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Friday, February 29

EPA FINEs Atkinson $3,500 for failing to file State reports.

once again, our Professional town Manager failed to file basic reports that were required by the State.

As Reported in the Eagle Tribune today;

EPA fines Atkinson $3,500 for storm water violations

By Meghan Carey
Staff writer

ATKINSON — The Environmental Protection Agency has fined Atkinson $3,500 for submitting its annual storm water reports late in 2006 and 2007.

Towns that are permitted to discharge storm water into "waters of the United States" are required to update the EPA of their permit compliance by May 1, according to a press release issued yesterday. Atkinson, which discharges water into the Spicket and Little rivers, has paid the fine.

Atkinson Road Agent Ted Stewart said yesterday that the report used to be done by the town's first town administrator. When that person left, Stewart took over.

When former Town Administrator Russell McAllister was hired, the report was "lost in the shuffle," Stewart said. As soon as the EPA sent a letter asking for it, the report was completed and submitted in June, he said.

The fine has nothing to do with Atkinson's storm water discharge practices. The town has more than 800 culverts and are properly maintained and cleaned of sand, leaves and debris, Stewart said.

"I was kind of miffed that they fined us for being tardy because we're doing all the right stuff," he said.

A number of other municipalities in New England were charged similar fines, according to the press release.

The Towns comments that the reports were lost in the shuffle, is flat out wrong. The reports in question are for 2006 and 2007, Russ was hired in 2004!

Once again, the selectmen faile din their duty to supervise their employees.

He failed to file the storm water reports, and this was his signature issue for the last two years.

He failed to file the Road reports!

He often failed to have minutes done in time.

He failed to provide the budget committee with warrant article prior to public meeting.

He failed to prepare police union articel for discussion.

He failed to properly complete town report two years in a row.

ALL of these are the responsibility of the selectmen, that they delegate to the town administrator.

THEY FAIL TO SUPERVISE! Just like they fail to do with the police chief! and now they are blase about paying a $3,500 fine.

hey jack, tell us again how fiscally prudent you were.

If the town administrator didnt have time to perform these basic functions of his job, what did he do to earn his $65,000/yr.?


Anonymous said...

Maybe it should come out of their own pockets since they are accountable for this rather than having it come out of yours and mine.

Anonymous said...

There is no surprise here. One committee in town was working on this subject weeks ago, as a way to prove to the public our Selectmen and Town Administrator were not doing their jobs.

Another committee wrote a Right To Know letter in order to have the proof before deliberative session, but our selectmen sent it off for legal opinion, so we wouldn't have it in time.

It's amazing that our selectmen can spend $3,500.00 in fines that we get nothing for, but think $1,200.00 is too much to spend to send out tax cards to taxpayers once a year.

It makes us wonder how many other reports are not getting done, while our selectmen refuse to oversee those responsible and the process. How many more thousands of dollars are going to be spent in fines, while our selectmen continue to "Cover their A.."?

Since this board of selectmen (and anyone associated with them) will not and can not be trusted to do the people's work, it's time for them to be changed. We can no longer afford a Town administrator position and these Selectmen at any price.

Anonymous said...

I am as angry as the next person about the total waste that McAllister has proven to have been. But we absolutely need a town administrator as well as qualified support staff to work in concert with the Board to run this town.

In defense of any Board of Selectmen ignorance in the quality of their support system is just that. It is impossible for any Board to have all the knowledge necessary to run a town. It is the responsibility of the administrator and office to supply documentation, information, rules and regulations any and all pertinent information so that the Selectmen can make an educated impartial decision on issues that come before them.

That is why, as in any business, the selection of the administrator and/or the office staff is key to the management of a municipality.

When Jane Cole ran the office this did not happen.

When Donna Sullivan ran the office this did not happen.

The town was extremely fortunate in their choice of our first administrator but not so with McAllister.

As Selectman Sullivan stated at Deliberative Session, it is extremely important to take the time and effort to put into place our next administrator.

Anonymous said...

You should not use Jane Cole and Donna Sullivan as examples, they were not town administrators. It sounds to me that you just need good staff to run the place, as supported by your example.

I don't think adding more people to an improperly run organization is a solution. I think we should back off and clean up what we have then add staff.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 8:14am. These are some statements I came across at a website talking about leadership:
“A fish rots from the head.”
An organization is the shadow of the top leader .
An organization and a team is only as successful as it’s leader.
Show me a frustrated team and I’ll show you a weak leader.
Show me an under performing organization and I’ll show you a weak leader.
I think this is what we have here. It all comes down from the top. Our leadership problems won't be fixed overnight, but we need to be looking ahead to the goal of getting good leadership, whomever that may be. In my opinion.

Anonymous said...

"Atkinson Road Agent Ted Stewart said yesterday that the report used to be done by the town's first town administrator. When that person left, Stewart took over." This is a direct quote from the Eagle Trib. How is it that if Ted "took over" that this blog can pass the buck back to McAllister. Why can't the blame be put where it belongs? Ted states "Stewart took over". Is it not possible since he took over that HE ALONE is responsible. Oh, it must be Jack's fault, or probably Polito, or maybe even the Chief... If we are going to fix this town, then fix all of it. All of the depts need to looked at from top to bottom including the HW dept.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the last post that Ted admitted responsibility in the article. Either the Eagle Tribune has its facts wrong, or Ted mis-remembered when he admitted he took over this responsibility. It is convenient to blame McAllister to deflect blame from Ted. The way I am interpreting this article, Ted did it in the town hall with a file cabinet.

Anonymous said...

Ted took over because there was noone else. when Russ was hired it was his job, it is a selectmen responsibilty not a road agent responsibilty.

Anonymous said...

Then why did he not state that to the Tribune? Oh, because he's not good with speaking or paperwork. {I think I've heard him state that.} Just put blame where it should be and a little credibility
will be restored to the good old blog. Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

So if I have the story straight then Ted mis-spoke and the Selectmen mis-remembered. And Russ, well, he is in Iraq so I guess if you were to create a punishment for him you might think: I know, we'll send him to Iraq. But we still have Ted and once again, the picture of who owned what is made unclear.

Anonymous said...

i just read the original post which has a copy of the eagle tribs article. ted clearly states it was his responsibility after the 1st administrator left. did he turn it over to the new administrator? you would think that if this was the case he would have spoken about it. the facts from the article lead one to believe that ted is not good with paperwork, speaking, and remembering things. keep up the good work, it's only money....$$$$
and its not yours ted.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of supervising....when did the Selectmen authorize the PD to create ANOTHER donation account. There is a collection contained at Hannafords in Hampstead that says "Atkinson Police Relief Fund." Who gave permission for that? When? What relief? It mentions no names, so I'm assuming it's not for Cpl Lapham; otherwise they would have said so. And whatever happened to the $2,000 the Selectmen voted to give to the Lapham family?

Chief is amazing, isn't he? The Budget Committee cuts his budget; he's almost gracious about it; then he creates a new donation account to make up the difference. Apparently he's not getting enough money from Atkinson people any more, so he's hitting up other towns.

Anonymous said...

Do you know this as fact or is this just another blog attempt to discredit the Chief along with Jack and company? Are you sure it is not for Officer Lapham? Have you aked the Hannaford's management to confirm your accusation? Or are you just making a blanket accusation? Do tell as we are all looking for the truth to be told on the wonderful blog...

Anonymous said...

If our selectmen can not do the job they were elected to do, then we don't need them. If our selectmen won't over see our town administrator, then we don't need him.

I have watched McAllister sit in his car behind town hall talking on his cell phone for half-hour to forty-five minutes at a time. Time that could have been spent doing storm water reports and avoiding being fined by the state.

It was McAllister's responsibility to do that report, and I have a copy of the letter from the state to prove it.

Please remember one thing. If it comes out of Sapia's or Child's mouth.................they are covering their A**! (Or it's a lie)!

Anonymous said...

There is a collection container at Hannafords. I was there. It's the second one, by the way. There was one earlier in February...that one was pink, and very noticeable. This one is grey. Both said Atkinson Police Relief Fund. As I said, there is no name.
With all the publicity being given to Cpl. Latham and his battle, one would think the PD would take advantage of that. And maybe they are doing it "incognito". But why? I would think more people would donate if they knew what/who they are donating for.

If you doubt it, take a ride up and look for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Thats a riot, the budget committee has never CUT his budget

Anonymous said...

I looked a Hanniford's last week and did not see the container. You can bet I'll be up there again soon, with my camera, asking questions.

Anonymous said...

where is the donation can? Please advise to where you saw it. I just called customer service at Hannifords and they didnt know about it. They had no idea of what it was.

Anonymous said...

Must be a can at Hannafords in Atkinson, Maine. And to anon 3/1/08-6:33am lets see it! Put it on the Atkinson Taxpayer Site. I don't think it would be to hard to get the document in the right persons hand to make it so. As they say, PUT UP or SHUT UP with your letter from the state. Otherwise your comment is plain old drivel.

Anonymous said...

To Anon March 1, 2008 9:54 PM

Sure No Problem. Here it is for your reading pleasure. If you want to see the original, file a right to know letter with YOUR SELECTMEN, and wait a month to get a reply.

Notice that it was written to Mr. (I don't work for the taxpayer) McAllister, not Mr. Stewart. The fact that Mr. (I support McAllister not doing his Job at any cost) Sapia, tried to cover McAllister's Ass by sending a copy to Mr. Stewart, should tell you something. Sapia/Childs prefered to hang Stewart out to dry, in order to protect their "Fair Haired / do nothing) Town Administrator. Not surprising. (Typical Sapia, Childs, behavior)because they do nothing also! I Would like Mr. Sapia, Childs, and Sullivan , to write a check to the town out of their own pockets to repay the $3,500.00 fine they caused us to spend. We can no longer afford to have SLUGS running our town. We are over due for a complete house cleaning at Town Hall. We need to Lysol the whole place!

State of New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services

Thomas S. Burack, Commissioner

June 15, 2007

Mr. Russell McAllister, Town Administrator
Town Of Atkinson
21 Academy Avenue
Atkinson, NH 03811

Dear Mr. McAllister:

The Town of Atkinson has not yet filed this years Annual Report for its municipal separate storm sewer system general permit (MS4GP) This fourth annual report was due to be sent to DES by May 1, 2077. If the report was prepared, but not sent to EPA, we ask you send us a copy as required in part III., F of your permit.

Please call me at 271-2984 if you have any questions relative to this letter.


Jeffrey G. Andrews PE
Sanitary Engineer
Wastewater Engineering Bureau


DES Web site:
P.O(. Box 95 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03302-0095
Telephone: (603) 271-3503 Fax (603)271-2982 . TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4:39.

Yet again we have solid evidence of the incompetence strangling our town and costing us a fortune.

Keep it coming. We'll get rid of them yet. Maybe we'll find a way to hold them financially responsible for these sloppy mistakes.

Anonymous said...

This post addresses conduct and its proposed modification. Please feel free to respond as this conversation is long overdue.

When I have requested information from our prior Atkinson Town Administrator - by name of McAllister, I was advised by him, "I do not work for YOU or the citizens of the town. I work for the selectmen (snicker)." Clearly, this town "leader" was mortally ignorant that his total pay package (with benefits) of over $100,000 did not originate in the private bank accounts of the selectmen...Mr. Sapia, Childs, Sullivan. This administrative "hero" used his standard blanket statement repeatedly as a "steel bat" to hammer down citizen requests for aid or assistance. And this "soldier of FORTUNE" was never corrected by any selectman regarding his unwarranted statements and conduct. Why do you suppose that is? And it begs the question, "Will a new administrator be accorded the same privileges?"

In short, allowing an employee at town hall to act with disrespect to any citizen should trigger an immediate recall. That employee or selectmen should be replaced. Make no is OUR responsibility to oversee people at town hall. Horace advises us all to...Carpe diem...Seize The Day! In other words, don't allow an open wound to fester. Rather, do something about it.

I question my fellow citizens: Is another perennially UNSUPERVISED town administrator, who can speak and act with disdain and a lack of ethics to citizens…desirable? Make no mistake, this issue of responsibility, respect, and ethics applies to everyone. It applies to me as it applies to you. It applies to ALL of us.

The enormous, black, audacious office chairs used in selectmen’s meetings need to be replaced. Those chairs are not provided as thrones and those microphones are not an automatic license to intimidate or humiliate. YOU, AS SELECTMEN COULD CHOOSE to abandon all those "emperor props" and sit in normal chairs just like everyone else. Perhaps this would instruct in humility, civility and proper conduct. I will ask directly: Which one of you will be THE FIRST to exchange “a black prop of empire" for a simple and humble and modest chair? Think about it...if you made that one single modification in conduct, you would create a revolution in perception of your suitability as a public servant. And your fellow selectmen would subsequently feel a tremendous inclination to also demonstrate modesty and humility.

We, the citizens, must step out from behind our electronic buffers and insist on a resurgence of ethical conduct from the town moderator...through to a police current and future selectmen...and alas... tangentially...even to a youngster working at the town dump. GET IT! YOU ARE ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS. You can create a new mission in assist with your best intentions and ethically serve with all your might. You can make an enormous difference immediately and will receive the gratitude of all. You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Stewart never returned my calls and always seems unprepared for town meetings... so I am not surprised that he dropped the ball on this!

Anonymous said...

The letter proves nothing other than McAllister received the letter from the state. I am willing to bet most correspondence
was addressed to McAllister from the state reguardless of his involvement. Why, why ,why can't the blog/Mark see that Stewart is also part of the problem. Clean em all up! You don't have to start at the HW dept but it cannot be overlooked.

Anonymous said...

Well I am looking at the budgets for the last few years, that were handed out last year at town meeting, and the police budget like most town budgets just goes up! I dont see any DECREASES! So where are the cuts?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, "blog/mark"? Are they one and the same now?

Anonymous said...

Can't we all just face the facts? Ted admitted in the newspaper it was his fault. I guess the reason Ted was at candidate's night asking for more money in his budget was to help pay the fines.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ted admitted that when Vic died he took that duty over, It still remained a selectmen duty, and when Russ was hired, it became his responsibility just like the road report, the MS-1, and many other compliance reports.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, since the Town Administrator was notified of the problem, he dropped the ball if he did not follow up with the selectmen and make sure this was done. Ted only had it for the interim, because there was no admin.

Anonymous said...

Did Russ send Ted the letter that he received as a reminder? If not I see this as Russ's fault.

Anonymous said...

Reply to March 3, 2008 11:49 AM

Is EVERYBODY MISSING THE POINT? It doesn't matter whom the selectmen want YOU to believe had the responsibility! THE RESPONSIBILITY lies with the SELECTMEN! (Always has and always will) If they can not do the job, they have TO GO! (McAllister knew he couldn’t stand the test of time, and was smart enough to leave before the gavel hit the desk) Why aren’t our selectmen at least as smart?

Let's cut to the chase. To insulate themselves form THEIR own failings; they want to create more layers of bureaucracy (town administrator at our expense) so they can blame someone else for their inability. How stupid are we, for allowing them to do it?

Let’s give our selectmen (who I know read the blog daily) a 24 hour period to show how smart they are. I would like to challenge them to list all the reports and deadline dates that are required to be filed from their office in a year’s period of time. Anyone wanna bet we don’t hear from any incumbent?

Current Selectmen………START YOUR ENGINE! Don’t tell us what you can’t do, tell us what you can do. (In fairness, I’ll email to each selectman, Town Hall, blog, and voter mailing list at the same time) The answers to this question should be on your laptop, ready to cut and paste to this blog. I’m willing to bet none of you can answer, and will blame someone else for your own shortcomings, before the 24-hour period is up!

Do we have to file a Right To Know letter, (5-30 day response time) in order to give you time to research what you should all ready know?


Anonymous said...

I think Ted is a nice guy. The concern I have is that he admitted in the newspaper it was his responsibility.

You can go on and blame anyone you want. So unless the paper lied, it is and remains Ted's fault. Why can't people except this fact?

Anonymous said...

In Reply to March 3, 2008 6:02 PM

You believe everything you read in the newspaper? Where did you go to school? You are either VERY YOUNG, or ONE OF OUR SELECTMEN!

I can forgive you for being young..............

Anonymous said...

Ted was able to own up to his failure. Why must most bloggers shy away from the truth and bend Ted's words to their liking? Ted, I commend you for being honest. Unfortunately, the protectors of you are not really concerned with your well being, they just use this issue to attack their enemies. You have enough issues already to not try and make one up that is so transparent that it makes you look silly. Move on to a real issue. There are plenty out there if you open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Reply to March 3, 2008 11:39 PM

You believe telling a lie long enough, it becomes the truth? Try the TRUTH for a change.

Repeat after me: It's the Selectmen's responsibility, It's the SELECTMEN'S responsibility, IT'S THE SELECTMEN'S RESPONSIBILITY!

There, now take a deep breath. Don't you feel better now?

Anonymous said...

Reply to March 3, 2008 11:39 PM

You believe telling a lie long enough, and it will become the truth? Try the Truth, for a change.

Repeat after me:

It's the Selectmen's Responsibility.

It's THE SELECTMEN'S responsibility.


There, now take a deep breath and exhale. Don't you feel better now?

If not, you must be a selectman, or one of their supporters. In which case, you wouldn't know what it feels like to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

It remains the sole responsibility of the SELECTMEN to monitor the submission of reports and meeting deadlines. It is also the responsibility of the Selectmen to monitor Purvis and Associates and insure the citizens of this town are not taken advantage of. The selectmen abdicate their responsibility on a continuing basis. It would be more beneficial if they would just abdicate their positions so replacements could be found who took their responsibilities seriously.

Anonymous said...

Ted didn't admit he was wrong! The article states:

Atkinson Road Agent Ted Stewart said yesterday that the report used to be done by the town's first town administrator. When that person left, Stewart took over.

When former Town Administrator Russell McAllister was hired, the report was "lost in the shuffle," Stewart said. As soon as the EPA sent a letter asking for it, the report was completed and submitted in June, he said.

Clearly it was the responsibilibty of the Admin and Ted filled in when there was no admin.

The bottom line is that the State reminded Russ and Russ did not follow thru.

Anonymous said...

Publius- please accept this as a submission article and title it:

Selectmen Admit Town Administrator never did the job he was hired to do.

They can produce no evidence to the contrary, and intentionally covered up the facts, prior to deliberative session. Why you may ask? Answer: To deceive the voters of Atkinson, and destroy the intent of Citizen Petitioned Warrant Articles.

It wasn’t until last week, that the Selectmen actually produced folders of documents that had nothing to do with our requests. (See 2nd Request Right To Know Letter Below) After picking through all supplied information, we found only one document that gave credit to Mr. McAllister actually applying for any money. That document was for a State approved mosquito control grant in the amount of $5,707.00, dated Feb. 8, 2007.

We did find the letter saying that the town had not filed the Storm Water Report, (appears they never have and same for road reports), but find it interesting that there was no letter from the State saying the Town was being fined. How could that be, since the Eagle Tribune broke the news the next day. (Guess Selectmen wanted the ET to break the news, instead of our local taxpayer group) We now need to get a copy of that letter, so we can find out how long our selectmen have been treating us taxpayers like “Mushrooms”.

Once again, this proves our selectmen are not qualified to do the job they were elected to do. In addition, they will do whatever it takes to keep taxpayers from getting to the truth. This is not the type of people we want running our town.

No amount of professional help (ie. town administrator) can or should be put into place, until we have the proper qualified leadership in place, to over see such a person.

Please help us throw out the “Fish Heads” at OUR Town Hall and replace them with a “Breath of Fresh Air” that is “at least as, or more intelligent” than the employees to be over seen. That condition does not exist at the moment.

Down with the deceit, the deception, the treachery, and duplicity that Sapia, Childs, and Sullivan have brought to the our Board of Selectmen.

Office of the Selectmen
Town of Atkinson
21 Academy Rd.
Atkinson, NH 03811
January 28th, 2008


I am in receipt of Jack Sapias letter dated January 23rd, 2008 regarding sending our request for information to Town Counsel. Our committee is in disagreement with Mr. Sapias statement that complaints against town employees are exempt from the Right to Know laws. In addition, Mr. Sapia did not address all other issues regarding information requested in my letter of January 18th which does not involve personel issues. I request an immediate written response as to when that information will be available.

Given you have presented no documents on this date, I request in writing to know when this information will be collated and presented per the RIGHT TO KNOW LAW 91-A. Our expectation is to have this information in hand prior to the Atkinson Deliberative Session on February 2nd.

Below is a listing of all requests presented on 1/18/2008:

1. I request copies of all complaints filed in the last five years with the Town of Atkinson regarding the employee Mr. Russell McAllister.

Under the RIGHT TO KNOW LAW, I request documentation on how the Selectmen resolved those complaints. Please include all votes in public or executive session by the Board of Selectmen. In particular, I request under the RIGHT TO KNOW LAW HOW EACH INDIVIDUAL SELECTMAN voted on EACH COMPLAINT.

Under the RIGHT TO KNOW LAW, I request copies of all complaints filed in the last five years with the Town of Atkinson against any other public official, including the Selectmen.

2. I request a listing of all grants from the state or federal government which were applied for by Russell McAllister since assumption of the post of Town Administer of Atkinson in 2004.
Also, a list of the financial dollar amounts brought into the town coffers by the direct action of the town administrator’s efforts.

Please list the grants that were actually approved.
Please list which grants and associated amounts.

3. I request a listing of the ROAD REPORTS made in the last ten years to the State of NH by the town of Atkinson.

I request to know in which years the reports were filed on time.
I request to know in which years the reports were filed late.
I request to know in which years the ROAD REPORTS were not filed at all.
I request to know the dollar amount the Town of Atkinson would have been entitled to if the ROAD REPORTS were properly filed.

4. I request copies of STORM WATER REPORTS filed with the state for the last ten years.
I request to know in which years the reports were filed on time.
I request to know in which years the reports were filed late.
I request to know in which years the STORM WATER REPORTS were not filed at all.

Atkinson Taxpayer / registered voter (Name Removed)

Anonymous said...

We should have docked Russ's and Sapia's pay to pay the fine.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "