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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12
A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
To anon 2/22 at 10:46
Valerie said
My position on elderly affairs is to expand the services, that means, to utilize programs that are free to us that are offered via the state, and non profits. To make available information for services and support/help that the elderly need as a resource for them. To help set up a support system, so that the elderly support one another by visiting others that are sick or injured as well as a phone chain to call each other, especially those that are not as physically able. This would give them comfort, that if they can't reach them, they may be in trouble and should then be checked on. I think many elderly love to volunteer, and I would like to set up volunteers to help assist in town functions and help in the running of the town. This would all be handled out of the community center. I believe that once the PD is audited, then we will determine the actual cost of running the elderly affairs department, and then can make a determination of whether it should remain there or be moved to the community center. I want to look at cutting the costs of running the department, keep the same current services, but utilizing more free services that are already set up, available, and capable of handling our needs.
to anon 2/22 @2:46
Valerie said
Yes I am a builder. I build outside of town and currently have a 55+ community that is in Sandown. Currently, due to market conditions, I am also a mortgage originator for First Call Mortgage out of Andover.
I'm also in the process of setting up some on line businesses. I do have my broker's license, but have not sold real estate in probably 13 years.
I'm familiar with finance, I have managed people- through my construction business, am v. organized, and believe that attention to details is of utmost importance. I review and analyze issues very carefully, and will do so on all town issues - especially during the department reviews. If I question a department, it will be because I want to obtain a very accurate and clear understanding of the budget, expenditures, policies and procedures. I believe that most departments policies and procedures will need updating. I hope this answers your questions.
Pardon me for speaking against the tide, but after reading a lot of the entries on this blog and seeing the many dismissive comments about Mr. O'Leary I feel I must point out a couple of things. First I have to note that I have not decided as yet on voting for any of the three candidates. However, I do know Mr. O'Leary. He's been a long-time resident and active in the town for a very long time. Is he a financial genius? No. Is he a high-powered business mogul? No. He's an average working stiff like most of us. He's seemingly concerned about the town and feels he can bring some value to the Selectmen's Office. He's been on the Budget Committee (for one) and knows, basically, how things work. One may not like the way he presents himself or his ideas or his personality, but one has to allow that he's as much right to try and do what he feels is right for the town. We've had the big-shoes business types and the financial geniuses as Selectmen in the past. Some were very good. Some were not so good. Some were outright disasters. Some of the best Selectmen I can recall were not distinguished by what they did "on the outside" but more by what they did for the town and how they carried themselves in the office. I don't know if Ms. Tobin served on any of the other Boards, but I'd feel a lot better about voting for her if I knew she had. Based upon the blogs, I'd say Mr. Friel has not. The fact that he's extremely new to the town doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling either. Having been convinced to run by others, whose agenda will he be serving? How has his view of the issues facing the town been formed and based on whose opinions? I'm assuming, never having met him that he's a smart, successful (again, based on the blogs), nice guy. All well and good. He might consider the Budget Committee, or Planning Board, or both so he can learn the system and the process and the people. All of those persons on my list of great Selectmen did their time on those committees before taking on the Selectmen's position. Am I saying everyone should go out and vote for Mr. O'Leary? No, but am not dismissing him from my thought process for the coming election and I don't think anyone else should. I can say one thing. I've always found him to be an honest, regular, down to earth kind of guy. To treat him as the perennial joke candidate is not only disrespectful, it's short-sighted.
Good Luck and Best Wishes to ALL of the candidates. Win or lose, I appreciate the participation.
In closing, I will only say that whoever wins should heed the advice of Jane Cole about what it takes to be an effective selectman.
I noticed O'Leary signs going up today.
Funny though, they are all on the same locations as Friel signs?
I think not!
To 5;25 AM
So you say that Rich is not a financial genius or a business mongul. Ok, he's not.
As you state, he's a working stiff (a bag salesman) and has been in town for years and knows basically how things work (most residents have this basic understanding).
There isn't one reason listed in your comments as to why he should be considered seriously. He is a known busy body and never has anything important to contibute. He's been in several offices and none of his contributions stand out.
Enough said.
so clear the race for selectman is.
The group of control freaks have it to be a 3 person race. The cheif will send out his letters to the elderly voters to tell them his choice for selectman, and the votes will be split between Valerie and Rich, which means the "chiefs choice" will have the most votes. What i can't seem to understand , is that the elderly voters don't do the right thing. I know the Cheif does alot for the elderly affairs, but his approach is not the right way. His sneaky way of doing things for his control of what goes on in town is wrong. I know that all of the canidates running for selectman are not out to destroy any of the elderly affiars programs. So i don't understand why the elderly group of voters follow the chiefs direction all the time. One of the most inportant things my parents taught me growing up was to do the right thing. Its the do on to others what you would have done to you. I live by that. I know for a fact the older generations do too. So why do they follow someone who does not? Can they see it? Do they think everything for elderly affairs will disapear if they dont follow Phill? I know for a fact that the elderly affairs wont go away, but in a more orginized setting, they will improve. The older generations have always made me proud of what they have been through and done in their lives. But the following of the Chiefs every order is sort of an oxymorron in a ethical sence of their generation.
That's exactly why Sapia contacted O'Leary to run, to try and take votes away from Valerie so that Friel would get elected. Sapia/Polito/Consention/Childs contacted Friel to run, so that they would continue to control the board.I believe they planned this a while ago, how do you think we got his signs printed and out within a few days after signing up. It generally take 1 1/2 weeks to get the done...and the post cards usually takes awhile.
Look at Val, she still hasn't gotten her signs yet. That Friel
and O'leary must have planned this a long time ago. Looks sneaky to me to. I bet Fred has a sign connection. Very sneaky! I hope Val
gets her signs up before the elections over. They probably are delaying her order. Smells sneaky!
Ms. Tobin,
I'm glad you're the anti-establishment candidate, which would usually cause me to vote for you. Unfortunately, one of my biggest issues is the undue amount of influence that builders and developers already have in Atkinson.
This town will soon be under pressure to begin overdeveloping, and to lose its rural character. Soon the farms will dissapear, replaced by McMansions, developments, or maybe Condos. Bold grabs for power by the people that run these businesses have worked in the past, but recently some have failed (thank God).
Could you please describe:
What regulations you would work to have in place to try to control growth in Atkinson?
Whether you would be willing to stand up to the local developers as they try to cram more development into the limited land available, even though you work in the same field?
What you would do to try to preserve the rural character and open spaces of Atkinson?
Thank you.
Hey in case you didn't notice we already HAVe condo's and devellopments And what influence has the board of selectmen been under by builders? in the last 15 years or so? I keep hearing this, but noone will explain what undue influence they are talking about
Did anyone else see the small article in sunday's ET where Polito said he compared the signatures on the warrant articles to the people who came to the deliberative session and found them to be completely different? The folks that signed did not show up at the session was his claim.
What this means to me is he is examining the names on the petitions and why would anyone bother to do this unless they plan on using it against people? Are they going to follow us around now? Are we on a the black list in town?
Well mr Palito, if all whom signed the pettion are on a black list, you better be carefull, we are the majority of the voters. Besides, it does not matter what a person stands for, there should never be a black list. But this is the fundamental reason why the voters of Atkinson need to act and vote for candadates whom dont carry any agenda or vengance. This is America, I have a right to my own opinion, and i should not have to fear anyone for doing so. And no one else should either. Feedom of speach.
I believe he was explaining the reason behind all the pettitioned articles being modified to become meaningless. If a person believes in an article enough to sign it, then they should show up at the deliberative session to be certain it gets put thru the way it was intended. The law allows it to be changed completely if the will of the body so chooses. This idea of
a list sounds a little foolish. I think most signers of these articles were more so obligated than they were in support of the articles. If you want to have an article go thru then you must attend. Pretty simple concept in my mind. I'm sure you're going to attack this post since its tough to
swallow reality sometimes but such is life. I'm glad we are still going to have an administrator. I agree completely that Mcallister's
time was past but I did not agree with getting rid of the position.
Most I have spoken with felt the same way.
I disagree. Polito took the time to compare who was at the session against the list. Well, he doesn't know me but I was at the session and signed several petitions. i signed them because I wanted to, not because I am obligated to anyone in this town. To say that people did this for that reason is very presumptuous of you (and incorrect).
There have been instances where people have signed these petitions and have been harassed because of it. It may sound foolish to you but when you become the target of the Chief, it's not funny.
To Anonymous 11:46
Like you, I signed several of the petitions and I was NOT presssured or felt under any obligation to sign any of the petitions.
To Anonymous 11:59
Just where do you get off saying that if someone signed a petition but then didn't sit through over 8 hours of deliberative session, that it means that they were pressured or felt obligated to sign the petition?
You don't know what you're talking about. If fact, you seem to have a guilty conscience and feel a need to justify the destruction of the petitioned warrant articles. It seems very probable, (and I'm sure you'll deny it although I'm right on) that you were one of those few who took part in the destruction of the articles so that the townspeople would be denied their right to vote on the articles as submitted.
The fact that you are so determined to defend people who show contempt for the petitioners and for the townspeople, makes it pretty clear that you were one of them. Blaming the residents who for various reasons were not present at deliberative session is not going to wash clear your guilt or your guilty conscience.
And Polito checking off petition names against those who were present also shows an attempt to wipe the guilt off himself for urging that people amend articles into meaningless if you disagree with them.
Waste of time, Frank.
The smell on you is not going to go away by blaming absent residents for your outrageous behavior as moderator. You're always going to be remembered as the "back-stabber of citizen petitioners, " the "toady to the selectmen and Consentino" and the person who quakes in his shoes when it comes to standing up to Dale Childs.
WHOA 12:47....
I never said that "if someone signed a petition but then didn't sit through over 8 hours of deliberative session, that it means that they were pressured or felt obligated to sign the petition? " Reread the 11:59 post. YOU don't know what you're talking about.
AS I SAID, I signed those petitions of my own free will and i showed up and did not vote with polito and company. My comment was directed at Polito saying that the people who signed didn't attend the session.
You really should read things twice before you go off on people.
It sounds like you agree with 11:59 NOT 11;46. Your references are backwards.
11:46 says
Thanks for your support and clear vision anon 12:47. To send out tax cards but not represent the true costs would have been an unwise move. The warrant funded the stamps but left out the paper, print, and labor to send them out. I actually liked the idea but felt a true accounting of the tax impact was important before it was to go on the town warrant. I am glad it was made useless. Truth in budgetting is very important to me and this article was not presented properly. Thats the facts Jack.
I have spoken to many that signed those petitions and unfortunately, most were unaware that the intent of the article could be changed on the floor.
That is why they did not attend, they didn't feel the need. I agree the people had the legal right to do so, but the Moderator advising the body that they can make it meaningless if they wish, was, in my opinion, a little over the top.
I believe that petitioned articles should be able to be ammended, but not contrary to the intent of the article. I would like to see our state reps try to ammend that.
Ignorance is no excuse for breaking/not following /not understanding the law. You should
learn from this message and take action next year. Enough whining for one political season for me.
Lets move on and refocus.
Show up or Shut up. Thats the facts JACK.
I am copying and repasting the article that was posted and was buried under so many more recent articles.
Deliberative Session Rules: Show up or lose.
I feel badly for people who have significant commitments and can't participate at deliberative session. I also appreciate the effort put forth by those to create a citizen petition. It is a LOT of work.
The reality is this: the moderator controls deliberative session. Period. End of story. Thats the fact Jack. Accept it, get over it and quit whining. There are no selectmen at deliberative session. Only the legislative body is there and selectmen are reduced to citizen level. Frank is running the show because WE elected him to do it. If you don't like the moderator, find a new candidate that can do a better job.
If you don't show up to deliberative session with enough people to be there for as long as it takes to defend your pet warrant article, guess what? You lose. That is the law. Get over it and get recruiting. If you want to play the game, you have to play by the rules. Endlessly whining about the rules is a waste of time and energy. Your time would be far better spent recruiting the 50 people you need to SHOW UP and make sure your warrant article does not get changed or watered down. And no individual selectman can change this.
That's the way it is. The sooner you accept reality, the better off you will be. Sorry, I didn't write the rules so don't shoot the messenger. Your option is to keep whining or start recruiting. You make the call.
I was rather surprised to hear that our reps suggested this to Polito. I also think it odd that the subject came up at all, unless they knew Polito wanted to get rid of the articles.
Sorry to change the subject but I just saw the 2007 annual report on the town website and it is in PDF! A technology break through for the town of Atkinson! We can download it all we want and it actually has the vendors and salary report in it. Has a miracle occurred? Are we now officially in the 21st century?
O’ so much that will never be learned, and so much regret. We are reminded of the “tyranny of the majority” and leave Liberty for tomorrow.
Lets face it, the warrant articles were presented to send a message that change is needed. The articles themselves were a little over the top and not supported by the masses. As presented, they probably never will. New articles that are a little more to the center need to be presented and change must come at a slower pace. I just went to the town web site and read the moderator rules.
It appears that Carol should be thankful she was not ruled "out of order" and tossed. Just read the rules, don't get mad at me for bringing this to your attention. If someone with a view on the opposite side of the issues behaved like her they you would be yelling why they allowed it. Before you respond to this post you need to READ the rules on the town web site. {duh} Just my opinion.
A little off the subject. Can someone tell me if the town will mail this years town report? I don't remeber getting one last year.
Rules for Carol but none for the Childs Heckling club? These people kept it up all day, Carol only took a few minutes.
To the 8:27 Carol-basher,
Where do you get off bashing Carol Grant for speaking in support of the water articles and against the motion to destroy them?
Where do you get off bashing someone with a different point of view than yours?
Carol said or did nothing for which she could be "ruled out of order or tossed." You're obviously one of those perpetual Carol-bashers who look for any phony excuse to bash her.
Obviously, you feel threatened because she consistently stands up for and fights for what she believes in. She has values, which you, possibly because you have none, feel threatened by.
You also obviously feel very threatened because when Carol takes a position on a warrant article and states it and asks for the townspeople's support, they always give her the ballot support she needs. She has the respect of most of the townspeople which drives you and your ilk crazy.
So knock off the Carol-bashing, which clearly identifies you as a member of that little group of control freaks referenced in an earlier post.
The comments under this section are supposed to be about the positions of selectmen candidates.
So why are the loonies using it to go after Carol Grant, who's not a candidate?
I agree with the previous poster who said that there's a little group in town that feel so threatened by Carol that they'll use any excuse or opportunity to do some "Carol-bashing." That little group lives on hate and pettiness. They hurt the town with their nastiness towards those they disagree with.
Carol, if you're reading the blog today, please ignore the few sickos in town.
I agree, Carol ignore the very limited persons trying to defend the" polito factor "
I wonder who is posting dah rules?
take it from where it comes.
I still hear a lot of whining about the rules and I hear nobody offering solutions, like recruiting and organizing to get more people at deliberative session. The sooner you try to work within the rules, the better off you will be. Just think how great deliberative session would have been if you had 50 people there supporting Carol. Instead, very few were there. I wonder if Carol's supporters here on the blog actually showed up at deliberative session.
Well some of her supporters were there. If these sessions were less hostile and more respectful, more people would be willing to go. That's how the townies win, they make crude remarks and drive people out. People would rather stick pins in their eyes than to deal on that level. You have to credit Carol Grant for having the guts to stand up for her beliefs under those circumstances. I came away from those meetings with a new respect for Carol and her efforts.
Has anybody actually read the "RULES" on the town web site?
One of the rules states that a secret ballot {meaning a written vote in privacy} can be taken on any pettioned article. What is required is a written request signed by 5 people be submitted prior to discussion of the article. This should eliminate any
intimidation factor that has been spoken of. All pettioned articles could have been voted on this way if someone had done their homework.
I actually know Carol and voted on the the first article in support of her. Why is it when anyone posts information that is perceived to be against them they immediately must be from the "other side"?. Again I SUPPORT Carol's efforts. However, I went to the town's web site and read thru all the rules. Once she has spoken, she is not allowed to open her mouth unless asked to do so from the moderator. That is the rule. She can be removed for violating this. It is the rule. I am NOT against her, but must point out that if you want to play, Then play by the rules. If not, don't whine when the results are predictable everytime. Again, do your homework and quit whining. duh
Um, contrary to the logic I just read, if people are being rude to Carol at the deliberative session, isn't that when her TRUE supporters would really want to show up? Why would a little rudeness make her supporters stay home?
I think the previous poster makes the most important point when he says that there simply weren't enough people there to support the articles (which I'm guilty of myself, but I did have a serious issue to deal with), and that the articles were "over the top" and not written as well as they could have been. Leon, (bless him for all the work he does for us) just overreached on the warrants.
I think if Leon had included more people in the writing of the warrants, people would have been more invested and more likely to show up.
But the big lesson is that there needs to be a "big tent" for people that want to see positive change in our town...
Leon should have done a number of things. These could apply to Carol and anyone else who wants to present a petition 1)Cut the presentation down to 5 minutes, 8 minutes max, and understand when to stop talking. Make your point, but don't belabor it. 2) Leon's presentation included a PowerPoint from a laptop. Many agonizing minutes went by while they tried to figure it out. If you're going to use a laptop, learn how to use it with an external projector first. 3) Keep the petitions as simple as possible. Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). Less words and less talk works. Use only as many as you need to make your point.
4) Have your presentation written down or have notes on 3x5's. Don't wing it. That is the worst thing you can do.
5) Said it before, know when to stop talking. Watch the crowd. If their eyes are starting to cloud over, you've talked too long.
6)If you know someone who would be a better presenter, get them.
7)This has been said many times before, but get enough supporters there to prevent the watering down process.
8)When you have the floor, you have the floor. Do not tolerate interruptions except from the moderator. Friel should have been shut down as soon as he opened his mouth, and don't expect the moderator to do it.
9)If you hear the peanut gallery, ask the moderator to shut them down too. 10)If money is going to be required to implement, make sure to include it, and make sure everything is included, not just stamps for instance. 11)The chiefs behavior was out of line and a point should have been made to the audience of this and a apology requested. His reaction would have been fun to watch.
We've gotten a little off topic. Valerie, glad to see your signs popping up. You might want to consider a hand out or mailer explaining your platform, emphasizing the major points. Again, not to many words. If not a mailer, copies in peoples newspaper boxes (not the mailbox itself). Bold, short, and to the point.
Two Points
deliberative the rules? Why bother???
Frank was quick to explain the negatives (like shutting anyone down and rewriting articles). When it came to "secret ballot" he was like the little kid that covers his mouth and says it fast so no one will hear. Very transparent.
candidates for selectmen.
Freil-bad choice of friends, poor judgement, no way Jack.
O'Leary-non confrontational and easy going
Tobin-still in school, needs lessons to run a campaign and time to enroll in municipalities 101!!!
Easy choice O'LEARY.
O'Leary is backed by Jack, he said he was asked to run. He's non confrontational because he goes with the status quo, doesn't rock the boat, and is just another puppet.
Forget him. He's a busy body who spreads gossip around town on a daily basis.
Last thing this town needs is someone who is "non confrontational and easy going".
And much of what you say about Tobin applies to Friel. How else could you explain the Fiscal Agent fiasco. Forget the signs. He used the US Postal Service to violate NH State Law. Talk about needing campaign lessons.
This town needs a quorum who will stand up to the chief and make him do what is right and hold him accountable.
Will you get that with Friel? Just look at who put his signs up first. Who took him to "meet" the seniors on Valentines day? I wonder who introduced him to all the town employees? His independence and objectivity are in serious question.
O'leary? The man said, in public, he has no platform. He's a deer in the headlights. He'd do the town a bigger favor and drop out.
Valerie is the only independent candidate that can bring a breath of fresh air the BOS, and hopefully the town. Her idea to review the budgets of ALL town departments is an idea long overdue. I'd love to see the PD get some oversight for a change.
So, Valerie. Easy choice.
Thanks Valorie.
If you're implying Valerie made that entry, so be it. You're wrong, but go ahead and make the claim if you wish. All that was said is true.
Just the fact that Valerie is not being supported by Jack, Childs, Frank, and Phil tells me that she is the one to vote for, and I will.
Why do you say Tobin needs a course in municipalities 101.
I think she has fielded questions well, has answered with a straight forwardness I wish I saw from the other two, and the ideas I have heard are miles ahead of what has transpired for the last three years.
If anyone needs a course on municipalities 101 it is Jack, and thats AFTER three horrific years on the job.
I hope you will place this in the correct spot -- but I have some questions ---
Why does Mr. Friel have signs in Plaistow ( across from Holy Angels ) ??
And, why is all of the extra space at the community center not being used ??? i.e. the basement and the upstairs ---
Seems to me this may be the perfect spot for cable !?
I understand that there may be some issues with the handicap accessability -- but it is worth looking into .
Both of these spaces are very usable !
Also, why are we paying for senior's oil when the state has a program for that ? If they cannot make the state's limit of income then we should not be doling that out. I for one have been hurt by the price of oil and have lived here for well over 25 yrs ..
Gee, I drove by Valerie's signs yesterday and from the road I could not see her fiscal agent notice. Has anyone made sure she really, really has one on her signs? Is she playing the same game as Friel and trying to make us squint to be sure. Why doesn't Val have a big fiscal agent disclosure? Does anyone know the law on disclosure sizing? I hope she did her research on this one! I'd hate to see her go thru what Friel was put thru just because my eyesight is waning. Any thoughts?
Duh says,
Duh, you must need glasses.
Her sign is correct and legal. I can see it all the way from my big,
big plow truck.
Her signs do have the proper disclosure, she said in an earlier post that they would have, and the font size is several orders of magnitude larger than Friel's after the fact stickers. I had to stop the car and move to the passenger side to even tell the stickers had been applied. No clue what they say.
So, you might want to do something about that eyesight.
BTW, all New Hampshire RSA's are posted on the state web site. Look at the illegal campaign discussion before this one and you will find the law regarding fiscal agent disclosure.
Yes there is a fiscal agent on Valeries sighns! Everyone who is not for The 'Cheif Factor" needs to know that Friel and Oleary are there for one and only one reason, Friel is the "picked one" by the dark side, and Rich is the "throw in" to take votes away from Valerie. This same seniaro takes place every year because it is planed from "the dark side of Atkinson" . All of the great voters of atkinson need to stand behind Valerie to ensure all good things for the honest citizens of Atkinson.
Also the offical "write in canidate" for moderator is Brian Boyle.
It would be nice to be able to say my name here on this blog, and i am sure everyone else would agree. Im tierd of the fear factor in Atkinson. This is america, not communist russia. It would be a great thing to debate on anything without fear of harrasment by ones in power.
hear ye, hear ye,
all puppet masters line up and be counted. march, march, march to the beat from the white light {the light side of the rainbow} duh
The comments that start with "Duh" are very disrespectful and should be deleted !!
Sorry - we are not all as smart as you -- What is that quote about people who think they know everythg ?? ---something like they know nothing ??
Just a quote - not an attack on anyone - but - this blog is used for information -most of how to help this town positively -- we do not need more negativeness !
We r all here for a reason --to not be intimidated by asking questions ! We are entitlied to that ---
If you ask questions -you learn --
if you don t ask -- or you judge without knowing all the theories and opinions then that makes for ignorance --
which happens in OUR town alot -- been there done that --and that is why I am anonymous
as -I am sure many others agree --
it is time to vote soon -- and I do know somethg about the inner workings of our "pecking order"
Valerie will be getting 4 votes from my house !!
O'Leary will take votes away from Friel, not Valerie. O'Leary represents the same people as Friel and that's where the split will happen.
Votes against the existing regime will all be votes for Valerie.
Stay in the race, Rich. I think you're helping Valerie.
Has any one heard of the Scenic Byway that was supposed to be approved by the State??? I have gone thru the 2007 Town Report and there is no mention of it. Nor have I heard it mentioned at selectmen's meeting. Did I miss it-or has it been squelched because you know who did not approve it.
I wonder how many are aware of the
report on the Atkinson wesbite.
I hope they deliver the Town Report because not every one is on line. I am truly surprised that it was finished complete with vendors and salaries.
I'm sure a lot of other people would like to read it.
Don't you people all know that the same people who vote for Friel will also be voting for Polito?
It's going to take a whole lot to elect a write-in.
Have you talked with him? Did you base that conclusion on any interaction between you and any of the candidates? Are you basing on the inuendo that appears on this blog placed there by people who haven't spoken with all of the candidates? How have you researched your opinion.
Just asking. Your comment is one reason why I really don't say much on this blog. I get tired of the guilt by association-stream of conscience-emotionally driven thing.
I agree with 10:33am. Emotional crap draining out of your brain leaving nothing but an empty hole in its place. Your comment was based on what? Fear, emotions, ignorance, or secret meetings with special intelligence? Please explain your basis for this guilt by association. Because Leon supports Val does this automaticaly mean she is not telling the truth and will vote to revaluate the town? Similar to her position on moving the elderly from the pd down to the community center. She stated at the candidates night that she supported it, then changed her position on this blog. Correct me if I am wrong on this but that seems to be the facts. Do tell..
To 10:48 AM - What Valerie said was that she wanted to expand services to the elderly, take advantage of free programs and other programs that are available. She has stated this verablly and on this blog more than once.
To 10:33 - Friel, Polito, Sapia, O'Leary are in one camp. They have been open about it.
Val stated on this blog at 7:38pm
2/22/08 and I quote " This would all be handled out of the community center." Double speak is very becoming a selectman candidate. I just like people to be clear on their positions. I just don't want to see her back track on her pledge to not support Leon's quest for revaluation of the town. I have heard mention on this blog of "secret meetings". I hope shes not having them on this subject. I'll cross my fingers but I am very suspicious of her flip flop actions. Just my thoughts...
To 9:46 pm. I didn't take Valerie's statements the same way as you did. When asked if she supported the services, she said she wants them expanded, this does not seem contradictory to me. Expanding them has nothing to do with who is running them or where. Her statement that she'd like to run them out of the community center tells me she is opposed to the PD running this, as am I. I think that the PD has no business running this, nor do I trust them to do so honestly.
she also said she wanted the expansion to cost nothing, by utilizing services already provided by outside aggencies.
Great Idea, but Phil will never go for it because HE is not the benefactor.
True :)
Phil's the top crime fighter in our town, scary huh?
This post addresses conduct and its proposed modification. Please feel free to respond as this conversation is long overdue.
When I have requested information from our prior Atkinson Town Administrator - by name of McAllister, I was advised by him, "I do not work for YOU or the citizens of the town. I work for the selectmen (snicker)." Clearly, this town "leader" was mortally ignorant that his total pay package (with benefits) of over $100,000 did not originate in the private bank accounts of the selectmen...Mr. Sapia, Childs, Sullivan. This administrative "hero" used his standard blanket statement repeatedly as a "steel bat" to hammer down citizen requests for aid or assistance. And this "soldier of FORTUNE" was never corrected by any selectman regarding his unwarranted statements and conduct. Why do you suppose that is? And it begs the question, "Will a new administrator be accorded the same privileges?"
In short, allowing an employee at town hall to act with disrespect to any citizen should trigger an immediate recall. That employee or selectmen should be replaced. Make no is OUR responsibility to oversee people at town hall. Horace advises us all to...Carpe diem...Seize The Day! In other words, don't allow an open wound to fester. Rather, do something about it.
I question my fellow citizens: Is another perennially UNSUPERVISED town administrator, who can speak and act with disdain and a lack of ethics to citizens…desirable? Make no mistake, this issue of responsibility, respect, and ethics applies to everyone. It applies to me as it applies to you. It applies to ALL of us.
The enormous, black, audacious office chairs used in selectmen’s meetings need to be replaced. Those chairs are not provided as thrones and those microphones are not an automatic license to intimidate or humiliate. YOU, AS SELECTMEN COULD CHOOSE to abandon all those "emperor props" and sit in normal chairs just like everyone else. Perhaps this would instruct in humility, civility and proper conduct. I will ask directly: Which one of you will be THE FIRST to exchange “a black prop of empire" for a simple and humble and modest chair? Think about it...if you made that one single modification in conduct, you would create a revolution in perception of your suitability as a public servant. And your fellow selectmen would subsequently feel a tremendous inclination to also demonstrate modesty and humility.
We, the citizens, must step out from behind our electronic buffers and insist on a resurgence of ethical conduct from the town moderator...through to a police current and future selectmen...and alas... tangentially...even to a youngster working at the town dump. GET IT! YOU ARE ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS. You can create a new mission in assist with your best intentions and ethically serve with all your might. You can make an enormous difference immediately and will receive the gratitude of all. You can do it!
To Anon 10/16
Maybe I'm wrong, but - at his very first meeting as a Selectman - didn't Mr. Sapia move his seat to one of those in the "audience" section?
And look how humble he was thereafter!
Last poster,
You run and become the next selectperson. Once accomplished you can lead the charge to remove the props. Make sure you pay for the new ones out of your own pocket. Oh, and please quit blathering, whining, etc... it's getting old,old,old. The question at the delib from the chief was --will you support the elderly affairs being run out of the pd. Answer from Val-YES {i mean no} but i'll say YES. Enough of my whining, your turn.
anon 1:49 pm.
Not exactly. rwo questions were asked:
1. What is your opinion of the 2 senior programs..?
2. Would you support both programs...?
Mrs. Tobin provided affirmation and amplification. All positive.
Questions were
1.) what is your opinion of both elderly affairs programs
2.) do you support both
Here we are, just one week from Town Meeting, and only one candidate, Valerie Tobin, has posted her positions on town issues and has shown a willingness to answer questions about her positions.
Friel and O'Leary have refused to make themselves accountable to the townspeople.
Friel and O'Leary are exhibiting the very same arrogant and undesirable characteristics which our current board, especially Sapia, has exhibted which have caused so many problems and lawsuits for the town.
We can't allow the election of a new selectman like Sapia, one with a "to hell with the townspeople" and "I'm not accountable to the townspeople" attitude.
Please don't vote for either of those two and to subject the people to another 3 years of Sapia- style behavior.
Valerie Tobin is the breath of fresh air that we need.
3:14 is correct
I just went back thru all the posts on this subject. The question part 2 was will you support the elderly affairs run from the PD. Val's answer was yes. Why let facts blur a muddy question? The facts are she said that she would support the PD elderly affair operation at candidates night. Then on this blog she now feels it should all be run out of the community center. There is nothing wrong with her position. She will review it, then move it to the community center where Val feels it will be more effective. I personally am not sold on the CART program. It will clearly save the town a lot of money. The drawback will be in the service the seniors have come to know and love. Perhaps there is some kind of middle ground program, but obviously we can't have both as another poster pointed out. Bottom line, 3:14 is
Its about time you put the sensorship back on. It may be too
That program needs a serious look at!
Censorship only erodes credibility. Think hard on this one. I bet you'll regret loosing the integrity this Blog has worked hard to establish.
A friend of the Blog
censorship can only be performed by a government. A private entity can not, by definition, censor anyone.
It is the right of any private entity to regulate the publishing of information through its venue.
However, most of you have noticed that most of the time moderation is turned off. It is only turned back on when the quality of comments begins to deteriorate.
As has been said many times previously, ad hominum personal attacks have no place on this blog.
Further, this article was intended as a forum to discuss the relative attributes of the selectmen candidates, not for discussions of Mr. mcallister's transgressions.
Hey 7:33
Instead of going through the posts on this subject, why dont you watch the tape of candidates night.
Phil asked the first question; There are two elderly programs, one run out of the community center, and one run out of the PD, what is your opinion of both these programs, and do you support both of them"
As much as you try to twist her words on this subject, the tapes dont lie, unfortunately some people do.
Does anyone know of any other town that runs a seniors taxi service out of its PD?
Please name one for me. How about a PD that advertises to call the PD if you are an elderly person and need a ride. Ever seen any other Police depts make these kinds of ads?
Then why is it going on in our town? This is nuts.
The ET reports today that the Selectmen voted 2-1 last night to hire a part-time police officer after a heated discussion between Selectman Paul Sullivan and police Chief Philip Consentino.
Barbara Snicer was telling me that two women came into town hall and said that someone was charging people to help them get mistakes their tax cards corrected, they had come in for their tax cards she didn't know who they were but. (Look on the card).
If this can't be verified, why do I keep hearing this story from people who go to town hall?
regarding the hiring of another p/t officer. i noticed again that consentino's son is listed as a p/t officer yet is not listed as receiving any pay this past year. i doubt he's working without a salary so my question is: i thought if you didn't work for a year you were no longer an employee of the town. (or is this only for certain people) correct me if i'm wrong, but the guy never works yet is still on the roster. is he getting a clothing allowance and any other perks? in fact i doubt he even owns an atkinson police dept. uniform. perhaps selectman sullivan you could follow up on your questions to consentino and get actual hours worked by those listed as p/t officers and if they don't "carry their weight", get rid of them. those badges they have mean something to the officers that are out there working and are not accessories to get you perks.
to anon 4:04, It's a package deal, Consentino, his wife and son. Like the selectmen would ever question his son being on the payroll. As long as dad is there, he's going to get all he can. But it would be nice to hear Paul ask him about it and see what the response would be.
Police Standards and Training regulations REQUIRE ALL officer both Full time and Part time to complete 8 hours of refresher training EACH YEAR exclusive of first aid and firearms training to maintain their certification.
Why is Ms. Tobin selected as THE Candidate at this site? What offices and experience has shown her prior or current interest in the town or understanding how town government works? Has she mentioned any boards she has sat on or committees she has been on, or civic organizations she has participated to really know Atkinson from many viewpoints? I don't understand how being female makes her understand elder affairs issues more than a male candidate. I am female with an elderly parent with Alzheimer's and works in healthcare, does this make more suited than a man with the same experiences? There is no doubt our Town needs to make some changes, unfortunately no candidate can do this alone, there are laws, other selectpersons, different departments, and citizens with differing opinions and views all of which are not necessarily right or wrong, but need to be merged into what is best for the greater population in the most cost effective manner.
From Valerie's education, can we expect with her degree to be offering cooking tips and other consumer education information like Martha Stewart or Rachel Rey? It might add some interest to otherwise boring and nonproductive meetings. That could have a positive effect on the viewer audience. All the other candidates have the same caring for this Town and the community. I believe her letter printed here to be overkill and the other candidates have chosen specifically not to reply in some way, as not to have any of their statements rhetorically altered or parts deleted by this blog, which would not protray the real candidate. The candidates may be aware of the blog but have a clearer outlook than being caught up where comments must be approved so the opinions shown are not always well rounded and more tipped to the authors point of view versus letting the general public make their own decisions on all comments.
To Anon @ 11:12
Your comments about her degree, and the possibility of cooking tips were gratuitous, and fail to contribute to the substantive debate over ideas, ethics, morality, and the general good of the town. You instead attempt to insult the only woman in the race, precisely BECAUSE she is a woman, and this is one of those comments that probably was worthy of moderation.
It has been my experience that this blog does not attempt to control the direction of the conversation, just the quality of it.
They have allowed me to submit articles in congratulations of Mr. Sapia, as well as those critical of him, and others.
Also, most of the time moderation seems to be turned off, I have yet to see any candidates comments edited, or taken out of context, except by commentators such as yourself. Maybe the other candidates did not respond because they do not wish the direct, uncontrolled dialogue with the people that a forum such as this provides.
Either way, it is MY opinion that you owe Mrs. Tobin an apology.
I 'll tell you why she is THe candidate...
Because Jack Sapia asked Rich O'Leary and Bill Friel to run, and he and Phil have been pushing Friel hard. Phil took Friel down and introduce him to the elderly, and endorsed his candidacy. Electioneering I would think but laws depend on who you are in Atkinson.
Jack and Frank Polito were in the village store asking people how many Friel signs they wanted.
Phil has been making phone calls endorsing Friel, and claiming that Tobin can't be elected because she wants to fire him.
Jack has been talaking up Friel all over town.
Friel may be a great guy, and a good candidate, but after the LAST three years, I WILL NOT vote for anyone being pushed by Sapia, and Consentino. And this is because of their own actions, not any kind of vendetta.
To anon 8:13
So true, you couldn't of said that any better.
I believe that one main reason why this site and those who read it view Valerie as the best candidate is because, as you stated "there are laws, other selectpersons, different departments, and citizens with differing opinions and views all of which are not necessarily right or wrong, but need to be merged into what is best for the greater population in the most cost effective manner."
NONE of this is happening under this regime, we want someone else. Valerie has been open about her positions, answering questions and providing feedback. She has been respectful and polite, not removing signs, not ignoring the residents. Where are the other candidates? People want to be taken seriously. The incumbants do not support this blog and try to discredit us by removing our signs and blocking free speech. O'Leary and Friel know about the site and ignore it, though they read it. Who needs the game players? If they wanted our support they'd be here.
Valerie has a BS degree in Consumer Education and Economics and minored in law. It sounds like her education provides a very good background for this job and maybe she can even advise the school board while she's at it.
The Chief of Police on the other hand is not qualified to carry a gun, work full time and can't pass a physical.
O'Leary is a bag salesman without a college education. What about him?
Do you think the Childs', Morelli's, DeRosa etc. have any education? I doubt it.
Valerie is in construction, as is Friel but I don't see you criticizing him? Why? Because your views are slanted, biased, incredible (that means not believable, far fetched - in case you don't have a college degree).
To March 8, 2008 10:55 PM and March 8, 2008 11:12 PM,
Time and time again certain appointed and elected officials of this community have abused their authority and publicly shown disrespect for the people who placed them in those positions. A few examples, all of which are part of the public record or have been witnessed by multiple people:
- Peak vs. Consentino
- The chief threating to stop trick or treaters at the town line, reported on national news.
- The chief "yelling" at a citizen during the Deliberative Session.
- The chief threating to personally sue a private citizen using town stationary.
- The BOS refusing to dicipline the chief for this act.
- A member of the BOS entering the Town Clerks office and verbally assaulting a respected town employee and a citizen.
- The BOS actively picking and choosing which legally binding actions they were elected to enforce, e.g. the Veterans Memorial.
The list goes on and I'm sure many other documented examples could be added. The point is; certain appointed and elected officials have repeatedly violated the public trust, and maybe the law. It is in everyones best interest to have this situation corrected.
The term "Guilt by Association" has to factored in when considering who to vote for in the upcoming election. All of the candidates profess their independence but when you consider who is so actively endorsing their campaigns, who have to ask yourself, are you willing to risk more of the same, or chose someone not beholden to those currently in power.
For me the choice is very clear, Valerie Tobin. It has nothing to do with gender and it has nothing to do with emotion. The facts speak for themselves. A house cleaning is desperately needed and I'm not willing to risk more of the same.
No apology to Ms Tobin is given. I do not doubt any of the candidates have a true belief they can make a difference in Town or they wouldn't be running. No matter who talks with whom, what education they have, from high school drop out ot PHD, one really learns from practice and "JUST DO IT" kind of mentality. Why do ungracious comments, for example, "just a bag salesman with no education and a busybody"continue to crop up? This forum is not filled with credible information just stupid gossip at times. Mark Acciard likes to be sure he's a known contributor. Funny no one else signs their names. From one of the latest comments regarding education, is there an RSA that gives specifics on educational qualifications which make persons better in town government. Sometimes it just really caring and doing the best job they can given what there is to work with. Ms. Tobin continues to announce that she is going to do all this changing, but she is running for selectperson not mayor and they would have councilman to deal with. Why doesn't everyone just plainly STOP and work together to make this town a great place to live. Should I have posted my child's latest NECAP scores or my college credentials to be approved in the community or being just a good neighbor, person, volunteer and mom make me good enough to live here? Funny, I thought I had run and was elected in the past, maybe it was my imagination.
To 10:16 PM
The remarks about education were in defense of Valerie when someone tried to make fun of her education. Why single her out? See the post from the march 8, at 11:12PM.
An education does help with this job and I believe it makes you a better choice than someone without.
To March 9, 2008 10:16 PM:
"Funny no one else signs their names."
Don't criticize it if you're going to hide behind it yourself. I believe the appropriate term is "hypocrite".
I could never support Ms. Tobin based on her position on the water ordinance. Her disregard for State Law would surely end up in a lawsuit the Town would definately lose.
If you are afraid of lawsuits then you better not support Sapia, Polito, or Constantinople for anything position.
Twisting her words will also get you a lawsuit. didn't sign your name. Coward.
It strikes me odd that people are so against the bloggers that they have become bloggers and just because we support Valerie, they talk against her and pull down her signs.
It's not Valerie they are against, it's us. She is taking the flack because our attackers can't be objective.
Odd as they are.
Anonymous said...
Twisting her words will also get you a lawsuit. didn't sign your name. Coward.
I didn't twist her words. Read her
position paper.
So all Anonymous bloggers are cowards? Whats that make you?
I do not usually even look at his blog, but in this case my husband is referred to regarding his lack of education along with the Morellis and the Childs. Joe DeRosa served this town for 15 years as selectman, much of the time before I ever knew him. In addition, he has served on many committees and boards as well as years on the Fire Department. Do the comments made imply he lacked education and therefore was ineffective? I am not sure, but it did not suggest anything positive, which I take offense to.
Joe is not a perfect person, he stinks at spelling that's for sure. He did attend the prestigous North Bennett Street School in Boston for jewelry design and manufacturing. He was self employed for over 40 years. Neither of those are college degrees it is true, but he certainly is "educated" whatever that exactly means. I also believe many people do not read this forum as it is so highly critical rather than finding the positive in each of us. Perhaps that is why so few people even run for offices. Not everyone has the thick skin to be put through the mill. I know Joe had no underlying agenda, tried to make the best choices. He may at times not made everyone happy, but one can't always as selectman. As it is quite obvious from this comment who I am, I will attempt to sign, but am not sure I have chosen the correct ID below.
to 2:13
You said she was disregarding state law.
You are twisting her words. I don't see where she says this in any of her writing.
I am anon., but no coward. Dale likes to refer to us as cowards, she see this as the same.
Education is not everything and I believe it should in no way be cited as a pro or con for someone running for Selectman. I was offended when someone suggested Valerie would be good in giving cooking tips. Maybe Mr. Friel can give us some barbecuing tips.
Some of the dumbest people I've known graduated from prestigious institutions, including MIT and Carnegie-Mellon.
On the other hand, history is filled with great minds with no formal education. Take a look around and chances are extremely good you'll find some of Thomas Edison's works.
It is also true that many people do not pursue a career in the area they studied. The author Michael Crichton finished medical school but became a renown author instead.
Another truth is that some very well educated people have become some of the biggest crooks of all time. Enron comes to mind.
What the job does require is integrity, an open mind and a great deal of common sense. Some backbone would be a big plus.
Mrs. Derosa, I don't know you or your husband. But, anyone who can successfully remain self-employed for 40 years obviously has some decent gray matter between his ears. I commend and respect that more than you can realize.
I will add this one last tidbit for any office holder. Never try to please everyone. It's impossible. I've often heard that some of the best decisions made are those that neither side like.
To Mrs. DeRosa,
I believe that you missed my point. A previous blogger (March 8 11;12 PM) singled out Valerie stating "From Valerie's education, can we expect with her degree to be offering cooking tips and other consumer education information like Martha Stewart or Rachel Rey?"
This sounds sexist but beyond that is the fact that Valerie was singled out when in fact her education surpasses others, past and present candidates alike. Is this right, absolutely not. I pointed to other people who I knew had lesser education to make the point. The point is that she has a respectable degree and she can offer something as a candidate. What I did not say was anything to put down the others. That blogger was attacking Valerie and those who blog here. We don't condone that here or in the town meetings...but we welcome informed, polite commentary from all.
I did not get a letter from Consentino telling me who to vote for.
Can someone post it here?
I'd love to see it, and save the envelope so we can check the postmark. He should not be using any town permit for this, it should have a stamp, paid for by himself, otherwise it's evidence.
Mrs Derosa:
There are two types of people:
Givers and Takers
Joe is a Giver.
Much respect to Joe and thank him
for the many years of service to our community.
A post was sent from a supporter of
Vals informing that her biography was poorly written and had not been proof read. The blog chose to censor this post. If positive and constructive advice will be censored for no reason then I for one will cease to log on in the future. If only the blog masters posts will be put on this site then it does become irrelevent. This is the very reason a new blog
will most likely appear in the short future. It is called freedom of speach. The very freedom this blog was originally created for will ultimately be its demise.
Why would a supposed supporter write to a public blog to criticize their candidate's biography?
They wouldn't. A wolf in sheep's clothing might.
If Valerie's marketing materials had typos and the like, I find it interesting that people can't point it out without being called a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Facts are facts. If her documents had typos, then deal with it because that's a fact. If the typos were a false claim, then I would have a problem with it.
We should be dealing with facts. just because you may not like the fact, does not mean it shouldn't be posted, nor does it make someone a wolf in sheep's clothing.
So what I want to know is this - did her document have typos in it, yes or no? What are the facts? We should be basing our opinons and decisions on facts and nothing but facts. That is how you get to an objective standard.
Perhaps it was only being pointed out so that when it was posted on the blog it could be corrected. It's obvious that the point of the post was lost as the reprint repeated her inability to have someone help her with her spelling and proof reading. A sheep, maybe?
A concerned supporter, possibly?
Always attacking the messenger is a
great way to allienate your base,
That's because a supporter wouldn't publicly point out a tiny flaw after the fact!! This person acts like a supporter, says they're a supporter and obviously isn't. That's known as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Those are the ffacts.
The poster who pointed out her apparent sixth grade grammer and writing ability had hoped that if it were to be published on the blog, it would be corrected first.
I for one was apalled at her inablity to write a complete sentence correctly. Worse was her inability to have it proof read. She was clearly not fit to lead this town and the town voters obviously felt the same way. Perhaps if her writings were proof read she could have pulled off her own version of a wolf in a sheep's suit. That was beyond her capabilities.
Mr. Sheep
Dear Mr. Sheep,
I am appalled at your grammar and you should consider proofreading your letters before you post them on the blog.
'Proofread' is one word.
You also misspelled 'grammar', and 'appalled'.
I guess your not smarter than a fourth grader.
You people need to chill out. If Valerie sent out a flyer with typos in it, whose fault is that?
In the end, it may have cost her 38 votes. That is the issue.
I'm ain't runnen to leade this towne, and if I weer too, then clearly ida had done someone proof read my grammatics .
Ps:I can still write a better run run run on sentence than our losing candidate.
ha ha/ba ba
It wasn't a few minor mistakes in a letter that cost Valerie the campaign. It was the electioneering, not being invited to the Valentine party as was Friel, it was the Chief stopping those trying to post flyers & blog signs. It was the entire demeanor and illegal, unethical behavior of the BOS and Chief that blocks our rights. Maybe they'll be a recount, maybe there's a court case here. I think they should throw out the vote and have a re-election due to illegal activities.
We all know Friel did not win fair and square.
Look, I, too, think that the actions of the BOS in taking down the signs, and the chief in stopping people putting out fliers, and then besmirching them on live TV, not to mention the valentine's day elderly event, were reprehensible, but irrespective of all that, Mr. Friel WON THE ELECTION by 37 votes!
Let him join the board and show the town what kind of selectmen he will be.
If he acts improperly, then yes, post it here and we will discuss it, But it is not quite fair to pass judgement on him before you have seen his performance.
I personally do not like discussing people, I prefer to discuss the events, things that actually happened. That is fair game.
So for my part, I will watch in the coming months and simply try to judge for myself, if Mr. Friel turns out to be everything he claimed to be when we spoke.
All of this rehashing of the election changes nothing.
For me the results of the election changes nothing. For people that want to be behind the winner, it's a different story now that someone else won.
As far as I am concerned we are still waiting to see if there will be a change. We have heard the rhetoric and the time has come to put up or shut up.
It will be painfully obvious, to those that care, if our town will have to survive another year of the chief's regime.
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