealing with police matters as a selectman, because you evidently did not have the honor or integrity to do it yourself. When you defied that Order, I notified the Court and you were found in Contempt. When you were dismissed from NH Supreme Court for lack of standing, I could have demanded that the town seek reimbursment for your personal legal expenses that the town paid, but had no laibility for(all expenses after first Court Order), I did not. All of this is in the past. I am over it. I do not attack you or your family, and I will not tolerate you threatening my family, or my business.

Get over yourself, if you don't like people criticizing you, then perhaps you should do the right thing, and don't use your position to attack your critics.


Anonymous said...

sounds like our chief is starting to feel the pressure. poor thing, but you'll get no pity from me. you shouldn't be in that job and it's about time you stopped hiding behind the aprons of the little old ladies your trying to buy off with bus trips and dinners.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Mark. I love your straight talk, give us the facts and let the people decide. I'm sorry that your wife and children had to be put through this horror and hope that the chief will do the right thing and resign his position. I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Mark, can you please tell us why the Chief really doesn't care for you.
I think this blog needs to know why/how/when you were involved in any traffic voilations, DUI, inappropiate parking, unattended car with engine running or other police matters. Please let this community know the real Mark Acciard.

Anonymous said...

One of my questions would be.....who would the Chief expect to foot the legal tab? The town...again?

Anonymous said...

Wow...Bunch of babies here. But legal action was a little much. Hate to say it, but I agree with MAcc. about the fact he always posts his name. Plus, that could really be MIKE SMITH posting Mark's name and he really has no idea, right? It's anonymous - well, it's meant to be..

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 9:09pm, What difference does it make what traffic tickets anyone has been issued. A professional police officer is not supposed to get personally angry at someone over tickets. They are supposed to do their job and move on.

In Answer to your question, I believe that the reason, is that I am outspoken eneough to ask questions he doesn't want to answer. And I brought him up on ethics charges. But I could be wrong, why don't you ask him?

Anonymous said...

If everything about the police dept. and elderly dept. are "alwas open to inspection" then why did it take the budget committee 4 years of asking to get an answer to the question; "how many town residents use the program?"

Nothing is open, or accountable! His idea of openess is that he tells you whatever he wants and you accept it without question!

Hey Phil, We have a right to ask any questions we want of you, you're a public servant!

Anonymous said...

How much longer do we have to put up with these Gestapo Tacitcs anytime somebody says something that the Obersturmfurher doesn't like?

Anonymous said...

I've decided to start a new committee ....The Philip V. Consentino Retirement Party Planning Committee.

We can hold the party at the Atkinson Country Club, you know the place that ended Atkinson's long-time status as a "Dry Town." Phil, do you mind if we imbibe in the "Devil's Brew" at your party?
And if we promise not to hold it on Halloween can we allow out-of-state guests?
I guess we should not invite Howard Stern, but Phil, is it O.K. if we replay what he said about you? It was your 15 minutes of national fame, along with your mention on CNN's Headline News.
We'll reminisce about the old days when Fred was walking the beat on the street and you were selling in the cellar. How things changed over the years, with you riding the beat on the street and him stuck cleaning out the cellar.
As a throw back to the good old days, can we take down the silly 30 MPH signs all over town and put back up the 35 and 40 MPH signs that they replaced? You can do it for at least 1 night, since you and your force will be off duty and there will be no need to harass any foes. I'm sure they will attend this party. As a going away gift, maybe we'll let you pull 1 or 2 over after it ends....

All I need to get this going is one promise: Phil, you must commit to never run for Selectman again.

All potential members please sign up at Town Hall, I'm sure Russ has the sign up sheet ready by now.

Curt Springer said...

I got home and found a notice of a certified letter waiting for me at the Danville PO. I looked it up on the web site:

Label/Receipt Number: 7006 0810 0005 3747 9814
Detailed Results:

Bullet Notice Left, September 25, 2007, 1:08 pm, DANVILLE, NH 03819
Bullet Acceptance, September 24, 2007, 9:21 am, MANCHESTER, NH 03103

I will pick it up at the PO first thing in the morning on Wednesday 9/26.

Anonymous said...

here is the question I want my selectmen to answer;

What gives a town official like the police chief the right to use his official power and authority bestowed upon him by the town, to attempt, under color of law, to muzzle anyone residents right to criticize their government? Are we suddenly living in Soviet Russia?

Anonymous said...

Matter of record. I, along with several other people, left my car running while I dashed into the Village Store the other day. Nobody said a word to me, or to anyone else I know who has done the same thing, except for Mark and Carol Grant, both of whom heard - in depth - from the Chief.

I don't know if it's illegal or not, but if so, it doesn't appear to be a law that's enforced, unless the chief wants it to be.

Curt Springer said...

It turns out that the letter was just regarding a dredge and fill application filed by a neighbor in Danville.

Up to you, please publish this or just take down the posting from last night.


Anonymous said...

Do we have a police chief? or just a bully with a badge?

Anonymous said...

Here's what I don't understand, and maybe the Chief can answer this one,

every time you have tried to intiidate me with threatened legal action, or even when you DID sue me, it backfired, because I will not be blackmailed, so why would you try to intimidate me again, in the same manner?

You've lost in court 4 times now, why keep kicking the same hornets nest?

I dont understand.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Consentino has proven himself to be nothing but a self-centered bully who uses and shames the police badge he is un-qualified to wear.

He has a long history of:

1. threatening legal action against anyone who dares to question or cirticize his actions.

2. going crazy and manical when criticized. As a selectmen, we all have vivid memories of watching him implode on cable tv at selectmen's meetings. If anyone criticized or questioned his actions, he would cut the resident off from speaking (like Sapia and Childs always do), stamp out of the room in a tantrum, shout at the resident, order the cable tv cameras turn off, and threaten police removal of the resident criticizing or questioning him.

3. Consentino abuses his police position by trying to intimidate residents by having residents who criticized him followed around town in a police car, often driven personally by himself in the clown car.

4. Consentino has even sunk to bullying Atkinson women. We watched selectmen's meetings where he's bullied Library Trustee chairwoman Elaine Woodbury (to tears), and Ellie Zaremba and Carol Grant from the Historical Society.

5. We're all aware of the very venemous animosity he has to Carol Grant.
He tried to prevent Atkinson from receiving a State honor for the beauty and history of our Main Street -- just because it was Grant whose project it was to get the town that honor.
He tried to shaft Atkinson's Vietnam veterans by blocking the Honor Roll panels from going in because Honor Roll chairwoman Grant dared to criticize the selectmen not complying with the 2005 Town Mtg vote.
When Grant filed a formal complaint against him for abuse of his police powers towards her, he had one of his armed police officers remove her, her son in a wheelchair, and her husband from the complaint hearing. Acciard got a threatening letter, but Consentino actually used his armed police against a woman and her handicapped son.

Consentino is out of control. Sapia and Childs are either kissing his feet and/or are scared to stand up to him and remove him.

The question is -- will Paul Sullivan protect Atkinson's residents from our town bully if
Atkinson at next town meeting gives him the second vote needed --by voting in a selectman/woman with the backbone to stand up to Consentino and vote to remove the town bully so the APD can have some credibility?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 9:09 pm, you should be careful about what you tell the town about someones history with the law. It will get you in trouble LT. William Baldwin. We know that post came from you!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the Retirement Planning Committee. I wanna join! We can sit around and talk about the water access the Academy could have had until the Chief said he'd rather have a pathway from Woodlawn to the Boyle development.
By all means we need to invite several of his "friends"....Mark, Carol, all the former police officers he managed to either resign or get fired. It'll be fun!

Anonymous said...

For all intentional purposes, let's strip the skin off the hot dog and get down to the meat of things, and let's go the whole nine yards on this Retirement Party.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Atkinson all my life, and I have gotten the calls to support candidates for office like Mr. Sapia, and Mr. Childs. I have gotten the calls asking for money for the wheelchair van, and other things.

And it makes me sick to see this kind of behaviour in my chief.

I am beginning to agree that it must be retirement time.

and I am writing this anonymously because I still want my rides and I dont want a letter like that.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard:

My comments are based on the assumptions you actually received this letter and it is on official letterhead of the town. Not that I believe you made it up -it is the letterhead that troubles me but I'll get to that.

In my opinion, this letter is an act of a desperate person. Why he focuses his attention on you, I don't quite know. Perhaps he believes you will tell everyone (kind of like you just did) so that we will all be afraid and go shrivel up in fear. I can assure you that your willingness to stand up to this bully has only increased your credibility and provides further evidence our chief needs to go. As for shriveling up, I can tell you this has energized me to do what I can to see that change occurs in this town. I am disgusted to hear that, once again, our chief is using MY TAX DOLLARS to send you what sounds like an unauthorized letter sent by his official position(s) in the town. I believe he does this to fall under the protection of town counsel (he has access to a free lawyer who is only glad to take our money). But I could be wrong. However, I doubt he has the authority to send something like this without it being authorized by the Selectmen. The Selectmen need to be asked if they or our town counsel authorized this letter. Any letters from the town of Atkinson threatening litigation should come from the town's attorney. Obviously.

If he wanted to send you a personal letter that is not on town letterhead and is not signed as any official position in town, seems to me he has the right to do that. But by using town letterhead and signing as APD Chief and Director of Elderly Affairs, he just dragged the whole town into.

Thanks, chief. So what if you give Mr. Acciard a hammer to sue the town with. What's a few more bucks thrown Kalman's way.

Some research will reveal if any RSAs or other legal restrictions have been violated which I suspect has happened.

Mark, you have our support. Don't give in to this weak attempt to get you to compromise your principles.

Besides, it is too late now. Even if you decided to back down and go away like he wants, too many of us know the truth and the torch will be picked up and carried.

I am beginning to think the Fuzzy Math article may have more merit than I originally thought. Why is the chief taking such a risk sending this letter? Perhaps there is more risk to him if the facts in the Fuzzy Math article can be proven. He seems to be going out of his way to squelch it. This story went from smelling bad to stinkin' awful.

Those guys must REALLY hate this blog.

United we stand.

Anonymous said...

I am frequently critical of the selectmen, doe sthis mean they can use the police to threaten me?

This doesn't sound legal!

Anonymous said...

People of Atkinson... I know... who would ever think i would ever take 5 precious minutes out of MY day to respond on something that i think is so pointless and stupid... however.. I'm tired of being quiet. I'm tired of listening to all of the untruths and nasty comments being vomitted out of the mouths of people in this town about my family.

I'm tired of having my youngest son.. who you all know... being afraid of the Police, and have to constantly defend the "man in blue" so that he will have respect for them ..having him wonder why they are picking on his daddy... and why his daddy can't seem to focus on his family because he's continuously having to run to court to defend himself over something that should've never gone as far as it did.

Residents of Atkinson.. as i sit here and read over Mark's shoulder and see all the witty comments about retirement parties (very funny), parking violations and the bullying ... I have to admit.. although i know for a fact that Mark does have many supporters... i also know those of you that are hiding behind that anonymous name are cowards.

And until you stand up... as Mark has done ONCE AGAIN .. Mr. Consentino and others like him.. Because he does NOT work alone... will continue to run YOU and this town into the ground.

We are all adults... you have the right to speak your minds at any given time on any given subject.
I think you should all be ashamed of yourself for NOT having the courage to stand up for what you believe in.. and stop this madness..

And seriously... if you have enough time to sit here and "blog".. i have a few teams that are looking for volunteers!

Please note... I signed my name... I guess this means i have to stop leaving my car running outside the Village store...


Anonymous said...

Town counsel takes his orders from the selectmen.

Town counsel is supposed to defend in court any ordinance passed by a legal town meeting vote, just as in the past, he successfully defended the town against Lewis Builders when they sued the town after the voters passed the first Master Plan ordinances.

It doesn't matter how the individual selectmen feel about the water withdrawal ordinance. They are obligated legally to have town counsel defend the ordinance in court against any legal challenges to it, with the ordinance in effect until and unless a court rules against it.

Along those same lines of town counsel taking his marching orders from the selectmen --- if the selectmen finally admit that Consentino has become a burden and problem to the town and the townspeople, they can handle it all very simply -- assuming they have any backbone.

1. Announce and advertize in the appropriate police and law enforcement magazines that Atkinson is accepting applications for the position of chief.

2. Of course, Consentino will hit the roof but all the selectmen have to do is to say to town counsel, "defend our position" since it is our legal prerogative and responsibility to make chief appointments, and contrary to what he thinks, Consentino does not own this appointive position. If Consentino does his standard "I'll sue if I don't get my way" act, town counsel can handle it and will prevail in court. He certainly is well aware of the problem Consentino has become to the town.

3. THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! To remove any legs from Consentino to sue, PUBLICLY advise him that he has the same EQUAL right as anyone else to apply for the Chief position and that his application will be given the same equal and fair review as all other applications, with the job going to the best qualified. He has no legal grounds or standing to object to the most qualified person getting the job.

4. In the meantime, suspend him for making official threats to a resident on town stationery under signature of a town official. This latest misconduct of his is more than enough legal justification for a suspension. Appoint a qualified temporary chief to run things until the application process is over.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know if the Chief is a product of the Timberlane School District. Chief, get a friend to help you with spelling and grammar before mailing a threatening letter -- you never know when someone is going to post it on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Actually he doesnt have an appointment!

His appointment expired in May of 1999. The selectmen know this and yet have not reappointed him, why?

Yes, the law says he may hold his appointment until his successor is found, I think it is time to start looking.

Also, with all due respect to Frank Polito's assertion that to not re-appoint him is legally the same as firing him, it is not.

Firing means he is no longer employed by the town. Not reappointing is the perogative of the selectman at the time his appointment expired., since that time is 8 years past, the time is now!

Anonymous said...

I dont like the though of free speech being muffled by an abuse of law enforcement, especially with My tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

Russ, can you please add this blog's web site on our cable station? Consider this an official request. I know someone asked for this already but you must have been busy Monday morning. Maybe by the weekend?

Anonymous said...

To Mrs. Acciard:

Your frustration is duly noted. I can't imagine what it has been like to live under these conditions. You, Mark and your family, by any measure, are victims. Mark should also be recognized for having the guts to stand up to a bully. He is setting the right example for your kids. A day will come when they will understand it all and things in this town will be different. And things will change. I PROMISE you that.

I can also understand why you think the bloggers are cowards. But I do not take your comment personal. If I were you, I would feel the same way. I wish the circumstances were not like this.

My sense is you are seeing a frustrated and largely uninformed populace. Most people in this town have no idea what is actually going on - never mind what we have to do to affect change. That has been an advantage of the pretender who fools our most vulnerable citizens. And Sapia and Childs who misuse Selectmen's meetings and their positions to keep the chief and themselves(quid pro quo) in power. And let's not forget Russ McAllister and Mr. Polito. This gang of 5 along with their henchmen are quite an organization - don't be flattered boys, I am still amazed you pulled it off. And lets not forget town counsel. When you have free and unlimited access to legal counsel, it gives you a nice advantage. You can take risks most normal people would not take. Plus this town counsel is in league with them because he makes so much money off of all the lawsuits they generate. So he is an enabler.

Until this blog came along, there were very limited means for people to find out what was truly going on in our town. Communication and free speech were stifled. And let's face it, people are busy. They don't have all day to spend writing threatening letters, and manipulating old people like some of our PAID town officials. Information was and continues to be suppressed and a very intentional campaign of misinformation was and is regularly conducted. I have to admit I was very uninformed at what was going on with Mark and Carol and our town officials. Indeed, the gang of 5 was very good at painting them as trouble makers.

But I have been paying much closer attention to things like the annual report, Selectman's meetings, meeting minutes, newspaper articles and I try and talk to others who know more about town operations.

It is all very clear to me now how our Selectman meetings and town meetings are manipulated and our elections are electioneered.

And yes, I see now our Democracy has been hijacked by political terrorists. That if you use town vehicles and town paid personnel to give elderly rides to the polls, it unfairly influences the vote. When elderly voters are obligated to the chief for rides and favors - and they are called on town phones and told how to vote - because if they don't vote a certain way, Elderly Affairs will be ended. It is an unfair advantage over others running for office who do not have the same access to these resources. Not to mention the abuse of taxpayer funds. And I just got my latest recruiting/PR letter from the chief that I paid for. It listed all of the APD activities - do they have any time to fight crime? If I am over 60, I can fill out his form and be in his confidential, secret database that makes for a great mailing/calling list when you are want to contact a list of voters that nobody else has access to. Oh, and don't forget to send some cash!

Now that people are seeing the truth, you are right, it is time to organize and stand up to make changes occur.

But patience is needed. Giving out identities may not be the wisest strategy at this time. There are MANY reasons people wish to remain anonymous. For example, some rely on Elderly Affairs for rides and dare not speak out. That is just one example. So let's not bash the bloggers. They are not cowards. They are getting educated. And they are organizing. You just don't see it yet.

This next election is going to be different. And then our freedom of speech will be returned to us. And I will gladly post my name and go to Selectmen's meetings and ask tough questions. But for now, a little more of your patience is requested. Rest assured, you and Mark are not alone.

And now you get this unauthorized letter from the chief who is threatening legal action on behalf of the town. I believe his intent was to see Mark post it on this blog so that we would all be intimidated. An indirect threat to all of us that we might all get sued for posting on the blog. This is absurd and another attempt to stifle our freedom of speech. I'm just glad the chief admitted in writing he sold the car without a public sale and that his son ended up with it. He can spin it however he likes but the facts are now clear and documented. His letter looks like a desperate act to deflect attention on Mark and away from the transaction that cheated the taxpayers. Personally, I would like to see that letter end up in the newspaper so that the townspeople can see the type of behavior exhibited by our chief and our selectmen who do nothing about it. But that is a personal decision on your part.

If you decide to take the town to court over this, please let this blog know. All of the citizens should consider making a contribution toward your legal costs. If we can't put our names out there or if we are too busy, then people can send money for the cause. Given what you and your family have endured, it is the LEAST we can do.

I hereby offer the first $100 contribution toward the "Victory Fund". Anyone else going to contribute?

If it is not needed for legal costs, then the funds should be used toward the candidate that runs against Sapia.


One, fed-up, disgusted, angry, offended taxpayer

Anonymous said...

I cant believe Atkinson has become a place where you need protection from the police not the criminals!

Anonymous said...

Mark Acciard - how much money would it take for you and your family to relocate to another town? I will be the 1st to donate to the accound.

Anonymous said...

Better question; how much would it take for consentino to relocate? I'll contribute to that! Do you know how much money he has cost the town?

Anonymous said...

Phil is so angry at Acciard for what he says, but it appears that all Mr. Acciard is doing is revealing publicly Phil's own actions!

Anonymous said...

I have paid attention to these two for 3 years now, at first I believed the chiefs story about Mr. Acciar having a vendetta over a traffic ticket, but every time I have been able to independently check what has been said I have found what Mr. Acciard said to be th truth and Phil's story false. I now know who is right. Thank you Mr. Acciard

Anonymous said...

To Gina:

You also need to know, Gina, that several of us have been through much of what you are going through now. We've had our run-ins with the Chief and endured through the "getting even" process (which never ends). We know what it's like, and don't want to go through it again. Phil's philosophy is that he doesn't get mad...he gets even. And he never forgets. NEVER.

Cowardly, yes. On the other hand, look at this blog. It is loaded with comments from people who know how you feel, and they're in your corner.

Hang in there, Gina. Eventually, we'll see changes.

Anonymous said...

To anon 6:57 AM
Three thoughts:
1. Typical, shoot the messenger.
2. Mr. Acciard will not be "bought off".
3. With whose money? Yours or the taxpayers

Anonymous said...

I will be first to contribute to the "Mark for selectmen fund". Got to get somebody that will stand up for a fair and democratic town government. I thought (foolishly) when I voted for Paul that he would do this or at least try!

Anonymous said...

Comment on Editorial

Great work.

But the Chief isn't going to understand half the words.

Anonymous said...

Re: the comment to Mrs. Acciard, in which the "five" and their henchmen were noted. Bear in mind, people, that the henchmen also includes the Budget Committee. I figure it's a 5 to 2 vote there. Dave and Mary Ann are the two. The others will support anything Phil wants.

At Deliberative, there needs to be a lot of questions on the budget...line by line.

Anonymous said...

Is this really any different from what Phil has done to Carol Grant, Brian Kaye, Wayne Peak, Dale Childs, Gary Lorden, Scott Wood, Rick Daniels, and many many more, and all at taxpayer expense?

The difference then was they were able to keep it quiet, there was no blog to get the word out to the residents. But believe me this is standard operating procedure for our chief established over at least 25 years that I know of.

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember stories in the paper about the thing with Dale Childs, but I dont remember the details, and Who is Wayne Peak?

Anonymous said...

I think what bothers me the most about this, is trying to use the police to deny someone their rights to free speech!

That is highly illegal.

Anonymous said...

Here's what hapenned;

Dale CHilds was a part-time officer in Atkinson, and files a complaint with Police standards and training that Consentino was working too many hours to be part-time, and was not qualified or certified to be full time.

Consentino reponded by having officer Anderson go to Dale's house and take pictures of the Hampstead Animal Control car in her driveway, and he sent a letter, on official stationary, signed Chief Phil V. Consentino to the Hampstead board of selectmen trying to get her fired.

When the Eagle-Tribune wrote about all of this, people got mad, and he tried to say he was "acting as Phil Consentino, Resident, not Phil Consentino, Chief."

Not true given that he signed the letter on plice stationary, CHIEF.

This is just what he does, when someone criticizes him. He is, in my estimation nothing but a bully!

Anonymous said...

anon 12:01 I see 4 police officers, that i know of, on you listing. I wonder how many other officers have left the AHTkinson Police Dept. because of him? I also wonder why there aren't any WOMEN on our police force? He must make it either very difficult for them to work there or else they just left because of the treatment they received. And to you chief and lt., I know there are two females there, but I'm talking about real Officers who actually work shifts and "protect and serve" our community. So much for equal opportunity.

Anonymous said...

What I find unconscionable here is the use of police power as a response to free speech. It is as if the Nazis or the Soviets have resumed their reign here in Atkinson. Are we going to put up with this?

Anonymous said...

I can think of at least 4 other officers who -- no, 5 -- left because of the Chief, one way or another. And that's within the last, say, 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Phil...the macho man...has his female officers serve as his personal secretary or as a dispatcher. In older days, Diane Kinney used to be out in the town, but that was a LONG time ago.

Anonymous said...

Here's my take on this blog. I can say anything I want here. I can pretend to be whomever I want. I can say I am President Bush and slander and defame Consentino and his family to the end of the earth.

Good luck proving your case against President Bush, Mr. Consentino. Unless you witnessed him doing it, how could you prove it? Even if you tracked down his IP address, how would you prove who typed the message?

The point I am making is HE KNOWS THIS and he is losing his mind over it. He can't control this blog and us posting all kind of facts and truths about Consentino's abusive tactics and and manipulation of our elderly.

So he shoots out an unauthorized letter on town letterhead to Mark hoping Mark would post the letter on this blog so that we would all be intimidated and go running away. Consentino already spoke out against this blog at a Selectmen's meeting. Bottom line is he used Mark to get his intimidation message out. To a certain extent, he did succeed in getting his threat to us. But this time, it all backfired in a BIG way.


President Bush

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is what TASS felt like in the waning days of the Soviet Union, when they couldn't control the publication of the regimes atrocities in the Samizdat newspapers.

Anonymous said...

President Bush, first I would like to welcome you to our blog and thank you for taking an interest in it. How lucky we are too have such a distinguished person keeping up on this small town. Since I have your ear, could you please do something about bringing all our men and woman home soon? Their mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters have paid the ultimate price for this "war" and it's time you stopped this madness. Thank you and please feel free to address anything you read hear again. Once again welcome.

Curt Springer said...

Just a suggestion from up the road, I think it would be more effective if Consentino's letter were scanned into a pdf file and posted on this site. Then the impact of the fact that it was a threatening letter on official stationery would be more apparent.

Post this comment or not, as you see fit.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of wars, it looks like you have one going on in Atkinson. I believe my good friend Phil Consentino is being attacked and misverbalized on the intra-net.

I know Phil is a very passionate person about his work raising campaign funds from the elderly folks. He runs a very effective political organization there. I also know that I have to be careful what I say about him on this blog because I don't want any angry letters sent to the white house. I get enough of those already.


President Bush

Anonymous said...

Last week Jack nominated Margaret Osborn to serve on the budget committee to fill a vacancy.
As this is Jack's friend,(I believe he also appointed her to the Zoning Board), does that make the vote on the budget committee 6 to 2? Is she still on the Zoning Board? Seriously, does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Dear Publius,
I understand people are asking to see the actual letter, some have even asked if it could be posted in this blog.

I understand the desire to verify this heinous act, in that vein I will leave copies of the letter on the periodical table in the Kimball Public Library today at 3:30 pm.

Do with it what you will.

Anonymous said...

The chief uses our town money for all of the legal crap he always finds himself getting he really makes more than the 22k figure here in this article.....sounds like he costs the town much more than that for sure....
I wonder if someone could figure out how much in legal fees this town has spent over the years for this guy?

Anonymous said...

I included Mrs. Osborne is the count. Seven member board - 5 to 2.

Anonymous said...

We understand that Mark Acciard is on the agenda for this Monday’s selectmen’ s mtg about
Consentino’s bullying and threatening letter on official stationery and signed by him as Chief.

We’ve also heard that Phil is going to show up to pull his well-known and time-worn victim

We all know what is going to happen. Phil and the selectmen are so predictable in their being
failures as town officials. Keep this check-list in front of you and check off each as it happens!!!

1. Acciard will calmly read a statement. As is his usual courteous manner, he won’t raise his voice no
matter what abuse he gets subjected to by Phil or the selectmen.
2. Consentino will TOTALLY IGNORE what the meeting is really about: the fact that he abused his
official position to send a threatening letter to a town resident who he disagreed with, on official APD
stationery and signing it as Chief of Police.
3. Instead, Consentino will go into his standard whining portrayal of himself as the “poor victim.”
4. He’ll attack the blog because it provides an opportunity for residents to speak out what they think
without his knowing their identities so as to be able to retaliate against them.
4 While leaving out the facts that he holds no legal appointment to hold the office and that he doesn’t meet the state’s qualifications to be a Chief, he’ll cite how many years he has been “Chief” as if that in any way justifies his threatening, bullying and trying to intimidate residents.
5. He’ll then bring up his favorite word – “vendetta.” If you question any of his actions, he accuses you of having a “vendetta” against him. If you criticize any of his actions, he accuses you of having a ‘vendetta” against him. If you ask for a public accounting of the use of police funds, it’s because, Right !! It’s because you have a “vendetta” against him. If you ask any questions about the constantly growing and over-sized and un-needed super-fleet of police cars, it’s because you have a “vendetta” against him.
6. He’ll do his usual whining about how “certain people” in town are just “out to get him.” “Certain people” refers to anyone who questions him or his actions. He arrogantly equates anyone who dares to criticize him or any of his actions as being “out to get him.”
7. Consentino will then bring up his “good name and family name” and how it has been besmirched -- ignoring the fact that he has been the one repeatedly besmirching his family’s name by his heinous and shameful behavior through the years.
8. He’ll then bring up the members of his family and equate any criticism of him as a criticism of his
family members.
9. Finally, everyone knows that this master manipulator of the elderly will find some way to bring up the fact that his department provides rides to the elderly, and then he’ll imply that any criticism of him means that you are against the elderly and elderly services.

10. Then Sapia will pull his usual “we good old boys stick together” act. He’ll say what a hard worker and
dedicated public servant Consentino is (hard working at abusing and threatening residents and dedicated to
using the elderly for a political voting block). He’ll then tell Consentino that he wants to apologize to him
for the abuse he’s been subjected to ---(never mind Consentino’s many victims).

11. Sapia will “wink and look the other way” at Consentino’s mis-use of town stationery and his official position
to threaten a private citizen, saying that he can sympathize with and understand why Consentino did what
he did.

12. Childs will follow whatever lead Sapia does. Not once, since he’s been a selectmen, has he ever stood up
to Consentino on anything. Childs needs to take “stand up to Phil” lessons from his wife.

13. As far as Sullivan, he will either stand up to Phil and demand action be taken against him, or else he will
wimp out and pull the old excuse of “ I didn’t stand up and be counted because I lacked the second needed
vote of support.” Let’s see which course he takes!

Anonymous said...

You forgot that Phil will also include court cases, initiated by that dastardly sonovagun Acciard, and how much money they cost the town. Somehow, he'll portray himself as vindicated. There will be a lot more hounding Mark. Aren't we all glad Mark's almost as big, just as tough, and younger than his opponent.

On the other hand, Mark needs to be polite to Phil. After all, he IS a senior citizen.

Anonymous said...

With the aid of a magnifying glass, you can read Phil's letter. Or, just read the transcribed version. At any rate, you can clearly see the Atkinson PD letterhead and the Chief's signature.

Anonymous said...

What justification can he give for trampling on the free speech rights of a resident?

There is none!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all attend Mondays meeting. Mark is doing all the fighting and I think it about time we as a community covered his back! I'm going to try and make the meeting.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:29 I wholeheartedly agree. And to Sapia, Childs and Sullivan, it is YOUR DUTY as elected officials of this town to reprimand Consentino for using Atkinson Police Department stationary and taxpayers money to harass and threaten a citizen of this town. NO WHERE in the Atkinson blog has Mr. Aciard slandered Consentino, he has stated facts and HIS opinion. That is in no way slanderous or illegal. It is time for you to step out from behind his shadow of that bully and start doing what you were elected to do, work for the CITIZENS OF ATKINSON! This is your duty and what you were sworn in to do. I can hope that I won't sit in on the meeting Monday evening and watch you, Sapia, make your sneering expressions at Mr Aciard and ORDER him to yield to Consentino as, he always does, claims to have been slandered. It is YOUR job as OUR elected officials to do the right thing (as you say you do) and reprimand Consentino. You might also consider it the judicious thing to make this part of Consentino's record and have it put in his file. Now is the time for the three of you to act like men, stand up on your own, and work for US, the citizens who elected you.

Anonymous said...

A QUESTION FOR OUR SELECTMEN.... Do we, the citizens of Atkinson, have a police chief that IS NOT certified to carry a weapon and has not been sworn in? If so, what in Gods name is wrong with you people? Are you freakin nuts? If the answer to these questions is NO then DEAL WITH IT NOW because all of the past problems this man has caused are going to be nothing WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN, If the answer is yes then......never mind.

Anonymous said...

You Selectmen ar elucky I didnt get that letter, I would have filed suit against the town already

Anonymous said...

Just who the hel does Consentino think he is?

Anyone can express any opinion they want!

And neither He nor the good for nothing, corrupt, board of selectmen can stop that

Anonymous said...

Everyone in town should make it a personal effort to attend this meeting. If ever in your Atkinson lifetime there was a Selectmen's meeting to attend, this is the one. Please find the time to be there and witness first hand our town govt in action. The cable TV cameras miss out on a lot of what goes on at these meetings.

The worst part of his letter threatening a lawsuit is the baseless nature of it. There is almost no way to prove Mark ever posted anything on this blog - even the ones signed in his name. They could be posted by anyone. So what evidence is there for Consentino to pick out Mark and threaten him? The answer is there is NONE. EVIDENCE is needed to prove your case or even insinuate one. That's what makes the actions by Consentino so bizarre. He must know the law (at least I would hope he does given his position) and understands court cases and the need for clear and convincing evidence. Blog postings are his evidence? Cyberdust?

You have to ask the question: Would a sane, competent person who knows or should know the law on these matters, do this?

Anonymous said...

He does this because this is his M.O.(police lingo there), this is what he has been doing for 30 years!
Whenever someone criticizes "his good name"(what a joke THAT is), he threatens a lawsuit for slander and defamation!
He did it to Wayne Peak, Carol Grant, Mark Acciard, He actually DID sue Acciard, but withdrew it before getting into court! He must have known he had no case., He has done it to many other as well.

This is his standard practice, and he always does it on police letterhead, What an idiot! By the way, Phil, The idiot comment WAS MY OPINION! Which I am entitled to under the 1st ammendment! So dont try to sue me, I'll have your badge!

Anonymous said...

I have seen Wayne Peak mentioned, and I dont suppose there are many peoplle around who remember THAt debacle, so here is that story;

1980 or so Peak was apointed by the court to fill Pat Consentino's slot on the board of selectmen, I dont remember why she left.

He found out Phil was not depositing monies received form report fees and the like to the town bookkeeper, he was depositing it as donations to the police donation acct.

Peak revealed this in a selectmen's meeting, and accused phil of theft, phil went balistic, screaming about edetta's and his good name. Peak asked selectmen to fire him, they refused.

Peak resigned, in disgust, he said, and filed suit to force the selectmen to do their jobs.

Phil sued Peak, for slander, defamation, libel, and pain and sufferring.

Peak sued the town for allowing this guy to get away with this, and not excercising their duty as supervisors.

Many accusations back and forth, I remember being told how Phil would wait at the end of his driveway with his motorcycle and follow peak through town.

Phil cited peak for reckless driving in a caddillac, when he was driving a Rolls. Case thrown out on appeal.

Around this time someone had taken shots at the police station, I believe, And peak was named as the prime suspect.

Peak was investigated by the FBI, and his business was shut down and investigated by Mass. Dept. of Revenue, both on anonymous tips of wrongdoing.

Cases dragged on through the court for over 6 years, finally settled in 1988. Non-disclosure settement signed, but rumour, all through town and in the courthouse was peak won the largest civil settlement in NH history, at that time.

Insurance company aid, I would imagine, and today it is all but forgotten, unless you go to the county courthouse and read the file.

Anonymous said...

When I hear all of these anecdotal stories, they sound interesting but lack much punch if you can't back it up by proving facts with written eye-witness accounts and documentation. I would like to see the court files if they are available.

Some of this info is available on line like the complaints filed with the state by police union.

Why can't we compile all of these documented cases into one concise, factual story with the references of all of the supporting documentation and mail it to every town resident so they can be educated on the facts? You would need to make the documentation available as well. Put it on a CD with the letter.

If there is such a repeated pattern of misconduct, the only way to get out the truth is to document it all and give the information to the voters and let them decide what it is that should be done. But until you compile documented stories, it is hearsay.

And those who have been harrassed need to put their words in writing. Perhaps this would provide an overwhelming case to the voters.

Anonymous said...

Good question ANON 11:49 perhaps the Lt would like to answer that question since Consentino hasn't got the gonads to. Now is your time to put up or shut up. IS HE or ISN'T HE? Enough is enough WE the citizens of Atkinson DESERVE an answer to a very simple question. Sapia, Childs or Sullivan feel free to defend your buddy.

Anonymous said...

So for at least 25 years this bullying has apparently been going on, how the hell is he still a chief?

Why hasn't he been fired before now?

Anonymous said...

Thats easy!

Because there was no blog to let everyone know what he did!

Those people he harrassed would complain to the selectmen, and they did nothing, and noone ever found out.

If you watch the meetings all you would see every monday is Consentino reading letters from elderly saying how wonderful he is, or telling how great his elderly service is, or some other self congratulatory speech.

How would the general public find out?

Anonymous said...

I agree it is time for Phil to resign. Or pubically apoligize to Mark. Say you were wrong. Your selectman friends will let you off. Do the right thing for our town.

Anonymous said...

I disagree.

He has obviously been doing this a long time, if he apologized it would be self serving and not genuine. And how long would it be before he did it again with Mark or someone else.

THis has to end! Here and now!

He has got to go, in my opinion he can't be trusted with the authority a chief of police has!

Anonymous said...

74 posts on this topic and all are leaning strongly to one side.
I am not here to decide who may be right and who is wrong, but this blog sure paints a very heavy one sided view on this and several other topics.
Are we sure that all the "anonymous" entries are not from the same few people?

Anonymous said...

To anon. 6:33PM
It is impossible to be sure with anonymous posters.
Have you writen all the entries? Well, you can be sure of that much. Right?

Anonymous said...

No matter who wrote what, nearly each entry provides insight into past events....enlightening. Someone asked for documentation....Selectmen's videos of the past few years will provide a whole lot. The court can provide a lot more if one wants to take the time to go investigate. It is there.

Phil's done a lot for a lot of people, no doubt about it. But a whole other group - who have challened or disagreed with him - have not received the same treatment. It's those people who are responding to the blog. Even if there were only a few, Phil's actions were wrong, wrong, wrong. He can think anything he darned pleases, but he shouldn't keep trying to get even. A Police Officer is supposed to be your friend.

Anonymous said...

again, To anon 6:33
I have been informed that we have allowed a second comment from the same anonymous commentor if the statement is not a repeat but that is not a general practice.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 6:33 PM.

You asked the following question:

"Are we sure that all the "anonymous" entries are not from the same few people?"

Guess what? It is a blog and anything goes. Who knows? Might be one person sitting there making every post. If you find the uncertainty troubling, a blog probably isn't the right forum for you.

I agree we need to capture the history of Consentino's misconduct in documentation and back it up with eyewitnesses. Let's put it all together for all to see and judge for themselves. Let the people be informed and let the people decide.

Publius said...

With 151 posts and close to 3000 comments on those posts in only 255 days, someone would have to be working nearly full time to do all of this by themselves.

and that doesn't even begin to account for all the different writing styles, vocabulary, syntax, grammar, and other characterisitcs.

I am certain that there are those in town(selectmen, chief, moderator) that would like to believe this is all the work of a couple of guys sitting around in their skivvies, typing their frustrations away, but that is not the case.

Anonymous said...

"Are we sure that all the "anonymous" entries are not from the same few people?

September 30, 2007 6:33 PM"

No but I think you may have one person writing a comment, and then responding to anothers comment on their first statement. Which i think is resonable, wouldn't you agree? After all we are guaranteed free speech in this country, sadly just not this town.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I think you may have something there!

And I am absolutely certain now that; MAcciard,VTobin, ADillon, Carol Grant, Legal Beagle, Seenitdoneit, DisgustedinAtkinson, Janus, Publius, Ullyses, CrapDrawz, Fishgutz, and any I have forgotten are all the same person!

Wow and I thought Sybill was complicated.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 8:43 AM
Ya forgot anonymous

Anonymous said...

See you tonight. I have a lot of questions. I am very interested in hearing Mr. Consentino's explanation of all this.

And I want to see how Mr. Sapia and Mr. Childs handle the repeated misconduct of our their buddy, the acting police chief.

Curt Springer said...

I wrote all the comments. This site is a front for SpeakoutDanville. We are going to take over your town. Your chief figured out our plot, so he's got to go. :-)

Anonymous said...

Well now this is very interesting. I stumbled across this Bolg while trying to look up Rowan Atkinson the comeidian. I could not remember the name of his movie "Mr. Bean" Evidently I typed too quickly and the Rowan did not take. I saw this and took a look because I grew up in Atkinson. And I remember "The Chief" He was horrible then and probably still is.

I have just finished reading this entire Blog. As I said before "very interesting"

I have always thought of myself as intelligent (however my spelling and grammar may appear) but I just don't get it. If the Chief is this bad (of which I have no dobt) and his appointment was up in 1999, why don't you just fire him or appoint someone else.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm wrong - or memory fails - but I do remember the warrant article calling for a full-time chief. Bob Stewart (who noted that the Consentinos, Murphys and Stewarts have run this town for years) amended the original article, and I don't remember the exact wording, but I'm thinking perhaps it was tabled for 10 years. Maybe not tabled, but 10 years was mentioned, and everyone then was under the impression that Phil was safe for that period of time. This was during an "old fashioned" town meeting. You showed up, said what you wanted to say, voted and it was over.

Just a recollection that might deserve some research.

Anonymous said...

hi it's me, anonymous, again

justice be damned...If only it was that easy. But when you have grown "men" (BOS) and little old ladies afraid of getting punished by talking back to you there's not much you can do. Maybe a warrant article can help, who knows.

Fishgutz said...

As I have said previously, I have known Mark since he moved to Atkinson in secomd grade.
My sister called him "one of the not bad influences" in my life in high school.
I suspect he is unlikely to make the tax payers of Atkinson pay for the actions of the Chief. It is not their fault that the BoS has not canned someone so obviously suffering from dementia or early senility. None of us who knew him as a part time cop when we were kids are the least bit surprised by what he has become as an old geezer. He was a bully with a badge 30 years ago. And like any disease left untreated, it has only gotten worse.
It is no wonder that Mark and Gina opened what is now a very successful business in Hampstead rather than Atkinson. The Chief can not bother them there. Though I would not be stunned to discover he has tried to start something with anonymous calls to HPD. Maybe someone in the know can check.
Anyway, Mark and Gina, and kids, hang tough. All that hatred in the Chief will take him long before he can break you.

Anonymous said...

I am still not understanding this. Why is he there at all if he has not been appointed, hired or elected.

Anonymous said...

I am watching the meeting right now. Why is Phil sitting right behind Russ? In view for the whole town????

Anonymous said...

He is sitting there in his dress uniform with his scrambled egg hat, and his ribbons, to show that this honorable public servant is once again being needlessly attacked.

He will probably sue Brian Kaye and Mark Acciard tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

btw what did he do to EARN those ribbons?

Anonymous said...

Didn't anyone notice that Brian Kaye said he ALSO received threatening letters from "the same person"? And that he had complained to the Selectmen 17 months ago, with no response?

And did anyone else notice the sickening "sweet" smile on the Chief's face during his at least 45 minutes on camera?


Anonymous said...

btw what did he do to EARN those ribbons?

October 1, 2007 10:55 PM

As far as I can tell he showed up and cashed his checks.

Anonymous said...

I heard Consentino state, during his update of all crime we had in September, that a motor vehicle was stolen. Think it may be our old cruiser that's causing him such heartache? Can't investigate a vehicle if it suddenly disappears...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I would like to commend Paul Sullivan on standing out from the other two cowards. Fred tried to shut him up, but it did not work. Fred is not looking so good these days. After all, Dave Weymouth has done more for building maintenance in the past months, than Fred ever did. It is a good thing Fred stepped down, or else we would have buildings falling down. Sapia is so afraid of the Chief, it is so clearly visible. If the Chief wasn't in the room, then they would have discussed it.

And yet the townspeople re-elected Fred! So we are to blame for the troube he get us into. I hope the people do not re-elect Sapia, so that he can continue, the abuse he puts on the townspeople. Sapia it is time to go, crawl back under the rock from where you can out of.

Anonymous said...

The Chief may have been looking pretty "sharp" compared to his usual attire, but can someone tell me if there is a dress code for a detail officer? Whether I see one of our "boys in blue" out swinging his arms or looking up at a pole or a salem or Plaistow cop they look like cops. The other day I saw Atkinson's #1 cop our with a verizon truck dressed to the nines, jeans, sneakers t-shirt and a traffic vest. One again Atkinson, what an embarassment! Phil go back to your office!

Anonymous said...

While watching the "show" last night my daughter was doing her homework next to the TV. When the public hearing was done, she asked "what does GPS, oil bills and flashlites for the elderly have to do with the police departments donation account?" Good question is everyone who's writing checks out to the Police Department's Donation account aware of where 90% of the funds are used?

Anonymous said...

I noticed the Chief's letter to the residents last week and found it quite amusing that he states he was able to buy another vehicle with some of his donations. he says it will be an undercover vehicle. Is that the same car that carries a large radar screen on it during the day. I hope that Charlie takes it off before going on surveillances.

Anonymous said...

Ok, what I got out of the meeting last night was that Phil has a long history of threatening people who are critical of him, and he is apparently not shy about using the police dept. to give those threats more weight.

Is this the character traits we want in a police chief?

What is the exposure to the town for all the trouble he has caused?

And if the selectmen have been receiving complaints for over 17 months from a number of residents, WHY THE HELL HAVE THEY DONE NOTHING AND ALLOWED THIS AWFUL CONDUCT TO CONTINUE?

Anonymous said...

What I found disturbing, was when Mr. Kaye complained about the lack of response from the selectmen for 17 months on his complaint, and Jack basically tells him it is his fault for not hounding them about it. Like that would have gotten a better response!
Paul was the only selectman to show some class by admitting that the board did nothing. And Jack even criticized him for not bringing it back again and again.

I'm sure Paul was right, he couldn't do anything without a second vote, and it is only too clear that Jack and Fred are afraid too afraid of Phil to reprimand him.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul showed some character last night at the selectman’s meeting. Keep up the good work Paul. Government is supposed to be transparent. Please continue to be honest and open.

Fred, I’m ashamed that I voted for you. I won’t make that mistake again.

Jack, I still can’t believe that you ask a citizen why he didn’t follow up, who’s the public servant here? You are acting more like a dictator than a chairman.. You are just one of three selectman nothing more and nothing less … a facilitator, introducer, moderator, monitor, speaker, toastmaster but not a dictator.

Anonymous said...

The following statements are my personal opinion which I am entitled to under the first amendment ensuring freedom of speech.

Regarding last night's Selectmans meeting, there was an Eagle Tribune reporter present who published an article today and apparently, the reporter witnessed Mr. Sapia yelling at Mr. Acciard in the lobby of the town hall.

Sapia quote to Acciard:

"What you do Mark is reckless," Sapia said. "You speak of people and their reputations."

WOW! Now there is a federal crime!

Excuse me Mr. Sapia, but how would you characterize Consentino sending out intimidating letters and letters threatening personal lawsuits on TOWN LETTERHEAD? In my opinon, the words incompetent, bumbling, rude, risky and above all a repeated display of poor judgement are just a few words that come to mind. There is a pattern of misconduct going on here that you have avoided for the last year and half and now it is coming back to bite you. In my opinion, had you dealt with the misconduct after the incident with Brian Kaye and taken disciplinary action against Consentino then, we wouldn't be having this conversation - not to mention the exposure to significant legal liability and waste of taxpayer dollars involving town counsel and potentially having to defend the town from an avoidable lawsuit. From my view, this is a lack of leadership on your part where you are unwilling to make the correct and difficult decisions we need made in town. I believe this mess was avoidable had you taken action and any costs to the taxpayers are directly attributed to you and Fred Child's inaction against Consentino. This is costing the town a lot of money.

One of our citizens has a documented and very legitimate complaint. And you yell at HIM for being reckless? This defies logic. What am I missing here? The citizen is the one that got the letter, remember? And please spare me the "decorum" line. In my opinion, it makes you sound like a phony in front of the camera.

Your statement also indicates bias towards Consentino before discussing this matter in nonpublic session. I hope that does not open up the risk of your vote being nullified from the nonpublic session.

Jack and Fred, stop going after the citizens and defending town employees who threaten us because we exercise free speech. As far as I am concerned, that makes you all complicit in a scheme to deny our first amendment right to free speech.

Lost in all this are the questions about a police car that Consentino admits (in his letter) he did not sell by public sale that somehow ended up being owned by his son.

Mr. Sapia and Mr. Childs, you would be well advised to think this one through very carefully. Your ship has sprung a big leak. You have to ask yourself, do you want to go down with it?

Anonymous said...

What exactally is the Brian Kaye incident? Right on with the last e- mail.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe the selectmen have had a bunch of complaints and have ignored them! What a useles bunch of $(&#$$(&

Anonymous said...

Watch the tape of the June 6, 2006 selectmen's meeting, I think thats the one.

Brian Kaye came into the meeting to notify the town that he was bowing out of the Tower debate due to threatening letters from the chief, and an anonymous telephone death threat. He read his short statement and left.

Consentino flew out of his chair, on camera, screaming maniacly at him to get back here and talk to me like a man.

then he came back into the meeting, and ripped into mr. kaye for 20 minutes

Anonymous said...

Just a few thoughts on last nights meeting. Mr sullivan, you need to be lumped in with the other two jamokes for not standing up for Mr
Kay. Because you didn't have a 2nd vote to reopen discussion is no reason for at least not making an attempt at it. You had 17 months to
bring it back up and you failed! You need to go with your other spineless brothers and crawl back under your rock. As far as a change in leadership I wonder who can win the next election? Clearly
Mrs Tobin was extremely lacking skills to accomplish the task at hand. How do you ask when ground breaking will be? Do you also live under a rock? When Tobin was unable to comprehend the overlay expense she then went on the attack like a junk yard dog asking why she was being spoken too in circles. When Mark explained word for word what had already been said she all of a sudden had a revelation and was able to absord
the subject matter? I think not. She still has no clue as to what the overlay pertains too. This was very concerning to me that she just couldn't understand such a simple concept! I don't know where
we are going but we are clearly heading in the right direction!
The right candidate must be chosen
and that person must have the intestinal fortitude to confront the issues directly and not be a worm at the end as Mr Sullivan showed last night. They also have to be intelligent enough to bring some sense back to this town which
has been lost for quite some time!

Anonymous said...

Hi Atkinson,

Thanks to coaching .. I have been able to touch touch the lives of many of your children... And when they walk away from my program they will be able to recite many motivational quotes.. one of which is.. "That which does not kill me.. will make me stronger .."

So with that... after watching the meeting last night.. (which again is a first for me) ... I felt like the so called "chairman" of the board was in need of some motivation...

Here ya go Jack...

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” - Jim Rohn

Anonymous said...

What astounded me last night was hearing that the Selectmen only designated $35K for the overlay! They knew it was a reval year, and they should have known they would be deluged with applications for abatement - they always have been following a reval, and it's "normal". Average percentages don't mean anything.

My guess would be that they cut back on the overlay in order to be able to lay off more to keep the tax rate down. In other words, this year expect higher taxes.

My second guess would be that Russ
suggested the overlay figure. It made him look good on the day the set the tax rate.

Listening to preliminary budget discussions this year, I'm guessing a higher budget for next year, as well as higher school costs because of the additional stuff needed at the Academy.

Ah yes....let the good times roll!

Anonymous said...

I've got $100 says the selectmen do nothing as is their usual practice.

They are probably looking for a way to quietly let this die.

We shouldn't let them!

Today it is Mr. Acciard and Mr. Kaye, tomorrow it could be me or you!

Anonymous said...

you are right, and we can be honest;

We know why we don't stand up for these debates like Mr. Acciard, Mrs. Grant, and Mr. Kaye...

It is because we don't want the police persecution either. We are basically chicken, and are hiding behind these courageous individuals, as Mrs. Acciard said earlier, she was right.

And as ashamed as I am of this; I too, have a family to protect from the chief's wrath, as lame an excuse as that is.

Thank you, to those who fight my battles for me.

Anonymous said...

When I moved to Atkinson a few years ago I was excited about living in a "Township" government. I thought for a small town it is a fair and transparent form of government, boy was I wrong! The police department run this town and three board members. I think they all feel that the know better than us voters in most matters and have proven that time after time.
Yes I still am ashamed of hiding my identity but I am getting sick and tired of this feeling. Something like declaring weather you were a Patriot or Tory during the Revolution. Look at the losses some of our Country's founders endured. Ben Franklin gave up his home in England and befriended his own Son for what he believed was right. We are afraid of a pompous, arrogant man that thinks his opinion is the only one that matters.
Imagine that we all would have hid in a cave during the revolution!
Well maybe we can get the word out so election time will be different least there are curtains up at the poles.

Anonymous said...

I think we should ask Mr. Acciard to run! From what I have seen he is honest, forthright, not afraid to stand up for what is right, and he did a great job on budget for many years.

Anonymous said...

I'll 2nd the call for Mark to run.
He is the man that has proven his
tenacity in dealing with the powers to be and also he has as clear a picture of what really goes on in this town as anyone! Perhaps with Mark in Mr Sullivan will find the
will to stand with him!

Anonymous said...

There's another family in town that had to endure this type of retribution from mr consentino. Officers at the front door, at night no less, and not once, but twice! And I've seen the letters from mr consentino on police stationery as well. And, since I know what these people went through, I'm staying anonymous. At least now, people can speak out.

Anonymous said...

Sadly anon 6:43, enough people in this town are not aware of what really goes on in their town. They only hear the LIES about consentino being picked on and sapia having to put up with annoying people with agendas (their words). If the truth were known then people like Mark would have a chance, but alas that I fear will never happen.

Anonymous said...

I got the impression from mondays meeting that V. Tobin is priming the pump for slectwomen.

Anonymous said...

She would certainly be better than the do nothings and outright thugs that sit there now! And to make it clear for the cheap seats; I consider Paul to be a don nothing, and Jack and Fred to be little more than thugs! Consentino is a thug with a badge, and Russ is the master manipulator

Anonymous said...

Hey in the outrage over the stifling of Mark's free speech, we forgot about the car, that the chief's kid got based on inside information from the chief. He said so in that letter, isn't THAT illegal?

Anonymous said...

Hey I was there on Monday night, and I heard Sapia scream at Acciard in the hallway that "even when the judge tells you you're wrong you don't listen"

Hey Jack, when did a judge tell Mr. Acciard he was wrong?

I thought he won his case against the town? Or was that a lie for the benefit of the reporter standing behind Mr. Acciard?

Anonymous said...

I think I would also vote for Mr. Acciard. And while we are at it. Maybe Mr. Boyle would like to throw out a little request for some $$$$$ to reimburse Mr. Acciard as I am sure he has spent a considerable amount of money in court with this pompous ass.

Anonymous said...

Well, Phillip has gone and done it again! I had to search the internet to find this blog to see what has upset Phillip so much. From an outsider to you Atkinson residents I say are all responsible for keeping him around. Until you make an effort to support candidates who will ultimately remove the man from his position, you deserve the buffoonery he provides. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

To anyone thinking of a warrant article for a full time chief;

Stop in at Steve Lewis' office next to the post office, and ask him what hapenned when he put that warrant article forward in 2000.

the petitioners were called some by the chief. The chief parked is cruiser with lights on outside Mr. Lewis office for a long while he was inside screaming at him in his own office!

If you dont believe me just ask Mr. Lewis. This bullying is REAL!

Anonymous said...

The outsider said:

" are all responsible for keeping him around. Until you make an effort to support candidates who will ultimately remove the man from his position, you deserve the buffoonery he provides."

I have to admit the outsider is right. It is our fault.

Curt Springer said...

I'd like to suggest to you all that you consider increasing the size of your BOS from 3 to 5 as we did in Danville a couple of years ago, and Sandown just did.

The advantage is that it takes at least 3 people to dominate the board as a clique, not 2. With 3 members (total), a member with a dominant personality can take over the board by finding a weaker person to fill one of the slots. That's what happened in our town not long ago.

This is a longer-term improvement. If you vote it in 2008, it does not take effect until 2009.

See RSA 41:8-e.

Anonymous said...

Having 5 selectmen is unlikely to change anything in this town. Consentino electioneers every town meeting and vote so he will just get more of his cronies in power and nothing will change.

The only way this town will change is if we get rid of Consentino. His taxpayer funded political organization run out of the Atkinson PD and Elderly Affairs is what keeps him and his pals in power. End of story.

But his house of cards is beginning to crumble. I can't wait to see all the rats go running off that sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it funny, or disgusting, that the selectmen have apparently received at least 6 complaints about Consentino's conduct in the last 2 years and they have ignored ALL OF THEM?

Anonymous said...

Stop and think, people. The Selectmen will never "fire" the chief. And I'm reasonably certain they will not support any warrant article for a full time chief either.

I figure Phil has three or four years left before he turns the big 70, when, according to state law, he cannot serve as chief. The Selectmen will let that day come so Phil can retire in the glory he believes he deserves. Moreover, I'm betting that more people will cheer for him than boo him. I don't believe there are enough bloggers to represent a reasonable majority.

Any decision on Phil's future is going to have to come from the courts....and I'm betting it will.

Anonymous said...

As rar as I can see from that letter Mr. Consentino had given Mr. Acciard a very good Civil Rights case for violation of his 1st ammendment rights to freedom of speech, as well as freedom of the press, as the US Supreme Court has decided that Internet Blogs enjoy the same 1st ammendment protections as the NY Times does.

It also appears, at least on the face of it, that the admission of passing information to his son would violate the misuse of information statute under the Abuse of Office provisions of the NH Criminal Code.

I don't know if this will end up in Court, but if it does, the police chief, and the Town could be in for some serious liability.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:33 "the Town could be in for some serious liability."
Been there, done that and what do we have to show for it? Nothing changes but the tax rate and the seasons in this town.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen our old cruiser at Lewis' lately. Was that the car reported stolen, I heard the chief talk about last Monday? If it was, how convenient, if it wasn't where did it go? Has anyone ever tried to trace the title of that car to see where it came from (being a car paid for by the taxpayers, don't think it's illegal to do) and where it went?
Without opening another can of worms or making an accusation, this is simply a question. Do our town Representatives read this blog, and guessing they do, why haven't they checked out what's going on with OUR town government? Wouldn't that make them an accessory?
An accessory to a crime is any individual who knowingly and voluntarily participates in the commission of a crime. An accessory is not typically present at the scene of the crime, but contributes to the success of the crime before or after the fact. A person charged as an accessory to a crime before the fact is one who incites, abets, or aids a person in the commission of a criminal act. An individual who is an accessory after the fact receives, shelters, comforts, relieves, or assists a felon after the crime has been committed. A person can be an accessory if they provide any support or assistance, whether financially, emotionally, or factually.

By law, an accessory can be held as liable as the principle actor who carries out the criminal act. If a person is an accessory to a felony crime, they too can be charged with committing a felony offense and subject to penalties accordingly."

Anonymous said...

anon10;52 good question. shouldn't our state reps that live here in town be looking into any wrong doing? we did elect them to represent us and our best interest. what gives guys? he can't have anything on you too, can he?

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, since everyone who's read this blog knows what's going on is an accessory, we a town full of criminals. I feel so ashamed, nah not really. Is a thought though about our state reps, about time they worked for us and got an investigation going. I did make light of a serious problem, forgive me.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it this board of selectmen wont do anything!

They are hoping it will go away, before they have to do anything.

They are not going to make the chief apologize, he's never apologized for anyhting, and he wouldnt be sincere.

Anonymous said...

Great article in todays (Sunday) Tribune. Maybe the BOS will have the backbone to actually do something to the bully now that it's out for all to read. That said, let's hope the something is more than a tsk,tsk.., bad boy..wink-wink..
Also loved that they got quote from a senior. What great things he did for her. Don't get me wrong, believe in helping those in need. Just make sure we non-seniors aren't discriminated against when it comes to paying our heating bills and paying for our prescriptions. Some seniors taking advantage of his "good will" are better off than most couples trying to raise a family here in town.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "