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Friday, February 15

Campaigning, could it be illegal?

Well, the election season is off to a fast start, as we approach candidates night, we see signs popping up everywhere, and the candidates take to the streets(the community center) and the phones to drum up support.

But, Once again in Atkinson there is a legal issue, I know, unbelievable, right? It would appear that all the signs appearing around town, heralding the efforts of SELECTMAN Jack Sapia, MODERATOR Frank Polito, and POLICE CHIEF Phil Consentino, are illegal! Thats right, Illegal! And why you may ask, because there is no Fiscal Agent listed on the sign. I know, it seems trivial, right? But these are some of the very same people who have, at least in the chief's and Jack's cases, publicly decried others for not having fiscal agents on their signs. One would think that a sitting Chairman of the board of selectmen, and a long serving town moderator, would know this basic law regarding the display of campaign signs. And if they were lax in their duties, then surely a 30 year chief of police knows the law.

This practice is appearing to be a hallmark of campaigns which Mr. Sapia is involved with. Some of you may remember Bill Baldwins campaign for school board 2 years ago. Mr. Sapia was actively campaigning for Mr. Baldwin. He put signs up all over town, and stood and campaigned for him on the post office lawn.

Mr. Sapia had to be told by residents that it was illegal for him to put signs on town property. He had to be told that the signs he was putting up were illegal because they did not list a fiscal agent, he remedied this by driving around and writing his wife's name on the signs, with a sharpie marker, as fiscal agent. This blog has always wondered if Mrs. Sapia, could have produced the campaign's financials if asked, as required of a fiscal agent. I wonder if anyone ever pointed out to him that campaigning on post office property is a violation of FEDERAL LAW?

So, as we can see, history does indeed repeat itself. And what about this elderly event at the community center? This Blog doesn't remember a valentine's day elderly event at the community center last year. And if this was not an annual event or not, it was still hallmarked by a town employee, actively campaigning for a candidates for the job of his boss, on town property! Wouldn't that be considered electioneering?

But this is how the powers that be conduct business in Atkinson, and why we are so anxious to send them home.

Mr. Friel, if you are what you say you are, and we have no empirical evidence to prove otherwise, you would be wise to distance yourself from these gentlemen, as their unpopularity is dragging you down with them.


Anonymous said...

The law to some are like the speed limits on I's 93 and 495 - Guidelines.

Anonymous said...

Stupid question time - I assume this article is inferring that the signs in these guys yards are the Bill Friel for Selectman signs?

And you're saying Friel's signs do not have a fiscal agent indicated on them? Is that right? Based on this, you're saying Bill Friel's signs are illegal, correct?

I just want to be clear on what you're stating the problem is.

Anonymous said...

And I am wondering what federal law you are referring to?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gee, got a postcard in the mail today from Mr. Friel asking for my vote. No fiscal agent listed there either.

Sounds like something the Postal Authorities might want to check into.

Anonymous said...

If donation money to "The Chief's" elderly affairs budget were used for that assembly, and it was used to introduce the chief's chosen candidate...

...then do I need to point out that the chief has used elderly affairs moneys towards promoting one candidate over the other?

Could the selectmen be asked if they have a problem with this? Is it legal? Could someone find out of Elderly Affairs money went towards this?

Anonymous said...

If anyone is seen electioneering, grab your camera and a witness and call the AGO. Create a log, take notes of who else was present, note the date and time. If it's found they were on the clock at the time, it is even more serious.

I have heard too many stories of impropriety and I want to see someone actually initiate an investigation. The governor may be the only option if they break the law because history shows that this town will not take action even if sued.

Anonymous said...

If the Chief used money from the Elderly Affairs fund to finance the party, used it to introduce a candidate, that is certainly electioneering.

He did not ask for funds to be approved by the BOS (that I can see in the minutes) so if he used the money without BOS approval, it's misappropration.

If someone gets the info on who paid for this affair, I will make the call to the AGO. Post info on how to confirm who paid the tab.

Anonymous said...

Not all elderly were invited, for certain.

How does that make people feel? The PD raves about how well they take care of their elderly but it's not all of us! Some of us are turned away, we're not on the inside and don't benefit at all.

How does that make the other elderly feel who are able to access these benefits? Are you Ok with the fact that in our eighties we cannot get a ride somewhere once in a while?

Anonymous said...

Mr. February 15, 2008 1:35 PM - I don't know about federal law, but if what has been said is true, I believe the following link addresses the State's requirements -

I think someone may be in trouble. JMHO

Anonymous said...

The electioneering RSA is at:

The contents of which state:

659:44-a Electioneering by Public Employees. – No public employee, as defined in RSA 273-A:1, IX, shall electioneer while in the performance of his or her official duties or use government property, including, but not limited to, telephones, facsimile machines, vehicles, and computers, for electioneering. For the purposes of this section, ""electioneer'' means to act in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Source. 2003, 172:2, eff. June 18, 2003

(Redundant to another posting but done for convenience sake.)

Anonymous said...

Honest people have a hard time pointing the finger at others. They look and look and second guess before they slowly speak up and demand justice.

We have to step up.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that the citizens of this town need to buck up and come out in force and insist on legal conduct on the part of town officials. If citizens hide behind their TV and computer screens and don't vote for change this sorry state of affairs will continue. The time to clean up the Town of Atkinson has arrived. You can make a difference...YES YOU CAN!!!!

Anonymous said...


664:14 Signature, Identification, and Lack of Authorization. –
I. All political advertising shall be signed at the beginning or the end with the names and addresses of the candidate, his fiscal agent, or the name and address of the chairman or the treasurer of a political committee, or the name and address of a natural person, according to whether a candidate, political committee, or natural person is responsible for it. Said signature shall clearly designate the name of the candidate, party or political committee by or on whose behalf the same is published or broadcast.

Anonymous said...

Agreed but I think we need to do more than vote this time.

We don't have enough new and good candidates to fill the posts that are open. What can we do? I personnaly don't want jack on the conflict of interest committee, it's highly inappropriate since he's being sued for abuse of power, malice, slander, etc.

We need to demand that the state step in. Atkinson won't stop the illegal antics, unless forced, under this regime.

Anonymous said...

Publius- please accept this article as a submission to "Selectman Candidates"

Valerie Tobin said
Dear Residents
I would like this opportunity to introduce my self to those of you who do not know me. My name is Valerie Tobin, I have lived here in town for 26 years along with my husband of 30 years, and two children, Kyle 24, and Katelyn 15. I'm running for the office of selectman.

I am running for this office because I too, have watched the circus over the last three years, and I believe this town's business can, and should be conducted better, more honorably, with more integrity, and with much, much, more respect for the residents, employees or other elected officials who come before the board for any reason at all.

More and more I have heard from residents that they do not want to go into selectmen's meetings, they don't even want to watch them on T.V. because of the general level of disrespect they see exhibited. I believe that anyone should feel comfortable that if they come before the board with anything, even it it is a critical comment, they should be treated with respect, thanked for coming in, and listened to. And if their issue is something that the board can help with, then we should look into it and report back.

I believe that town business should be conducted in open before the public at all times other than those SPECIFICALLY listed under the Non-Public Meeting Section of the Right To Know Law. I believe that out town government exists to serve ALL the people, not just some of them. And if you can not treat a resident with respect, even if you, personally, dislike that person, then you have no business being an elected official.

I believe that the selectmen should not refuse to do the right thing, because a court has not told them they have to. They should do the right thing, without anyone having to tell them.

I know people are worried about specific issues, so here is my take on them. I am not in favor of a special town-wide re-evaluation. I am in favor of asking our state reps, to look into these assessing standards (or lack thereof) at the State level, where they belong. In town here, I think that we have to continually strive to eliminate mistakes, and over assessments when and where we can, but I believe with good management we can do this without encumbering the town with extraordinary expense.

I understand the critical nature and issue of the water withdrawal ordinance because water quality and quantity is a vital resource for a bedrock community who has no other resource to draw water from. The Board of selectman and planning board should be well instructed on this issue and do what is necessary to protect our water and ultimately the values of our properties. The people of Atkinson, passed a water withdrawal ordinance at town meeting last year, and until someone challenges that ordinance and wins, the selectmen are duty bound to uphold the expressed wishes of the majority of the voters. I believe that once the voters speak, debate ends, and we do what they say. I know this will be unpopular in some quarters, but I am running to do what is right, not what is popular. Our board of selectmen has done that for three years, and ended this town in lawsuit after lawsuit, with no appreciable gain for the taxpayers.

I believe that the disposal of town property, no matter what it is, should be as open, and yield as much money to the taxpayers as possible, after all, would you sell something for a song, if you knew you could get more for it? We, as stewards of the town, have a responsibility to cost our taxpayers as little as possible, in the governing of out town, and I intend to do just that.

With regard to Elderly Affairs, as a female candidate for selectman, I am uniquely suited in understanding the needs of the elderly. I understand the dynamics of the elderly on the family and their needs. I would like to expand the Elderly Affairs Department, to more than just giving rides, to include, but not limited to, all resources available to the Town, free of charge, that are outside the boundries of the Town of Atkinson, I would like to make sure that ALL residents have access to these services, and help/information that is important to their lives and needs.

I believe that all information should be made public, such as posting the selectman's agenda, budgets for each department and monthly expenditures to name a few.
The town website should be expanded to make this and all information easily and readily available, along with streaming video. I would call upon residents who have knowledge and expertise in this area to work with the Board to improve this service so that there would be no cost to the taxpayers.

I hope that this has given you some insight into who I am and what I am about. I apologize if I have been to long winded, but I am passionate about my beliefs. If anyone should have any questions that I have failed to answer, I will be at candidates night, 2/20 from 7-9:30, or feel free to call me at 603-362-5402.

Thank you for reading this and please VOTE FOR VALERIE!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Friel is the police cheifs puppet for selectman. that is a no brainer..... And we can also see that Mr. Sapia did his signs for him!

Anonymous said...

What lawsuit after lawsuit has the current board put us into over the last three years that you refer too? Do you feel that you alone can bring change to prevent further suits to this town.
Mr Sullivan is never mentioned in any attacks toward the current board. Why will you be any different than he? Do you support the current suits pending against the town ? Will you be able to help defend the town against the current litigation it is facing or do you feel you will be in a position of conflict? Are you in contact on a regular basis with the people who are now suing this town? Will you promise to protect the town and its residents from
these suits or will you work with the the people who are suing this town? Please reveal what your intentions are. Thank you for clearing up the revaluation question. I feel much better that you are thinking clearly and objectively on this issue and have stated so!

Anonymous said...

I am just a very frustrated taxpayer who is paying MORE THAN MY FAIR SHARE of the common tax burden. I, for one, think it is time to revalue this town and correct the rampant over assessment that is going on. Everyone now knows there is a serious problem that is not being addressed. So, it is time to move the problem of being unfairly taxed from the aegis of local petty political hacks (read...this weird board of selectmen) and hopefully get satisfaction from the Board of Tax and Land Appeals on the State level. It would be great for more input from those who know more than me. I am just learning the truth. I am excited at the prospect of having my tax assessment actually reflect WHAT I CAN SELL MY HOME FOR. It is obvious to me now that NO ONE would buy my home for what the "snake-eyed" tax official says it is worth. And I don't want to wait five more years to have the "cold-eye" get around to address this egregious over-value of my home. So just do it now! Save me from five more years of paying too much money I don't owe to fund pork barrel spending I don't want. I don't understand why Mr. Sapia and the other members of the board of selectmen do not do their job and help citizens like me. Obviously, we need new leaders with genuine integrity in this town and to turn our backs on those who maliciously allow these wrongs to persist.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in this blog. Bill Friel's signs CLEARLY state the fiscal agent. I called him and confronted him on it and he kindly pointed it out to me. I checked several signs as well it was clear he had done his homework as the signs were marked properly with the fiscal agent. Irregardless of anything else, the accusation of his signs being illegal are, in my opinion, factually incorrect. You may want to take this article off the blog since it does nothing to help the blog's credibility. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

I will give you some facts about re evaluation.

People are quick to complain when they are overtaxed but nobody will say a word when the are under taxed. How many properties in our town have non permitted remodeling done to them.....LOTS! How much more money does the honest taxpayer pay due to neglect to these assets? Re evaluation does not mean driving by a home and guessing or does it...In My neighborhood there are many homes that have huge remodeling done to basements, extra bedrooms and none of these homes have had an appraiser in them for 10-15 years...I have seen the appraiser walk around these homes but never are they inside...How much is MONEY is the town losing on this??

Anonymous said...

To anon 4:34

In my neighborhood, the fiscal agent is not stated on the sign, so maybe that was recently added to a few of his signs...but not all. By the way, who is his fiscal agent?

Anonymous said...

Please submit as an article


I have been a resident of Atkinson for 23 years. Currently I am the Assessing Clerk in Danville and also held this same position in Atkinson for some years. Having some small knowledge of the process I submit this article to outline the process.

Property assessments are across the board utilizing the same information and formulas for everyone.

Each and every resident has the responsibility of keeping informed on their own property value. This is available at the Town Hall. If obtaining a copy of your personal property card is not free (as it should be in my opinion) it is at a minimal cost.

If details are incorrect (such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, measurements or other details) an abatement can be filed, which by the way the town offices should help you to process at NO COST. I personally process with the resident each and every abatement before it goes to the Assessor and then the Board of Selectmen.

Filing an abatement is done after the second tax bill has been generated and before March 1st of the following year. The Assessor then has until July of the following year to process.

The Assessor will visit the property, adjustments will be made, and if you have been overtaxed a refund will be generated to inlcude interest from the day you paid your taxes until the day the town reimburses you the difference.

If you feel that you are improperly assessed because of like properties that are assessed for less then a resident can also file an abatement, which by the way the town offices should help you to process at NO COST.

An abatement is filed by submitting a form found at the Town Hall and attaching a bank appraisal along with comparatives of like properties. Again the Assessor will visit the property and make adjustments.

Further, if the resident disagrees with the Assessors findings, they have the option to take the entire abatement to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals for a second decision.

There is no doubt that property values are down.......the stock market is down.......available jobs are down.......times are tough.

When total revals are done it is unrealistic and impossible for the Assessor to enter each and every residence in town. There are times when no one is at home or the Assessor is not allowed entry that a best guesstimate must be used. Like properties will have assumptions made that interiors are the same.

A total reval is VERY expensive. Mailing each and every resident a property card every time there is a change major or minor is expensive and we, the taxpayers, pay for this.

You never hear of a resident complaining because they are under assessed until they are ready to sell and then they want their property truly reflected so they can sell at the highest price.

Likewise if a resident's property is sold for more than the assessed value they are not beating down the door of town hall to pay their extra share of tax.

If the current assessing practices can be improved I am all for it. If there is a better and fairer way to raise taxes it should be investigated and implemented.

How Atkinson can better manage this process is unclear. The method in which taxes are raised has little effect on the outcome. We still haved to pay a certain amount in taxes.

Jill Fleming

Anonymous said...

to anon 3:09am
grow up, every time the market goes up or down you feel we should revaluate the towns's taxable property? why weren't you crying 3 years ago when when assesments were under valued? property value can go up and down month to month, year to year. if the assesment were to go down then the tax rate would only go up and have no net effect on what you pay. the town will still need the same amount to pay it's bills. then you could cry that your tax rate is to high. are you part of the taxpayer group that thinks reassessing will lower
your taxes. they will always be the same-just a different tax rate. the only instance is if they lower the water front values and shift all the tax burden back over to the rest of us. water front will always be worth more and they should move to dry land if they don't like their tax rate.

Anonymous said...

I checked the sign at the corner of Academy and Leroy yesterday, and there was no Fiscal Agent listed. Nor was there one on the postcard I received in the mail.

Anonymous said...

I went out and checked a number of these Friel signs. Everyone has a fiscal agent sticker on the bottom right. When this article was posted I looked for tracks in the snow and found none. If you are going to make false accusations then you are only making yourself look bad. An honest mistake was made and an appology is due, not another blatant falsehood to cover the first error. I also checked the sign at Leroy and Academy yesterday along with a bunch on Maple. Unless you peeled off the sticker after I checked them, your information is false or you need to call the Chief for some free glasses. The fiscal agent does not have to be visable from a 1/4 mile away. They are on each and every sign. Posting untruths only make you look foolish. This blog needs to post facts for it to have any credibility. I say an apology is due and this false article to be removed.

Anonymous said...

Does every piece of literature sent out require a fiscal agent disclosure? i am not sure what the law states. Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

There were no fiscal agents printed on the signs before the article appeared on this blog. I passed, stopped and checked several signs after I read the article and there were no stickers. This blog article is correct. Must be lots of blog readers.

Anonymous said...

Political Advertising
Section 664:14

Anonymous said...

Now there are fiscal agent stickers on the bottom right corner of ONE SIDE of the double sided sign. Maybe some people are looking at the sign without the fiscal agent sticker.

Anonymous said...

So February 16, 2008 6:56 AM is either lying or destroying evidence.

And why stickers? That would imply they were added, who knows when, as an afterthought. Was this before or after the latest rainfall and cold snap that turned the snow to ice?

And what are you going to do about the postcards. Go to everyones home and put a sticker on them?

The law as shown in February 15, 2008 8:22 PM and available on the State of New Hampshire's web site, listed in an earlier post, appears to be quite clear on the subject. A postcard sent through the U.S. Mail, presumably to most households in Atkinson, seems to clearly violate New Hampshire law, and maybe even some federal ones.

Forget about the signs. You've got thousands of postcards to worry about. Add to that the questionable electioneering that took place on public property.

Maybe it is time to get the AG's opinion on what has been going on.

Anonymous said...

Valerie, do you have any signs? I want one and would be proud to display it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Friel, you may be the honorable and upright individual that you claim to be, but I will not vote for anyone being supported and endorsed by Jack Sapia or Phil Consentino, because I have watched these men, and based on their words and deeds, I Can not trust them, nor their idea of the best candidate for Atkinson.

And yes, I am posting this anonymously because I don't want to be the next target of this group

Anonymous said...

Valerie Tobin said

Yes I have signs on order, they should be arriving next week, so signs will probably go up next weekend. And Yes, I am the fiscal agent, and it is on both sides of my signs.

Anonymous said...

Publius please accept this as an article submission


Not the DRA! Not the ASB! It You! (and me and other taxpayers)

This should be viewed as a reason to file for abatements and appeals as the BTLA recognizes that there are "problems"


The following is a statement from (two separate) decisions from the NH Board of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA) in regard to Avitar (contract assessor) asking to be compensated by the taxpayers (retribution) for their bringing a reassessment petition action before the BTLA.
Please read carefully for the nuances and acknowledgement by the BTLA that the “State” has “no comprehensive auditing procedures in place to verify that assessments are being performed correctly and accurately at the local level. “ Additionally, the BTLA presented to the Assessing Standards Board (ASB), in 2007, several cases of poor municipal assessing in which they took action. The BTLA presented no encouraging news to the ASB as to the state of assessing in New Hampshire. The ASB response has been silence and inaction.
According to the statement that follows, the burden of auditing and providing “checks and balances” falls to the taxpayers!
Beginning BTLA quote:
“The legislature has provided this process for New Hampshire taxpayers to challenge, on a systemic basis, the need for improved assessment equity throughout a municipality in addition to appealing their individual assessments through RSA 76:16-a or 17. While certainly petitions and appeals require municipal officials and their contractors to invest significant time, they are important processes for taxpayers to audit the assessing function entrusted to municipalities in the first instance. These RSA 71-B:16, IV petitions are part of the "auditing procedures" and "enforcement measures" to ensure equitable market related assessments as discussed, in Sirrell v. State, 146 N.H. 364, 374 and 384 (2001). ("[I]n 1999, no comprehensive auditing procedures are yet in place to verify that assessments are being performed correctly and accurately at the local level." The State must implement effective enforcement measures to ensure assessments are proportional.)
Avitar may believe it to be inefficient and troublesome to have to explain and defend how assessments were derived and calculated; however, our representative form of government requires that those entrusted (either directly by statute or indirectly by contract) with the important responsibility of assessing and equitably dividing the tax burden be responsive and accountable to those who are directly and immediately impacted: the taxpayers. By its very nature, a government with built-in checks and balances may result in some inefficiency; however, that is one of the necessary costs so that no one branch of government dominates and so that its citizens have recourse. See Opinion of the Justices, 141 N.H. 562, 569 (1997); Town of Littleton v. Tavlor. 138 N.H. 4.19, 423 (1994); and Foote v. State Personnel Commission. 116 N.H, 145, 148 (1976).”

Mr. Leon Artus

Anonymous said...

To anon 2/16 1:27
Valerie Tobin said
The town has 2 large lawsuits pending right now. You can visit the Atkinson Taxpayers website and see one of them, the other may be posted shortly.(there is a link on this blog to that site)I cannot talk specifically about these suits as the law prohibits selectmen from commenting on them in public, even though I am not a selectmen yet, I want to follow the law. I would protect the town, as best as I could, from these types of suits. If the Board of Selectmen allowed residents to speak about issues and didn't harass them, then I feel a lot of these problems would resolve themselves. There is no need for this to happen, and I would encourage the rest of the board to try and circumvent potential suits from happening. I feel that I could bring all parties to the table and end these suits with a satisfactory resolution for all parties, and the town then can look ahead to a better future.

Anonymous said...

If Jack decides to support Valerie because he realizes she is
clearly the best person to lead our town, should we not vote for her and switch our support to Rich
O'leary since we can't support anyone Jack likes? I like Rich. He seems to be the only one without puppet strings attatched. We are in a dammed if you do-dammed if you don't with both Tobin and Friel as far as I can tell from reading thru this blog. VOTE FOR O'LEARY
and be set free!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the question is will you be in a position of conflict? If you become a Selectwoman then you must defend this town and its residents.
You will not be able to socialize and meet with the people who have brought suit. What will you do? We have to know your answer! You can't be on both sides. Will you pledge to work against your friends to defend us????

Anonymous said...

Well, Jack and Rick are friends so forget that idea. Recently Rich told me himself how Jack is a great guy and a friend.

The two of them, shaking hands before wandering off to talk together at town hall, the same day Rich moved his name from Conflict of Interest candidate to Selectmen candidate, and Sapia put in for the Conflict of Interest Committee.

Rich is not a viable candidate due to the lack of integrity conveyed by being an admitted gossip. His license plate is a testament to his love of talking. LV2TLK.

That's the last thing we need.

Anonymous said...

Valerie, I also want to display your sign. I live on a very well traveled road & your sign would be very visible. Let us know when it will be available & where to get one.

Anonymous said...

Valerie can talk to anyone she wants as far as I'm concerned. To expect that she must distance herself from any resident is taking sides and that is always wrong.

Have you asked Mr. Friel not to associate with Sapia who is involved in this lawsuit? or Phil? or Frank? I feel they brought this lawsuit against the town. I don't blame Mark, I don't even know him. I think of people like Linda who have also suffered and I am sort of glad this is happening.

Anonymous said...

February 16, 2008 12:04 PM -

Valerie is the only one so far with the guts to state her position. We may have also heard from Mr. Friel, but who knows.

To be fair, you should also be asking the other two candidates as well this question.

"We have to know your answer! You can't be on both sides. Will you pledge to work against your friends to defend us????"

And what is this all about? This doesn't so much as a question as an accusation.

Anonymous said...

Here's something to ponder. If the postcards are deemed illegal, can they be claimed as a legitimate campaign expense when it comes time to file with the IRS?

Anonymous said...

Now I think Rich is a nice guy but him and his wife have asked us very personal questions over the years, how much money we make, if the guy down the street is gay, who are we voting for, who's getting a divorce. Very nosey.

Not the type of person I can trust.

Anonymous said...

To anon 12:04
Valerie Tobin said
I don't currently socialize with anyone in town. I work with and associate mostly with people out of town. Even if I did on occasion meet with someone in town, I take personalities and friendships out of the picture. When it is an issue of the best interest of the community as a whole, then I know to do the right thing for the community and put the community above all else. I've stood up to builders and in support of residents with subdivisions were getting approved, and helped resolve water/drainage problems in the best interest of the people. Then was criticized by the developer because I wasn't on his "side". My response was "if you listened to the people, and did what was right, you would not be in this position." I hope this answers your concerns.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Feb. 15, 8:23 P.M.,

The solution is a write-in campaign against Sapia for Code of Ethics Committee. Agreeing on a name for the write-in and then asking residents to vote for that write-in candidate.

The word "Ethics" is a joke if it's in the same sentence as Sapia's name. His serving on such a town Committee would make a mockery of that Committee's purpose.
Committee decisions would be based not on ethics but instead, whether or not you're one of his cronies.

Who would be willing to serve as a write-in candidate so people would have the opportunity to have an option to Sapia? We need to come up with somebody.

Anonymous said...

In answer to 5:44 AM I will give you some REAL FACTS about Revaluation

People remodeling without a permit is unlawful. The Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee has always suggested property owner’s allow the assessor into their homes. Why? Because the assessor can say whatever he wants about what’s inside the house, if he’s not allowed in. From experience, the taxpayer overpays for what the assessor puts on his tax card, as compared what he would have paid if he had let the assessor into the home.

Not to worry. The Town of Atkinson doesn’t lose any tax dollars. It is taking hundreds of thousands in taxpayer’s dollars, that the town doesn’t deserve. No wonder the selectmen worked so hard at deliberative session to defeat our citizen petition warrant articles. They don’t want the system to change. They don’t want fair and proportional property tax assessments that meet the law.

If taxpayers knew the real tax rate of this town………………they would turn down all money appropriation warrant articles, and the “Powers To Be” wouldn’t get their pet spending articles past the ballot box.

How would you like it if you found out you were being 500% or more over assessed on your home? How would you like it if you found out the assessor finds every way to increase your assessment, while not giving you any factors / conditions that would lower your assessment? How would you like it if you found out you can’t sell your house for what it’s assessed value? These are the things our selectmen allow to go on in Atkinson. It begs the question why!

If you want to know the real truth of the 2007 Summary of Abatement Results in Atkinson, please visit

If you want to see how many homes were sold for less than they were assessed for in 2007, please see

If these facts sicken you, you can be part of the solution. If not, you can become a selectman. You will be pre-qualified for the position.

Sincere regards,
Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee

Anonymous said...

Publius please accept this as an article submission

I will give you some REAL FACTS about Property Tax Revaluation

People remodeling without a permit is unlawful. The Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee has always suggested property owner’s allow the assessor into their homes. Why? Because the assessor can say whatever he wants about what’s inside the house, if he’s not allowed in. From experience, the taxpayer overpays for what the assessor puts on his tax card, as compared what he would have paid if he had let the assessor into the home.

Not to worry. The Town of Atkinson doesn’t lose any tax dollars. It is taking hundreds of thousands in taxpayer’s dollars, that the town doesn’t deserve. No wonder the selectmen worked so hard at deliberative session to defeat our citizen petition warrant articles. They don’t want the system to change. They don’t want fair and proportional property tax assessments that meet the law. If taxpayers knew the real tax rate of this town………………they would turn down all money appropriation warrant articles, and the “Powers To Be” wouldn’t get their pet spending articles past the ballot box.

How would you like it if you found out you were being 500% or more over assessed on your home? How would you like it if you found out the assessor finds every way to increase your assessment, while not giving you any factors / conditions that would lower your assessment? How would you like it if you found out you can’t sell your house for what it’s assessed value? These are the things our selectmen allow to go on in Atkinson. It begs the question why!

If you want to know the real truth of the 2007 Summary of Abatement Results in Atkinson, please visit

If you want to see how many homes were sold for less than they were assessed for, please see

If these facts sicken you, you can be part of the solution. If not, you can become a selectman. You will be pre-qualified for the position.

Sincere regards,
Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee

Anonymous said...

Mr.Artus, How many were over assessed 500% or
more? Is over assessment the selectmans direct fault? How many homes were sold for more than the assessed value during 2004? Please provide this info. I would love to see it. Where were you then? Is Valerie pre-qualified to become a selectwoman as your last post stated because she pledges not to push your agenda? I am confused with your position! Please explain.

Anonymous said...

To Valerie 1:32pm 2/16/08
Thanks for dancing around the questions of the posting at 1:27am
2/16/08. You will make a very good politician as you clearly demonstrate how to talk but say nothing. I would also like to hear your answers from that prior post.
Will you defend us. Are you in contact with the people who have brought suit against this town and all its residents? These suits will clearly cost us all money today, tommorow, and in the future. Please re-read the post from 1:27am and give us a new answer. This time an answer that actually pertains to the question.
Thanks! ANON

Anonymous said...

To anon 12:55
Valerie Tobin said
I didn't dance around the questions, 1) I will change the antagonistic demeanor of the board, and allow people the right to question the board and raise issues. This will decrease these types of lawsuits
2) I am not in contact on a regular basis, nor do I socialize with those that have brought suits. I do talk with Mark Acciard and Carol Grant from time to time, but not on a regular basis.
3) I will defend and protect the town to the best of my ability from the current suits and any future suits. I have no conflict in doing so.
4) I will work on the town's behalf to try and end the current suits, which I believe is in the best interest of the town, and minimize any financial expose that the town has because the current board didn't stand up and do the right thing in protecting the rights of its residents. The financial exposure is in increased premiums for the insurance company that is defending these two suits.
I hope this is straight enough
talk, and that we are on the same page with regard to this issue.

Anonymous said...

To February 17, 2008 12:55 PM - As they say in court, "Asked and Answered" And Valerie answered again. What do you want?

You wouldn't be one those being sued, would you?

It really galls me that that the defendants abused their positions time and time again, their actions are public record, and then they expect the town to bail them out. If anything, the town should be working to distance itself from these suits. The town didn't do anything wrong, the people running it did.

Didn't anyone learn anything from the Peak lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Valerie,
It does concern me that you openly admit you feel the current board was wrong. Whether you personally feel the BOS was right or wrong, you as a potential selectwoman have already taken the side of Mark and Carol. Thank you for admitting that you speak with Mark and Carol from time to time. I admire you for being honest but suggest you stay behind the remaining citizens who are being sued.

Anonymous said...

Valerie Tobin said
Anon 1:45 is correct. The town should be distancing itself from these suits. The board of selectmen should have protected the rights of citizens to speak and question what is going on, be treated with respect-fairly-openly-honestly, and answer the citizens when asked. The board should represent all of its citizens. Without this opportunity, democracy will not stand, but will become a dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Those being sued deserve it. no one should be standing behind them, they brought it on themselves and this town. I fault Phil, Frank and jack for the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

You can go to and read the current lawsuit for yourself, and make up your own mind if it is a pack of lies, as some have sai, like chief consentino, or if there is some truth to it.

Anonymous said...

Being a public official does not excuse bad behavior or a right to violate someones civil rights. Public servants are just that. The list of, so called public servants, prosecuted for violating the public trust is as long as history itself.

One recent example was Randy "Duke" Cunningham, congressman from California's 50th district. He pleaded guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and underreporting his income for 2004. He was a Vietnam war hero who violated the public trust.

If you make an honest mistake, fine. People will understand that. But the behavior of some elected and appointed officials of this community demands that a house cleaning take place. Not to do so only invites more lawsuits. And, it should be oblivious, inviting lawsuits is not in the town's best interest. As taxpayers, we should be spending our tax dollars to benefit and improve our community, not pay lawyers, judgments, or settlements.

This town has great potential. To achieve that means the "Status Quo" is no longer acceptable, or should be tolerated.

The bad behavior is there for everyone to see. It's public record. This is not being made up. What's it going to take for everyone to realize that?

Anonymous said...

Do we have the intial pleadings from the other side of the suit to review? We need to see both sides of the coin to make any kind of judgement. I only see documents from one perspective. Clearly you must have all the info and should do whats right and proper for us all to see. If that site was intended to take the spin out of issues by publishing actual documents as this blog sometimes appears to do then full disclosure is required, not just what fits one side. Valerie has spoken of suit after suit the town faces. How is she so versed on the Grant suit if it isn't posted anywhere? Where have you gotten the info to convict this town in your mind? I am only concerned with my tax rate going up further to pay for the payout it appears we are about to face if
it is so blatantly obvious the town is at fault for the actions of Sapia. Is Sullivan not responsible for any of this for not taking action? I'm just wondering....

Anonymous said...

I voted for Paul but next time I will not!
I thought he had More of a backbone?

Anonymous said...

"How is she so versed on the Grant suit if it isn't posted anywhere?"

Actually, she may have done her homework. Look near the bottom of:

Anonymous said...

Response to

February 17, 2008 10:36 PM

Good question. I would like to see how they pleaded. Perhaps Mr. Sapia will provide the documentation for us to view. Does anyone know if he has retained his own legal counsel and filed an appearance for him? (or is he still trying to get the town to pay for the personal suit against him)?

I’m wondering if that is why he worked so hard to derail the warrant article at deliberative session. Perhaps he was still being self-serving at the taxpayer expense.

Anonymous said...

To anon 9:59am Isn't that one of the old suits from back when the Chief was a selectman? 2/16/08 11:57am post from Valerie states only one suit is posted {Acciard} and the other one may be posted shortly {sounds like inside info}.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 10:36

To Date, the Chief has personal legal counsel, as does Frank, only Jack has yet to retain a personal atty. Although everything is being handles by the insurance co. atty. Only the insurance co. atty. and Frank's atty. were at Russ' deposition.

Hope that answers your questions

Anonymous said...

To Mark,
I just reread anon 10:36pm and would like your view of those questions. You answered 11:14am, not 10:36pm. I would also like to see "both sides of the coin" on the document website that was created. How about you? Then and only then can we pass judgement.
As it stands there is a slight credibility issue going on there.
I am just giving you a point of view I have heard spoken of over the last month or so.
Thanks -Anon

Anonymous said...

i m 68 i didn't get an invite.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, maybe someday all the elderly will be able to participate in these affairs.

Anonymous said...

I am troubled with how Elderly Affairs is managed. I don't like the fact it is run out of our PD. The police are supposed to be in the business of protecting us from crime. I think they should focus on their core mission of police work and not be spending one minute on anything other than that. So in my opinion, managing Elderly Affairs is not part of police work, plain and simple. I really think it is a distraction from a very serious job. I know people are well intended in all this, but using police assets to give seniors rides?

Most activities for seniors are run out of the Community center. Why can't we apply common sense to the situation and have it handled by Noriko out of there? Heck, I bet half the seniors that go to the community center could/would volunteer to assist friends and neighbors as a nice gesture. Isn't that what being a good neighbor is all about? We need to revisit and re-think this whole issue. Having our PD work on anything besides police work is not a good idea. Wouldn't it sound silly to suggest we run it out of the fire dept or highway dept? So why is it run from the PD? I don't see any other towns police dept providing services like this and I suspect there is a good reason for it. Its time to make changes to this situation and do what makes sense for the town and our senior friends and neighbors.

I would be glad to volunteer to give a person a ride or pickup some groceries or a prescription. I am at the store regularly anyway.

Anonymous said...

But if that happened and you volunteered, who would be beholden to Phil to back his hand picked candidates?

Anonymous said...

Thye can just pretend to back Phil's candidate, and vote for who ever they want. He'll never know.

Anonymous said...

I've seen a few Friel signs around and if there's a sticker I can't read it. I pulled right up next to a few signs and the printing is so small one can't read it.

It is supposed to be large enough to be seen.

Anonymous said...

I did the same. I've got 20/20 and I had to strain to see the sticker. Couldn't read it from the car, but did see a sticker.

I still want to know the story about the postcards. As I read the law, they would seem to be in violation.

Anonymous said...

Well when Phil staged his write in campaign for selectmen, there were newspaper articles, endorsements from people in town, campaign signs, and all he got was 300 votes.

But there were 55 kool-aid drinkers who wrote him in for conflict of interest committee! If you can imagine THAT!

Anonymous said...

Sure, but that was Phil, no one really wanted to vote for him.

I think we could get more people to vote against Jack.

Anonymous said...

In today's ET, the suspended Police Chief accuses the Mayor of Methuen of being the target of a Federal corruption investigation.

See? We can call the FBI too!!!

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "