And here are the results from today's voting;
Winner's are in Red.
Bill Friel: 579
Valerie Tobin:542
Rich O'Leary:164
Jim Blackadar:824
Harold Morse:836
Frank Polito:856
Brian Boyle(write-in):199
Jim Hazlett:766
Jack Sapia:585
Mark Acciard(write-in):191
Joan Goff:1021
Barbara Snicer:1060
Martha MacDonald:1097
Don Murphy: 1065
2008-02: Planning Change:
2008-03: Zoning Change:
2008-04: Operating Budget:
2008-05: Walker rd. Paving:
2008-06: Washington rd. Paving:
2008-07: Shim and Overlay:
2008-08: Police Dept. Driveway:
2008-09: Communications Tower($683,000):
2008-10: Communications Tower($100,000 Cap.Res.):
2008-11: Communications Tower($484,000):
2008-12: Fire Dept. Cap. Res.:
2008-13: New Ambulance:
2008-14: Recreation Cap.Res.:
2008-15: East rd. Development:
2008-16: East rd. Construction:
2008-17: Mosquito Control:
2008-18: Cemetery Mapping:
2008-19: Cemetery Design:
2008-20: Assist. Road Agent:
2008-21: NH Special Ops. Unit:
2008-22: Police Dept. SPOTS Terminal:
2008-23: Records Management:
2008-24: Town Office Addition($659,000):
2008-25: Town Office Addition($50,000 Cap.Res):
2008-26: Hitchcock Rd. Acceptance:
2008-27: Destroyed Petition:
2008-28: Destroyed Petition:
2008-29: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 738
2008-30: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 854
2008-31: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 778
2008-32: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 1021
2008-33: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 626
2008-34: Destroyed Petition:
Yes: 642
2008-35: Election Polling Hours:
Yes: 583
Congratulations to all the winners of offices, we hope and are confident that you will all perform the duties of your office with honor, and integrity, following the rules, and decorum. Again Congratulations.
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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12

A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
I am disappointed with this blog. Not even a congratulations to the winners. Like it or not, the PEOPLE spoke and voted for who they wanted to vote for. I do find it somewhat comical...and please excuse my cynicism...that all the "blog backed" candidates were not elected.
I am greatly pleased at the large voter turn out. That is one thing that Atkinson can always be counted on for...political activism.
Congratulations Mr. Friel. Let's all give him a chance...and that's the beauty of it...if he does not perform up to snuff in 3 him out! However, I am please that "new blood" is in office. Let us put aside who backed Friel and focus on the well being and general good of the Town and its citizenry. We need to move away from the "townie" mentallity...which was one of the comments that was made earlier about Friel: He is a newcomer and Tobin has been here for 25 years. Does that mean that she knows more than he does? Does that make her more qualified? Or, does this mean that Friel has no connections or leanings towards one faction or another? I hope it is the latter.
I wish that Publius and his band of political crusaders would have taken the high road and been the first to welcome in the new regime; but instead acted in a childish manner because your candidate - Tobin - did not win. Could the font have been any smaller? Could the disappointment have come through any more clear? I hope in the future that Publius will get back to his roots and not partake in so many blatant subversive and seditious tactics.
A new day has dawned.
Valerie, I want to thank you for raising our hopes in this contest. You and the others here have the courage to go forth in truth for the better of the Atkinson citizens. May you always be an encouragement to us.
In the coming months and years we will need leaders like yourself who are not afraid to do what is right and will not succumb to dictators of this town.
I hope to see your name on the ballot in the future.
Thank you.
Well, I'm disappointed that Valerie didn't get in. That was close.
But..I'm pleasantly surprised that all the big ticket warrants were shot down; even the capital reserve warrants. For once, we are not self taxing ourselves back to the stone age.
Stay tuned for vitriol from the chief over the tower defeat(s).
Now, I hope my well doesn't run dry.....
Thankyou Valerie! Nothing much more to say but thankyou for running!
Wow, look at ethics... 1300 people voted and 800 or so CHOSE not to vote for Mr. Sapia, and a Write-in got 40% as many votes as the UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE!
That has to hurt.
To first anon
The close vote tells me that Phil's influince is getting less and less. By using numbers from the last few years, Bill should of had around 800 votes. The voting for phils camp was down by around 25%. Interesting i think, so saying that this Atkinson-Reporter is comical, I disagree with you. Again i say Thanyou Valerie, And to Bill i say congradulations, and i hope for Bills sake he does not give in to the Cheifs and Jacks selfish ways.
I wonder how many votes were actually influenced by Phil's electioneering;
introducing Mr. Friel to the elderly
Making phone calls to elderly
MAilings to elderly
I'd like to see a court challenge to this election because of the electioneering, the manipulation at the deliberative session, the unethical behavior (untruths) at the last selectmens meeting, the removal of legal blog signs, for stopping people from passing out flyers etc.
The election process was a scam.
If I do the math, it looks like more folks voted for the moderator position than the new selectman; Why is that?
With the number of votes that Valerie obtained in comparison to those of the "highly" publicized and advertised Mr. Friel, it looks very close. In fact it is shockingly close.
And to the comment made in the first post, well if we are to move away from the "townie" mentality, does that mean we should say good bye Phil and Jack?
I hope Paul keeps the pressure on the "chief" and in due course he will go away. It wont be long to see if the how much the new board member is a crone groupie.
I am sure with all the suits and investigations going on things will eventually shake out for the better.
Congratulation to the winners.
Re: March 12, 2008 3:43 AM
Did you actually read the whole entry. I clearly see a congratulations at the end of it.
I would like to make one observation. Mr. Polito's continued hovering around the tallying machines I believe was inappropriate. And Mr. Sapia's presence in the voting hall was inappropriate. The vote was close, very close. A 37 vote difference out of 1285 cast.
I think Valerie would be justified in requesting a recount.
To "If you do the math", I think you meant to say the total votes cast for the "Conflict of interest" rather than the moderator.
Good catch though.
Anon at 9:01 proves something.
You can make up conspiracy anywhere-for any reason. Do you know what really happened at Roswell too?
Congratulations to the winners. If you give it your best efforts-we will give you ours.
I am sad that Valerie didnt win but it is a shame that Sapia is still part of the process. I am most unhappy about the wording of the water articles. I wonder if residents even realize they wiped out the election results of last year (and the special meeting costs to boot). I bet most people thought they were doing no harm.
Lets keep up a positive tone in the blog in the future.
I hope that Mr. Friel will begin his new role by showing that he is what he says - not anyone's boy.
Not the chief's and not Sapia's. The way to find out is to ask the tough questions at upcoming selectmen's meetings.
Our annual report stated that Elderly Affairs provided 1644 rides last year. On a $19K budget, how does the Elderly Affairs Dept pay for the cost of 1644 rides? As a taxpayer, I want to know in excrutiating detail the answer to this question, down to the PENNY. Every trip, every mile, every expense, every labor hour. Because it seems to me, you can't do it unless you are misappropriating PD resources to do it.
This question should be asked and then you will get your answer on whether Friel is independent or not.
Yes, Valerie should. This election was a mockery and the chief and sapia failed all of us.
Conflict of interest committee? Are you kidding?
To anonymous at 9:01
You are living proof that anyone-at any time-can cook up a conspiracy.
Do you know what REALLY happened at Roswell too?
Congratulations to the winners--we will give you our best if you give it your best.
I too would like to see a recount. Esp. if the winner was backed by Sapia. We know we can't trust any of the good old boys. They were simply there to intimidate. I am also wondering how Sapia can be on the Ethics Com. and at the same time being sued for a conflict of intrest as a selectman. Doesn't seem logical.
In a way this was a turning point in Atkinson. This Atkinson-Reporter is helping The town of Atkinson understand the workings in town. Even thou Valerie didn't win, change is happening, and the tide is turning.
Publius please accept this as an article submission
A quick update on assessing issues in Nottingham, NH
A petitioned Special Town Meeting was held in Dec. 2007. All issues to be discussed were about a flawed reassessment done by Avitar of some waterfront properties around Pawtuckaway Lake. All issues passed in spite of Selectmen and the DRA shill who came to defend what had happened. (For the long version and details, go to : )
The first result was that Avitar was banned by the people from having the assessing contract. Their contract expired on Dec. 31, 2007 and they were not allowed to bid again! Then came the Petition from taxpayers for a ballot question to all taxpayers/voters yesterday. It passes the control of Assessing from the Selectmen to an autonomous "Board of Assessors". This is allowed by a little used RSA. (Only four, now 5 municipalities have these Boards.)
Here is the RSA: RSA 41:2-d Petition and Ballot. – Upon written petition of not less than 2 percent of the legal voters of any town, addressed and delivered to the selectmen not later than 35 days before any annual meeting, the following question, as requested in the application, shall be submitted to the voters at the meeting: ""Are you in favor of a 3-man board of assessors to be the legal assessing authority for the town?'' In towns having an official ballot the question shall appear upon the ballot, in accordance with RSA 59:12-a. In towns where no official ballot is used, the vote on this question shall be by special ballot. After the question, squares with the words ""yes'' and ""no'' shall be printed on the ballot in which the voter may mark his choice, in accordance with RSA 59:12-a. IT PASSED! 244 to 221
This gives us an opportunity to scrutinize and elect Assessors who have but one topic on their agenda. One task to be held accountable for. One issue that Selectmen/Assessors did not take seriously enough! That is proper, fair and equitable assessing in our Town. We also have further articles on the Saturday's Town Meeting agenda.
These deal with:
1. Mailing Property cards when changes are made by Town.
2. Reducing charges for copies of public records to comply with 91-A "cost to copy".
3. Required training for elected Town officials charged with Assessing.
4. Required posting of all litigation including BTLA cases on a twice yearly basis.
5. To forbid Selectmen/Assessors from forgiveness of interest on late tax bill payment (except for genuine poverty).
One further note, the Selectmen have created an "Assessing Advisory Committee" comprised of 5 community members. This is an admission that something big is wrong after years of denial and of a cozy relationship with Avitar.
This move did no deter voters from taking "Assessing" from the Selectmen's duties... Background: Why are the Selectmen irked? I don’t know why for sure. But, the frowns, the exclamations of "oh my God!’, statements of resistance to change, suggestions of a "big government" mentality, inaccurate quotes of what the State Assessing Standards Board has said about Boards of Assessors, a fear by the Selectmen of a independent Board of Assessors providing values on neighbors properties, a fear that the Selectmen would no longer be able to provide tax relief to those they believe are in need, no longer able to provide interest free loans to late payers of property tax bills, and the Selectmen fear that the Board of Assessors would not be comprised of members that proportionally represent all parts of Town.
The Selectmen, me thinks, protest too much, and have no faith that anyone other then they are capable of holding office in fiscally responsible position. We disagree. Another issue for you to consider is your level of confidence in the existing Board of Selectmen/Assessors where one member of the Board will not allow the "professional" company to even drive down their driveway or enter the many buildings on the property to attempt a proper assessment !!!! So the "professionals" (as described many times by the Selectmen) are good enough for the rest of us, but when it comes to leading by example, I see inconsistent behavior with the words put out for public consumption. The other two Board members are aware of this, but sit in compromised silence.
Has this Board forsaken the majority of taxpayers for a few privileged? (Details of this are recorded on property cards maintained as public records.)
We see all this as steps in the right direction at a local level while the State Department of Revenue and the Assessing Standards Board continue "to fiddle as Rome burns." I thank you all for encouragement, ideas, and communications.
Hopefully, with Mr. Paul Sullivan as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and the addition of Mr. Bill Friel as the newest addition to the board, they will take another look at the unfair assessment practices of our town. The Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations would like to extend an invitation to them, to work with us in accomplishing this goal. The alternative would be to petition the town to set a special town meeting, to vote on warrant articles similar to Nottingham. Our committee is not opposed to HARD WORK.
Our Thanks go out to Mr. Gene Reed for keeping our committee informed as to what is going on in other parts of the State Of New Hampshire. Please note that he is Public Member of the NH Assessing Standards Board.
Congratulations to Mr. Friel on his win as our newest member of the Board of Selectmen. Let us all observe his actions, to see if he is indeed the "Breath of Fresh Air" our board needs.
Sincere Regards,
Atkinson Taxpayers For Fair Evaluations Committee
CC: Mailing list
Yes, Ol' Jack was giving me the stare down when I was passing my ballots in. Reminded me of the slacker school kid that was seen rubber necking to look at my test answers.
His staring at me was not that intimidating but enough that I almost felt like tossing the ballot sheets in his face and telling him this is who I am voting for. I was glad to see Paul there.
Does anyone have a copy of the flyer our chief put out to the elderly asking for their votes for Mr. Friel? I didn't get one.
If you do, would you post it on the blog, so we can see what he had to say?
To 1:17 PM
I really don't care what happened in Roswell but I do care about what happens here and I'm not going to pretend things are fine when they are not.
I'm living proof that not everyone looks the other way when unethical things happen. The election may be over but the problems remain.
If someone could post the Chief letter to the Taxpayer's site under electioneering it would be even better. Post both sides so we can see the mail permit.
Congratulations to all of you who won. Time will tell how everyone will act. This was a good election. Not everything passed and that was good. Given these rough times in the economy, the voters reacted in a positive way. When you look at voter turnout, Atkinson had a good one. Although it could be better, look at our neighboring town of Plaistow, only roughly 700 people voted.
This is a time to heal this town. We are now without a problematic selectman. In a couple more years we will rid ourselves of the other. I know it is a way off, but I say to Valerie, don't give up. You are a very passionate person, and it is a good thing. Your voice will not be silenced, by anyone. Keep fighting the good fight, you have me standing behind you as well as many others.
To the communications committee, your homework just doubled in size. The town has spoken, we don't want an ugly pole in the center of town. I don't care what you do, it will always be an eyesore. Nothing like having the Memorial Day festivities and seeing the pole in the back ground. Just a hint "repeaters", look into them. Not like you did the last time.
So, in closing the time has come. This town needs to heal the wounds of tyranny and become one again.
How can you there was a high voter turn out, it was less than 25%
What would also be interesting is to know where the postage came from. Were the copies made using town equipment. I can't believe he'd be stupid enough to use town funds, but he's surprised us before.
The one thing I'll miss is seeing Mr. Sapia trying to hold Mr. Sullivan's feet to the fire. Many times I've witnessed questions like
"Paul, whats your opinion on this"
or "Paul, do you have anything to say". Most of the time he'd turtle away..With Jack out of the way, he'll be scrutinized like never before. Like him or hate him, Sapia tried not to allow the Selectmens Meetings deteriorate into the likes of the Jerry Springer show. We shall see.....
So whose the Chairman now?
I think 9:01 has some valid points.
We know the chief took Mr. Friel to meet the seniors.
We know the BOS authorized removal of the signs, then learned the justification was based on a lie.
We know the chief made phone calls and sent flyers. To me this is a clear conflict of interest, and in some states what he did is illegal.
The behavior of Mr. Polito and Mr. Sapia at the voting center, though not illegal, was highly inappropriate. And I know from personal experience it is forbidden in other towns.
Think of this as a Grand Jury. You don't have to prove quilt to get an indictment. You just have to prove enough that a jury needs to decide. I think there is enough for an indictment.
I don't see how the town can move forward with Phil in his current position.
I ask the new BOS to seriously consider removing him as I believe that he is the root of the trouble here.
If we had a Chief who upheld the law for all residents equally and acted fairly and honestly, I believe it would have a tremendous positive effect on the entire town. The position would impact us in a better way and the lawsuits would stop.
Paul Sullivan will be the chair this year, it is always the 3rd year guy.
And it will be good to end all the unofficial non public meetings every morning between mr. Sapia and mr. Childs, or Mr. Sapia and Mr. Consentino
I hope and pray the comments of defamation towards our new selectman will cease. How about giving Mr Friel an honest chance to do whats right before he is disparaged further. If the slander on the blog were to continue, I would not blame Mr Friel going out of his way to help the opposition achieve their goals. Why not put a moratorium on the Friel bashing simply for guilt by association. Every player in this town was approached by Mr Friel and extended a hand of friendship. This is a fact. Most bloggers ran from the opportunity to have an ally in the town hall. It is not too late to have a little more harmony in the town. The choice is all of ours to make. Time will tell where we are headed, however time is required for change to occur. Lets just give it a real chance.... for peace's sake.
They say money talks. Mr. Friel spent a lot of it to win by only 37 votes. Hardly a mandate.
Thou the battle was won, perhaps the war was lost.
Interesting times ahead. I think it is safe to assume that every action the BOS takes from now on will watched with rapt attention.
Mr. Sullivan, the gavel is yours. Please make good use of it.
Mr. Friel,
I dont know if you read this blog, but I sincerely hope that you will rise above the level and job performance of some of your supporters, and perform the job of selectmen in as efficient and focused a manner as that with which you conducted your campaign. I hope that you prove to be everything we discussed when you called me, and that this town's governing body can begin to act with honor once again.
Good Luck, and Congratulations.
Mark Acciard
To the Chief and Mr Sapia and...
We conduct our thoughts out in the open in this Atkinson-Reporter. All of the idea's and thoughts are posted here by the people for the people. All out for everyone to read. This is our right, as is the way of our free country. Oh by the way, how many Atkinson Reoporter Blog signs did Mr. Sapia end up with? I would love to know if next, will the board of selectman be ordering all computers in Atkinson deemed unlawfull and should be turned in imediatly?
Regarding the blog signs. I believe they are required by law to keep them for a period of time. They should, if they followed the rules, be available for retrieval.
And will someone nudge and wake up Mr. O'leary and tell him the election is over. He can take down his signs now. He's fulfilled his Ralph Nader imitation.
Actually they had no right to touch the blog signs at all.
Read the article entitled "Letter to the selectmen"
And whoever is holding those signs is depriving the owner of their use.
What is that called?.....
To 4:42
You are not the Grand Jury--you are the prosecutor.
The Grand Jury just spoke on Tuesday--You lost your case.
As far as the Friel bashing is concerned, he invited it when he made legal mistakes, it goes with the job and will continue if the mistakes continue, but not otherwise. We don't follow people around who are not doing anything wrong (unlike SOME people in town).
Did Phil and Sapia approach the BOS to have Friel's postcards removed from mailboxes because they were illegal? No. Why not? Why didn't Bob Jones and Sapia go house to hosue to get them back?
Phil did alot of illegal things to promote Friel and that has not been addressed by the BOS like what they did with the blog signs. I think it's time for the BOS to take a stand and answer for their appointed Chief.
1) Did you investigate the valentine party and the electioneering?
2) Did you investigate Friel postcards?
3) Did you investigate the letters from the Chief electioneering?
4) Did you check the electioneering letters for a town postmark?
If you don't do this, the problems will continue. You cannot be onesided any longer.
If you do this, we'll need a new Chief.
Your right, they had no right to take them. I'm not disputing that. But they did and the law says they have to keep them for a period of time.
I believe the law was put in place to handle instances where someone, say, puts a sign of public property like a fire station. The sign has to come down, but it has to be made available for retrieval.
If Phil is being honest about to enforce postal regulations or Jack is being honest about his belief that all laws should be enforced equally, then, we should expect to see Phil call the postal inspectors and DEMAND action for the Boy Scouts, Baseball, Landscapers, Yard Cleanup people, Yellow Book, Window cos., Driveway guys, etc. Because they ALL leave fliers on mailboxes, and he does nothing.
Enforce the law equally, Phil, or do you just enforce it against people you don't like?
The biggest problem in this town has been, is, and will continue to be consentino. He is at the root of so many unfair, unethical, and unprofessional tactics that have gone on in this town. I agree with others that it is time for the BOS to remove him from his chiefdom. It's like removing the infection so that the healing can really begin. I'm not a casual observer - I know from experience.
Since when is it the BOS job to investigate claims of criminal acts? I guess you have a tough job ahead of you Paul to keep the faithful bloggers apeased. Good luck! You will need it.
So you admit that those acts were criminal, that is at least a start.
No the BOS typically do not, but they should have told those who violated local election laws to knock it off, They ignored the acts of those they were advocating, while Phil expends Much effort, and time and town resources to go after MRs. Grant, whom if he were smart he would leave alone, due to the lawsuit.
To Mr Freil
I hope you take action with the other selectman agaist Chief Phil. He is the root of all issues that seem to make this town a Divided mess. I know he was part of your election win, but when it comes to it, the citizens elected you and only you. I hope you can do the right thing.
Key word was "claims", look it up.
number one issue is the chief let's see what our new bos does with him ' then we will know how we stand with the board
Just a thought.
I think one reason the chief is hanging in is that he's three years from retirement and there is probably a pension involved. This could be why he's pulled all the stops out to stay in position.
What if the Elderly Affairs director were to become a paid, part time job. I know just the right person for it.
A condition of this, if it were adopted, would be a complete and total separation of Elderly Affairs from the PD.
I know, I know, another salary to pay. Not a perfect solution but one that might expedite what needs to be done.
I like the idea of paying anyone else to do the job other than having the Chief. He needs to go now.
We have a $50.00 CASH REWARD offered to the first person to furnish a copy of the Chief's letter asking people to vote for Friel. Postmark in place, recipient's name can be blacked out, no questions asked.
Post here and we will let you know how to contact the sponsor.
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