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Thursday, August 23

Boston Police Lt. abuse details!

Interesting story in the Boston Herald today about 3 Boston PD Lts. who are acused of abusing the detail system. They have surrendered their weapons and will be manning a desk pending investigation, after which they will most probably be charged, and fired. The interesting part of this story is that these three Lts. all with over 20 years service(It took them on average 16 years to make Lt.) all have base pay of $71,000/yr.

Now, in Atkinson, we, too, have a police Lt., who is only 9 years out of the police academy. He was hired in 1998, part time, became full time in 1999, promoted to corporal in 1999, promoted to Sgt. in 2001, and promoted to Lt. in 2005, only 7 years out of the police academy! What a lightning promotion schedule! And although our Lt. is salaried at $60,000/yr. with so little experience, he gets overtime, detail pay, night shift differential, A TAKE HOME CAR! with gas and maintenance, and much more. This package including retirement and benes, costs the town between $90,000 and $100,000/yr. In Atkinson!!! Unbelievable, when you put that up against Boston PD Lts. with OVER 20 YEARS experience, making only $10,000 more in base pay, but without all these perks!

So which is right? Well This blog has called 67 towns in NH, and has yet to find any police officer who is paid more in total compensation!

We would welcome anyone who can give us more insight into this problem, perhaps someone has figures for officers statewide, we would welcome the information, but for now, it looks as though Atkinson is the most generous town in NH with the taxpayers money!


Anonymous said...

$90,000 per year??? For what???

In Atkinson?? You've got to be kidding me!!

Who did that? And why do we need a Lt. anyway

Anonymous said...

how does someone on salary get overtime, and detail, and differential?

Salary is Salary! A fixed rate of pay no matter if you work 1 hour, or 100 hours.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the chief asked the selectmen to put him on salary, he said Baldwin worked 50-60 hours a week and it would be cheaper to pay him a salary than to pay overtime.

So why is he getting overtime?

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, you called 67 towns. That's a hard to beleive.

Do you have anything better to do with your life than write these senseless articles?

Can we please stick to topics that warrant discussion and please, facts only!

Publius said...

So, you apparently do not think that our town employees pay warrants discussion, interesting, have you ever been on salary and allowed to earn extra money for those same hours worked?

Have you ever been on salary anywhere and been paid overtime, and differential on top of your salary?

What in this article are not facts sir?

This blog challenges you to show that any of the numbers presented here are false! But you can not because they are all a matter of public record, and therefore easily verifiable.

Anonymous said...

You get what you pay for. I think Lt. Baldwin does a good job. I would rather pay someone well that really works and is knowledgeable. Look around town, how many people make half of what Lt Baldwin makes and do nothing. Drop the vendetta and be honest.

Anonymous said...

I for one have been on a salary for years, and that just means that I work 50 hours a week for a fixed sum.

I never get any extra for working more. Durign year end inventory, I routinely work 80-90 hours that week, and that is expected.

Anonymous said...

Nice scheme. How's this prediction for a future scenario:

The heir apparent is being groomed to take over as new chief when current chief retires. Current Chief retires and gets the retirement benefits and then stays on as director of elderly affairs and continues to pull the puppet strings and nothing changes in the PD because basically the same person is truly running it. Baldwin has everything to gain financially and nothing to lose. He learns all the "tricks of the trade" and continues runnng the APD like a political organization. So nothing ever changes.

Anonymous said...

If someone has proof of wrongdoing, corruption, fraud, whatever - they need to take it to an investigative reporter, and/or whatever NH agency looks into these allegations. Ranting on this blog gets this town nowhere. Those in charge(?!)will never clean up their acts voluntarily.

Publius said...

To Anon @ 9:05

Why is it in Atkinson that every time one of the powers that be gets ctiticized the critic must have a "vendetta" against the subject of that criticism.

There are no personalities in this article, there are only facts, and evauations of those facts.

If you feel the facts are wrong then offer evidence to the contrary. Otherwise deal with the facts presented, compete in the realm of ideas, not in rhetoric.

The facts are simple, we have not been able to find a higher paid officer in the state, so far. We would welcome someone to find one, but until that time the question remains; Why does Atkinson, which by the chief's own admission has very little actual crime, need a $90,000 police Lieutenant?

Fishgutz said...

When I was growing up in Atkinson, there were not even any full time cops. And part time officer Kinney spent her "patrol" time chasing kids that were throwing snow balls at cars.
Kojak chased kids throwing rotten tomatoes in the fall.
Down size the LT. Let him go to his "Part time" patrolman job in Kingston full time where they now kind of make fun of him for being an Lt.
Does he drive his Atkinson cruiser to the part time job in Kingston? In fact if he ever drives the cruiser anywhere for personal use. fire his ass for misappropriation of town property.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 9:05

"Get what you pay for"???

That one is funny. So we taxpayers should overpay to get, what exactly?

You "think Lt. Baldwin does a good job...really works....and is knowledgable".

Your post is your opinion and you are entitled to it. However, it would help if you provided some real facts to back up an opinion that we should overpay for additional police officers we do not even need.

I have a different opinion based on the facts that: he publicly yelled at the citizenry, was witnessed doing "research" at the town on the taxpayers dime to compile a cell tower report the taxpayers did not ask for, and it appears he does not quite display being knowledgeable (as you claim) in his duties to the school board regarding the kindergarten.

There is a reason this officer is being overpaid. Why doesn't the chief stand up and explain the rapid raises and promotions to Lt. Baldwin and justify this huge expense to the taxpayers? Along with all of the police cars and a bloated police budget? Where are the facts to justify all of the expense?

Anonymous said...

well i guess that gives you 47 other towns to move to, huh..i also think lt. Baldwin does a great job and works hard.

Anonymous said...

FACTS.... Just beceause you (Publis) write something how can we all be sure it's a fact. You make a lot of allegations towards people and I am not convinced that they are all facts.

Lets face it, this blog is a gossip hole for people to vent without any action being taken.
You, Publis, obviously don't like specific people in town and are using this blog to vent.

SHOW ME THE FACTS and I just may beleive what I read here.

Publius said...

Ok, let us lay this out for you doubting thomases.

The town budget is available on the town website, the amounts paid to all town employees is available at the town hall to anyone who asks.

The amounts paid to other depts. officials could be verified by simply calling a few towns and asking what their chief makes, and what their second in command makes. And does he get to take home a car every night, and does he get to use that car to drive to Boston for Duty if he wishes, you know things like that.

This blog does not like or dislike any town official, this blog dislikes hypocracy, and this blog intends to inform the public about that which they would otherwise not know, The public once informed may do what they wish with the information, but they will never be able to feign ignorance of what was going on around them.

This blog wants accountabliity, and transparency in governmental operations.

The fact is a Boston PD Lt. with 21 years experience and a degree makes $71,000.

Atkinson's PD Lt. with 8 years experience and no degree will make $68,000 this year.

You decide if your money is being well spent.

Anonymous said...

How does a town employee who sued the town, to try and get promoted to Lt. after 4 years, actually get that promotion at a later date?

How does an employee who was less than forthright about his military pay when deployed get anything from the town?

Anonymous said...

I am tired of long term political police employees on the backs of atkinson:
5 years and out if above ptl.
Nothing above Sgt.
same for the next chief
get qualified people, that means degree in criminal justice.
All oficers qualified.
no other "political" activities
remain under control of the voters, writen job requirements, etc. etc. We have had to stand for this crap for too long. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean getting paid twice for the same hour worked?

Publius said...

Well, how many time have you seen Lt. Baldwin doing a detail during the day, or anytime for that matter?

The town was told by the chief when he was given his salary that he was on duty, or on call 24-7. And that being on a salary would save the town money over the overtime he would need to be paid for all of the hours he works.

Well, Now he gets his salary, and has been paid $5,000 in detail pay this year. How can you be paid for doing a detail, during the hours you are already being paid to work?

Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but what is the status of the "cell tower committee". I understand that the LT. is on this committee. Are the voters going to get sandbaged by not being told what is being discussed. I hear that these meetings have been closed. Does anyone have any information to share?

Anonymous said...

if this is true about the 5,000 detail pay Big Deal i would'nt want to stand several hours in the weather doing detail for 5,000 a year.. he seems to be under a microscope with this blog. umm maybe you need to look at some of the other police officers in town and see how much work their doing.Give me a break!!!!!!!!! Lt. Baldwin puts alot of his time into helping citizens of Atkinson.

Publius said...

To Anon @ 5:19

He is not under a microscope, we are questioning the wisdom of paying a public employee twice for the same hours worked.

We are also questioning the truthfullness, of presenting the issue of putting an employee on a salary, as a cost saving measure to the town because of the hours worked, and then quietly, out of the camera's eye, paying that employee, not only his salary, but all the benefits of the union contract ON TOP OF THAT SALARY!!! While he is excluded from participating in the union contract because of his rank!

This is about the selectmen wasting the taxpayers money!

Publius said...

This blog issues a challenge to all that read this;

Try to find another police officer, who gets a salary of $60,000/yr. and on top of that gets overtime, detail pay, night shift differential, AND A TAKE HOME CAR, complete with gas and maintenance.

Please report your results!

If you can find one, (we have not been able to) then ask how long they have been a cop, and what is their education level, and find out how big the town is.

Publius said...

I have two college degrees, have been salaried for 20 years, work an average of 50 hours a week, and have never gotten a dollar of overtime, or night shift diff.

This is great work if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the minutes from the June 13, 2005 selectmen's meeting, and Chief Consentino was in to discuss "creating" a Lt. position in the PD.

Why wasn't this position advertised, and the best qualified person hired, as town ordinance dictates?

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 11:32

You are right! and if you look at the minutes of the selectmens meeting June 2, 2003 There was a round table discussion of personnel policy and it was noted that "all positions vacant for 180 days MUST be advertised."

Wonder why this one wasn't?

Anonymous said...

Hey Cassius,

What do you mean by your statement?

"how does an employee who was less than forthright about his military pay when deployed get anything from the town?"

Anonymous said...

Sure, Look at the selectmens meeting minutes for May 19, 2003, and you will see what I mean;

What hapenned was Baldwin was calle dup to active duty.

Selectmen Boyle made a motion to advance him $5,900 to cover the difference between his military pay and his Sgt. Pay with the PD.

The board asked Sgt. Baldwin to furnish his military Leave and Earnings statement, so that they could reconcile accounts.

He refused, instead he furnished a commanders base pay letter, which only listed base pay, leaving out all his entitlements. This listed his pay as something on the order of $2,400/mo. when he was ACTUALLY receiving approx. $4,500/ mo.

Chief Consentino was insistent that Sgt. Baldwin get the $511.51 per WEEK diff. claimed in the letter. The Board finally ordered Sgt. Baldwin to either give them the LES or return the $5,900 advance.

The LES showed a difference of approx. $450./mo.

The advance the Board gave him would have covered him for 14 months!

There were 8 stories in the Eagle-Tribune during this time, about how the board was "nickle and diming" him, and how his wife and family were sufferring.

No mention of the fact that for the first 3 months of his deployment he was stationed in Boston and able to travel home.

No mention of his and Consentino's efforts to get him an extra $2,000/mo. over and above what he deserved.

Does this sound honest and forthright to you?

Also check out the minutes of June 9, 2003 selectmen's meeting.

Anonymous said...


I checked out those minutes, thank you, they dont paint a very flattering picture, do they?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard, if you read this, you have been very helpful with budget numbers, and the like, Are these numbers for Lt. Baldwins pay and benefits accurate?

I would appreciate any light you can shed on this.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 9:10

I am not sure which number you mean but I can confirm that Lt. Baldwin's salary is approximately $60,000/yr.
And yes The Chief did sell the idea of a salary as a cost saving measure, because, he said then Sgt. baldwin, worked 50-60 hours/wk. and it would be cheaper to pay him a salary, than to pay overtime.
And yes, The issue was questioned with no answers during budget season last year, as to why a 24-7 salaried employee could get paid overtime and details, You may remember that issue came up after the Mother's Day floods that washed away part of Island Pond rd.

Last year Lt. Baldwin's salary was $58,885 I believe, and he ended up getting paid somewhere around $64,000. I would have to check those figures, if I can find my budget books from last year.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

so where does the $90,000 come from??

Anonymous said...

I dont have my budget nooks in front of me but I'll take a stab at answering this one for you;For round figuring take the salary figure of $60,000.

Add to that the overtime, detail, night differential, and traing pay, and this figure reaches $68,000.

Medicare, and retirement costs are 1.45% for medicare, and state police retirement is 15.3% if I remember correctly, which adds $11,390 to this.

The take home car, under IRS rules is worth $7,900. Gas is $2.65/gal. at 15mpg, times 20,000 miles/yr.(conservative estimate, as the cruisers rack up over 50k per year according to the chief) This equals $3533.

Maintenance is at minimum $2,000/yr. if nothing major breaks. And insurance is valued at $453, by the IRS.

This gives the town a total cost of $93,276, plus the other benefit costs, such as uniform, medical insurance, and cost of benefits.

I would guess that is where the article author got thier numbers. This was all discussed on camera at budget meetings two years ago, when we were discussing the cost of the union contract.

I aargued that the ENTIRE costs of the contract should be included in the warrant article, The selectmen argued that it should only include the direct costs to the two fulltime union members. Russ said we didnt need to see the contract, we had his numbers. His numbers were vastly wrong! They projected an increase of $42k over all three years. Payroll went up $62k first year alone due to the almost 20% raises the contract allowed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Acciard, it appears that in regards to the union contract we were lied to again, you were right. As far as the pay issue I now understand the numbers.

This blog is right, it is way too much for a town like Atkinson!

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on the Lt. position. But in general, most police officers make around $44K in salary and then make additional pay through details (where they are working) that may add up to $20K more per year. I think it's ridiculous when people criticize police and teachers who make a decent living. Is there some rule that if you choose police work that you are required to have a low standard of living?? Cops do details to make extra money because they need it to support their families. These details are TIME WORKING AND AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILIES. Why not focus on the CEO's making millions even when the company does poorly??

Publius said...

You make an ineresting point about CEO's and you are right, when their companies do poorly under their management they should feel some of the pain, However, a salary is a salary! When you are working for the government there is a greater obligation to be parsimonious with the taxpayers money, it is not your own.

In the private sector, the shareholders have the remedy, which is frequently used, they vote no confidence in the board, and kick them all out.

That never happens in government! This discussion is not about paying police officers or teachers more money, by the way, the average K-12 teacher in America makes $34,00/hr. which is DAMN GOOD MONEY!!! The average police officer makes $22.00/ hr. which is STILL DAMN GOOD MONEY!!!

But when the government sets a rate of pay for a job, it is then responsible for making certain that that is the rate being paid. This means NOT PAYING THE OFFICER TO DO A DETAIL WHILE YOU ARE PAYING HIM TO BE A POLICE OFFICER!

You cant get paid twice for the same hour worked.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Acciard, I've heard the detail money comes from whoever/whichever entity is hiring the cop for that particular detail...if this is indeed accurate, it doesn't seem to have an impact on me whether or not Consentino is allowing Baldwin to work details, as long as it doesn't interfere with his normal 40 hour work schedule and that he's not being paid by the Town of Atkinson or the police department when doing these details.

I think I can relate to your concern about the definition of salary throughout this topic. A person on salary should definitely not get paid overtime, but that doesn't preclude that person from having a second job, which is what a detail essentially comes down to. Just 'cause one's on salary doesn't mean that person is working for the company every minute of the year. Salaried personnel benefits a company when that individual is working on job-related matter above and beyond his/her scheduled 40 hour time frame without just compensation due by the company, because of the pre-existing contractual agreement.

On another note, if the Selectmen minutes are indeed true about Baldwin being placed on salary, I highly doubt the Atkinson payroll accountants would let him slide by getting paid overtime. It just doesn't sound probable with the checks and balance. Do you agree? Or do you have other supporting info besides your mere intuition?

Mr. Acciard, being a well reputed icon in this Town, I find your position taken throughout this article to be a bit unreasonable at times. When I read your August 28, 2007 1:29 PM post, it seems like you're over-analyzing his income breakdown and is quite nitpicky on $ items that are true for many other occupations in Corporate America; which is why the IRS and the citizens who vote for them allow it.

Generally speaking, this blog seemed to have taken a vindictive approach towards Baldwin that sidetracked from the intent of the original "Boston Police Lt. abuse details!" article. The article's concern was that the Boston cops have "...untruthfully reported their hours, performed details that conflicted with scheduled tours of duty and received details through unauthorized means..." Is this the case with Baldwin? If so, then it surely deserves another post!!

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

I think the main point here is that from a compensation perspective, it appears that Lt. Baldwin, AS COMPARED TO OTHER POLICE OFFICERS, is extremely well paid and even overpaid when you look at the volume and type of work/risk here in Atkinson as compared to a job in Boston, for example (let's not forget the MA state income tax which also decreases a MA salary by almost 6%).

Please keep the comparison to Police and not bring in other professions or CEOs for that matter.

It just raises more questions as to why. Why so much compensation, why so many police cars, why such a huge police budget for a town that has so little crime?

Anonymous said...

To: anon at 9:10 pm....
Nice summary I have to agree with you completely....

Anonymous said...

Have to agree wih the last comment ... the detail money will be spent either way

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 9:10

First allow me to thank you for the compliment, and honorarium.

On the contrary, I was asked where the $90,000 came from and I am explaining what was discussed on this issue in budget meetings. Everything stated is the cost of the compensation package. I did not analyze, I merely recited the facts as they are. I have also not written in a vindictive manner towards Lt. Baldwin. Amost every time I have had the opportunity to observe him in a professional setting I have observed him to act appropriately. The standoout exception, in my mind, would be this years deliberative session.This is my personal opinion, nothing more.

In your post you you express doubt that the bookkeeper would allow overtime to be paid to a salaried person, unfortunately she has no say in the matter. The selectmen sign the vouchers, usually without discussion, or even in some cases, reading them, and she has to pay what they have authorized by signature, as for the cost to the town, you are right that details are mostly paid by the revolving detail fund, and that money does not "come from" the taxpayers directly, however it does impact the budget in the form of increased payroll taxes, retirement costs, and the lessening of the fund balance which would be used to buy down police budgetary line items, each year, as it was last year.

Again, thank you for the compliment, and I hope this was of help.

Anonymous said...

There are certainly alot of perks that the top 2 at APD receive. I was wondering when the last time either have actually paid for gas. Does APD Car One (The Chief) have a speed pass on the Cadi too?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the LT is also representing us on the School Board. Can I ask 1 question, Why would we vote for someone to represent us (ATKINSON) on the school board when he choses to send his kids to Pollard. Does he know anything about the goings on at Atkinson Academy?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope there is a nation-wide search for a new Chief when Phil retires. There are a few qualified candidates at APD to replace the Chief but , wake up Atkinson, it's not Baldwin!

Anonymous said...

Why do you feel Lt. Baldwin is not qualified for cheif? Why does it matter where his kids go to school?
So if he didnt have any kids he wouldnt be qualified for school board chair? Please give me a break!Thats what bothers me all the digs that are just that, digs, that are unnecesary..

Anonymous said...

If you haven't figured it out by now, LT Baldwin will become the new chief. This is part of the grand scam. Here is my prediction:

Chief continues to use/abuse Elderly Affairs to continue to electioneer the vote.

Chief continues to get his puppets elected to run town (Selectman, Budget Committee, etc.).

Chief retires and gets Lt. Baldwin hired as the new chief by his puppets.

Old Chief maintains role as Director of Elderly Affairs.

Old Chief still runs the (APD) Atkinson Political Dictatorship just as he does now - just from a distance. And he can claim ignorance of the goings on in the PD but he will still be running it. He has embedded Elderly Affairs into the PD so he operates from his old office.

NOTHING WILL CHANGE. APD budget will continue to grow. More officers, more cars and don't forget the rehab of the police station that our Building Needs Committee is now considering.

As for Lt. Baldwin, his bloated income should be a red flag - ie. getting the early payoff benefits by colluding with the chief. Look at the rapid promotions. Lots of promises made. A great $$ deal for the Lt. And the chief gets a lifetime of security for himself and family.

Just my humble opinion of course. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

In My Humble opinion... I think you are ALL WRONG!!!

Publius said...

To the last anon,

Great!! Do you have any facts? or just a gut feeling?

Fishgutz said...

Will Baldwin get the same Hitlerian "appointment for life" that the chef squeezed out of a compliant BoS?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of girls in town. The facts are that former selectmen, budget members and current officials no question have a problem with baldwin because he is steadfast in his morals and beliefs and has the backbone to stand against these people. How about when boyle wanted another means of egress from his subdivision and had his pal at the helm of the fire dept (like he does no wrong) and his pal at AYB go to bat for him at the school board meeting attemping to get land for more parking at games, but only if the second means of egress was included in the transaction. Of course the fire chief stated it would be easier to get the fire equipment in and out, but baldwin still new something funny was being cooked up. Why would the land behind Atkinson Academy for additional parking during ball games and the then head of AYB have anything to do with another means of egress from abutting subdivision. Because it is always about friends doing favors for friends. Baldwin is not in that circle and refuses to bend. Instead he does what's right for the town. Imagine that. Someone actually putting the best interest of the town above all else. By the way, I didn't hear anyone mention the fact that while boyle was selectman, he was part of the clan attempting to get remove baldwin's medical insurance for him and family while he was in Iraq, putting his life on the line protecting our ability to speak this freely as well as all other freedoms. The person that stated why do we need a police Lt. and one that makes the money that baldwin makes when by all accounts and the chiefs states " We don't have much crime". OK, you can all get your heads out of your rear ends now. No crime? What are you kidding me? There is lots of crime. You just are not made aware of it. How many of you would like to be on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week, most of the time getting as little as 1-2 hours sleep on a regular basis. The chief can't, doesn't and shouldn't do much. His time has come and gone. Baldwin's continued educational record, police record and military record speak for themselves and I am proud to have someone with his integrity stand for upstanding citizens in Atkinson. By the way, for those just realizing it, Pollard School is part of The Timberlane School District of which Baldwin is a part of The School board. The same district as Atkinson Academy and the same curriculum. Also be careful when voting whether to allow 5 seats as selectmen. This only allows these people to install friendly faces and control town politics for friends alike. Anybody notice selectman sullivan marketing property for sale at boyle's subdivision. hmmm. Don't these 2 and others have cofee together every morning. No conflict though huh. So please when you talk about facts, please no bullcrap. Make sure you speak about all the behind the scenes bull that takes place. Total personality conflict because baldwin refuses to conform to doing business as usual in Atkinson. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Baldwin(we are guessing) for that fine but factualy incorrect post.

First of all, Boyle never wanted another point of egress, he, ike every builder in town before him offerred to trade a 12' wide path through the woods, the first 150' of which was someones driveway, for a live fire hydrant in a neighborhood that contained a school and had no hydrants. This is a normal procedure and how the town got most of its hydrants at builders expense instead of the towns. You also forget to mention that this cost Mr. Boyle triple what the path would have, and you forget to mention that he spent over $200,000 to bring a water main up to that project so that it could have hydrants, and yes, this was to avoid sprinklering the houses.

You forget to mention that Mr. Dow and the AYB people VOLUNTEERED at their own expense to improve the ballfield, build a parking lot, and continue the fire access road down the same path the state fire marshall is now demanding it, at a cost of $138,000.

You forget to mention that when Turner Porter brought that project before the planning board, he threw in the access path to make it sail past the board, and it was the chief who was against it, until he could use it against Boyle.

You also forget to mention that the school board approved this project in June of 2005, and that it was reported in the Eagle-Tribune the next day. Yet when selectmen Sapia stopped work on the site(he had no authority on school grounds) and demanded that they go back to the school board, he and the chief were there with Mr. Baldwin fighting to overturn the previously given permission, it was pointed out at that time that there was no fire truck access to over 2/3rds of the school and it was this same 2/3rds that had no sprinklers. Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Sapia, and the school board did nothing!

Interesting notation about Boyle trying as selectmen to withhold insurance from mr. Baldwin, the implication being he was authorized it, He wasn't because of a technicality with some other insurance also carried by his family, The chief even agreed with this and pulled that amount out of the budget, that was where the extra money came from to buy the SUV.
Funny how you know all of these details of the time but forget that Mr. Baldwin threatened suit against the town, over his pay. The town(Boyle suggested this, and made the motion btw) told Baldwin that he would not lose any money by being deployed. Boyle even made the motion to ADVANCE bALDWIN $5,900.00 to help cushion any hardship. The board asked him to furnish a copy of his leave and earnings statement so that they could verify his earnings. Instead Baldwin gave them a letter from his commander telling them his BASE PAY was only approx. $2,400/mo. When in actuality his LES showed pay of approx.$4,400/mo.
He had the chief in selectmens meetings asking for his checks based upon his base pay. Baldwin was asking the town for $511.51/wk. claiming that was the difference between his military pay and his police pay. That was a lie at worst, and dishonest at best. The actual difference was approx. $450/mo. This is the conduct you hold as a beacon of morality?

As for his educational record, I believe he was a "C" student at Timberlane, dropped out of college in his first semester, spent 8 years in the military, then became a cop in Atkinson. I believe that he holds no degrees at all, when most police Lts. hold Masters degrees in criminal Justice.

As for his military record, NH Police standards and Training does not count miitary service in its evaluations of police personell, they do this because most officers ar eprior military, and they recognize that law enforcement in the military is more akin to a civilian security guard, not a cop.

Now all of this is an attempt to correct your factually incorrect record, as stated in your post, this does not necesarily represent an evaluation or indictment of Lt. Baldwin, but if you are going to post here we would appreciate it if you can get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

who cares who has coffee with who.I will have to stand up for Mr. Boyle. I felt he was always a voice of reason when he was a selectmen and didn't bow down to the "good ol boys" in town. He was fair and honest when it came to dealing with Mr.Baldwin during his military service. Mr.Sullivan has my same respect. I thank them both for trying to maintain some sort of level headness in dealing with those who think they know it all. I'm so sick of hearing "at the end of day" It is time to vote out all the puppets of this town.

Anonymous said...

I STILL haven't heard anyone factualy dispute the original article?

If his pay is normal, where are all the other second in commands with a similar package?

Where is the debate in the realm of ideas, rather than trying to tar and feather the message carrier?

Anonymous said...

OK, these last few comments raise another question

How did he get promoted to Lt. if he misled the town and tried to get more money that he deserved?

Is there anywhere I can find out about this independently?

Anonymous said...

To Fishgutz

It has mong been discussed around town that Baldwin takes the cruiser down to Boston for his guard duty, why should taxpayers pay for that

Anonymous said...

Just so we are clear. This is not Baldwin. It is just someone that is tired of the good ole boy network working strictly for the betterment of themselves and not the positions they hold for the town. In other words, holding positions in the town for all the wrong reasons. So if this isn't a vendetta against baldwin, why are we just discussing baldwin and his pay. Why not Chief Murphy or Chief Consentino or Stewart or Town Hall employees that wear the more than one hat and complete different jobs and assignments while on the clock for the other position. Again I ask, are you willing to be on call 24/7 for the crimes that are committed in this town. And make no mistake, there is plenty of crime. I am willing to bet you are not leaving a family picnic on a holiday to tend to a crime. You know, the breaking and entering, the family abuse, rape, drunk driving, accidents, etc... Shall I continue. But these crimes don't exsist? Someone once said, "It's not your enemies you have to watch, it's your friends". Putting friends in positions of authority in Atkinson will only benifit themselves. This is why it makes a difference as to who is having coffee together. Differences in opinion is what is best for the town.

Fishgutz said...

to; anon@8:28AM

Did I miss something? Of course it is absolutely wrong for LT. B. to take the town vehicle beyond the town line for anything but official town duty. Anything else is illegal misappropriation of town equipment. In most jobs that is cause for suspension at least.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I just read the minutes from May 19, 2003 selectmen's meeting! It appears Baldwin wanted the town to pay him over $2,000 a month on top of his military pay, when the actual difference was only $450/ mo.

In the company I work for that would be called fraud, and/ or embezzlement, and I would be fired and probably prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to check the facts posted here.

I called Plaistow, and their police chief is salaried at $1392/wk.

Their deputy Chief is salaried at $1160/wk with no take home car, or detail or overtime pay. That's $60,380/yr.

Anonymous said...

To Anon that is not Baldwin:

I think most people get the picture of police work and its inherent risks and responsibilities.

If anyone going into that position has to constantly tell us all about the risks and concerns, then they should seek another line of work.

And where are your stats to justify your point about "plenty of crime?

According to our own Atkinson PD website, between 1/1/2002 - 10/1/2005, the average number of "incidents" our own PD is reporting averages just over ONE incident PER DAY.

That is our own PD's numbers, not mine. Sounds to me you don't have the facts. Go look for yourself on the Atkinson Police web at:

click on the link "Statistics" and do the math.

We pay almost $800K per year to handle ALL that criminal activity. Now THAT is a crime.

Crimes like "Neighborhood complaint", 45 incidents in 2004. And "Suspicious Activity", 63 incidents in 2004. Let's not forget "Criminal Mischief", 80 incidents in 2004. These three categories represent the bulk of the festering criminal activity in the town known as Atkinson, NH.

Again, these are the PD's actual numbers, not mine.

Fishgutz said...

Time for Baldwin to get a "salary adjustment" based on "comparable market."
Of course this means downward.
No more OT or detail pay. Let the patrolmen get the OT.
I was outraged when a Lowell police captain got a crap load of "OT" for pulling details.

Anonymous said...

Lets all check the blogs facts;

Call a town, any town, ask what the chief, and his second in command make?

is it salary or hourly?

do they get overtime and detail pay?

do they get a take home car at town expense?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the bottom line is SALARY MEANS YOU ARE BEING PAID YOUR SALARY, period. That's what you make, nothing more nothing less. If you get called at 3 in the morning you are on SALARY, go do the call and do your job. You are not paid to go do detail and collect for it. You are paid to be on call 24/7, that's SALARY, if you don't like it, re-negotiate your contract to become hourly.

Anonymous said...

I am more disturbed by the fact that this guy wants to be the chief law enforcement officer in Atkinson, yet he evidently tried to cheat the town out of almost $2,000/mo. for what? 15 months or so?

Atkinson has had enough of a dishonest police chief, we don't need another one.

Anonymous said...

I am really not a conspiracy theorist, but ever since this blog started questioning the amount of crime in Atkinson, there have been stories in the Eagle-Tribune about domestics, and thefts, and other crime in Atkinson. For many years it was the policy of the PD to not publicize these events, yet now I am seeing Lt. Baldwin quoted in the paper almost daily showcasing these events, could this be a response to the criticism of this blog?

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:27

LOOKed at the paper this AM and had the same thoughts. Truth? or just great minds think alike?

Anonymous said...

I think that the Lt. just likes seeing his name in the paper. Is he making a scrapbook for his next promotion? Look everyone, see what I have done!!!

Anonymous said...

I called Exeter, population 14,856, 2.5 times Atkinson's population, and their second in command is a Lt. Salary is $70,100, no overtime, detail money, no take home car.

I am thinking you guys were right! Why are we paying this guy overtime and detail pay?

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder why our annual report withheld (for the first time since I can remember) the annual contractors/salary report?

Hmmmm. Gee, I wonder. Think maybe Russ and the gang were hiding something? Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, when I saw 3 articles in the paper the other night all about atkinson I said to myself "wow that is strange" now after reading the most recent blogs I guess I would have to agree...

Anonymous said...

Danville second in command is salaried at $50,804 No detail money, no overtime, no take home car

Anonymous said...

Sandown: Second in command $ 48,650

No overtime, details, or take home car

Anonymous said...

Lincoln, NH seond in command Lt. salary $50,809 no overtime, nodetail, no car.

Anonymous said...

regarding the latest listings with second in command salaries...but they don't live in AHTkinson (as consentino likes to say). we have selectman who have to answer to consentino who believes HE is "the best interest" of the town. he's an old man who's time has come to deliver what he's always promised. pack up and move to Florida. let him start an elderly affairs program down there, lets face it Florida has lots of elderly for him to taxi around. as for the high salary Baldwin receives, let it be negotiated down when his contract is up, or find a town that believes he is worth that kind of money, without a degree or years of experience. nothing personal but Lt. you are not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, many views regarding the compensation of the Lt.

Having negotiated labor agreements, and hired "salaried" management staff, if an employee was hired or received an annual salary increase or a contractual increase for that matter it would need to be approved by someone like a Vice President, or President, or a corporate shareholders board of directors prior to the contract (for hourly) being signed or the increase going into effect (for salaried).

In this case, in refeence to some of the comments about Baldwin's compensation, I think it's a reasonably safe bet that someone (the selectmen, the chief, or voters???) had to approve the spending for annual increases and fringe benefits? If there is an issue with Baldwin's performance then maybe we need our own version of a Police Review Board.... Oh! I almost forgot about the "vendetta"!

If Baldwin's compensation has been approved up to the 90,000 mark influding fringes, then perhaps a closer scrutiny of who is bumping the payrol figure with or without approval is needed.

Granted, we have our own political issues here in Atkinson. Has anybody (town employees) actually been fired in the town's history?

On another note, I don't think it's completely fair to judge the comp paid to the Atkinson Lt verses a Boston LT. I Imagine Boston has more then 1 LT on the payroll and perhaps more then 1 LT on shift at a time. Although Boston has to deal with "big city" issues, the Boston LT's likely have a support network and additional manpower.

I also expect with an operation the size of Boston that there is a "dilution" of responsibility and although both Atkinson & Boston both have the rank LT in their police department organization, I believe our LT is handling most of the operational issues verses the disrupting performed of "Kojak".

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "