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Thursday, January 10

Elderly Affairs car Clocked at 84 mph??? Isn't that illegal?

Thank you to another new contributor under the Publius byline!


Atkinson Community Transport clocked at 84 MPH !!

My Fellow Atkinson Taxpayers:

Today, January 10, 2007 at approximately 10:10 AM, one of the
"Atkinson Community Police Senior Transport" vehicles was clocked at 84 MPH while traveling south on Route 93, just south of Manchester.

This was witnessed and clocked by a NH resident, Ed Naile, who phoned in his eyewitness account of the incident as it occurred. Ed stated the license plate number was G15388. There were two occupants in the vehicle, a "little old lady" and a driver described as "a large, fellow with a large head and thick neck" (sorry, no offense intended,
just conveying the description). Ed stated they were traveling at
such a high rate of speed, he had a hard time just keeping up with the Community vehicle to clock them. Ed also said he thought it was a police car but then noted it had no lights. And he said both occupants looked fine so there didn't appear to be any apparent
emergency. Ed pulled up along the vehicle and said they both looked
at him and seemed OK. He stopped following at the weigh station.
Hopefully, they made it back to Atkinson without incident.

Why should Atkinson residents care? Well, what if they crashed? We don't like the idea of seeing residents unnecessarily exposed to potential serious
injury/death. Not to mention the open-ended liability to the town
perhaps in the millions of dollars. Reckless driving using town vehicles is inexcusable. Especially with one of our elderly residents in the vehicle. Our "Community Officers" are not certified police officers. Reality is they are part of the Elderly Affairs transportation program, are giving rides and are paid an hourly rate for doing so. This is how one of the 11 cars under our police budget is put to use. We still haven't figured out why we need 11 police cars in Atkinson. And oh, by the way, the insurance for all these vehicles does not appear in the PD budget - so taxpayers are not provided with an accurate depiction of the total cost of our police budget (no "Truth-in-Budgeting").

Ed Naile is willing to testify to what he saw and can be reached on
his cell phone at 603-831-2031. Feel free to call him.

Last month our PD lost a gun. Before that they crashed two police
cars in the PD parking lot. The Chief has been sued twice and received numerous complaints. All of these within the past year.

You can read the actual lawsuit documents, complaints and news articles posted at There is also an ongoing investigation by NH Police Standards and Training. All these incidents add up to increased injury risks, higher costs, higher insurance rates and more legal fees that are passed on to all town residents and

In our opinon, the Atkinson PD is broken. Does someone have to be
injured or killed before we fix it?

Atkinson Taxpayers Association

Opinons and editorials posted at the Atkinson Reporter Blog:

"....a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a
superficial appearance of being right...."

Thomas Paine
Feb. 14, 1776
Author of "Common Sense"

January 10, 2008 1:20 PM


Anonymous said...

Only 84?

Anonymous said...

Why not? You know no Statie is going to give another cruiser a ticket!

But if they saw you driving 84, you can bet you would get a ticket!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is any liability to the town if there was an accident that resulted from speeding, and we just so happened to have a little old lady, civilian in the front seat?

Anonymous said...

Isn't our police department supposed to protect us from this kinda stuff? Driving over 80 MPH in community service vehicles and losing guns? What's next?

Anonymous said...

Now this would be just my opinion...Its amazing to me that this town has such vindictive,narrow minded,vicious People in it.Not just about this article but several others also.
I find that you (Handfull of people im sure of) Find any article in the paper or incident in town to just pick everyone and everything about it apart..Not only that but also twist it around.Now Im sure nobody really cares what I think..It does explain to me why we have so many problems in our schools. Kids having no respect for the teachers or administration.. or for each other for that matter.Hey with parents like this, they are not taught to respect anyone. once again thats just my opinion.....signed..another..."Suck Up"

Anonymous said...

A little old lady in the front side would get nailed...just like I did at 82 mph.

Anonymous said...

Im wondering why its ok for this blog to use "scare tactics" But not for the Police Department to??

Publius said...

I dont know what "scare tactics" this blog has used, but as to your question about why the police dept. can't use scare tactics, the answer would be because IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To anon 5:01 - not sure what to make of your post. You could be Consentino because that is how he typically talks, going on the offense whenever he is questioned or challenged and then abuses the badge to get his way. We know the routine. I'm not taking your bait because your comments have no value. My position is simple:

Driving over 80 MPH with town vehicles & little old ladies - BAD
Police losing guns - BAD
PD crashing police cars - BAD
Harrassment & intimidation - BAD
Lawsuits & complaints - BAD

I don't feel safe in this town. We have to make changes before someone gets killed. Lost police guns and reckless driving can do that to people. My concern over these issues makes me vindictive? The flawed PD is falling apart at the seams because the organization itself is not based on sound principles. It has no moral foundation. Don't blame me because I didn't build it. It lacks honesty, integrity, values, and sound moral judgement. Ultimately, it is doomed to fail.

No, this is no handful of 5 or 6 people. Sapia thinks its a couple of deer. Your comment is just a tactic to try and persuade others that only a few fringe bloggers are behind all this. Once the election is over, you'll see how many it is. The people of Atkinson are fed up! We care about this town and the people and the kids. It is not about Sapia and Consentino and their desperate need for power and control.

Must be like when people find out their priest is a child molester. So hard to believe your absolute trust in a person is violated and you've been fooled so badly. But the facts are the facts. We have a broken PD and it needs fixin and it starts at the top. Here's a challenge for you: Read the facts at and if after reading all those documents you still think the same way, you come back and tell us why we are all wrong because I bet you've never read one complaint, one lawsuit or one newspaper article that EXPOSED THE TRUTH!

The winds of change are upon us. It is time for us to seize the moment to make Atkinson a better, friendlier and safer town.

Anonymous said...

Nice comment Phil. How do you like the blog and the Taxpayers new website? It must be driving you nuts when you can't control the truth getting out there. Especially the Peak case. What a story. I read it again the other day and still can't believe you really did all that stuff. Must be all lies. Right? Wait. I know. someone made the whole thing up because they had a vendetta against you. You know them people and them vendettas. Out to get you like that? I hope you get some medication soon cause I'm getting worried aboout ya. and careful crossing the street with all those community officers driving like maniacs.

Anonymous said...

5:01 --

I think you have a point, I too find that things go a little too far, and get a little too personal for my tastes at times here. Truthfully, I've even found myself venting like that at times.

BUT, there's a reason for that. It's because because people have been stopped from expressing themselves in the typical ways citizens should be able to get themselves heard. Think of the things that have been attempted to stop real debate in this town.

> They made you "apply" to be heard at selectmans' meetings.
> They publicly harassed those that dare challenge them in what they deemed "right", attempting to make "bad guys" and "complainers" out of anyone that dared to stand up and disagree with them
> There began to be campaigns of harassment against those that refused to stop challenging them
> The police department began to become the tool of a single individual, a person that saw nothing wrong with attempting to consolidate power by gaining control of two of the most powerful positions in town, and then REFUSED COURT ORDERS meant to stop his push for power and control his conflicts of interest, the same person who uses elderly affairs to intimidate town "leaders" into towing the line on his policies
> A new selectman, who promised to challenge the way things were being run and offered to reinstate respect for citizens of the town, ended up failing in his bid to stand up to the status quo and actually seemed to become part of the problem

If the "leaders" of this town want the quality of the debate to be raised in this community, they had better re-open the normal channels of debate here.

Notice, that the town is making itself be heard through special elections and warrant articles, even as the selectmen tried to put an end to that by hiding behind their lawyer and stonewalling a veterans memorial! It's gotten to the point where they will violate the townspeoples' own votes, but I think the tide may be turning.

Yes, the posts here sometimes fall into the realm of "trash", but it is partly because the normal channels of civic expression have been blocked by a small number of people that are attempting to squelch legitimate debate.

Anonymous said...

Scare tactics by this blog -- give me a break - there are facts here!!
why did you not state your name ??
You are a supporter of the bull -- so "have no fear !"
He (they) will not harass you --
"step up to the plate !"( a quote from Monday"s meeting )
You should not be afraid --- the truth is just that the truth !
And -- a handful of people ?-- no -- more and more are learning the TRUTH because of this blog. Even the seniors of OUR town.
Alot of them are very embarassed because they did not know what was going on !!!!!!!!
How can anyone say that this blog uses "scare tactics"? How foolish and ignorant ! We had an officer resign awhile ago because he did not want the responsibility or liability to HAVE to drive the seniors !!!!!!!!! I - FOR ONE WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO THE PEOPLE WHO RUN THIS BLOG because I have seen this go on for years!!! Another thg -- insurance wise - why are they sitting in the front seat ? And why do they sometimes make unnecessary trips ?? YOU GUYS HAVE OPENED ALOT OF PEOPLE'S MINDS AND EYES ---I SAY ---THANK YOU !

Anonymous said...

First of all in my last entry I did not defend Consentino..nor am I bashing him...What I had said was there are comments that twist the truth around about certain articles. This I know..which in turn makes me feel that most of this is vindictive..Now I have done my research on whats going on in town...I choose to look at all sides of the story. As soon as someone defends any issue about the PD we must be under some spell by Consentino. Thats just not the case here. There are other Officers in town who do their job well.But you cant see that. I have a Boss and somethings he asks me to do things that in my opinion are just plain stupid and probably not in the best interest of Our company..never the less he would be my Boss..I dont always agree with him and im sure that most people dont agree 100 percent with their bosses. so to say that every officer agrees with every word that Consentino says is just naive.
Once again this would just be my opinion....Another Suck Up

Anonymous said...

When I moved here I really liked what I saw on TV and around town. I thought it was great the way Phil, Jack and Fred presented them selves. People were nice at the town hall. I only heard rumors and some residents say that this is a corrupt town. Yes I believed in that great river in Egypt!
And of course I at first just thought people like Carol and Mark were your typical moon bats just whining all the time. Boy as the smoke started to lift and I could take a real hard look.
I was amazed how bad we have it here. Also how could intelligent people let this go on for so long, but as I most were left in the dark not knowing the cancer that was spreading through the town.
Some like Carol and Mark tried to expose it. Now we have no excuse thanks to the two web sites, to "read" for ourselves all the court documents and complaints.

With this information on hand we need to finally "FREE ATKINSON".

Anonymous said...

To anon 5:01 .... I agree with you. This blog if a very biased towards certain individuals. It would have a lot more respect if they did some honest research in their articles. Also, it would be helpful if people give their opinions and left out the name calling.

I do agree that this elderly xport car should obey the speed limit but with all this one sided negative critisim, it does leave a lack of confidense in the source. I mean, evrything in here is negative and only about the Selectman, Police or Polito. Sure, they might not run a perfect ship but neither does any other department in out town, state or federal level. If we discussed every departments weaknesses equally then this board would have a better reputation for its accuracy.

Publius said...

As you can see the purpose of this site is to expose what the people don't see in public meetings, and yo foster open debate. We long for the day, when we can post with our real names, and not have to post anonymously out of fear of retribution by a petty, vindictive, dictator. When residents post article submissions to this blog, and they deal with a subject of interest to this town, whether it be the diatribe on "Merry Christmas" posted by Mr. Acciard, or the speeding elderly car, poster anonymously. If people have evidence to the contrary postition of one of these articles, please post it so that it can be discussed and debated.

As for the PD, I think you will see the officers praised and congratulated, it is the administration that we have issues with, and for good reason. All of these incidents actually happened. It is not vindictive or one sided to discuss them.

Publius said...

As you can see the purpose of this site is to expose what the people don't see in public meetings, and yo foster open debate. We long for the day, when we can post with our real names, and not have to post anonymously out of fear of retribution by a petty, vindictive, dictator. When residents post article submissions to this blog, and they deal with a subject of interest to this town, whether it be the diatribe on "Merry Christmas" posted by Mr. Acciard, or the speeding elderly car, poster anonymously. If people have evidence to the contrary postition of one of these articles, please post it so that it can be discussed and debated.

As for the PD, I think you will see the officers praised and congratulated, it is the administration that we have issues with, and for good reason. All of these incidents actually happened. It is not vindictive or one sided to discuss them.

Anonymous said...

To 6:53. Your comment that this article is one sided, negative criticism is simply this: your opinion. Your are allowed that here. I disagree with you completely and believe reckless driving is far more than not obeying the speed limit as you put it. If my mother were in that car, I would be at the next Selectmen's meeting wanting to know who was driving and making sure they were prevented from ever driving Atkinson seniors again.

Anonymous said...

question, why didn't the person who witnessed this call 911 and report it? at least there would have been a record of a call coming in reporting excessive speed and possible danger to an elderly person. i'm sure the senior wasn't going to say anything for fear of losing their free taxi service. i for one have never driven that fast and don't feel comfortable sitting in a car that does. sorry, but all room for reaction has been removed and let's face it the "seniors" doing the driving have never been trained in defensive driving or high speed chases.

Anonymous said...

Dicussing is one thing..Name calling is just childish. Twisting some of the storys bothers me. Now also With out disrespecting anyone
Please ask some questions in town about the officer who resigned. See how the residents felt about this certain officer. Ive heard and witnessed his disrespect for some of the residents of Atkinson..In my opinion this was no great loss for Atkinson. Now that does not mean I think every officer in town shares the same Attitude. I have repect for most of Atkinsons police officers. I also expect to be treated with respect. This Officer in my opinion lacked respect for the citzens of Atkinson. I know others share the same view.

Anonymous said...

Side note-
Message to Frank who was outspoken last night at the Jan 10 Budget Committee Meeting that he saw no members of the Atkinson Taxpayers Association present. Wrong again Frank. We we sitting right in front of you. Didn't you see us?

Anonymous said...

There is an old Hungarian proverb that says "the fish rots from the head."
An organization that has a severely ethically and morally impaired person in charge will inevitably adopt the behaviors that the "leader" says are acceptable based on his own actions, not what he says. The such "leaders" must be removed before his questionable practices become acceptable to the members of the organization.

To Anon at 5:01 and 6:53.
Sometime frustration leads to a short circuit in the "civility" part of the brain. Given that the Chief has demonstrated on numerous occasions that he lacks this part in his brain, sometime people get a little carried away.
When the elected officials responsible to management and discipline of town employees fail to do the job they swore to do, the people who elected them must vent someplace. This blog has been a forum to get out information, including supporting documentation that the good people of Atkinson might otherwise have difficulty locating. Naturally, the Chief prefers the old way. He probably shares Hillary Clinton's view that there needs to be a government gate keeper that decides what is allowed onto the internet. Of course we all know of at least two countries that do that. Communist China and North Korea. In fact, North Korean even executed a man for making unauthorized international phone calls.
Is that the world you wish us to live in?

Anonymous said...

One more thing. How is it inappropriate to call attention to reckless driving by a town employee in a town vehicle while transporting a town resident?
Unfortunately, because the driving incident was not witnessed by a police officer, nothing can legally be done. There certainly will not be any warning issued either because the behavior of the driver is condoned by his boss.
If anything, Ed could have been ticketed and possibly arrested for "road rage" or racing, while reck head kept flying. How's that for justice?

Anonymous said...

Where are the Police Officers Praised and congratulated by this blog??? I must of missed those entries..

Anonymous said...

Suck up:

Perhaps the police are not praised because they are supposed to be helpful and courteous, and while I agree that they deserve praise when they are going above and beyond, I know I wouldn't praise a child's teacher for merely teaching my child; I would praise them for going out of their way to do extra things to teach my child.

This is not a blog aimed mainly at praise; it is a blog for attempting to fix a broken town and its institutions. If you would like to start your own blog that points out all the great and perfect things about Atkinson, feel free.

When this town is no longer "broken" there will be no need for this blog. Perhaps you are lucky enough to benefit from the people that cause the rest of us problems; good for you! But please have the courtesy to try and understand that many of us feel shut out of government here, and we're trying to do something about it. Since we can't have an honest conversation with the powers that be without being branded trouble-makers or harassed, this forum was created where we can share information and talk honestly about the serious problems we face in this town.

Until there is no longer any need of this blog, if seeing a critical examination of the town's problems bothers you, it would seem to make sense that you shouldn't come here and trouble yourself.

Here's wishing you decide at some point to stand with us and fix a broken town government, instead of merely benefit from a bad situation...

Anonymous said...

Ok well...I beleive I was asking for an explanation Or example to this statement......As for the PD, I think you will see the officers praised and congratulated, it is the administration that we have issues with, and for good reason. All of these incidents actually happened. It is not vindictive or one sided to discuss them.

January 11, 2008 7:17 AM

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Jan. 11, 10:20 P.M.

Very well said !!!

Anonymous said...

Please let me make my views a little bit clearer...I dont believe
everything in town is fine and dandy ....what my point is and always will be certain people TWIST what people say in newspaper articles....a couple of examples: The cell phone while speeding article... The sprinkler system at Atkinson Academy..then theres all the crazy stuff about the Boston Lts????oh theres more... so forgive me for not believing everything I read on this blog.... when I see things makes me believe your trying to belittle someone. It appears to be a Vindetta, or Biased. So if pointing out these issues is part of the problem..well i am ok with that!!

Anonymous said...

I wish people would not have to choose sides and defend their position to the end. Does anyone really think this incident is OK to happen? To say people are vindictive or infer they are bad because they are concerned, that part I dont understand.

Don't we all agree speeding with a town resident in the car is a bad thing? Are we so far entrenched in our positions of being either for or against the police dept that we cannot honestly and objectively debate something like this?

My expectation when things like this happen is not a public lynching. But I do think someone in charge should publicly show some concern and assure the town that speeding is not condoned and will not happen again. Tell us the person responsible is Mr. XYZ and he will not be allowed to transport seniors again. Is that so hard? I think it would be an appropriate way to manage the problem. Show some real leadership and concern for legitimate concerns. Otherwise, it looks like its getting swept under the rug. When the gun was lost, we never heard who did it. I think the officer should be terminated. I may sound harsh to you but its what I think.

So when it all becomes secretive, conspiracy theories go crazy and the issue gets out of hand. Then objectivity is lost an people get worked up about it and feel they must choose to be absolutely for or against someone/something. I think the biggest problem is our twon's inability to have an open and honest public discussion when stuff like this happens.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this reaction when soneone reports an incident like this one is symptomatic of the problem.

Someone reported seeing our taxpayer funded elderly transport vehicle speeding up the highway at 84 mph with a little old lady in the front seat.

They were honest enough to give their name and contact info.

If you believe that this didn't happen, or is ok, then fine, but if you dont, then is it right to shoot the messenger? That has been the practice of our police chief for thirty years!

That practice is what has created this situation where if you criticize ANY action of the PD, you MUST have a "vendetta"!

Is it THAT hard to see the root of this problem?

Anonymous said...

I am relieved to read the comments on this blog, both those I agree with and those I don't agree with. The reason is simple, this space allows us to have a voice in town.

I've been a resident of Atkinson for many, many years and though drawn here by the illusion of the wonderful, simple, small town environment, the reality has been something quite different. What I've witnessed while living here are things that are never disclosed in the papers and are not dealt with by those in charge. The crime ignored by the police because Phil and the PD 'have to witness a crime themselves before they take action'. It's not good enough that residents witness crimes each day. There were 2 occassions where the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement personnel refused to enforce code because 'they could not imagine local builder so-and-so taking illegal short-cuts'- they even built a school without proper permits and did not meet fire code!!! I blame the town for that whole problem, they are right next door. How about the time the ZB allowed a local builder to sell property that did not conform to the approved plan because he-and-she sold the common space needed to meet requirements!!! If the Highway Dept makes and appt with me and I have to take time out of work, he should be required to actually show up!!! Twice he failed to show up!!! This is unexceptable.

I've seen too many dishonest, incompetent individuals in town profiting by taking advantage of others rather than doing what they're paid to do. The officials of this town work for US, we OWN them. It's about time they paid attention.

What I'd like to see happen here are these few things:
1) FIRE the Chief - he is not qualified to be a FT officer and we deserve a fully qualified FT person in charge of our PD.
2) Limit the number of PT officers on the roster.
3) Require the PT officers to work a minimum number of hours each year to offset the OH costs - uniforms, guns, badges, etc.
4) Remove the Elders Affairs Service from the PD.
5) Publish the Police Log in the papers. Residents need to know what is going on here.
6) Replace the BOS, I have no confidence in them that they are acting in our best interests.
7) Remove the Town Administrator - every time I go to his office to get info., he gives me a hard time. We don't need this position or his demeaning attitide.
8) Hold the employees of Atkinson accountable to the residents at all times.

I will not be satisfied until we get ALL of these things.

Anonymous said...

Are there any circumstances that would allow the Town to fire the Chief and refuse him his pension? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson is one of the most corrupt towns in southern New Hampshire that I have personally seen. But could be one of the most beautiful.

1) Driving at 84 mph is nothing more than guiding a missile that is locked and loaded and ready for destruction. The town just installed a GPS unit the car did they one look into a gps monitoring system that is used on fleet vehicles to track speed and locations. You set the maximum speed and email will be sent immediately as to how fast the vehicle was traveling. You can do this through Verizon cell phones as I had the pleasure of terminating a few employees who didn’t believe me when I warned them that I was monitoring their speed from my office.

2) A police officer looses his service revolver while on duty? Wait didn’t Barney Fife do that. As a gun owner with a LTC (License to carry) I find this truly amazing that you can just lose a gun. Average weight of gun is around two pounds you know when it is there and when its not. If I lost my gun like that I would hope the police would take my right to carry away from me and either fine me or sentence me to community service. I hope the sergeant of arms is planning addition training in care of firearms with all personnel starting with the chief. Just to amuse my self I did a Google search of a cop loosing his service revolver and found nothing even close.

3) This town has lost the charm it once had. I am afraid the good people of Atkinson have lost this battle it will only end when power is giving back to people.

My favorite quote for the Selectmen, Police and Town administrator

Never underestimate the power of a group of fools. But fools in power will soon trip and unplug the cord.

Anonymous said...

I agree with discussing situations also, I also agree this car should obey speed limits. I may have handled this a little differenty,
I probably would have called the Atkinson police department Reported what I had seen and asked this be addressed. Now Im sure some Of The people on this blog would say NOTHING would be done. But by posting this it just seems to me Like a witch hunt. So it doesnt suprise me that people will be defensive.Certain comments are over the edge. Being concerned about this elderly woman should have been first priority. so calling the PD would have been your best avenue.In my opionion. Just assuming they will do nothing is making you part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

What a sad state our town has fallen into.

This website, and others, are efforts to address our sad state of affairs.

The attacks on this website against the percieved wrongs that occur around this town constantly do sometimes go over the line of fairness; please understand that they are in response to blatant attempts to...

> Limit the ability of citizens to openly debate issues of importance to the town

> ostracizing any that dare criticize those now in power

> harass those that dare challenge the powers that be

Anonymous said...

It is not assuming the the PD administration would do nothing, it is the expetation that nothing would happen based upon past pratice as the chief would say. And Lt. Baldwin as muh as admitted that nothing would happen when he said in the paper, that he would not reveal whih officer lost his gun, or whether any action would take place, because "the officer felt really bad" about it!

Anonymous said...

Ok well here we go again...twisting words...Your assuming there was no action taken...Do you know this for sure??? You just assume they will do nothing..sorry I've dealt with issues and I have adressed them with the PD.Action was acually taken. do I need the whole towm knowing what these issues are..No..

Anonymous said...

ok here is what I know;

Officer Baldwin crashes a cruiser into the back of another cruiser on Maple Ave. No reprimand!

Officer loses Gun, No Reprimand!

Officer engages in high speed chase, of a motorcycle for speeding in disregard of state established guidlines for such chases, resulting in the motorcylist's death. No Reprimand!

9 resident complaints against the chief of police over a three year period. No Reprimands!

These are facts! Am I saying that all the officers need ation taken, NO! Most of our offiers are professionals who do a great job, in spite of their bosses.

Anonymous said...

Well I have had one dealing with the PD recently(at least officially) And Detective Farrar, made a couple of phone calls, and got the license plates returned to me. Professional service.

Anonymous said...

So the proof that the gun issue was not addressed would be your word? Ummm not good enough for me.
As far as the accident with the cruisers ..well I look at it (like most humans who make mistakes )Accidents do happen. this is why we have insurance.

Anonymous said...

If you are just looking at one incident by itself, I can see how someone would not panic. However, I am considering the overall body of work and totality of problems and incidents. I'm looking at the big picture and it is not pretty. Too many incidents, complaints, resignations, lost guns, car accidents, lawsuits... shall I go on? Its all documented at so I am not making this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our Dept of Elderly Affairs made the news at the NH Insider web site.

Stupid is as Stupid Drives

You never know who you will drive by when you are going 84 MPH.

Anonymous said...

Maybe im not looking in the right place, But I looked at Atkinson taxpayer .org..and im not finding documentation Saying There was nothing done about the Gun Issue...Also there was 1 lost gun, not guns.1 accident that i am aware of...1 resignation ( which in my opinion Is best for Atkinson)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! To Anonymous January 14, 2008 2:58 PM... Who lost the GUNS!!?? How many and by whom?? This is fairly serious for a department this size to be constantly losing their most prized/accountable item! Let me know who so that I'll be cautious if I get pulled over by them... just so I won't have a false sense of security when he/they is/are around.

Anonymous said...

Only one accident you say?

Let's see, how about the motorcyclist they killed in Hampstead a few years ago?

Or the 2 cruisers that smashed into each other a few years ago on Maple ave?

And 2 cruisers backed into each other in the PD parking lot in 2007. And check the meeting minutes in 2007. Deer were hit on at least 2 occaisions. When in doubt, blame the deer.

And I will give you that it was only one lost gun. How many do you need to lose before I can say "this is a problem". What is wrong with me saying that, is what I want to know.

Sorry folks, there is too much public information for me to believe our PD is led by a highly competent group of professionals who do what's right for the town. I understand there are a number of good officers who do a good job. I'm not complaining about them. But it is high time for our chief to move on and bring in someone who is educated and trained and knows what the heck they are doing and can straighten out this mess before someone else gets killed or seriously injured. Let me guess, I must be vindictive or have a vendetta, right? Isn't someone going to attack me over my VALID concerns of PD incompetency?

Anonymous said...

Lol..Im sorry but the fact that you think Hitting deer is the administrations fault Makes me laugh..We live in NH I cant even tell you how many deer i've almost hit...Thanks for the Laugh....LMAO

Anonymous said...

Glad you find our incompetent and inefficient PD so amusing. They are costing taxpayers a bundle. I'm glad their not just wasting my money.

Anonymous said...

To all Deer in the Area!!!
Run if you see Blue Lights!!!
The Atkinson Police are out to get you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good distraction effort. I find it entertaining myself. Facts are the facts and you can't run from the facts. Glad I am not a suck up. It must be awful being obligated to ride the gravy train until it goes off the tracks. Just think, the people you suck up to have websites dedicated to their corrupt history. Kind of makes them un-electable. Soon we'll see all the rats go running off this sinking ship. Run rats run!! Just watch out for the deer!

Anonymous said...

Oh you see I do believe we need a full time chief In atkinson..and we do need some change..But when you say things like "I suppose we should blame the deer" It just makes you loose credibility with me. Like grasping at straws! I think if you look at other towns you will find,Just like Atkinson..The Police are also Human and will make mistakes.That doesnt mean they should not be reprimand for it. You report that there is no reprimand..when you dont have any proof to support this! This is what I am trying to point out!Maybe we need a new law if you get stopped for any driving infraction you should loose your licence!

Anonymous said...

Atkinson must look into using CART rather than to continue to spend money on vehicles and wages. It cost Plaistow only a few thousand dollars last year, a significantly lower cost than we pay and without the liability and bad publicity.

Anonymous said...

EAGLE TRIBUNE 10/16/2007


Article accessible here:

If this story is untrue, the chief should sue the Tribune.

Anonymous said...

OW is all I can say. As a resident I am quite ashamed by what I read here regarding a very few town employees. Someone actually blamed the police for a motorcyclists death????
Are you really my neighbors?
OH MY the chief does 84 mph on rt 93 and the idiot that reports it actually has to break the law too! That could have been anyones mother in that car being driven N/C to an appointment or store. Maybe someone here could show up and volunteer to drive an elderly resident?
Come on guys every town has its hens that cluck behind the scenes but you all are actually embarassing. I don't know anyone here or any of the defendants or plaintiffs named in the court cases. I only care about my town and how silly you all look. Maybe you all could spend as much time as you do bitchin and gossiping helping out residents who need it.
Good Luck ladies

Anonymous said...

That article does not support your argument about the PD. So keep grasping at straws!!

Anonymous said...

Au contraire mon frere

That article once again demonstrates the danger of having a bully in charge of a "paramilitary organization" to quote Dale Childs, while also demonstrating the hypocracy of the board of selectmen who routinely chastise the road agent for doing his job, admirably by most accounts, while refusing to take any disciplinary action, even the mild steps required by the town employee handbook, regarding a police chief who abuses his authority to attack his critics, with taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...


Why try to discredit people who speak out or ask questions about the practices and decisions by our town officials? These personal attacks do nothing for the level of discourse in this town. If people have factual information to add to the conversation, that is welcomed. Slanderous attacks do nothing but make everyone look bad. Have we sunk so low that we can't openly and honestly discuss issues affecting our town? Do we have to be so far entrenched in our positions that it is impossible for us to consider others perspectives?

One point I would like to commend from Jughead is where he states: "Maybe someone here could show up and volunteer to drive an elderly resident?" Great point. Isn't that what helping our friends and neighbors is all about? I completely agree with Jughead. We shouldn't be burdening taxpayers with the Dept of Elderly Affairs. We should all be volunteering to help our elderly or disabled friends and neighbors to give them a ride or run an errand. How many of us are at the supermarket and drugstore frequently? How much extra effort would it take to give a hand? I suggest we offer a free service run by all volunteers to help our friends and neighbors. That is what being a neighbor is all about. Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that is how the elderly affairs program started out?

It started as an Eagle Scout project by (Now US Army Major) Paul Grant.

The first director of elderly affairs was Carol Grant. The dept. had no budget, and Carol, Ken, and Paul would do everything themselves with volunteer help, coordinated by Carol. No intimidation, no vote buying.

She would bake goods for elderly, drive them places, bring them home, her husband and son would shovel driveways, mow lawns.

Phil built it into a budgetted political machine.

Anonymous said...

To Peace,
Im sorry im not sure if you have been paying attention, but slanderous attacks seem to happen every time any one defends the PD..or the Officers. Like the Suck up comment..or riding the gravy im sorry if i seem a little bitter to you. I try not to attack anyone but there are certain comments on this blog that are not facts...they are twisted..and this upsets when i see something i have read in the paper and it gets twisted around to make people look incompetent, I feel the need to defend these issues.

Anonymous said...

I would say the slanderous attacks start whenever anyone CRITICIZES THE PD, OR THE SELECTMEN and worse they use the force of law and governmental authority to enforce this slander!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The bottom line is if you are in a public position, residents, under their first amendment have the right to complain and criticize.

BUT, town officials don't have the right to harrass, intimidate and coerce to silence critics.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "