We need to keep a closer watch on the campaigns for atkinson’s offices. Use comments to inform and report:
a. Sign activity, Removals
b. Mailings and circulars
c. News articles and letters
d. Telephone vote solicitation
Comments which neither inform nor report will be deleted and noted in comment section.
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
I have seen that Valerie Tobin signs that were in place several days ago are no longer there. Who is removing signs? The other candidates signs are still there.
Admin Del. to this time
Del. art's - Please confine comments to article objectives.
I replaced Tobin signs removed from the junction of Rt. 111 and Island Pond Rd. If removed again, I am watching and will install Tobin signs yet again.
Just a question: If there is a constitutional right to burn the flag in political protest; then shouldn't there be same right to add or remove signs?
I just saw a Tobin sign on Sawyer facing Meditation. Same color scheme but not like her others. Also, no apparent fiscal agent listed.
I could assume two things, 1)It was placed there by an over zealous supporter, or 2) as a feeble political trick to associate with Valerie the same fiscal agent controversy associated with the Friel signs and post cards.
To take the signs is stealing another persons property.
The Tobin sign at Main St. and Farview Hill Rd. is missing.
Taking another persons proerty (sign or flag) is stealing.
If you want to take your own sign or burn your own flag, be my guest.
No! you can burn a flag in protest because it is a symobol of government. Campaign signs are private property, and protected political speech.
Why is it the only signs disappearring are Tobin signs? Why aren't Friel or o'Leary signs disappearing too?
Give me a break Valerie, if you are going to cry now about your signs what are you going to when Phil comes in and explains to you the way it really is?
I just went out to check Valerie's signs on my property & there certainly IS a fiscal agent noted on the bottom. (small print, but it's there)
Friel and O'Leary signs aren't disappearing because Tobin supporters are not the type of people who would remove another candidate's signs.
Re: Valerie's signs on Sawyer Ave. DO have a fiscal agent listed on the bottom (small print, but it's there) I checked to make sure.
I should say that Friel's signs are disappearing. I had one stolen from my front yard on Friday. And no it is not buried in the snow, I looked. There were footprints in the snow leading up to where it had been. To the individual who took it, I hope that you are happy.
To March 3, 2008 1:30 PM. Thanks. Just kind of surprised me to see a different style sign. Wanted to make sure there was no hanky panky going on.
I was in the village store today, and heard a nasty rumor;
supposedly, Phil is calling people telling them not to vote for Tobin, because she wants to remove him as chief!
Well, I suppose he couldn't do his usual call that she is going to cut elderly affairs, seeing as she said she would expand the program, although at no cost to the taxpayers.
Is this any different from the letter he sent to the elderly when Janine was running?
Is this any different than trying to arrest Boyles kid when he was running?
He is the most protected employee by law. a Police chief can only be fired for cause, and he gets a hearing before the court to review whether there actually was cause for firing. In other words, he will be de-certified before he is fired, and it doesn't look like that is happening any time soon, so it is all a big lie as far as I can see.
I noticed that the blog sign on Rte 121 was missing this morning. Was there yesterday afternoon about 4:00, but gone today by 6:45 am. Tobin signs also missing at the corner of Island Pond and Rte 121. Two were there now they are gone. O'Leary has a sign on town land on East Road. Guess he doesn't know the law regarding signs.
These signs are an annoyance. Especially the ones at Island Pond and 111. That intersection is scary and the signs block even more of your view. I don't think it is right to steal them but position them responsibly.
The Atkinson Blog sign is gone from 121! wow, that sign only lasted 48 hours! I wonder who removed that sign? The fact the sign is gone tells me it must really get under their skin. Which of our famous presidents said, "freedom to read, freedom of speech". To whom took the atkinson reporter sign, you are truely unamerican.
Dale Childs is at the selectmens meeting saying she has the sign if you want it back .53 East Road
Hey, I am talking with others about making up our own blog signs? I would like to post them all over the town and monitor them until election time. How about Visit...www.blogger.com...VOICES FOR ATKINSON REFORM! Can someone offer a better slogan? Please assist.
By what right did Dale Childs remove any sign that said anything?
Dale commented at the end of the meeting that the signs were placed and did not have the proper permits-.
And what permits are needed for political speech? And who appointd her sign nazi?
That's it! Tomorrow I am going to get 2 sheets of plywood and put them together to form an "A" frame type sign. Then put it in the bed of my pickup. It will point people to the blog in a good way. Drive around town a few times a day.
I am going to have a video camera with me at all times. Also I wll contact the LET.
If I get harassed I will sue the pants off of the chief, that if there is anything left after Marks gets through with him.
I love the idea of making your own signs! Please do!
If everyone made a sign and stuck it in their yard, i wonder how the unamerican's would react.
We can put blog signs on our own property and on our own vehicles. They cannot do anything about that.
The direct link is:
So did the selectmen appoint Dale Childs as Sign Nazi to pull down signs that are not permitted, if so, they are restricting political speech, and selectively enforcing the sign ordinance by not taking down all the country club signs on telephone poles around town.
If she is doing it on her own recognizance she is stealing the signs, and the owner should file a complaint.
Although that is probably what they want so that they know who to attack over this blog. What has made this blog so successful is that it is anonymous. They cant shoot the messenger, when they dont know who the messenger is.
The same businesses always have signs up around town, The Atkinson Country Club and Lewis Builders. Hmmm same people own both and these signs never get removed.
Put your sign up on your car, they cannot do anything about it.
If Phil is electioneering against Tobin (or anyone else), someone needs to report him to the State.
Sooner or later people will have to stand up to these guys or nothing will really change. If they target you, you have to come forward and call someone (AGO, Sheriff, FBI etc.).
I believe if there were a few more law suits initiated then this baloney would all come to a screeching halt.
We have plenty of cause to get rid of the Police Chief. Plenty. He is keeping us in supply. Take photos, save recordings and will we get him fired in time. I fhte selectment were doing their jobs this man would have been fired long, long ago. Anyone who keeps him in office, supports him or defends him is part of the problem.
Control of the "right of way" on either side of the pavement is in the hands of:
Town roads = the town
State roads (111,121,121a for eg.)
= the state.
I believe Academy Ave is state.
I don't see any harm of posting info signs to reach this blog's web site, unless it is a safety issue.
If a sign is permanent, you need to get permission from the state.
If it is temporary I think the state looks the other way, as in the case of political signs which pop up all over the place but are removed after a time.
Some people abhor signs in general, political signs in particular.
It is an offense to remove political signs and can be prosecuted.
I don't agree with some of the thoughts and attitudes on this site, but that's what happens in a democracy. I do think it offers a vehicle for information that does not exist outside the site. Take everything with a grain of salt.
If signs exist already could they be place at a central location like the library, so people could pick them up for their own property?
How intimidatng it must be to have the Police Chief call your house and tell you how to vote!
To our self appointed code enforcement officer, Mrs. Childs, and to the Two Selectmen, Childs, and Sapia, who obviously form last night's meeting, also do not know what the town sign ordinance says;
Section 470 SIGNS
470:1 Purpose. These regulations have been created to permit
signage for the following uses: Commercial, Commercial-
Industrial, Commercial Professional, Municipal, Residential,
reference, directional, temporary, and traffic. While
recognizing that esthetics and design quality are difficult to
legislate, it is the intent and purpose of this section to
preserve the rural beauty of the town as well as the safety
and well-being of the inhabitants and, at the same time, allow
reasonable advertising and informational signs by regulating
the type, number, location, color, illumination and size of
such signs.
470:2 Definitions
S1 Sign Any device, fixture, placard or structure that uses any
color, form, graphic, illumination, symbol or writing to
advertise, announce the purpose of, or identify the purpose of a
person or entity or to communicate information of any kind to the
T1 Temporary Sign Any sign that is used only for a limited time,
and is not permanently mounted.
470:3 Permit required. No sign identifying or advertising a
business shall be erected, hung, altered or replaced without a
sign permit. Temporary signs are excluded from this provision.
Permit approval is obtained from the Building Inspector. The
applicant or his agent must submit a set of plans, to scale,
showing the sign, its dimensions, location and method of
illumination, as well as the materials and colors to be used
in its construction. Upon approval, said permit shall be
issued by the Building Inspector after the application fee is
paid. Permit fee is determined by the Board of Selectmen.
So the Atkinson-reporter signs are obviously temporary.
The US Supreme Court has ruled that political blogs are protected political speech.
The signs do not advocate either a candidate or warrant article, therefore no fiscal agent is required either.
So the question remains;
Was Mrs. Childs acting on behalf of the town to censor political speech,
Was she acting on her own behalf in which case that would be Theft of personal property.
If I felt that her car was parked illegally, could I take it home, and announce it, publicly?
And why was the police chief sitting there behind her nodding in obvious agreement?
He listenned to someone admit to stealing someone elses property, is he investigating?
Oh my god, that is theft.
These people railing against this blog do nothing but drive more traffic to it. They keep giving it credibility by denouncing it.
I find it completely hilarious they think they can stop free speech. They've done a pretty good job of controlling things over the years. But this whole internet thing......why its just crazy!
I think its hilarious these old farts think they will run this town forever. We need some new people to start taking over every position and committee at town hall. Childs and chief won't be around forever and the new generation needs to take over. And run things morally and ethically this time. Not to feed egos and line wallets.
What is up with the elderly affairs drivers wearing "Vote for Friel" Ball caps while performing their duties?
A Paid town employee wearing campaign materials while performing his duties is electioneering! Saw this at the post office today.
Phil bettr not be MAKING them wear the hats, that could be very bad for him, and the town if either Tobin or O'Leary challenged it.
If you see these things and do nothing about it, what's the sense in writing about it?
Take a picture with your cell phone and make a call, make a difference.
The Tobin sign on Sawyer facing Meditation is gone. Frame is still there, sign gone.
The other two on Meditation have fallen because their snow banks have disappeared. Someone may with to replant them.
Lots of tough talk out there but not many people stepping up to the plate.
I would love to spot someone doing this and get their plate number. It would be a double bonus if it was the "Dare" clown car.
Maybe Bob Jones was ordered to take them down too.
To 9:12 a.m. One of the Tobin signs on Sawyer blew off the frame & I can't find the one facing Meditation Ln. My husband took the one sign that blew off ... cut it in half & stapled each half to the trees. You'll notice one facing Med. Ln. & the other on Sawyer. It was so windy & rainy last night & that's what caused the damage to the signs. I'm keeping my eye on them!
How can I get a blog sign?
Just a few questions:
I haven't seen it, but I understand the Police Department's "chauffers" for the elderly are wearing "Friel" hats. Isn't that a form of electioneering, and why would they do that (unless possibly ordered to do so by the Chief). And way are't they wearing "43" hats, the purchase of which I think was donated, and sold with proceeds to go to the Lapham family. I just have a feeling Mr. Frield doesn't need the nelp as much as Corporal Lapham.
A few weeks ago, Mark Acciard went to the Selectmen to suggest that $10,000 be taken from the Police Donation Account and given to the Lapham family, since his benefits are about to run out. The Selectmen, I think, voted on it, to make it official. The Chief called the donations "his money" that was intended for the elerly. Purchases listed on the blog show several for the Police Department as well as some for the senior citizens. In his periodic newsletter/request for money, he suggested that checks be made payable to the Police Donation Account. Now I hear talk of the Elderly Account. Where did that come from?
How come I've noticed that several surrounding towns have given to the Lapham family, but the Town of Atkinson is not "officially" listed.
Why is the Chief's son listed as an Atkinson Police Officer, but didn't receive any salary last year? Did he donate his time? Does the town pay for his uniform and all that other stuff police officers have? If he doesn't work, why can't he be replaced with a qualified officer who will pick up some of the slack?
Why isn't the chief driving the clown car any more, but has it parked in his yard instead? And where did the car he's now driving come from? And do we now have 12 police cars? Maybe that's why it's parked at his house....not enough room in the PD parking lot?
Why doesn't the chief want to show the payroll sheets to the Selectmen? Is there something shady going on that he doesn't want anyone to know about.
I've read all of these issues on the blog, and have heard comfirmation from several of my friends. I'm just looking for answers.
Finally, why is it that whenever I mention that I live in "Atkinson", police officers in other towns giggle? I wish they'd stop. It's embarrassing.
I am not sure why but the Tobin signs are continually down in my yard. Perhaps it was the wind and rain from last night. Perhaps it was not. Either way I just reset them a few minutes ago. This is the fourth time they seem to have fallen over? At this moment they are all set. I will keep a closer eye on them as the time draws near.
I saw a blog sign at the 495/125n
off ramp, nice job spreading the word! Blog on ...
Lets talk about signs.
There are all sorts of signs.
Big signs, little signs
Permanent signs, temporary signs.
Traffic signs, town information signs.
Big controversial Community Center sign
Business signs, real estate signs.
Open house signs, for sale signs
Newspaper signs on used or un-use newspaper boxes.
Membership signs, balloons on mailbox giving directions to children’s parties
Christmas bows and wreaths promoting holiday spirit.
Where will this end? What idiot will bring it up in the first place and what BoS will carry on with such indignation the next time?
How can you get a blog sign? Just make one! Cardboard and a stick is all you need. The powers to be will only try to uproot it as fast as you can plant it. No need to waste hard earned dollars on it. Plant it where ever you see fit. Any well traveled intersection will do. Out of state is even better because it will probably stay up a little longer. Bridge banners will also be effective such as the 495 overpasses. Be creative and use your imagination!
I saw someone that looked like Sapia pulling up Blog signs. Is this the level he's sunk to? Mabye it wasnt him. I could be wrong. Bob Jones said he only found a few so someone else has to be pulling up the signs.
And what is up with Rich OLeary's signs on conservation land at the corner of East Road and Line Brook Road?
more Tobin signs missing on Rte 121 today. Keep your eyes open, if you see who is doing it, take a picture so legal action can be sought!
I have a question. Why are the selectmen so gun-ho to have Bob Jones remove all the blog signs, which they say are illegal, and not a thing is done about all the other advertisements around town( just look at the poles on main & sawyer)? If they can't have EVERY sign taken down - leave the blog signs alone it's EVERY SIGN DOWN OR NONE, unless you are afraid of something being read by someone who's never read the blog and now has a better idea of how bad things are in town. Once again sapia, consentino and childs are now doing selective enforcement to suit their needs and try and keep their sins under wraps.
So far 13 signs have been put out, and all have been taken down. And I would also like to say that this Blogger sign putter upper did not put a sign in anyones driveway. I wouldn't waste a sign for that. And the next sign that i put out will be red, white, and blue. And to Mr Sapia, I sir, am very Patriotic! I believe in free speech, and i encourage all to read this blog, Called Atkinson-Reporter.blogspot.com .
I recall reading someplace that the state laws about political signs, e.g. only putting them up so many days ahead of an election, taking them down within so many days afterwards, are not enforceable because they are restrictions on free speech. That probably applies to town ordinances as well.
Also, I believe that all the stuff about requiring information like fiscal agent etc. applies only to signs of candidates running for office, and not any other sign.
On my way to 125 this a.m. (8:00) I saw about 6 blog signs down by the post office, Hilldale Ave. Near the bridge. Just got home an hour later & all of the signs are gone!!!! I am so angry!
To: Anon on March 3, 2008 6:48 PM
When has there anything been good to come out of the Village Store? You know that is campaign headquarters. THe rumor mill starts in the Village Store. I believe nothing that come out of it.
I was happy to see 2 blog signs this morning. Good job guys.
people like the lewis family, consentino, sapia, childs and others are not honest. they have no idea how to be honest nor do they want to be. so, check for signs on their property and vote for someone else. there's a damn good reason why they want oleary and mr businessman in office - so that they'll do things for them. and the hell with the townspeople - what are they good for?
Who in state government should be contacted regarding the chief's abuse of his office regarding the hats and the phone calls and other political influencing that he's done over the years. Please post if you know the proper authority to notify.
Also, I overheard one of the country club golf members saying that the country has been developing on their property, getting it ready for a major deal with a de3velopment company. Anyone hear anything similar?
Who in state government should be contacted regarding the chief's abuse of his office regarding the hats and the phone calls and other political influencing that he's done over the years. Please post if you know the proper authority to notify.
Also, I overheard one of the country club golf members saying that the country has been developing on their property, getting it ready for a major deal with a de3velopment company. Anyone hear anything similar?
Three signs at the stop sign on Sawyer Ave. Friel, O'Leary & Tobin. Valerie's sign has been knocked over flat on the ground. There was a car too close behind me, so I wasn't able to re-set it. Some people have nothing better to do than to cause damage to other people's property. It's like a bunch of thugs acting like school kids! I'm sick of it!
Three signs at the stop sign on Sawyer Ave. Friel, O'Leary & Tobin. Valerie's sign has been knocked over flat on the ground. There was a car too close behind me, so I wasn't able to re-set it. Some people have nothing better to do than to cause damage to other people's property. It's like a bunch of thugs acting like school kids! I'm sick of it!
I have seen Jack Sapia removing blog signs, isn't that stealing? after all they are on private property, and someone did pay for them.
This is so wrong!
If Sapia does his usual "town counsel said we should remove them they are illegal" dont believe him, ask to see the written opinion!
If you saw Jack Sapia (or anyone else you can ID) remove a sign, call the cops...just do it after 5 when Plaistow asnwers the calls....so it's logged.
You can start with the AGO, they can always point you in another direction.
You have to have facts that can be documented, such as photos and copies of the selectmens meeting, news article.
I think we should start a collection and call the FBI.
We need to start documenting the incidents of unethical conduct, illegal activity and harassment in town.
Can the blog could set up a page for people to BRIEFLY note the incident with a way to verify the info?
For a list of official organizations to file a complaint, go to:
check out
This group deasl with charitable and election laws, fiduciary theft, public corruption and integrity problems and more!!
Someone STOLE the blog sign that was placed on Granite Ridge and Meditation today.
Thieves from Atkinson (not Massachusetts, Phil)
Our friends at the Plaistow Town Crier have been kind enough to mention us on thier blog this week. There's comments about the ET article on the blog signs those 'cowards' put up (hahahaha).
Maybe our neighbors there will put signs up on the roads to Atkinson to refer people to the
We need all the help we can get.
The question everyone needs to ask is "why are Sapia, Childs, Consentino wanting to remove blog and Tobin signs" Answer- she's independent and will not be swayed into their camp or anyone else's camp, she'll look at the facts and make a determination as to what is right for the town- the blog shows those that read it that there is corruption and an agenda that they have, and they don't want voters to know about it, keep it under wraps as best they can so Mr. Friel can win - he's such a nice guy- just like Jack was when he got elected.
Call or email everyone you know, this weekend, to get Tobin elected.
It is amazing, this is Sapia's last week as a selectman and he STILL can't follow the law.
Let's just assume for a moment that he is right and the signs ARE illegal, The process for removing them is to contact the property owner, give him 24 hours to remove the offending sign, and if he fails, have the police or code enforcement remove the sign.
No LAW allows a selectman to go onto private property, and remove a sign he doesn't like. And moreover, those signs BELONG to someone, they are someone's private property, what is Jack doing with them?
He is depriving someone of their free speech rights, as well as their property.
Get photos ....
If you live on a main road, please put out a blog sign during the day when you are home. Catch someone on camera if they try to remove it, take their picture. Just because Jack is out this week doesn't mean he can't be charged with stealing...or anyone else for that matter...like Dale or Bob Jones. The town must notify you of a supposed violation and give you time to remove it.
I think Bob Jones should chase the people who are really violating code, say O'Leary for instance, with those home improvements he did without permits (I checked, I couldn't stand the bragging), that increase his finished space, his home value but not his taxes. These people are costing all of us, but a blog sign? Get real.
Is Barbara Snitcher doing her job and helping take down blogger signs?
I reported a home that did 50,000 dollars worth of remodeling. These people covered up sprinklers, installed a GAS fireplace, a full bathroom with injector pump and worst of all enclosed the furnace with out calculating for make up air...I talked to Bob and the assessor. What a joke, nothing was done. If a builder has a bit of fire-blocking missing the town JUMPS all over them...
I hate to see the law suit if somebody gets hurt because of these safety issues...
I now am getting irritated with these pseudo comments about signs getting destroyed/laying down. I for one do not have any signs supporting anyone for selectmen in my yard. Though my neighbor across the street has two FRIEL signs and a my neighbor a few houses down has a TOBIN sign up. And I have seen the same person stop in front of my neighbors house and fix the Friel signs. I have noticed this done at least twice this past week. And as for the Tobin sign, it has been in the same crooked position and snow covered from the last big snow we had. So if you can do the math, for signs put up in snow banks, when the snow mets this ='s the sign is laying down. so without proper sign maintenance, what do you expect to happen to the signs?!(the magic sign fairy to put them back up in perfect alignment).
And with all this being said, today on way home from work, i stopped in the rain at the corner before my street and happily reput up a friel and o'leary sign that were in a snow bank that the snow had melted in result of the rain, and did NOT touch the Tobin sign for the only reason that i didnt want to get caught on camera and had the FBI called in, for me touching a Tobin sign...
This ever growing herd of restless deer wander in a forest named --NotAtkinham-- of Sherwood. And in this arboreal hideout are the multitude of able men and mad maidens who demand honesty, humility and reputation be returned to the Kingdom. Behold our growing numbers of boisterous Robin Hoods and Maid Marions, as they challenge the bullyboys and tyrants! Yet the corrupt Sheriff of NotAtkinham, known as --Constantinople-- with his mistresses...Big Eyes of the Snitcher and dastardly Child of the Dale...all crones...seek out our secret band of Merry Men to oppress us and yank our banners. All Robin Hoods STAND and proclaim: "ISSUE FORTH WITH BLOGGER SIGNS. STRIKE FEAR IN THE HEARTS OF DESPOTS...DRIVE THEM TO BABYLON!"
Thank you much for the chuckle this morning! :) A little break in the wake of all the stress.
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