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Friday, February 22

Selectmen Sapia screams at Town Clerk, resident in CLERKS Office!

Some of you may remember this story appearing on this blog last year, well it happened again yesterday!

Selectman Sapia saw a resident in the Town Clerks office near Linda's desk, with Linda, and he stormed into the room, screaming at both the Town Clerk, and the resident! Linda to her credit, tried to explain to this arrogant, out of control selectman that he had no legal authority in her office, but he refused to listen. Could he have been upset because the resident was Ken Grant, and Mr. Sapia is curently being sued by Mrs. Grant, we don't know, and it doesn't matter, because if you can not do your job, especially in the face of someone you don't personally like, you are not fit for the job.

It would appear that three years of abusing residents as selectmen has STILL not taught him the limits of his authority. Becaue when told that he had no authority in the Town Clerks office, it is reported that his loud, and angry response was "THIS IS MY BUILDING, I RUN THIS PLACE!!!!!"

Mr. Sapia, thank God you will only be a selectmen for less than a month, because in the eyes of this blog you are obviously too arrogant, disrespectful, and bullying to be a selectmen! It is not YOUR building, and YOU run nothing! you are merely part of a board of managers who are answerable to the people, you would do well to remember that! We have no kings in America!


Anonymous said...

This behaviour is just so inappropriate on all levels.

Kudos to Linda for standing up to this meglomaniac.

Dont' let the door smack you in the back on your way out Jack.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I will apologize for the ego-maniacal, and offensive conduct of one of our selectmen, even if he won't.

Jack, It is my opinion that you do not talk to a woman that way, especially at HER work, in HER office. You do not speak to an elected town official that way, especially in HER OFFICE, an office which is not subordinate to the board of selectmen.

There can be no justification for this type of behavior.

Linda, you did not deserve this, you did not deserve it the last time Jack did it, and it should never have happened again. I think the fact that it has is indicative that this was not an aberation, but a character trait.

Anonymous said...

No, neither my husband nor I submitted this lead article which I am now responding to. I found out about what happened yesterday soon after it happened. Everyone who was in Town Hall heard Sapia's shouting.

What Sapia did both to Linda and to my husband was reprehensible and inexcusable. What makes Sapia's nastiness the more outrageous is that this is the SECOND TIME he's gone after Ken and Linda for speaking to each together in the Clerk's office.

Just so everyone knows the facts of why this happened: Ken went to the Town Clerk's Office as the father of an Army Ranger Captain currently serving in Afghanistan on his third combat tour (his two previous tours were in Iraq).

Paul's unit, the 4th Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne Division, is scheduled to return home in April. Paul sent Linda an e-mail from Afghanistan about getting his cherished and restored 1968 Camaro re-registered and with new plates so it will be ready for him when he arrives home. (It's currently in storage in our garage.)

Linda phoned Ken about the e-mail from Afghanistan and Ken, who will be paying for the re-registration and plates, immediately went down to the Town Clerk's office. Ken also bought to Linda some pictures we just received of Paul in Afghanistan.

Linda was showing Ken the e-mail from Paul and Ken was proudly showing Linda the pictures of Paul when Sapia stormed into Linda's office, saw them talking together, and then, inexplicably, went vicious on them, --verbally assaulting and abusing them both.

Sapia is not content to repeatedly abuse Linda in the Selectmen's office with her afterwards in tears; he also abuses her in her own office where he has no business being other than to do his own vehicle registrations.

Sapia has NO power or authority in the Town Clerk's office. Linda can order him out of her office for obstructing the carrying out of Town Clerk's official business. She also has the authority to have the police remove him if he doesn't leave and can even have a restraining order issued against Sapia to keep him away from her other than when he is doing his own car registrations, which can be handled by the Deputy Clerk. Linda is an elected official who, by the RSA's, is in NO way under the authority of any selectman, including Sapia. Maybe that's why Sapia dislikes her so much and repeatedly is abusive to her.

Sapia continues to be a despicable abusive bully where Linda is concerned. Does he get his kicks from bullying women? Ken can take Sapia's garbage behavior -- Linda shouldn't have to.

When I awoke this morning and Ken told me there was a posting about what happened because of our currently-serving-in-combat son simply trying to get his Camara re-registered, I was upset enough at Sapia's nastiness that I submitted this post. I usually only post concerning environmental matters, but Sapia's latest viciousness is just too much.

Anonymous said...

Linda, you shouldn't have to put up with that abuse, I agree with Mark. If my husband heard any man talk to me like that, he would have punched him.

Anonymous said...

What a bully! I will never vote for a man who treats others that way! And I will not vote for anyone he backs either.

Mr. Sapia, I know you are running unopposed but I will not vote for you. When 5000 people vote and you get only 2000 votes you will know why.

Anonymous said...

No way will Sapia get 2000 votes!

I was at town hall yesterday and had I witnessed that, I would have called the police myself.

Sapia should drop out of the Conflict of Interest Committee race immediately. We can support a write in candidate.

Linda, if you filed a formal complaint it may force him to drop out.

Anonymous said...

It will be a gross insult to Mrs. Jette, her family, and to all of the people in town who like and care about her, for Sapia to show up at that certain up-coming event at the Atkinson Country Club.

Sapia has forced his un-wanted, abusive presence on Mrs. Jette too often. He and his selectmen cronies have succeeded in driving her out of her job. At this point, Mrs. Jette should be spared the unpleasantness of Sapia forcing his presence for the small remaining time of her tenure as our Town Clerk. He doesn't care about her. His presence would be
and insult and mockery of what the event is about.

Anonymous said...

If she gets a restraining order against him, he can't show up.

Anonymous said...

Linda, You'd be doing the town a service to get a restaining order. We need Sapia out. His treatment of you and others has got to be stopped and we need him out of Atkinson politics.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sapia, you have lost my vote.

and Mr. Friel, as long as these men associate themselves with you, YOU have lost my vote too!

Anonymous said...

I have said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm sorry I voted for Jack Sapia.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous- Feb. 16, 11:07 p.m. and Anonymous - Feb. 16, 11:46 p.m.

The solution is what 11:46 p.m. says: a write-in campaign against Sapia for the Ethics Committee.

Sapia and the word "ethics" don't go together -- the difference is between black and white, day and night, good and bad, honor and integrity vrs. the lack of both.

Sapia on the town ethics committee would make a mockery of the purpose of that committee. Decisions made would be based on cronyism and who was on the "in" or "out" with Sapia.

Sapia knows that he didn't have a chance of being re-elected as selectmen. Putting his name in for the un-opposed slot on the Code of Ethics Committee was nothing more than an ego thing so that he could continue to say that his is still part of town govt.

We need to find someone who would be willing to allow his/her name to be used as a write-in candidate.
Just not voting for Sapia isn't enough. There has got to be a name to vote for to register disapproval of Sapia and what he stands for and represents.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 4:04

I agree, I nominate Mark Acciard, he has done more to enforce ethics in Atkinson's government than the conflict of interest committee has.

Anonymous said...

lets get a write in candidate to challange Jack on the Ethics committee.

I wouldn' want Jack to collect my rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Given Mark's current legal entanglements he'd probably have to recuse himself more times than not.

I suggest Brian Boyle.

Anonymous said...

I'd write in only if they were a new name on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Brian has demonstrated in past that he knows what "Conflict of Interest" means. When he was a selectman and an item came up that concerned him, he stood down.

Others has demonstrated they have no clue to the concept.

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest, the conflict of interest committee, does little or nothing. I dont think anyone has filed a petition since Mark did a couple of years ago.

so nobody would have to recuse themselves, because nobody files complaints, because nobody want to go through what the people who have complained have had to go through,

Anonymous said...

please jack.. just quit and move out of town now.. your just an embaressment to Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sapia you promised "to be a uniter, not a divider" you have done more to divide this town than anyone in its history you should be ashamed of your actions

Anonymous said...

We need someone to run against Polito also. His behavior, though overshadowed by Phil and Jack, was bad enough. He should have brought the meeting into order and did not.

Anonymous said...

eth·ics /ˈɛθɪks/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[eth-iks] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–plural noun 1. (used with a singular or plural verb) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture.
2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence.
4. (usually used with a singular verb) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions

'nuff said

Anonymous said...

Brian signed up for, and was elected to the Code of Ethics Committee a couple of years ago. He withdrew because of a Conflict of Interest. He's a builder.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance, exagerating ones own worth or importance in an overbearing manner. Arrogant people are so predictable. The Chiet, Sapia , Childs, Polito. The big fish in the little pond senario.

Anonymous said...

I believe Linda is quitting because of the healthcare benefits change the state is enacting this summer. It is widely known that workers who are part of the state program MUST retire to retain benefits for their families. Clerks across the state are leaving. Also, school administrators are leaving at record numbers to take advantage of the system before it changes.
Linda is obviously being treated poorly but it is not the reason for her departure. I just wanted to point out the obvious. She would not let someone run her out of town. She is better than that.

Anonymous said...

I have read this blog numerous times where someone would post Jack screamed at someone during the selectman's meeting. I have recorded meetings for aprox 1 year now. I have never seen him scream or yell at anyone during these meetings. Can anyone give me a specific time or date so I can review and see for myself? I am not defending Jack! I just want to see for myself. I would like to create a tape of all of Jack's incidents but have been unable to find any.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon @ 10:41

you mean someone could be in conflict because of their employment? What a novel concept! Someone like say a town employee, or a police chief?

Anonymous said...

to anon @ 11:58

His performance screaming at Linda and Ken Grant in the town clerks office were obviously not televised, but were witnessed by people.

In slelectmens meetings it is less screaming, but more rudeness, and inappropriate conduct.

April 18, 2005, august 8, 2005, nov. 7, 2005, dec. 27, 2005. There are others.

Anonymous said...

Watch the deliberative session, he was obnoxious. You may not see as much on tape as we could see in the room because only one camera is shown at a time. You should attend the meetings if you want to know for sure.

Anonymous said...

2005? this is 2008 last i checked.
ps: i did attend

Anonymous said...

We know

Anonymous said...


It is NOt your building!

Your basic lack of understanding about the basic functions of town government illustrate why you did such a poor job as a selectman.

Anonymous said...

Was Linda on lunch break or on our dime?

Anonymous said...

The town should appropriate money to send Jack to an anger management class

Anonymous said...

He's cost us enough already.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if she was on lunch or during work hours? It is her office! She has sole authority in that office, by law! And it WAS a town clerk matter they were discussing. So again, what difference does that make?

Anonymous said...

It was not town business. Reread Carol's post. I'm just pointing out the facts. No need to become emotional or your point becomes LOST.

Anonymous said...

I am not becoming emotional, nice try.

Carol's post said, that her son Paul sent linda an email asking to get his car registered before he returns from Afghanistan. And Ken went up there to pay for the registration. The pictures were along with the email.

THat is what was said.

Anonymous said...

Well then Carol needs to re-post because the only pictures mentioned are the ones Ken brought in. I'm just pointing out the facts. Anon

Anonymous said...

Ok, and can you explain how the issue of whether or nto the pictures were brought in by Ken when he came to pay for a registration, or emailed by the person requesting the registration has any bearing on, or in any way makes Jack's egregious behavior anything approaching acceptable?

Anonymous said...


Not to worry, nobody reads these blog post. It is just a "few" trouble makers.....

How many thousands of hits have this site had?? LOTS and LOTS!

As a matter of fact, it could do with some reorganization. It just takes me so long to check the daily post. But that can be done in the future, like some of the big forums online. Just a thought I do like this place.

Anonymous said...

The point is to take emotions out of everything posted and state facts. In business, when emotions come into play, you lose everytime. Your whole point was lost because you became emotional and skipped over the facts to make your point. It was very easy to reference Carol's post and make you less credible. I am actually trying to help you!. If we elect someone who allows emotions to control them then we all lose. I am still trying to make sense of everything I read here. I still have not seen Jack ever yell at anyone at a selectman's meeting. I am not sure who to believe. Just my take on things.. Anon

Anonymous said...

You know, it's too bad we can't vote for a Vulcan. That would take care of your emotion problem.

You seem to be really hung up on this "emotions" thing. I don't think you're trying to help Mark at all. If I were the suspicious type, I might think you have entire other agenda going here.

The following was from an earlier thread, "The town i a business. I believe he is sincere
and I do not feel he will give cart blanche to the PD, FD, HW, etc.. whether they believe so or not. Valerie has a number of supporters who expect her to take action on their emotions."

The mention of "business" and "emotions" again in a post endorsing Mr. Friel and a swipe at Mrs. Tobin.

Yep, I think there is something going on here and it has nothing to do with Linda being on duty or not, or question about some photos. But, that's just my take on things

Hanging Chad said...
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Anonymous said...

i've been hearing alot of these emotions comments too. we should root them out and expose them....
for their real agenda. they said they were at the deliberative session @ someone commented they know? yep, might be a real vulcan.

Anonymous said...

Re the picture issue! I would venture that over the years Linda and many of her clerks as well as the tax collector have had to - and were glad to look at the treasured pics that many of the residents brought with them as they came in for one thing or another. I, myself, must plead guilty! I think it goes along with the territory of being a good "people person". Can you imagine the outrage if some one pulled out the latest pic of new grandchild and was told to stuff it away - this was a place to do business - not to socialize! business

Anonymous said...

People refer to emotions in connection with Valerie's supporters because she is a woman and they are sexist. The implications are thinly veiled. It is never subtle enough that sexism goes unnoticed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To what? Can't help if there is no question.

Anonymous said...

I am noticing a pattern of comments criticizing people presumed to be Tobin supporters as emotional.

Is THAT the BEST criticism that you guys can muster up?

How about you explain about Mr. Friel changing his mind after a phone call from Mr. Sapia, about running for office. Explain the chief of police arriving with and introducing Mr. Friel to the elderly, clearly electioneering. And also how did those "Vote Friel" pencils get from the senior event at the community center to be displayed on the counters at the Town Hall an hour later? Mr. Friel hadn't been there but his town official supporters had.

You can not display campaign materials in the town hall!

What about the lack of fiscal agent? first on the signs, then on the postcards?

Anonymous said...

I tried to find an old blog posting that addressed the specific issue of emotional posts on the blog and how it was detrimental to the level of discourse in town. The headline of this article is a good example. Capital letters give the impression of yelling as well as teh exclamation point. In my humble opinion, the level of discourse on this blog seems to have gone down hill in the last few months. I looked back in December and November and there was more meaningful, researched posts with some intellectual thought provided. References were posted to websites where information/documents were pointed to that supported someones position. There were interesting and funny posts from someone named Fishguts and another form JusticeBeDamned to name a few. I don't see them anymore. I do see a lot of political posturing and finger pointing and accusations. But in my opinion, less than half of what I read seems to have much value. I give Mrs. Tobin credit for having the guts to come out onto this blog but if I were her political advisor, I would have told her not to because of the potential one sided attacks that can go on forever and not contribute any value to the discussion or her image. I agree with the old post that we need to raise the level of discourse in town and one way to do that is to stick to facts and documentation to support one's opinion. Otherwise, your post is not much more than text on a web page, in my humble opinion of course. Its like the wild west out here.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should have a write in candidate for the position Jack is running for.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need a write in to push Jack out, unless he puts backs out, which he should do.

Any volunteers for write in? We need to move on this.......

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are two names for the COI board, the other being J. Hazlett. Are one or two openings on the board?

Anonymous said...

There are two openings on the board.

Vote for Jim then write in the other candidate. If we can get a good name to write in, someone who agrees.

Anonymous said...

why was my comment taken off? im a bit dumbfounded?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats with the NO LINKS comments?

Anonymous said...

Hanging Chad says
How can Jack get away with that sort of behavior? Linda should get a restaining order against him.
that would get Jack out of the town hall!

Anonymous said...

She should get a restraining order, not turn the other cheek this time. It would help us all.

Anonymous said...

I just read Peak vs. Consentino and I am not surprised by the Chief's behavior. He's been disgracing this town for years and costing us alot in the meantime.

Mark will be the next one to take him down but unfortunately, it will cost us again.

I am asking for the next board of selectment to step up and fire Phil Consentino.

Anonymous said...

Yep, when Vulcans land.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys! This is america! Bill Clinton flys all the time, so pigs do fly! Dont be so negitive. Change does happen. Change will happen. Nothing lasts forever, and one thing you can count on is change. I believe!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How about if we all write in Carol Grant's name for the Ethics Committee...She would do a good job!

Anonymous said...

Let's face it the one good thing Jack did for the town is he kicked Brian's a......... and Jack learned a valuable lesson from Brian get out on top as opposed to letting your ego think you can win.

Good luck jack!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny, I thought Boyle was a pretty good selectman, at least he didnt disrespect residents like Sapia does.

And the only time I saw him have a conflict when his prject came before board he stepped aside on his own, something consentino never did.

Anonymous said...

There is a search function at the top of the main page. Enter Boyle and you 'll find a survey of selectmen was done and Mr. Boyle was consistently rated near the top.

I don't know what motivated the town to elect Mr. Sapia but it has a chance to correct that mistake

Anonymous said...

I voted for Sapia because I wanted someone new to run. What a mistake. Of course Brian was better but I am against builders in this town. There has been too many problems with the town allowing builders to do whatever they want.

I would vote for Brian over Jack if he runs.

Anonymous said...

I think Carol would be a good candidate for conflict of interest also.

she gives so much to the town and stands up to them. I could never be as strong as she can.

Anonymous said...

to anon @ 9:05

what problems have there been with builders on the board of selectmen? I cant think of one?

Anonymous said...

So have the facts been checked. Is Linda to receive benefits or not?
Repost the removed blog or update us. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree that a vote for Sapia for the Ethics committee is an oxymoron!!

Mr. Sapia has shown a total disregard for anyone's interest except his own.

Linda served the town well, and Mr. Sapia should have known that has absolutely no control over the town clerk.

My vote is for Carol Grant as a write-in candidate for the Ethics Committee.

Anonymous said...

To Jack Sapia

If you do not drop out of the race you will be watched like a hawk and anything that you are doing will be published here for everyone to know. Is this what you want, because we don't want you on the conflict of interest committee. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

The last post sounds real familiar. Itimidate by threatening
to harrass. This blog has become one with your enemy. It is a shame
that useful information and truth no longer matter. Just yell loud and change will happen. Very silly and pointless post. Grow Up 9:40am 2/25/08

Anonymous said...

It's true it or not, that's what this is all about, freedom of speech. The last thing we need is a person who has been harassing and intimidating people put on the conflict of interest committee.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 9:40

I have to agree with the commentator after you. I love this blog, because it si freedom of speech in action. I love the debate, and the free flow exchange of ideas and points of view. But I really do not like the threatening tone, and yes I know this is just my opinion, and you have no reason to care what I think, but I have the right to state it.

I think people on this blog casting threats, makes us too much like the selectmen, and the chief.

with a little luck this discourse can continue in an honorable manner.

Anonymous said...

Mark, I did not mean it in a threatening tone. Remember that the tone is applied by the reader. However, I can see why you said this but I meant it in a matter of fact way that those running, especially Jack will be under the microscope. I believe this is true and it is all over this blog.

Anonymous said...

Point taken, but to be fair, this blog has had Jack under a microscope for the better part of a year, and yes, I understand that it was totally due to his own actions, but I'll bet he views it differently.

Anonymous said...

In my opinon, the problem with Jack was he thought being a selectman was about him and what he thought and what he wanted. Nothing could be further from reality when it comes to the role of the Selectmen. It is about the residents and what they want. His thinking was directly in opposition of what he should have done. When anyone disagreed with Jack, you were disagreeing wiht HIM rather than disagreeing on the issues. Jack could have been a great selectman. I think he blew it because he followed the town's flawed leadership in Consentino who's "my way or the highway" mentatlity has split this town into two. You are either a supporter of the chief or you are an enemy. There will be a lot of damage to repair once Consentino is gone and he will be gone soon, no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I was there to scream back at him

Anonymous said...

"he will be gone soon, no doubt about it."

You know something? Care to share? I'd even be happy with just a rumor.

Anonymous said...

The following is just my opinion.

Consentino is facing a retirement mandate within the next 3 years. He also a defendant in 2 lawsuits totalling $4 million and is subject to an ongoing investigation by NH Police Standards and Training. He is also in poor health. I doubt he is accurately certified as a police officer because he couldn't pass a test for anything.

Opinion: Some say he's faced worse than this before and he always wins. I base my opinion on my own observations. Just look at the guy. He does not look well and it seems like every time he gets on camera lately, he is screaming at people about blogs and animal control and how much money Mark Acciard never donated to his PD slush fund, or he's throwing spitballs at Carol Grant. I agree it is getting hard to take him seriously. From what I've seen, I think hes making a number of poor decisions causing him a lot of grief. On camera, no less. He is his own worst enemy.

The issue he has to decide is whether he will retire on his own terms, while he still can, or someone else's. I bet he fights until the end because that is how he is and I believe it will be an ugly finish. Too much is catching up to a person who conducted business like he has for so long. I see the vultures circling.

But I could be wrong of course.

Anonymous said...

Of course if the selectmen would just do their jobs, he would have been verbally reprimanded, then written, then suspended, then fired, just like any other town employee, but they refuse.

Hell they reprimanded Teddy on camera. But Jack won't even allow a complaint to be filed in public about Phil, now why do you think that is?

Anonymous said...

Isnt it funny that Mr. Sapia presented Shirley and Sandy with a plaque for passing their 20th anniversary with the town, He presented Fred Thompson with a plaque for his six years on the budget committee, but failed to recognize Linda's 30 years in service of the town.

Jack, thy name is HYPOCRIT!!

Anonymous said...

To 3:06

Well said. You'd think it would be easy to get rid of him at this point knowing all this. Why hasn't it come to pass? I know it will and I know things will settle down at some point but he's a scary guy and I don't think he'll back down on his own. Sometimes I worry that he'll hurt someone given that temper. I sure hope I'm wong.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that both Chief Consentino and Lt. Baldwin were in uniform at Monday's meeting? Anybody know why?

I don't, but I just can't help but wonder if - just maybe - Phil is ready to hang it up, and is bringing Baldwin in so THIS board will appoint him the new chief.

I even have nightmares about it.

Anonymous said...

They cant! We dont have a full time chief position in town!

Oh thats right, we didnt have a full time Lt. position either, and this board created THAt $85,000/yr. job without the voters consent.

Anonymous said...

If the Chief is in uniform can we assume he is on duty? Maybe we need to check on his hours again. Does he have a fixed schedule at the PD? Anyone know :)

When is Sapia's last day?

Anonymous said...

Whether the Chief is on duty or not is of little consequence. If he is not authorized to carry a firearm, he's useless as a law enforcement officer. It's like sending firemen out in firetrucks with no hoses.

It is just beyond comprehension how this has been allowed to happen and continue.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "