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Tuesday, March 11


A NEW watchdog - OLD Watchdog is in archive.

We need to keep a closer watch on the campaigns for atkinson’s offices. Use comments to inform and report:

a. Sign activity, Removals

b. Mailings and circulars

c. News articles and letters

d. Telephone vote solicitation

Comments which neither inform nor report will be deleted and noted in comment section.


Anonymous said...

I don't see the OLD watch dog in the archive - ?

Anonymous said...

Good Day My fellow Atkinson Acquaintances:

I would like to take this time to touch base with you on the BLOG signs that are being put up around town.
The FACT of the matter is that at the selectmans meeting this past monday (March 3rd) the selectmen decided on that these signs where against policy, and where subjected to be taken down ASAP.
With this being said, there should be no more talking about this jiber jaber about people taking these signs down.
So as my own little citation that i would like to add. DO NOT aqueuse our fellow selectman jack of stealing these blog signs...when indeed he is doing it because these signs where assigned to betaken down as TOWN LAW since this past monday. AND further more I have seen the police department take down these signs as well several to go as far and aqueuse people of stealing signs especially people who have a big part in running this town in a positive matter...Get Your Facts Straight!

Anonymous said...

Publius- please accept this as a submission article

SUBJECT: Your committee’s recommendations for three important Town office positions this year at the ballot box


There are three important town positions on the ballot this year. One Selectman seat, one Town Moderator seat, and one Conflict of Interest seat. Jack Sapia, Fred Childs, and Frank Polito were instrumental in blocking your committee’s efforts to get fair and proportional property tax assessments for all town property owners.

Mr. Sapia decided not to run for his selectmen’s seat (which is good for the town) but is running unopposed for the Conflict Of Interest Committee. (Not good for the town)

Mr. Polito is running unopposed for the Town Moderator seat, and that isn’t good for our goals.

There are three people running for the open selectman’s seat. Valerie Tobin, Bill Friel, and Richard O’Leary. Mrs. Tobin was the only one that filed position papers. (Please take a moment to read her paper and biography at the end of this email), Mr. O’Leary admits he has NO PLATFORM, and Mr. Friel was asked to run by Mr. Sapia. Your committee has a problem with that. (We don’t want a Jack Sapia "Look Alike" in that position. Mr. Friel is new comer to to our community, and Mrs. Tobin has lived here for 26 years.

Accordingly, we would like to ask for your vote in favor of Mrs. Tobin. In addition, we (like other committees in town) are asking you to write in Mr. Brian Boyle for Town Moderator, and Mark Acciard for Conflict Of Interest Committee. We know that a write in candidate is usually a ‘long shot" to win, but this year is different. With your help, we believe we can win those seats, but taking the time to write these names on the ballot will be the only way to do it.

Thank you for taking your time to consider these recommendations, and we look forward to seeing you at the Voting Booth this Tuesday.

Sincere regards,
Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee.

Valerie Tobin's POSITION PAPER

Dear Residents

I would like this opportunity to introduce my self to those of you who do not know me. My name is Valerie Tobin, I have lived here in town for 26 years along with my husband of 30 years, and two children, Kyle 24, and Katelyn 15. I'm running for the office of selectman.

I am running for this office because I too, have watched the circus over the last three years, and I believe this town's business can, and should be conducted better, more honorably, with more integrity, and with much, much, more respect for the residents, employees or other elected officials who come before the board for any reason at all.

More and more I have heard from residents that they do not want to go into selectmen's meetings, they don't even want to watch them on T.V. because of the general level of disrespect they see exhibited. I believe that anyone should feel comfortable that if they come before the board with anything, even it it is a critical comment, they should be treated with respect, thanked for coming in, and listened to. And if their issue is something that the board can help with, then we should look into it and report back.

I believe that town business should be conducted in open before the public at all times other than those SPECIFICALLY listed under the Non-Public Meeting Section of the Right To Know Law. I believe that out town government exists to serve ALL the people, not just some of them. And if you can not treat a resident with respect, even if you, personally, dislike that person, then you have no business being an elected official.

I believe that the selectmen should not refuse to do the right thing, because a court has not told them they have to. They should do the right thing, without anyone having to tell them.

I know people are worried about specific issues, so here is my take on them. I am not in favor of a special town-wide re-evaluation. I am in favor of asking our state reps, to look into these assessing standards (or lack thereof) at the State level, where they belong. In town here, I think that we have to continually strive to eliminate mistakes, and over assessments when and where we can, but I believe with good management we can do this without encumbering the town with extraordinary expense.

I understand the critical nature and issue of the water withdrawal ordinance because water quality and quantity is a vital resource for a bedrock community who has no other resource to draw water from. The Board of selectman and planning board should be well instructed on this issue and do what is necessary to protect our water and ultimately the values of our properties. The people of Atkinson, passed a water withdrawal ordinance at town meeting last year, and until someone challenges that ordinance and wins, the selectmen are duty bound to uphold the expressed wishes of the majority of the voters. I believe that once the voters speak, debate ends, and we do what they say. I know this will be unpopular in some quarters, but I am running to do what is right, not what is popular. Our board of selectmen has done that for three years, and ended this town in lawsuit after lawsuit, with no appreciable gain for the taxpayers.

I believe that the disposal of town property, no matter what it is, should be as open, and yield as much money to the taxpayers as possible, after all, would you sell something for a song, if you knew you could get more for it? We, as stewards of the town, have a responsibility to cost our taxpayers as little as possible, in the governing of out town, and I intend to do just that.

With regard to Elderly Affairs, as a female candidate for selectman, I am uniquely suited in understanding the needs of the elderly. I understand the dynamics of the elderly on the family and their needs. I would like to expand the Elderly Affairs Department, to more than just giving rides, to include, but not limited to, all resources available to the Town, free of charge, that are outside the boundries of the Town of Atkinson, I would like to make sure that ALL residents have access to these services, and help/information that is important to their lives and needs.

I believe that all information should be made public, such as posting the selectman's agenda, budgets for each department and monthly expenditures to name a few.
The town website should be expanded to make this and all information easily and readily available, along with streaming video. I would call upon residents who have knowledge and expertise in this area to work with the Board to improve this service so that there would be no cost to the taxpayers.

I hope that this has given you some insight into who I am and what I am about. I apologize if I have been to long winded, but I am passionate about my beliefs. If anyone should have any questions feel free to call me at 603-362-5402.

Thank you for reading this and please

Biography of Valerie Tobin

I was born in a small town in Vermont, and raised on a family farm with 4 other siblings. My mom and dad worked hard to raise all of us kids with good values, morals and "to do unto others as they would do unto you". During my childhood, I worked with my mom and dad, tending the gardens, running the household, and working in the fields with my bothers baling hay. We were taught that hard work was good for the soul, thus my work ethic of working long days, and usually 7 days a week. I didn't know what a vacation was because there was no time to take a vacation, and no money to vacation. But you never miss something you never had. It was a great way to be raised and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I graduated from Chelsea High School in 1974, received the Principle's award as a leader and many awards in spots. I went on to the University of Vermont and graduated there with a BS degree in Consumer and Homemaking Education and Consumer Economics in 1978. I minored in law. I married my husband, Garry, that year, and we moved to Derry, NH lived there for 2 years, then moved to Methuen, MA where we resided for 3 years, before settling in Atkinson. I taught high school for 3 years and they started selling real estate in Salem. From there, I worked with relocation companies to help sell property for people that were moving, and help those that were moving into the area. I ventured out into Commercial Development until the market crashed in the early 90's. I worked with the federal agencies, banks, planning boards and the Attorney General's office to create performing assets. I currently work for First Call Mortgage in Andover, Massachusetts as a mortgage originator as well as finishing a 55+ elderly housing development in Sandown, and expect that I will be working on this project for a few years. Our son, Kyle, was born in 1984. He has graduated from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, in Electrical Engineering and is half way through his masters. He currently works for Sun Microsystems in Burlington, MA. Our daughter, Katelyn, was born in 1992, and is currently enrolled at St. Thomas Aquinas in Dover, NH. She, like her brother, is an aggressive learner and is in the honors programs, and plans to further her learning in College as a veterinarian. Katelyn currently competes at a national and international level in the Morgan circuit as a hunt seat rider. I've always been interested in politics. As a high school student, the school ran mock elections, and of course I participated- giving speeches on my platforms. I went to Girl's state and participated in the government process. I'm very concerned the way our community, state and federal government is being run, and want to participate to help make changes that can brighten the future of my children and yours.

Anonymous said...

Publius- please accept this as a submission article


To: Atkinson Taxpayers Mailing List & Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee Mailing List
Fr: Atkinson Taxpayers Committee
Subject: Atkinson's Voting Day Is This Tuesday. Your vote is important.

Listed below is THE COMPLETE COPY OF THIS YEARS BALLOT to assist you in voting. Please print out this ballot and share it with others via email. You can use it as a reference and take it to the voting booth if that helps.

Please vote. This may be the most important year ever for your vote to count.

State of New Hampshire
Town of Atkinson

Amended 2008 Town Meeting Warrant

Article 2008-02
Are you in favor of the following Amendment proposed by the Planning Board, which would amend the following sections of the Atkinson Building Codes in accordance with NH RSA 155-A.

Section 610:1 to read as follows "All conventionally constructed buildings shall conform to and comply with the New Hampshire State Building Codes."
Section 610:2 will be deleted because the State Building Codes are more stringent.

Section 610:3 and 630:1 will be deleted, as they would be included in the amended section 610:1.

Article 2008-03
Are you in favor the following Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance proposed by the Planning Board which would replace the existing Floodplain Conservation District Ordinance section 420:1 to 420:5 with the Floodplain Management Ordinance, which will update the ordinance to federal standards in order to bring the Town of Atkinson into compliance with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and to update Section 300, Definitions, accordingly.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-04 Operating Budget

Shall the Town of Atkinson raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling four million eighty eight thousand five hundred fifty dollars ($4,088,550). Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be four million seventy-one thousand four hundred forty-two dollars ($4,071,442), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town of Atkinson or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13,X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. NOTE: This Warrant Article does not include appropriation in any other warrant article. (Majority vote required)
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Let it go to default budget

Article 2008-05 Walker Road Paving
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred forty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine dollars ($145,889) for reclamation, paving and drainage for 2,600 feet of Walker Road? All work will be done under the supervision of the Road Agent. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-06 Washington Road Paving
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of forty-two thousand and ninety dollars ($42,090) for reclamation, paving and drainage for 1,003 feet of Washington Road? All work will be done under the supervision of the road agent. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-07 Shim and Overlay
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) for shim and overlay work on Atkinson Farm Road, Spickett Valley Road and Providence Hill Road? All work will be done under the supervision of the Road Agent. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-08 Police Department Driveway
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of fourteen thousand seven hundred dollars ($14,700) to construct a driveway exit from the back parking lot of the Police Station onto Academy Avenue. All work will be done under the supervision of the Road Agent. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-09 Communications Tower
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six hundred eighty three thousand dollars ($683,000) for the construction and erection of a 120’ monopole communications tower and for the purchase, and professional installation of the public safety communications equipment needed as described in Option-4 of the CDCG engineering study of 2007, and to be constructed on Town owned property located behind the Atkinson Fire Station. The tower will be designed for the use of Town Emergency Communications equipment, with room for future expansion as the need arises, and will be maintained by the Town. Should this article pass, Article 2008-10 is null and void. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Not Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-10 Communications Tower
Shall the Town of Atkinson vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund for the Town’s public safety communications system and raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) to deposit in the newly established Public Safety Communications Capital Reserve? Should Article 2008- 9 pass, this Article, Article 2008- 10, is null and void.

Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-11 Communications Tower
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of four hundred eighty four thousand dollars ($484,000) for the purchase of public safety communications equipment needed and the professional installation of the public safety communications equipment on a monopole tower with a maximum height of 180’ in height located on Town owned property behind the Atkinson Fire Station as specified by Option-2 of the CDCG engineering study of 2007. The monopole tower shall be erected by a Commercial Communications or Development Company who shall be responsible for the construction costs and maintenance of said tower. Said Commercial Communications or Development Company shall secure the primary site location of Atkinson emergency communications equipment and microwave communication linkage equipment on said tower. Should either Article 2008-9 or Article 2008-10 pass this Article, Article 2008-11 is null and void. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Not Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-12 Fire Department Capital Reserve
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) to be added to the Fire Department Capital Reserve Fund previously established for the purpose of acquiring fire equipment and vehicles as determined by the Board of Engineer’s Capital Improvement Plan. The approximate current balance is one hundred eighty six thousand twenty-four dollars $186,024. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-13 New Ambulance
Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of one hundred forty seven thousand nine hundred fifty dollars ($147,950) from the Fire Department Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase of a new ambulance as part of the regular Fire Department equipment replacement program? This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-14 Recreation Capital Reserve
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) to be added to the Recreation Capital Reserve Fund. The purpose of the fund is for the acquisition, design, renovations, and development of the recreation area including fields and playgrounds. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-15 East Road Recreation Development & Design
Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) for survey engineering/design site plans to include septic design, test well, road cut for state approval, parking lot design, 1 full athletic field, ½ play field, bocce/horseshoe area, walking paths at the East Road Recreation area (Map 15; Lot 27) and authorize the withdrawal of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) from the Recreation Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose. No tax dollars need to be raised for this warrant article. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-16 East Road Recreation Construction, Phase I
Shall the town vote to appropriate the sum of forty five thousand dollars ($45,000) to begin construction of the new East Road Recreational area, (Map 15; Lot 27) and authorize the withdrawal of forty five thousand ($45,000) from the Recreation Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose? No tax dollars need to be raised for this warrant article. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-17 Mosquito Control Program
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of forty thousand five hundred thirty three dollars $40,533 to be added to the Mosquito Control Expendable Trust Fund? This is the total expended last year. The current balance is seven thousand four hundred sixty seven dollars ($7,467). The established cap for the fund is forty eight thousand dollars ($48,000). This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-18 Cemetery Mapping
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ten thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($10,250) to have the cemetery and burial lots mapped? Such mapping activities will store internment information for the deceased, provide available inventory, sales and purchase history and record deed information. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-19 Cemetery Design & Development
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) for the layout, design and development of a new section of the cemetery? This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-20 Assistant Road Agent
Shall the Town vote to authorize the conversion of the Assistant Road Agent position from part to full-time, and to raise and appropriate the sum of ten thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($10,650) to fund the additional costs of health insurance, retirement, and salary. Funding for the position will be included in the 2009-operating budget. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Not Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-21 Membership in NH Special Operations Unit
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the purpose of funding Police Department membership in the Southern New Hampshire Special Operations Unit, a regional mutual aid organization. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-22 Police Department SPOTS Terminal
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of two thousand two hundred forty nine dollars ($2,249.00) for the purpose of adding the State Police Online Telecommunication Systems (Spots) to the existing laptops in three police vehicles. The FY 2009 budget will be two thousand eight hundred dollars, ($2,800.00) for wireless plans and Annual Maintenance agreement and be included in the operating budget. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-23 Records Management System
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000) to hire a records management consultant to inventory, survey, and analyze town records for the purpose of creating a records management system, defining the storage space needs associated with records retention to meet the statutory requirements for records storage, retention and destruction as defined under RSA 33-A. This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Not Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-24 Town Office Addition
Shall the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six hundred fifty-nine thousand dollars ($659,000) to expand Town Hall and to include the building and equipping of a cable studio for Atkinson Community Television, and to authorize the withdrawal of three hundred nine thousand dollars ($309,000) from the Atkinson Community Television Capital Reserve Fund established for such purpose to offset the cost of the expansion with the remaining balance of three hundred fifty thousand ($350,000) to be raised by taxation? This article is in addition to Article 2008-04, the operating budget.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Not Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-25 Town Office Addition
Shall the Town of Atkinson vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund for an addition to Town Hall and raise and appropriate the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to be deposited in the newly established Town Hall Addition Capital Reserve Fund. If Article 24 passes this Article is null and void.

Recommended by the Budget Committee
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations

Article 2008-26 Road Acceptance
Shall the Town vote to accept Hitchcock Lane as a Town road. (Majority vote required.)

Recommended by the Board of Selectmen
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations
Article 2008-27 By Petition
To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen/assessor to investigate making the taxpayers property tax card available online.

Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations
Article 2008-28 By Petition

To see if the voters will direct the selectmen/assessor to make available to each property owner a copy of their tax card on April 15th of each year.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. You can see your Tax Card Anytime you want now. Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-29 By Petition
To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen to follow assessing standards set by DRA.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. . Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section
Article 2008-30 By Petition
To see if the voters will vote to direct the position of Town Administrator to work in harmony with the Board of Selectman and the residents of Atkinson.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-31 By Petition
To see if the voters will vote to direct the selectman to vigorously pursue countersuits for damages for legal fees and lost productivity costs to the Town against any entity or citizen who files frivolous suits against the Town or its officials.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. . Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-32 By Petition
To see if the voters will direct the selectmen to dispose of capital equipment (vehicles, computers, furniture, etc.) by public auction or trade, as many other towns do. This will ensure taxpayers reach the widest possible market, and receive full market value for their equipment [sic]. When passed, this warrant article will become effective immediately.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. . Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-33 By Petition
Will the Town of Atkinson strictly adhere to New Hampshire RSA’s as they pertain to water withdrawal.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article. . Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-34 By Petition
Will the Town of Atkinson strictly adhere to New Hampshire RSA’s as they pertain to water withdrawal and quality.

Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations because it was not the original intent of the Citizens Petitioned Warrant Article . Please see the original intent listed at the end of this section

Article 2008-35 State Election Polling Hours
To see if the Town, pursuant to RSA 39:3 shall change the polling hours for State Elections. And upon an affirmative vote, the governing body of the town shall notify the secretary of state, by the filing deadline established in RSA 655:14, of the approved times for the question to be printed on the next state general election ballot. Polling hours in the town of Atkinson are now 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. Shall we place a question on the state election ballot to change polling hours so that polls shall open at 7:00 am and close at 7:30 pm for all regular state elections beginning in November 2008
Not Recommended by Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations


Article 2008-25 By Petition
To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen/assessor to immediately mail a copy of any changes made to a taxpayer’s property tax card, with the reason(s) as to why it was changed. (This would allow every taxpayer to have advanced notice to any changes that would effect [sic] their [sic] tax bill.) When passed, this warrant article will become effective immediately.

Article 2008-26 By Petition
To see if the voters will direct the selectmen/assessor to mail each property owner a copy of their tax card on April 15th of each year. This is because there are so many mistakes on tax cards, and would allow afford [sic] each property owner time to review and correct the information. When passed, this warrant article will become effective immediately.

Article 2008-27 By Petition
To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen to work with local residence [sic] taxpayer group(s) to set and adopt uniform assessment methods and criteria to be used for evaluations of all property within the Town’s borders. Selectmen shall schedule municipal workshops immediately passage, in order to set uniform standards for fair and proportional assessments. Work to be completed by June 15, 2008.

Article 2008-28 By Petition
To see if the voters will vote to eliminate the position of Town Administrator (employee at will). Said position to be replaced by a selectmen’s clerk at a salary of $48,000 per annum to start. (This would save the town Approximately $42,000.00 in salaries/benefits a year.) When passed, this warrant article will become effective within 30 days of passage.

Article 2008-29 By Petition
To see if the voters will vote to prohibit the selectmen from spending taxpayer money on public officials personal legal fees which the taxpayers have no [sic] direct liability for. When passed, this warrant article will become effective immediately.

Article 2008-30 By Petition
To see if the voters will direct the selectmen to dispose of all capital equipment (vehicles, computers, furniture, etc.) by public auction on Ebay, as many other towns do. This will ensure taxpayers reach the widest possible market, and receive full market value for their equipment [sic]. When passed, this warrant article will become effective immediately.

Article 2008-31 By Petition
We, the undersigned residents and registered voters of Atkinson, do hereby petition that the below Warrant Article be included on the ballot for the 2008 Town Meeting:
Whereas, the residents of Atkinson have a duty and responsibility to safeguard Atkinson’s ground water supplies for the health and welfare of current and future town residents, and
Whereas, at Sept. 12, 2007 Special Town Meeting by vote of 753-368, Atkinson’s voters overwhelmingly adopted the "Atkinson Water Withdrawal Control Ordinance", and
Whereas, the New Hampshire Legislature passed N.H. RS41:8 which states that "the selectmen SHALL manage the prudential affairs of the town and perform the duties by law prescribed…" and
Whereas, the courts have ruled that the selectmen’s right and responsibility to "manage the prudential affairs of a town", includes their adoption of any ordinances deemed necessary to protect the health, welfare and safety of the townspeople, and
Whereas, an adequate supply of fresh and clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing and other household used is necessary for the health and welfare of current and future generations of Atkinson residents,
We, the undersigned, petition that at 2008 Town Meeting, the people vote
"To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen, in their capacity as selectmen or as the Board of Health, to adopt the Atkinson Water Withdrawal Control Ordinance as an Atkinson Health Ordinance, (in addition to continuing to be a stand-alone ordinance.)

Article 2008-32 By Petition
We, the undersigned residents and registered voters of Atkinson, do hereby petition that the below Warrant Article be included on the ballot for 2008 Town Meeting:
To see if the Town will Vote to adopt the below-listed THREE AMENDMENTS to the ATKINSON WATER WITHDRAWAL CONTROL ORDINANCE which was passed at the Sept. 12, 2007 Special Town Meeting.

1. AMEND the FIRST SENTENCE under "SECTION 2, AUTHORITY:" to read as follows:
"This Ordinance is adopted and enacted pursuant to the inherent, inalienable, and fundamental right of the citizens of the Town of Atkinson to self-government and under the authority granted to the people of the Town by all relevant state and federal laws including, but not limited to the following:

Section 4.1. Rights.
All residents of the Town of Atkinson possess a fundamental and inalienable right to access, use, consume, and preserve water drawn from the sustainable natural water cycles that provide water necessary to sustain life within the Town. Natural communities and ecosystems possess inalienable and fundamental rights to exist and flourish within the Town of Atkinson. Ecosystems shall include, but not be limited to wetlands, streams, rivers, aquifers, and other water systems.

3. Amend "SECTION 6. ENFORCEMENT." by ADDING the below-listed 8 sub-sections:
Section 6.1.
Civil Rights: Any person acting under the authority of a permit issued by the Department of Environmental Services, and corporation operating a State charter or certificate of authority to do business, or any director, officer, owner, or manager of a corporation operating under a State charter or certificate of authority to do business, who deprives any Town resident, natural community, or ecosystem of any rights, privileges, or other laws, shall be liable to the party injured and shall be responsible for payment of compensatory and punitive damages and all costs of litigation to satisfy that liability, including, without limitation, expert and attorney’s fees.

Section 6.2.
Environmental Protection: It shall be unlawful for any corporation or its directors, officers, or managers to interfere with the rights of natural communities and ecosystems to exist and flourish, or to cause damage to those natural communities and ecosystems. The Town of Atkinson, along with any resident of the Town, shall have standing to seek declaratory, injunctive, compensatory, and punitive relief for damages caused to natural communities and ecosystems within the Town, regardless of the relation of those natural communities and ecosystems to Town residents or the Town itself. Town residents natural communities, and ecosystems shall be considered to be "persons" for the purposes of the enforcement of the civil rights of those residents, natural communities, and ecosystems.

Section 6.3.
Civil Rights Enforcement: Any Town resident shall have standing and authority to bring an action under this Warrant Article’s civil rights provisions, or under state and federal civil rights laws, for violations of the rights of natural communities, ecosystem, and Town residents, as recognized by this Warrant Article.

Section 6.4.
Town Action Against Presumption: The foundation for the making and adoption of this law is the people’s fundamental and inalienable right to govern themselves, and thereby secure rights to life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness. Any attempts to use county, state, or federal levels of government to pre-empt, amend, alter, or overturn this Warrant Article or parts of this Warrant Article, or to intimidate the people of the Town of Atkinson or their elected officials, shall require the Board of Selectmen to hold public meetings that explore the adoption of other measures that expand local control and the ability of residents to protect their fundamental and inalienable right to self-government.

Section 6.5.
Strict Liability: Persons using corporation to engage in water withdrawal in a neighboring in a neighboring municipality shall be strictly liable for all harms caused to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Atkinson from those activities, and for all harms caused to ecosystems and natural communities within Atkinson.

Section 6.6.
Liability: No permit, license, privilege or charger[sic] issued by any State or federal Regulatory Agency, Commission or Board to any person or any corporation operating under a State charter, or any director, officer, owner, or manager of a corporation operating under a State charger[sic] , which would violate the provisions of this Warrant Article or deprive any Atkinson resident, natural communit6y, or ecosystem of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by this Warrant Article, the N.H. Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, or other laws, shall be deemed valid within the Town of Atkinson.
Additionally, any employee, agent or representative of any State or federal Regulatory Agency, Commission or Board who issues a permit, license, privilege or charter to any person or any corporation operating under a State charter, which would violate the provisions of this Warrant Article or deprive any resident, natural community, or ecosystem of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by this Warrant Article, the N.H. Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, or other laws, shall be liable to the party injured and shall be responsible for payment of compensatory and punitive damages and all costs of litigation, including, without limitation, expert and attorney’s fees.

Section 6.7.
Future Lost Profits: Within the Town of Atkinson, corporate claims to "future lost profits" shall not be considered property interests under the law, and thus, shall not be recoverable by corporations seeking those damages.

Section 6.8.
Prohibition on Board of Selectmen Challenge: The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Atkinson or any other agent or agency of the Town shall be prohibited from taking any action to annul, amend, or overturn this Warrant Article, unless such action is approved by a prior Town Meeting at which two-thirds (2/3) of the residents of the Town attending the Town Meeting approve such action.

Anonymous said...

The blog signs were removed from the corner of 121 and Leroy, 121 and Sawyer, and 121 and Lewis Lane between 1 PM and 2:30 PM Sunday afternoon.

I saw people out fixing O'Leary signs at this time.

Someone had to see this happen.

The people in this town are the lowest, unethical, sneaky, cowards that I have ever met. They claim to love the town and pretend to protect it but they are just a small and sorry bunch of has beens. We will drive you out soon enough.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 11:21:

Your spelling is atrocious. Second, Selectmen do not make town law, they uphold it, the people make town law.
third, The signs are legal. Both by the town's sign ordinance, and by state law on fiscal agents.
fourth, Even if the signs were deemed to be illegal, no selectman has the legal right to remove one, the proper procedure woudl be to notify the property owner and give him 24 hours to remove it, if he fails them the police may remove it, but only if the signs are truly illegal.

Can anyone tell me how these signs are illegal?

Anonymous said...

I posted this in a later topic, but I think it belongs here also.

It matters little how many blog signs are uprooted. I still find it funny that I learned about the blog in something the Chief said to ET. It was then only a Goggle search away.

Word is out. Cat is out of the bag. Pandora's box is open. The train has left the station. The sooner the town leaders finally realize they can't get the toothpaste back in the tube, maybe the sooner they will start doing the right thing.

Freedom of Speech is part of the constitution for a reason. If I may borrow from the Town Crier,

"When the government fears the People, that is Liberty. When the People fear the Government, that is tyranny" -Thomas Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

Re: March 9, 2008 11:21 AM

If I were the suspicious type I might think this is a parody of the chief. The last line gives it away.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you how these signs are illegal.

Jack said so. So there.

Anonymous said...

I just saw some blog signs out, Great job on keeping them out! The ones taking the signs down have no lawfull right to take them down. The last anon has it right!
Jack Sapia is trying to stop our right to freedom of speech. And he did so by ordering the take down of Atkinson-Reporter signs. Shamefull.

Anonymous said...

Today i saw a blog sign that has a fiscal agent. tonight the same sign i saw earlier was gone. So tell me why then, what new reason do the sign nazi's have to take them?

Anonymous said...

I second the first comment on this blog, and whoever the third comment down with the spelling comment was, that straight up has nothing to do with the issue at hand and I thought it had great word usage...

And for the same 10 people who right on this blog dumb pro-Valerie blog; with exception for the one or two comments that actually make sense, GET THE PICTURE and stop crying over these blog signs. All three selectmen decided to have these blog signs taken down...So #1 yes if you keep wasting trees and putting up these blog signs, they will be taken down and #2 stop soloing out Jack Sapia! Jack if you ever get the chance to meet jack, he is a very good family oriented guy, who has a good education and knows what’s best for this town.

For example: Would anyone like to argue that paying an officer 75 cents more to fill an empty patrol duty spot is a dumb decision, or would you like one less officer on duty so if god forbid one of your children get hurt or someone breaks into your house, that it will take an office twice the time to get there?! I would hope NOT!

Anonymous said...

Publius: Article Submission.

Should have done this earlier but better late than never. Here's how I'm voting Tuesday.

Selectman - Topic has been beaten to death. Time for change. Valerie all the way.

Conflict of Interest - Jack Sapia - Puleeeeeeeese, gives us a break. If he is elected anyone going before that board should immediately insist he recuse himself. Write in Carol Grant

Moderator - Tough job but needs to be done better.Write in - Mark Acciard

All the others, no problem.

Warrant articles-
Item 4 - Thought the budget committee did a good job of presenting it but next time the supporting documentation would be nice. I vote yes, but the police budget needs a close review. Has anyone seen how many cruisers are sitting in the PD parking lot, not to mention what the chief has at home? If only one car is on duty at any one time, why so many cars? And the donation accounts are screaming for oversight.

Items 5, 6 and 7. Road construction and repair -Yes.

Item 8 - New PD driveway. Get that house in order before any improvements. - No.

Item 9 - Communications Tower - Poorly conceived, poorly presented, ripped apart on cross examination, all to solve a problem that has not been fully characterized. Cheaper alternatives were rejected out of hand and the plan as presented is way overkill and way expensive. Most definite NO.

Item 10 - Capital reserve fund for communications system. Money will likely need to be spent. Hopefully not nearly as much as Item 9 asks for. Might as well accept it and start setting aside some funds. - Yes

Item 11- The committee was charged to come up with two proposals. They came up with bad and worse than bad. It should not even be on the ballot. - NO.

Items 12 and 13 - FD capital reserve and new ambulance. Chief Murphy did his homework and presented a convincing case. - Yes.

Items 14, 15, and 16 - Recreational stuff. Don't use any of it. Most of the money appears to be there so why not - Yes.

Item 17 - Mosquito Control. When I was a kid mosquitoes were just pests. Now they kill. If anything, we should be spending more here - Yes.

Items 18 and 19 - Cemetery stuff. Dale Childs did a good job presenting but then she started taking her last name to heart. All that was missing was her throwing fruit at the speakers. Can't trust a word out of her mouth anymore. - No.

Item 20 - Road Agent Assistant. Here is a case of Ted trying to do the right thing and he got badgered for it. A yes in my book.

Item 21 - NH Operations Unit. Sure, why not - Yes.

Item 22- Spots terminals for 3 crusiers. I'm fine with this as long as one does not end up in the Chief's car. No gunny, no Spotty. - Yes.

Item 23 - Records Management System - Time to come into the 21st century - Yes.

Item 24 - Town hall addition. Not this year. Things are tough and getting much tougher for all of us. Maybe next year - No

Item 25 - Capital reserve fund for Town Hall addition - Sure

Item 26 - Road acceptance. Guess this means they can get plowed now - Yes.

Items 27, 28 and 29. Not what Leon wanted but he did it to himself. Refer to the my submission in regarding how to present a petition. Too many of these guidelines were not followed. Rethink the goals and try again next year - No

Item 30 - Working in harmony - What a fricking joke. A perfect example of what is broken in the Deliberative Session process - No

Item 31- Frivolous Lawsuits - Jack and the chief seemed to get extremely excited when this passed. Not a good sign. - No

Item 32 - Disposing of capital equipment. Started with the cloud surrounding the cruiser trade-in. Why is it the chief had to beg the dealer to take the car in trade, and yet his son buys it the next day. Fails the smell test. - This is a Yes but watch the "trade" part of it. That is what got us into this mess. Someone else should be assigned to negotiate cruiser trades.

Items 33, 34 - Not what Carol wanted but, again, I refer her to and keep trying - I believe she wanted a No on these.

Differ if you want. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

To Phil er I mean, John Smith.

You cannot convince anyone of anything with a weak and poorly constructed paragraph.

Did mean to say 'single' out Jack Sapia. You're hard to understand because of your obvious lack of intelligence.

We don't need anymore PT police officers (can you spell officer?).

Anonymous said...

I am voting against the ambulance, we already have a contract with a company and we don't need two ambulances. Murphy never talked about why he thinks we need more.

Captital Reserve for Town Hall/Cable addition - NO WAY

Budget NO WAY - Stick with last years fugures, they were bad enough for me.

School budget, same thing, they aren't producing.

Communication tower or capital reserve - NO WAY, NO HOW.

Anything for the PD - OUT

Recreation - YES

Support the boobs when they get sued - I will sue them and the town if they try to have the town pay anymore private bills - NO

Anonymous said...

Tobin sign vandalized at Saywer and meditation.

Tobin sign missing at Sawyer and meditation.

Blog sign missing from Salem Rd at Hooker Farm Rd.

Anonymous said...

Well folks, I just called the state to report the selectmen are talking down our signs. I was told that we can put them up according to state and local laws and that it is stealing for them to take them down.

This is a violation of our freedom of speech. They are for another law suit.

Anonymous said...

Do NOT write Carol Grant's name in for the Conflict of Interest Committee. I heard that while she appreciates the sentiments, she does NOT want to split the write-in effort and prefers that ALL of the write-ins for that committee go to Mark Acciard.

As far as the Moderator position, write in Brian Boyle. Every Boyle for Moderator write-in vote is a statement of protest against Polito's continued failures as a Moderator--a protest of his encouraging and supporting the destruction of petitioned warrant articles at Deliberative Session and a protest against his continually allowing hecklers to attack speakers for petitioned articles.

Anonymous said...

To March 10, 2008 9:05 AM regarding the ambulance.

Chief Murphy did indeed address your two points. He pointed out the ambulance service serves several neighboring towns, not just Atkinson. The service is not ours, we just rent space. If they are on a call in a neighboring town, then Atkinson does not have that ambulance available. He felt, and I agree, we need one reserved just for us.

Second point - The current Atkinson ambulance is over 20 years old and maintenance is becoming a problem. He said he had started planning for its replacement when it was bought, hence the capital reserve fund. This is a sign of a good manager. Others should learn from his examples, but sadly, they don't.

I was there and I know what I heard.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9:05 and everyone else,

Please do support the Fire Department's warrant article for a new ambulance.

It's easy to question why we need one when the town now belongs to an ambulance service which supports the local towns. Well, believe me, during emergences, having just one ambulance available to service 5 or 6 towns is not enough when there is more than one emergency at the same time.

Let me cite an example. I'm not going to use names to protect the privacy of the young man involved.

Two weeks ago a young Atkinson resident had a very serious medical emergency during the evening of that big snow storm. 911 was called. The first responder was the Atkinson Fire Department EMTs with Atkinson's current and very old ambulance-rescue vehicle.

The commercial ambulance was involved with many other rescue calls in Atkinson and other towns because of the number of car accidents that night on those very snowy roads.

The young man was rushed to the hospital in Atkinson's rescue ambulance. For five hours--until 1:30 a.m., the young man was worked on in the emergency room. To save his life he had to receive four emergency blood transfusions. The emergency room doctor told the parents that if the young man had not arrived there as fast as he did, they would have lost their son that night. As it was, even with the blood transfusions and many iv lines into him, he still went comatose and had to be on a respirator for four and a half days in the Intensive Care Unit. The mother spent that week in Intensive Care, in a chair next to his bed, day and night.

As that mother listened to the respirator breathing for her son, she felt so grateful for that Atkinson Rescue Ambulance that had gotten her son to the hospital in time while the commercial ambulance was tied up with other emergencies.

That young man's parentss went through hell that night. What if what happened to them should happen to a member of your family--if you need an ambulance and the commercial Ambulance which serves Atkinson is tied up with other emergencies in Atkinson or the other towns it serves.

That one commerical amublance serves too many towns. We need the back-up of the Fire Department's own ambulance.

Anonymous said...

Brian Boyle for Moderator!
Mark Aciard for Conflict!

everyone on the same page!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the ambulance. I was at the session but there was alot of talking around me and I must have missed this info. (I wish they'd keep people quiet).

Do you know if we'll still need the contract with the other company?

Does it make sense to have both and have two different solutions and why??

Anonymous said...

"Brian Boyle for Moderator!
Mark Aciard for Conflict!"

Not I.

I support Frank Polito as moderator-- at least he wants the job and I believe he's been a very fair and informed moderator.

I support Jack Sapia -- have yet to see horns growing out of his head.....

Anonymous said...

Ok they were complaining that the blog signs had no fiscal agent.

Now they do and they are still pulling them down, why?

Anonymous said...

Based on his track record as a selectman do you think he can recognize conflicts of interest?

He didn't on the BOS
He didn't even after the Court said so.

Anonymous said...

I believe the ambulance service pays the town for space at the FD, we don't pay them. Seems like a good deal to me. But as I said, and as March 10, 2008 10:25 AM so eloquently put it, we are much better off with our own dedicated ambulance.

RE: Conflict of interest. Mark indicates in a later topic that he does not want to be written in for anything. I changed my recommendation to Carol for COI and Brian for MOD.

Anonymous said...

I used to vote for Frank Polito, I used to think he did a good job, but not anymore. He did not keep people in order and he showed his bias by suggesting that we doctor up the articles. It showed total disregard for those who followed the process. Sure, maybe it is a loop hole but what type of person would make that statement and actually do it? I think he showed his true colors that day. I also will not vote for either of the State reps again for the same reason. I hop ethis wipes that smirk off your face Frank.

Jack Sapia is another story, a horror story....but chances are he'll win and we can keep this up.

Anonymous said...

They are pulling the signs down because they are afraid people will look here. They are used to bullying everyone and pretending to enforce the law. They can't enforce any law here because these are not political signs, they are temporary signs, same as a house for sale sign. They are idiots.

Keep putting them up, long past the election. They will tire of spending their free time pulling them down.

Anonymous said...

Well here we go. This Atkinson-Reporter informed all of us that Mr. Sapia got Friel to run as selectman, and the Cheif was supporting him as well. Im looking at a letter from Plilip Consentino stating they are asking for your vote for Bill Friel. At least this time the letter isn't used with a Police header. Did everyone get this letter? Just curious. Im guessing that selected ones got the letter.

Anonymous said...

have yet to see horns growing out of his head.....

What a delightful metaphor. It's the only way I can picture him now.

Anonymous said...

"Based on his track record as a selectman do you think he can recognize conflicts of interest?"

Yes, I do.

"He didn't on the BOS
He didn't even after the Court said so."

If your referring to the conflicting warrants on the Memorial placement, it seems to me that he was trying to find
a compromise between the two groups. Nothing more.

In my humble opinion.......

Anonymous said...

I am talking about chief consentino's conflict in dealing with police matters.

even after court said he couldn't do that, Mr. Sapia still refused to acknowledge any conflict, on the chiefs part.

As for the Vietnam Warrant articles, there never was any conflict, town counsel said so. remember the special town meeting?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous March 10, 2008 1:11 PM,

The chief probably used monies from the donation fund to pay for those fliers!

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder. Did you all read the Timberlane Annual Report, where they projected an increase in taxes for Atkinson of $150 PER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND IN HOUSE VALUE? Town budget, I figure roughly, would be around fifty cents.

When your taxes go up, don't blame the Selectmen.

Anonymous said...

I did not get a letter from Consentino telling me who to vote for.

Can someone post it here?

I'd love to see it, and save the envelope so we can check the postmark. He should not be using any town permit for this, it should have a stamp, paid for by himself, otherwise it's evidence.

Anonymous said...

Publius- please accept this as a submission article


"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."
Mark Twain

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress....
But then I repeat myself.
-Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
- George Bernard Shaw

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
-G Gordon Liddy

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
-James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
-Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at GeorgetownUniversity

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
-P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
-Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

Vote for Valerie Tobin, and help put an end to the insanity at town hall.
Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee

Anonymous said...

The letter from Phil to the residents of Atkinson, here is the part that caught my eye, " It was my pleasure to work with Bill Friel during my years sitting on the board of selectman." Then it goes on to say, "cast your vote for Bill Friel for selectman"
mmmmm? Jack didnot run for selectman due to the cheifs new apprentice. Now how come only the select one's got the letter? I did not get one. Did you? The facts are so very clear , Friel is the cheifs chosen one, Oleary is only in the race to take votes away from Valerie Tobin. The truth is out there, and the Atkinson-Reporter will bring it to all of us.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thankyou Paul Sullivan for doing the right thing! I commend you for sticking up for the rights of everyone in Atkinson. The pulling of our beloved Atkinson-Blog signs was wrong and unlawfull.

Anonymous said...

Just to make one thing straight the ambulance service does not pay for anything at the fire station. I took the time to check on this subject. Essentially they are getting free room and board, in exchange for their services that we pay for.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe the way this worked, at least what I remember from Budget, and Chief Murphy would be the guy to ask, was that the $23,000-$30,000 that we used to pay in contract fees, we no longer pay in return for then basing an ambulance in our firehouse. The side benefit is better response times for our town, it is a win-win.

Anonymous said...

Phil called me today to tell me I should vote for Mr. Friel, because he will keep the elderly program, but I heard Ms. Tobin say she wanted to expand it, so why shouldnt I vote for her?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Jane Cole wasn't there today?

She is always there to hand me my ballot.

Anonymous said...

So we shouldn't leave holiday gift cards to our mail carrier in the mailbox anymore, and should report the carrier for leaving a thank you card without a stamp? Is that correct chief?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Jane Cole wasn't there today is because she is a Valerie Tobin supporter????? Jane, you were certainly missed today.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the Moderator removed her as a ballot clerk because she posts on the blog. I heard that from two people, one of those is a ballot person too.

Anonymous said...

I HEARD Frank screaming at Jane at community center. It was awful.

Anonymous said...

Tell me he wasn't screaming at Jane during the election......

What was he yelling about?

Anonymous said...


We have a $50.00 CASH REWARD offered to the first person to furnish a copy of the Chief's letter asking people to vote for Friel. Postmark in place, recipient's name can be blacked out, no questions asked.

Post here and we will let you know how to contact the sponsor.


Anonymous said...

Small, digital voice recorders are cheap. Maybe a few people in the right places should start carrying one. It's one thing to hear about, quite another to actually hear it.

Anonymous said...

The only problem with that is that it can't be used as evidence in a court....though it can be used as evidence in the court of public opinion :) and rumor mill.

The voice activated ones are nice and small.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "