MAcciard said...
Publius please accept this as an article submission to answer the question about the donation acct.
What I have tried to do is balance the ACTUAL checks written out of the acct. against the requests for withdrawal made by the chief.
12/10 $3,073 stairlift, chairlift, candy, postage, toys
12/3 $2,968 dentures, tool box, snow tires, writing bench/bathroom, postage, sirens
11/19 $2,700 stamps, utilities for senior, fuel assistance, transport drivers xmas party, senior dinner functions.
10/15 $2,068 senior bday cards, postage, flu vaccine, coach fare
10/12 $1,850 oil for senior$350, flashlights(3)$375, wheelchair ramp$250, GPS for wheelchair van$375, car phone$100, phone recorder$400.
9/17 $250 Help senior with oil
8/20 $2,315 help resident groceries$200, town wide mailing$850, window decals$350, Misc. items$150, Coach rental$765
7/23 $1,607 graphics wheelchair van$400, postage$117, wax/clean cruiser$225, Misc.$150, senior wellness class$715.
6/25 $17,161 partial payment of wheelchair van
6/18 $2,236 purchase Mercury Marquis
6/11 $25,730 purchase wheelchair van, fund atkinson baseball team$250
5/21 $1,300 Letterring new cruisers$900, decommission old cruisers$400
5/7 $1,021 Rent$254, funeral$500, Misc.$150, postage$115
4/9 $540 DARE Graduation
3/12 $1,217 seniors utilities$150, prescriptions$250, baseball team sponsor$250, PDcars cameras$450, postage$117.
1/29 $1,517 town wide mailing, heating assist.senior, bday cards, postage.
TOTAL $24,662. + $42,861 FOR THE WHEELCHAIR VAN.
Now for the EXPENDITURES FOR 2007
12/31 $75.00 Rick Theberge- assist. snow removal
12/31 $486.75 Mike Murphy & Sons- assist- Oil
12/19 $604.12 Toys R Us- Toys for Kids
12/19 $1,300.00 Mobility and More- Stairway lift
12/12 $45.00 Exeter Flower Shop- Flowers Kinney
12/12 $173.68 P. Consentino- Tool Box
12/05 $45.45 P. Consentino- Kids Christmas party items
11/28 $434.85 Victory Fuel- heating oil for senior
11/20 $100.00 P. Consentino- Gift Certificate
11/20 $15.00 P. Consentino- Parking fee Boston
11/20 $745.00 Coach Co.- Beacon Resort Trip
11/14 $48.00 Pulsar Alarms Med. Alert
11/14 $57.00 Freshwater Farms Crowley
11/14 $287.00 Eagle Tribune Flu Shot Ad
11/14 $173.00 C&D Auto Clinic Car repairs for senior
11/14 $319.92 Anderson, William Paying for cable-resident
11/07 $151.50 Loral Press Flu Shot Flyers
10/31 $252.00 Ram Printing Birthday Cards
10/31 $18.58 McCarthy, C. Rx Items
10/31 $216.00 Lynn Card Co. Police Badge
10/31 $344.99 P. Consentino GPS Unit
10/24 $100.00 Ram Printing Envelopes
10/24 $50.00 Phil's Signs Flu Shot Signs
10/24 $419.85 Adamson Industries Flashlights/elderly cruisers
10/10 $265.00 Bill's Home Improve. Ramp for Senior
10/10 $427.82 Omnicron Electronics Recorder
10/10 $305.00 NSP Window Decals
9/26 $1,328.81 Loral Press 6 pg. mail out to residents
9/26 $135.00 The Photo Stop Photos
8/15 $200.00 Anderson, William Food Cert. for needy
8/15 $150.00 Myles Feuer Car Detailing cars 49 & 50
7/25 $75.00 McCarthy, C. Wax Senior Car
7/25 $50.00 Freshwater Farms Cammillieri
7/18 $65.00 McCarthy, C. Wax Elderly Car
7/18 $90.00 Harold's Locksmith Key for new Mercury
7/18 $175.00 Details on Wheels Wax & Buff Durango
6/27 $17,460.00 Ride-away Equip. 2007 Grand Caravan(wheelchair van)
6/27 $250.00 Atkinson Youth Baseb Donation
6/25 $2,236.00 Ernest Munsey 1998 Mercury Marquis
6/06 $845.00 Summit Signs Lettering Senior Cars
6/06 $21.65 McCarthy, C. Staples/plug/parking
5/30 $200.00 Minor, Donald Sr. Unit 49 Take decals off
5/09 $500.00 Brookside Chapel Assist Burial
3/28 $250.00 Atkinson Youth Baseb Sponsorship
3/21 $40.00 McCarthy, C. Seniors- Pops 4 tickets
3/21 $802.96 Loral Press Wheelchair flyer & postage
3/21 $70.00 Exeter Flower Shop Ashford
3/14 $40.00 Rick Theberge sand and salt driveway
3/07 $58.50 Anderson, William Logo on Jacket
2/13 $35.00 Exeter Flower Shop Ashford
1/31 $252.00 Ram Printing Birthday Cards
1/31 $100.00 Ram Printing Envelopes
1/31 $360.19 Mike Murphy Oil Fuel Assist.
1/16 $117.00 Anderson, William Senior Jackets
1/10 $50.00 Rick Theberge Mailbox
1/10 $350.01 KJ's Electric Storage Shed Power
1/10 $400.00 Anderson, William Gift Cards
These are the requests for money made by the Chief in selectmen's meetings, and the actual money spent out of the account. Hope this helps clear things up. I will try to answer any questions posted to the best of my ability.
Mark Acciard
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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12

A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
I notice a lot of money for postage and mailings, for what?
Also, how can he pay himself out of that account?
So Phil can spend money on a mailbox, and a toolbox, logos deals, washing and waxing the cars, but he can't spend it to benefit one of his own officers who is struck dawn by cancer!
Probably would do him good to wash and wax the car himself.
wow, so much on postage! He must be mailing alot of his ebay stuff!
I cant believ the amount of money spent on piddly little things, but "that money is not for" officer Laphams family.
No, it is obviously a slush fund
Flu vaccines are free, why is he paying for these?
This all sounds fishy. I want to see receipts for WHO is getting this oil, rent, groceries etc.
Gift certificates should not be allowed, you can't tell where the money is really going.
What I would like to know is if he is sending out mailers with town letterhead and paying for the postage with this account. By using town letterhead, it gives the appearance of being sanctioned, official town business, when it may not be the case. What is our town policy on who is authorized to send letters out on town letterhead?
There have been circumstances in the past where unauthorized letters from town officials have been sent. It's gotten the town in trouble before. If town letterhead is being used for anything other than official town business, then I have a problem with the mailings. Since I don't get a letter from the chief every 6-8 weeks, then I suspect these mailers go to his secret squirrel database of seniors. So we don't really know. Its quite a heavy direct mail campaign that sounds more like marketing than anything else. Why do you need to send so much mail to people? Why is so much money being spent on direct mail?
If he is using the postage to send out Christmas cards, not much you can do about it. But Christmas only happens once a year. Not 8 or 10, last I checked.
After looking at the list of expenditures, I have to agree with the previous poster. Waxing cars and Pops tickets simply don't reach the same level of priority as the donation request for Officer Lapham and his family. Talk about being cheap.
Wash and wax, don't they have a guy in a green sweatshirt do that? I see they buy him lunch everyday. According to Chief Briggs thier convict washes, waxes and amourall theirs vehicles whenever he is there.
Slush fund sounds about right.
If I were paying into this account, which I'm not, and saw these payments, I'd be angry. I can't imagine people being ok with this.
yeah I've seen trustees washing cars behind the PD, what is with the waxing? And what about the DETAILLING of the chiefs PERSONAL car?
I want to know why there are so many requests in meetings, that never have a check written for them
How about All that money in custom printed birthday cards?
Why cant they buy them at a card store as needed?
You've got to be kidding me!
All of this stuff is more important than the well being of one of his officers?
What kind of a commander is that?
Any body know how much money is in that acct. now?
It doesn't look like he has any trouble fundraising for it.
what a racket!
This is very troubling. There's no accountability. Why are these two lists not square with each other? Is this non-profit? Who does the books? Why is some of this not coming out of the PD budget? This needs to be addressed.
What about all the checks to Phil?
And more importantly why are there checks written that were not disclosed at a public hearing?
Does anyone know if Phil cut the check for the $10,000 .... excuse me...I mean $2,000 that is supposed to go to Cpl. Lapham and his family? As a taxpayer I demand to know that this money was A.) made available and B.) went to Cpl. Lapham.
NO! THAT CHECK HAS NOT BEEN CUT YET!!! I asked the family! 2 months and no check!
Why are things that are in the Pd budget being paid out of this acct.?
Like striping cruisers and GPS units, and sirens?
Please someone educate me!!! How can that check not be cut yet when the Selectmen approved it in early January? Can someone ask Phil to explain this on live TV?
If freshwater flowers was calling looking to be paid for one the the beautiful arrangements the acct paid for he would be paying it asap, probably to avoid the surcharge. Maybe he's collecting interest for his boy Lapham on the 2000.00.
I'm not sure Phil treats all of his ailing employees the same way. Some, I believe, receive a lot more care and attention than others.
Are you saying he plays favorites?
Phil is certainly not the most fair and honest person around. He not only plays favorites but he plays the elderly.
If this is an elderly fund, why are there police items taken out? This fund is for the elderly, period.
Why are the selectmen allowing this?
How do we know that the Chief is helping elderly with oil and groceries? He's elderly, does this mean he can take what he wants? It appears so by the expenditures listed here.
does anyone know where the oil deliveries go?, or where the toolbox is? or the writing bench for the bathroom? I know three officers in town, and they say there is no writng bench in the bathroom? so where did THAt money go?
WHY is there no accountability in this acct?
There's no accountability because the selectment do not demand it. He works for them and they allow this.
I feel bad for the elderly who are contributing to this account.
I'm very sorry that he's doing this to you. If you stop giving the town will still take care of your needs, we will find a way.
I wrote a letter to the IRS :)
I hate the Chief and they love a good tip.
Please accept this brief post -
Thank you Mark for taking the time to obtain and post that information. There a lot of comments that could be made, but I said I'd be brief. I'll comment on one line:
10/31 $344.99 P. Consentino GPS Unit
Does this mean the Chief needs a GPS unit to find his way around town? Or - does it mean the officers need one to find their way around town? Either way, it would appear police response times could possibly improve !!! ;)
Hi People:
Oil is available to the elderly under the State's fuel assistance program. Food is available in several ways, including the town's general assistance program which I believe has always made provisions to take care of anyone - regardless of age. That used to be called the "Welfare" budget. Jane Cole changed it when she was there, realizing that the elderly don't necessarily need welfare, but they may need occasional help. General Assistance used to include prescription help as well. Don't know if it still does.
Transportation is available from Salem Caregivers (to which the town contributes annually) and they don't turn you down if they don't like you. The town does not have a program with equipment for the handicapped. In many towns, that is run by the Fire Department.
And I'm pretty sure there are several state/county programs availble to the seniors, as well as websites, information in booklet forms, etc.
I'm not at all sure they are all cost-free, but I believe most are.
I'm glad Val suggested exploring these other opportunities. I hope she follows through, and talks about it at Selectmen's Meetings, so the people will know.
12/12 $173.68 P. Consentino- Tool Box
10/31 $216.00 Lynn Card Co. Police Badge
10/24 $419.85 Adamson Industries Flashlights/elderly cruisers
10/10 $427.82 Omnicron Electronics Recorder
10/10 $305.00 NSP Window Decals
8/15 $150.00 Myles Feuer Car Detailing cars 49 & 50
7/25 $75.00 McCarthy, C. Wax Senior Car
7/18 $65.00 McCarthy, C. Wax Elderly Car
7/18 $175.00 Details on Wheels Wax & Buff Durango
6/06 $21.65 McCarthy, C. Staples/plug/parking
5/30 $200.00 Minor, Donald Sr. Unit 49 Take decals off
3/07 $58.50 Anderson, William Logo on Jacket
1/10 $350.01 KJ's Electric Storage Shed Power
Now, what in the h*** do any of the above have to do with assisting the elderly????
At the same time Cpl. Lapham, one of his "supposed own" is still waiting.
Yelling at citizens, throwing spitballs, making personal threats on town stationary, the list goes on and on.
The chief needs to retire NOW, and if not on his initiative, then from some outside encouragement. His position casts a black cloud over this town and it needs to end.
I'd have no problem with him running an elderly affairs effort since he seems to have such a passion for it. But running a police department; geeez, he can't even carry a gun. This is major league wrong.
To anonymous 7:14,
wow you said the exact same things I would of said after reading the blogs on this issue. I don;t have an issue with the elder affairs program, but it needs to run separate from the PD.How can we as citizens of the town get this done?also the name Myles Feuer caught my attention for car detailing, isn't this person a relative of the cheifs family?
Two ways. The town populace conducts a vote of no confidence. That will be tough to do, especially if Friel gets on the board. It matters little what he said at candidates night. Just look at who his backers are and judge for yourself if he is not running with same agenda Sapia had. This nonsense has to end.
Second is for the officers under his command to do the same. That, nobody can ignore. So, will the real police officers of Atkinson do what is right and get a real professional in here?
And I'm not talking about the Lt. We need a fresh face in charge.
oour police are to busy taking care of the elderly to pay attention to police work get rid of the whole force and let plaistow do the job $.771.744.00T.HAT'S 48'000 each man on the forcor each driver. what a joke..
To Anon 2/25/2008 at 9:30 pm:
How ignorant are you? "Get rid of the whole force and let plaistow do the job" What an absolutely inane comment!
Stop and think, people. Plaistow PD has a department of 16 full time officers. They only run two cars per shift. So...they are supposed to patrol and respond to calls from their own citizens in their own town and that would mean that we (Atkinson folk) would last on the list for police response. Not to mention, that it would probably cost more for the town to contract out than to fund own own police department. Not to mention that there is a contract in place between the town and the union which specifies that the town of atkinson cannot subcontract work out.
People, the problem is not the police department. The problem is one man: Philip V. Consentino. Get rid of him...get a full time chief...and his little house of cards will come tumbling down.
I have no problem with the individual officers of the APD. I do have a problem with only 5 full time officers and 20 something part time officers and only one car on patrol in a growing town such as ours in the year 2008.
Folks, our town is NOT going to go back to having 500 people in it. It is only going to get bigger...and more people means that we are going to need a larger, all professional, all full time police department...and in due all full time fire department. This "townie" mentallity has got to stop. It makes us sound like a bunch of bumpkins.
16 Officers in Plaistow and we have 25? Are you kidding me? I saw last night Phil and bill on TV looking to get 2 more appointed, that will bring us to 27, 11 more than Plaistow.
I think Mr Sullivan had the right idea questioning Phil I hope he stays on him. Full or Part-time doest matter too me what matters to me is how much is the town paying to suit up 2 more officers when a little deck shuffling probably to accomplish the same result.
As I have stated to Lt. Baldwin many times the police dept. already budgets for enough man hours to run two patrol officers per shift, but they don't, they use most of their people on days, and leave only one car on patrol on most any given shift.
they currently budget 18,650 man hours a year in FT and PT officers, plus school crossing guard, dispatch, juvenlie officer, DARE officer, and others.
There are only 8,360 hours in a year.
They currently have the hours and manpower to have two patrol officer on every shift, and STILL have one full timer left over to do whatever, and THAT doesn't even include the chiefs hours.
Plaistow is certainly bigger business wise with a larger people per day population. Atkinson on the other hand is a lot smaller. So why do we want more officers? Aside from a possible cow-tipping I do not see Atkinson as being the crime capital of NH. If anything it looks like Phil is trying to make this the rookie cop training center of NE.
Crime stats 2002-2005 are readily available at:
There just isn't enough crime in this town to justify this budget. Crime has not increased over time which is why we still only have one full time officer 24/hrs day.
There is significant concern that the PD budget is being mismanaged whereby PD funds are actively used to pay costs to giving seniors rides through Elderly Affairs.
The 2007 Atkinson Annual Report states the Dept of Elderly affairs provided 1644 transports to seniors representing an increase of 37.9% over the previous year. Someone please tell me how 1644 rides are provided on a budget of about $19K. The only logical explanation is a misappropriation of police dollars to support Elderly Affairs. If that is not the case, then you have to believe that the manpower, cars (not fuel efficient, either), gas, insurance etc. is done for only about $1.20 per ride. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.
If it is true the chief is not qualified to carry a firearm, then I don't see how he could be considered a law enforcement officer.
Is it true he does not carry a gun?
Yes it is true!
Given his temper, probably a good thing.
Since the town is big on lawsuits, why don't a group of citizens get together and sue the town to get rid of the Chief? (Not for cash, just for results.) Actually go to court and file a motion against the BOS to force them to remove him.
Can we do something like this instead of waiting for the BOS to do it? I don't think they'll ever fire him.
The only other optons are wait until he's 70 or steps down or gets indicted for something else.
How the hell many personal police cars does the chief have?
I see him driving the mercury every day, but he also has the durango parked at his house so that no one else can drive it.
Why does one man(ego)need two taxpayer paid vehicles?
Because the BOS let him and people vote for these things. Stop voting for anything extra for the PD.
Is there 2 Donations accounts at the PD? I was just reading the Town report and under Elderly affairs Phils writes "The Police department has set up a Senior citizen Donation Fund where all donations are earmarked just for our seniors". While under the police department section he writes..." the Police Department's donation equipment fund has been greatly appreciated. We have , with these funds been able to purchase many needed items that were not budgeted for ".....
Are there 2 accounts or one? Which one of these accounts was the money earmarked for lapham coming out of?
If there IS two as phil says in the town report, when was the second acct. set up? I dont remember a warrant article, like there was to set up the first one.
And there hasn't ever been as public hearing to vote on withdrawals from this new acct, so how do they take money out of it?
Why is there no public accounting of these slush funds?
These funds are not recognized by the state as non-profit organizations. Anyone contributing to them cannot take a deduction on their tax return, to do so is fraud. If the accounts are advertised as non-profit orgs, this is something that needs to be reported to the AGO, it's illegal.
if Phil is now driving the mercury, why was the durango sitting in his driveway covered with skow during yesterdays storm? surely the police could have used the trucks 4 wheel drive to help the citizens who have paid to keep that truck.
Re: the town report. The Chief claims criminals are coming in from Mass. Doesn't the Chief realize that he is offending a large part of the town? Lots of the Atkinson residents came from Mass. and I think we are alot more honest and civilized that this obnoxious bully hillbilly. Just who does he think he is? He has two suspicious slush funds he controls and he is supposed to be controlling crime? Give me a break. He has no business making statements like this.
Town Report, Page 22:
Police Fund Donations (which one?) - $23, 278.82
Police Fund Expendatures (which one?) - 34, 168.13
Why isn't the Town Treasurer breaking this down by fund? Why aren't we seeing the balance in each fund? Why is there nothing in the DARE fund, or coming out of it?
And what is this NEw Fund?
In Hannaford'S
"Please contribute to the
There is no registered Non-Profit in the State of nh authorized to fundraise with this name.
The store manager is not sure who in Atkinson is in charge of this organization.
He thinks it had something to do with "that guy who was sick, that they just found a donor for"
f it IS for Cpl. Lapham, then why not have his name on it? With all the publicity he has received I would think that would inspire people to donate more, but his name is nowhere to be seen on it.
So apparently there are 3 funds.
I spoke to the store manager sunday at Hanniford's when I could not find the can. He said they rotate the donation sign and the Atkinson PD sign was taken down, the March of Dimes is up now. He said they normally turn over $500 to $600.00 at a time to the PD. I told him that the fund was not a non-profit recognized by the AGO. I wonder how often they were collecting.
Let's not attempt to make a collections cannister for Cpl lapham into the next Watergate. The Hannaford's employees were trying to do a good thing for a neighboring police officer. Probably more than "anonymous" has done in Atkinson. The checks from their efforts are at The Supermarket ready to be picked up and deposited into "The Cpl John Lapham Account" at TD Banknorth in Plaistow. Anon, did you get that address?
I believe that one of the managers at Hannaford's, Crissy, took it upon herself to raise money for Cpl. Lapham. She asked the store manager, and has deposited the money to the TD Banknorth acct.
Hope this clears everything up.
And yes, I realize that the only reason this got scrutiny is because so many other things are shady.
Well the store manager didn't know what APD account this money was going into, I asked him. If they are collecting money, they really should know what it's for, and then verify that it's a real non-profit if they want to keep their non-profit sign on that collection container. The manager said it was for the APD and that he does this for them on a regular basis and gives them back hundreds of $$ in cash each time.
Did anyone see Mr. Lapham's name on this container?
They are inviting trouble because they are dealing with a troubled PD.
Play it safe and post his name and you'll undoubtedly get a lot more in the collection. Everyone is rooting for Mr. Lapham.
Mark, let's not associate anything shady with John Lapham's name. He is the most integrity minded cop you will meet.
If you are going to go after the APD leave him out of it.
To Anon @ 1:21
Either you are purposely missing the point of my comment or accidently missing it.
I am not, nor have I ever, "gone after" Atkinson PD!
I, too, have the utmost respect for Cpl. Lapham, and agree that he is an outstanding officer, that is why I tried to get the town to do something for him, much as I did, when Vic Richards died.
If you missed my comment, I tried to explain what the collection point was doing in Hannafords and where the money was going. The comment about OTHER things being shady, had nothing to do with Cpl. Lapham, and everything to do with the general accountability of certain aspects of our town government.
I was in Hanniford's today and the manager started yelling at me because he said 15 people came into the store last week to complain about the APD donation fund. He was out of line, rude and loud. He attacked me because I told him last week that the fund was controvertial in Atkinson and he should be aware of it. Yuh, hey thanks for the heads up, blame the messenger. Sir, I just called your company to report you. You are supposed to ask for a tax id before you collect for anyone, per your company policy.
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