As reported in the Town Report now available on the Town Website, chief is quoted as claiming the elderly affairs program did 1,644 transports in 2007! How is this possible? As usual when the chief L...... um...... embellishes(thats a PC word, this blog has no desire to be sued as many town resident have for pointing out the chiefs misstatements), the math doesn't add up. According to the chief in 2004 elderly affairs did 560 transports ALL YEAR! In 2005, he claimed 730 transports ALL YEAR!, In 2006 he just said he didnt have the figures, but that it was around 1,049 FOR THE YEAR! Does he just make these figures up as he goes along? Despite repeated requests from the budget committee over the years he has steadfastly refused to provide any verification of these numbers.
So here is the math;
Trip from PD to Parkland Med. ctr. in Derry..............................12 miles.........................24 minutes best time
Trip from PD to Exeter Hospital, Exeter....................................19 miles.........................36 minutes best time
Trip from PD to Merrimack Valley Hosp. in Haverhill.................9 miles..........................18 minutes best time
Trip from PD to Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA.........................35 miles........................47 minutes best time
Lets be as generous as possible to the chiefs numbers (elsewhere in the article he does mention the transport rate at 3-5/day)
Time from officer clocking in to get in his cruiser and negotiate his way out of the hazardously overpopulated PD parking lot and onto the road.........................5 minutes
Lets say that he only has to drive to lower maple ave to pick up the elderly customer..... 5 minutes
Lets say that the customer is ready to go, waiting for the ride, and can walk out to the car unassisted, 10 minutes
And lets say that ALL the transports are to Parkland, the nearest hospital( because the chief cited in the article transports to area med. ctrs.)............................................. 24 minutes each way
And let's say that he says goodbye as he drops her off and waits for her to get inside(gentlmanly thing to do) 10 minutes
We now have an average man hours per transport of 78 minutes with no waiting, but he would have to wait to bring the customer home, right? or he would have to go back and get her.
Waiting for 1 hour for wait AND appointment.................................. total 2hrs. 18 minutes
Return to pick up 2 hrs. 36 minutes
So we now have an average man hour per transport of 2. 25 hours(we will round down to be fair)
Elderly manpower budget for 2007....................... $15, 300(based on 1275 hrs.@ $12.00/hr. average)
How is it possible to do 1644 transports, with only 1275 man hours?
And how about that Gas?
$1,350 will buy only 465 gallons of gas!
How is it possible to do 1644 transports, with only 465 gals. of gas?
As usual the Chief embellishes, misleads, exagerates, however you want to call it, it is misinforming the people to polish his own apple, and it is wrong!
Oh, in case anyone missed it, there was an article in the Eagle Tribune last year about the elderly affairs program that closed with the chief saying that the reason this program worked so well is that Atkinson "has little crime, so we can use the dispatch center" Proving once again that Janine Sawyer- Standley, Jane Cole, Mark Acciard, Brian Boyle, MariAnne Pinciotta, and many others on the budget committee over the years WERE RIGHT! Police money is used to cover the costs of elderly affairs, there is duplication of costs, and yes, virginia, there is LITTLE CRIME IN ATKINSON!
No matter what Lt. Baldwin screams at you during deliberative session.
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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12

A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
wow, great article! If everyone in town caught on to what is happening here in town , things would change. Alot more people would vote im sure of it. Nice job!
There is not "little crime" in Atkinson. It is is not being accurately reported by the Chief of Police. Do you think that he wants the real crime stats getting out? Not only that, but stop and think...there is ONE (1) officer on the road for the three 8 hour shifts in a 24 hour day. How much can one officer get into? Not only that, but I'll use a baseball analogy: You take a rookie hitter, he will swing at everything. You take a rookie cop, and he will stopo every car that moves for every infraction he can think of; and write for every infraction he can think of. As that rookie ages and gains experience, he picks his pitches and gets quality hits. The same is true for a cop. The older he or she gets, the higher quality of police work shows through. You people on htis blog have no idea what actually goes on. You people slam the cops...but every Atkinson resident can say that if they are stopped by an Atkinson Police Officer...9 times out of 10, they are getting a WARNING...Yes, even you Mr. Accaird have been givn many warnings by the Atkinson Police and cannot deny it. Consentino is the problem...he does not support his troops. There is a well known drug dealer and an escort service being run from homes in this town. It is common knowledge...ask your kids and maybe they'll tell you...ask a cop and they'll tell you and it is common knowledge that Consention will NOT give the go ahead to conduct operations against these people, because if arrests are made than it spoils the image of Atkinson that he has tried to cultivate for his 30 plus years of "service"; and that is that there is "no crime"; and that Atkinson is the "safest town" in the state. You people do not believe his stats about the elderly affairs...but you instantly believe that there is no crime, why? Because this is a small town? I find that disgustingly humorous when if you stop and think and actually take time to talk to the cops (like Mr. Accaird claims he does) then they will fill you in on some history: With the exception of Ofc. Briggs from Manchester; the majority of officers from NH killed in the line of duty came from small towns or were working in rural parts of the state. These were guys like Cpl. McKay (Franconia), Jeremy Charon (Epsom), Troopers Lord and Phillips (Colebrook).
The ignorance on the part of the public and some of the posters on this blog astound me. Stand up and support your cops...get rid of the part time chief that is holding them down...let them work...because there is work to be done in Atkinson
I think you missed the author's point. It wasn't the author that said there was little crime in Atkinson, it was the Chief of Police, when he was explaining how elderly affairs worked so well out of the PD. HE said it worked well through PD dispatch because there was little crime in Atkinson. That was HIS quote, I remember reading the article in the Tribune.
And as I read the article I don't see any criticism of the officers at all.
I talk to and joke with Atkinson's officers all the time, and by and large they are a great bunch of guys, with a great outlook on what they do, and a professional attitude towards their work and the community. And no I will not mention names, I wouldn't want them to suffer the fates of past officers like; Micheal Rivera, Gary Lorden, Rick Daniels, or others.
I think your outrage is misplaced.
I have seen so many crimes committed in Atkinson and the police are not allowed to take action, they'll tell you so, as they have told me. They have to call the Chief and all he does is look for a reason to give a warning or let them go.
The Chief thinks he's a social worker and does not take his police duty seriously. Yes Phil, you heard me, you are a flunky.
The good thing is that more and more people are noticing what the town is all about. We don't have low crime, it's the same rate as other towns, maybe higher because every one knows they can come here and do anything without getting caught.
I'm sure it must be difficult for a cop to deal with this guy on a regular basis but it will continue until someone finds an angle and takes the reins and reports him. A no confidence vote from the PD would do it.
When the Chief admits that he is using PD resources for the Elderly Affairs program he can and should be fired for misappropriation.
Responding to 11:27 Anon
For more than 25 years, it's been "tradition" for policemen to give a warning to anyone caught speeding, or ignoring stop signs, or any other infraction (unless, of course, the Chief doesn't like you very much (Mark!)in which case he'll throw the book at you.
Comment 2. How can anyone expect the officers to respect their part-time, unqualified, uncertified chief, who has found its very advantageous to him to bully his way through his career? They need someone they can look up to and respect; someone who carries all the credentials that ours lacks.
The only plausible explanation to pay for all those rides with that puny budget is to misappropriate taxpayer dollars to run Elderly Affairs.
It is THE exact reason why the PD budget is so exceedingly high compared to other towns. We are getting RIPPED OFF as taxpayers, plain and simple.
To 1:38
I was referring to them giving warnings for things other than driving errors....brawls in the streets, underage drunkeness, dope parties (we can't control what happens in their back yard), theft, harassment, property damage, etc.
I actually don't expect any of our cops to respect him! How can they?
As an officer from a nearby town, it always amazes me the conditions under which the full-time qualified officers have to work in at that department. Watching part-time unqualified people stand next to them and call themselves cops. Not being allowed to effectively do their jobs due to resident privilege. It never ends for those guys, yet they continue to push on, waiting for the light to break through. Keep marching Phil F., Justin, Kevin and John. Stay strong 43!!!!
"Trip from PD to Exeter Hospital, Exeter....................................19 miles.........................36 minutes "
Am not sure about that one. Have done that drive a few times, and if you drive "close to the speed limit" it's closer to 45 minutes. The best answer I can give for the number of transports is that they count to as 1 and the return as another, which would be 2 transports. Let's face it, unless they do 5 transports a day, 365 days a year, there is no way they can do it. Someone is really messing with numbers (and the taxpayers money) and it's about time the books were opened up for any and all to see. Don't worry Consentino, we don't want to see any names - keep that to yourself, just show who drove where and the time used. If you have nothing to hide then PUT UP OR SHUT UP and stop telling the elderly how you're being picked on and how a few want to end the program. Nobody wants to end it, we just want it on the up and up.
The full time officers of this town belong to a union. This gives them a certain amount of protection.
If they feel the leadership of the Atkinson PD is lacking, a vote of no confidence could be taken and reported to the local publications and any state authority who might have some jurisdiction in such matters.
When I mention where I live to people who are familiar with the area, they laugh. This nonsense has to stop.
This might be a good way to force a resolution to the current situation.
Thats not quite accurate, only one of the full time officers belong to the union now that officer Fardella left.
the other three full timers are supervisory, and not allowed to join the union.
I had a very interesting conversation with an idividual about crime in atkinson. Was the same as posted by another blogger. The crime is here in atkinson, and is not talked about. I am in full support of all our police officers! I am in full support of our blogg.
I am not in support for the Cheif.
What puzzles me is that since Phil is leaving soon one way or another, for us seniors to continue to support him may actually work against us.
When someone comes along who wants to do more for us than what is being done now and is not looking for us to fork over our hard earned cash to do so, why not support that person and invest in our future?
I won't follow Phil Consentino's requests any longer. He won't know I didn't vote as he asked!
To: March 4, 2008 6:06 PM
So let me get this straight. You think that all of the part-time officers are a joke, and unqualified? That is what I got out of your comment.
To: March 4, 2008 11:08 PM
The part-time officers are also in the union.
I think he was talkign about the chief
How qualified can some of the PT's be if they never actually work any hours? I believe you don't even have to be trained to be a PT cop.
1644 transports/ $15,300= $9.30/ transport.
ok, lets assume that no transport is longer than 15 miles round trip, that means only 1 gal. of gas! take out $3.00
that leaves $6.30 for pay, FICA and MEdicare. That means no more than 20 minutes per transport....
The two part-time officers I respect are Kevin Donnelly and Jason Mazza. Donnelly is a town resident and is the Director of The Massachusetts Police Academy in Boylston. Obviously qualified. Mazza is a full-time officer in Plaistow, where he received academy training and training from a much more qualified department.
Some times it takes a little discrete action to remedy a nagging situation or problem. Unless this public site writing by Anon . March 4th 5:47 has scared off the drug and "escort service" from operating there are other ways to stop them . One way is to call them in and make sure they know what is going to happen to them after the warning. { There is nothing like a heart to heart talk !} Another is to legally stop the drug dealer any time they can driving improperly and do a search of the m/v legally or ,YES, not legally. Legally you make the arrest and the problem is solved if you have enough drugs and a good judge to send the dealer to prison. Knowing that if you did an illegal search you then can then take the drugs and dispose of them in front of the dealer and tell him or her they now have to pay for the loss of the drugs to who ever he/she gets them from. Do that once or twice and they close up shop or move away. Another way is to follow the dealer or known buyers for short distances which shakes them up . A marked cruiser placed nearby or frequently driving by the place of operation scares the buyers away . The dealer , to stay in business, would be forced to make deliveries and that makes he/she very easily caught. The escort service would have to be dealt with by the State Police to set the "escorts" up for an arrest There are times when police officers have to be inventive when they have leaders who are aware of whats going on but are asleep in their positions. I know what I've said here is a challenge to Atkinsons police department because of its size and current problems but its what I did when I worked in a department out of state and it worked out very well. You just have to have the , but for the lacking of another word, incentive to do it .
Illegally search and seize their drugs huh? That pretty much sums up why you used to work in law enforcement somewhere else.
To 9:14 pm
It nice to have faith but in this town, no matter how many witnesses or proof the cops still don't do what they should do to battle crime. I realize they take some action sometimes, but we have met so much resistance on our street that it's actually comical. It's not the cops , it's the Chief who ties their hands. Enough people know what going on now and this blog helps to tie the information together. It's just a matter of Whether anyone else goes down with him is up to them. (That is unless he is smart and quits first but I don't think he's smart, nuts maybe).
To: March 5, 2008 9:14 PM
I thought your reply was comical. What kind of police work is that? Where can you have a heart to heart with a call girl. This isn't Oprah or Doctor Phil. Do you honestly think this will change the way they do business?
Also I believe that taking someones drugs and disposing them is not a proper procedure in the State of NH or any other state. That might have worked 30 years ago, but not today. Noone wants to risk doing an illegal search. Have you ever heard of being a target? Go ahead throw a drug dealers drugs away, see how long it takes for them to get even with you for doing it. Remember, drug dealers are part of a network.
Police work has changed considerably in the past few years. The things that you may have done back then, will never fly today. If you need examples, just look at case law in NH.
I take great pride in what I did to keep my past work area clean of drugs when I was working. I can see why you who live in Atkinson are having the problems with the looking the other way. You have police personal who shouldn't be police officers of high rank , one who doesn't carry a weapon in particular. That alone could be a reason for looking the other way out of his fears to give the ok lets do our sworn duty to uphold the law. What surprises me is that this crime information hasn't been passed on to another agency by the police department long ago before it became public knowledge. I'm pretty well damned sure if it were done back then it would have been dealt with by now. You all complain of things but really do nothing about the "well known crime" in your town as the Anonymous writer made known to the public reading about it outside your community. That was good intentioned but it just makes the town look more the fools for not making the problem disappear by any means available, legal or not. When stops are made officers use the powers of hearing,smell,and observation to do what they have to for more than just safety alone. All in all!! I'm sure now that outsiders of your town have read the blog among them there has to be some outside agency people who are now aware of the "well known crimes" being committed in your town . Don't be any to surprised if the police department gets a visit before or after they start working on this "well known crime"problem you have. After all the higher ups look the other way preventing the order to do whats necessary to stop the "well known crime" to continue . Maybe its time for a very active Crime Watch Community in Atkinson. But then I don't live in a community where the police look the other way and the residents just complain and do nothing themselves to be safe from "WELL KNOWN CRIME" taking place. See you in the papers soon !!.
Looking the other way has kept this town looking good. Head in the sand anyone?
There is no leadership in the PD. I believe most officers are good and try their best. But the leadership has built an organization doomed to fail because priorities are in all the wrong places. It seems to me that all Phil cares about is catering to his elderly voting block. This is nuts and he has to go. Our PD is a joke and this town is laughed at because of the incompetency of this organization. Again, I am not blaming the officers who do real work, I am directing my concerns at the failed leadership that has focused more on getting cronies elected than dealing with the primary mission of a PD which is to protect us against crime. What the heck does all this effort for Elderly Affairs have to do with police work?
ooooh oooh let me guess why the math doesn't work out....
because the either the ride total or the budget is a LIE!!!
We should be clear that the budget is not the problem. It is the actual spending that is the problem. They don't match up even close. I would like to see all the actual spending done by the PD. That would be an eye opener.
Also, when is someone going to be held accountable for actual PD spending? There is obviously SOMETHING strange going on. As a taxpayer, I have a right to know.
Excuse me but I've seen Donnelly in action in a room with the phil and bill show. He had no desire to stand up against the 2 of them.
Anyone remember the cover-up in town when the Haverhill police officer (Fasulo?) was found dead on Walker Road? Masterful cover-up I must say.
What well "known crime problem" ? You mean the cover up or the drug dealer and hookers in town ?
The Fasulo shooting was handled by the New Hampshire State Police Major Crimes Unit, as is every other shooting death in the State, including every large city. If you believe there was a cover-up, perhaps you should direct your inquiries to them. See where that gets you.
My Grandmother suffered a stroke in May of 2007. The Elderly Affairs group transported her numerous time from Whittier to Lahey Clinic, from Whittier to doctors appointments, from Penacook to appointments. I can account for at least 20 trips for just my grandmother alone.
I may not have a high opinion of the chief himself, but I appreciate what he does for the elderly. We would not have been able to afford the $200+ charge per trip to go through a service like Trinity.
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