Town Hall Insider said:
Publius please accept this as an article submission
Last night, at the selectmen's meeting town clerk, Linda Jette, announced her retirement after 29 years of service to the town of Atkinson! And this board of selectmen that two years ago made such a show of giving Fred Thompson a plaque, and warm congratulations as his second three year term on the budget committee ended(the award was for his 9 years of service, and he had only actually served 6 years), took the announcement without batting an eye, or giving even a moment of sincere thanks for someone who has served so long.
Linda was too nice to tell why she is resigning. She only in passing expressed her hope that the incoming town clerk would have more support from the selectmen. What she was far too nice to say in public, is that the selectmen have given her no support for the last two years at least! What she was far too nice to say in public was that selectmen chairman Sapia, screamed at her in HER OFFICE, where he has no authority, in front of her staff, because she allowed a resident to come back to her desk! When this was revealed on this blog, and he started getting heat for it, he claimed that he was concerned because of sensitive information in her office. BULLSHIT! He never gave a gentlemanly apology for his infantile conduct! Even Lt. Baldwin, who was outside and heard him, came in and spoke to him about his conduct! Goo for Lt. Baldwin. To confront a bully like that. What Linda was far too nice to say in public is that she has gotten nothing but rude condescension from the town administrator, Mr. McAllister, who has been actively undermining her for two years. She also spared the selectmen mention of the fact that they and the town administrator were docking her pay this fall, an elected official! She also failed to mention that McAllister is rude and downright nasty to her and her staff at every possible opportunity. He talks to those town hall employees as a master would to a slave, and they just put up with it. They have filed complaints with the selectmen, the selectmen do nothing, just as they do nothing with complaints about chief Consentino. I remember Mr. Acciard was in the town hall, one day and heard Mr. McAllister in his normal rude and dismissive manner to Linda, and he spoke to Mr. McAllister about it, and also informed the selectmen, they did nothing. The selectmen refused to interview or hire anyone for a vacancy in the town clerks office for over 18 months! And even pressured the volunteer in there donating his time, to leave!
The selectmen have effectively forced this long serving town official into retirement, and I can only hope that the voter do the same to them in March.
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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12

A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
I hope Linda moves on to bigger and better things. When I moved to Atkinson about 8 years ago, my first experience with a town official was with Linda. I needed to register my car. Having come from Massachusetts, and having had to deal with the Registry in Mass, imagine my shock at experiencing her warm smile, being asked to have a seat at her desk, and having her welcome me to town. She was a great representative of the town government, and I imagine this scenario has been repeated ad infinitum in the 29 years she has been in the position with other residents, new and old.
Sad to see you go Linda, and if it is discovered that you left because of the actions of certain other elected officials, I will vote accordingly in upcoming elections.
I dont think they forced Linda to retire. Look, her 29 years of service speaks for itself. Linda is Retiring because she has other things to accomplish in her life.
Congratulations Linda.
I didn't say that they FORCED her to retire, I said they made life in the town hall unbearable, they created(Mr. McAllister created) a hostile work environment.
what you said was.......
"The selectmen have effectively forced this long serving town official into retirement, and I can only hope that the voter do the same to them in March."
OK, this is the second resignation in a few weeks. What kind of trend is this.
Manny Fardella, one of the few good cops we had, resigned and coincidentally, he was head of the Police Labor Union and he had been conducting a fundraiser in Atkinson for his union (ie. not the chief's slush fund).
Now we lose Linda. Please, God or someone, help us in this next election.
Before we lose any more of the good people.
I like the "spin" posts from our elected officials or perhaps its the chief or Frank:
Anon 12:13
You're funny.
Imagine how bad the environment is at town hall. I knew Linda had it rough but I didn't realize how bad it was.
Just read all the documented facts at:
RIGHT GUYS? Sapia and McAllister, you're next. You think the Chief got it bad? prediction: You'll all be out of work by March.
I have worked for myself since 1968. Nobody and I mean nobody ever yelled or screamed at me...No person should take this crap from any one.
How dare Jack yell at anybody and Freddie the "I couldn't fix that leak for twenty years" maintenance person be little Teddy!
I have known Linda since I was a kid. I graduated Timberlane with one of her kids, and behind another. She has been town clerk since I was in High School, and worked in the the old Grange Hall for many years before that. She is an icon in this town and will be sorely missed. As someone pointed out already, her smile, and good cheer, have always been a welcome contrast to the Mass Registry!
It is a shame that her work environment evidently became to hostile for her to continue working in. I know, personally that she has been subjected to some conduct from our selectmen and our town administrator, that No town employee or elected official, or resident for that matter should ever have to endure, but she took it with dignity and class as she always has.
Linda, there are many of us "long term residents in Atkinson, who will miss you, Good luck!"
Mark Acciard
PS: These are the type of kind words that should have been spoken by our board of selectmen over this resignation. I guess I have a problem with that too.
I agree with Mark. Linda is a legend.
But did anyone notice that, after she was done reading her letter, she stood up. Jack as "Wait a minute, Linda", and I believe she said "No. I'm leaving." (Good Girl, Linda!)
They wouldn't dare not do something for Linda. I look for it at Town Meeting. Or perhaps they'll throw her a party at the Country Club. Some of our other "legends" received that kind of recognition. For instance, Jessi Anastasi.
I am greatly saddened by the news that Linda Jette is retiring. Not having her in the Town Clerk's office will be a sad day for the people of Atkinson. They may find some efficient person to sit in her chair, but they'll never find one who can fill her shoes. She's been the dear "relative" you saw a few times a year. The aunt who always seemed to be able to solve your problems. Her service to the town and her loving personality will be sorely missed.
On the other hand, twenty-nine years is a long time and if retiring is what she wants to do and it will make her happy, then I say, very, very regretfully and sadly, "Yes Linda I understand enjoy your retirement."
Given the reported lack of courtesy on the part of the Selectmen, I'd like to suggest they dispense with belated accolades and give her an even better tribute. Fire Mr. McAllister in her honor, immediately. It won't soften the loss of a great Town Clerk, but it would do the Town a world of good.
Linda - Thank you so much for all your hard work! You are truely the only one up there who knows how that place runs. It's a shame the selectmen are such "pains" to make you leave... I dont blaim you though - 29 years of great selectmen, and now since Sapia has been there, everyone's leaving.. GOD i hope he doesnt win re-election
I missed the Monday Night meeting but I can't wait for the re-run. If I watch and see that the selectmen treated Linda the way that it's reported here, I will work to get rid of Jack and replace him wirth whoever runs. We , the Town, cannot stop there, I think there is a more evil force at work, Russ McAllister (secretary) needs to be kicked out on his smug a.. and sent back where he came from.... Bye Bye
I've been following the frequent reports about the abuse and mistreatment Linda has been subjected to by McAllister and the selectmen (Sapia). As a very long-time resident of Atkinson, these reports have angered and upset me, as has Linda’s resignation.
Linda is a kind, always helpful and much-loved person. No one who has ever dealt with her as Town Clerk has had anything to say about her but praise for how she treats people. She’s always gone out of her way to be helpful to residents. It's been outrageous how she's been mistreated by the Town Administrator and the current Board of Selectmen.
Something has to be done about Sapia and McAllister and the official abuse which they represent, the constant abuse of town residents and town officials. Both Sapia and McAllister need to be held accountable and removed from their positions.
McAllister arrogantly acts as if he is our fourth selectman. He's become power-hungry and abusive to anyone in town government who doesn't kow-tow to his position of supposed (by him) importance. He considers himself above the people and town officials.
For the good of the town, two things need to be done:
1. Vote Sapia out of office in the up-coming elections.
2. Remove McAllister from his position. (Petitioned warrant article to abolish the position of Town Administrator, a position from which much abuse has come.)
McAllister was said to be power-hungry and controlling in his previous town job in Rochester. The rumor is that to get rid of him, the selectmen were forced to pay him off, buy him off, for his contract. Since our Selectmen won’t remove him, (as they also don't have the guts to stand up to and remove Phil), it should fall to the people to vote McAllister out by a petitioned warrant article abolishing the position of Town Administrator.
McAllister is an over-paid, power-grabbing glorified clerk.. He's done nothing that previous Selectmen's Clerks haven't competently handled. The little he does can be easily handled by Selectmen's Clerk Barbara Snicer, who as a former selectwoman and many-years Budget Committee Chairwoman, has a strong grasp on the many aspects of town government.
We also didn’t need a Town Administrator whenJane Cole worked in the Selectmen’s office. She was another former employee of the selectmen's office who very competently handled all of the duties of Selectmen's Clerk, (later upgraded to Selectmen's Administrative Assistant).
The point is, we don't need an over-paid Town Administrator when what he does has already been very competently handled by past Selectmen's Clerks/Administrative Assistant.
I'm very serious. We need to abolish the position which has become one of abuse to town residents and town officials.
Couple of things. Does anybody remember our first... Couple of things. Does anybody remember our first Town Administrator, Vic? He was one of the most awesome people I ever met, and the selectmen as well as townspeople loved him.
Russ came in after Vic, an exact opposite. I don't think I'd like to see the position eliminated. The town is growing, state laws are becoming more stringent, and there's so much more to keep track of than there was 10 years ago. The Selectmen can't do it all. None of them has the expertise or the time.
That's not to say I want Russ to say. He's an idiot. I'd rather see him fired. There may not be another Vic out there, but there has to be someone who would serve the town better than Russ.
Can't we put an article in to fire him and search for someone else?
Roger should go down to town hall and kick some butt around to protect his mother's honor. Yahoo! I'll go do to cheer him on.
He was on awesome drummer in high school. How about a nice cadence in a few heads. Maybe a drop a gong on a few heads?
If the position is not eliminated because it is needed, then change it such that the position reports to the Town clerk. That way, an elected person is responsible to keeping tight reins on the person in that position.
Guarantee if McAllister had to report to honorable Mrs. Jette he would not have lasted two months on the job. Men with no honor can not stand to have someone they look down on being their boss.
And if Macs previous bad behavior was known, how the heck did he get the job in the first place? Clearly the vetting process did not work.
Linda Jette is a very special person. In her dealings with the townspeople, she's always been warm, friendly and super-helpful.
The Town Clerk's office was a place where residents were always treated with courtesy and respect.
Linda wasn't just the Town Clerk --she was a friend to everyone who came in her office. Everyone who ever dealt with Linda left her office feeling good.
How Linda was treated by McAllister and the selectmen, especially Sapia, was so disgraceful. Something must definitely be done to hold Sapia and McAllister accountable. Getting away with rude and abusive behavior just makes them feel that they are free to continue.
For the good of the town, Sapia and McAllister must both be removed from office.
As far as a warrant article to abolish the Town Administrator position, there is definite merit in it----- for VALID OTHER REASONS other than the abuse of town residents and town offials that has characterized the position.
1. The position of Town Administrator has become a barrier between the people and their elected officials.
Watching the Selectmen's meetings on tv, we've all seen how frequently McAllister answers for the selectmen. Residents make appointments to speak their concerns to their elected officials -- not to the selectmen's clerk. Yet McAllister usually ends up speaking for and answering for the selectman as if he is one of the selectmen. The selectmen say nothing every time McAllister plays selectman. They use the TA position as their protective buffer against personal accountabilty to the residents.
2. You can't even get an appointment without having to first tell Mcallister everything you're going to say to the selectmen. What you want to say to the selectmen is between you and the selectmen. You doesn't need clearance or the permission of the TA to speak to your selectmen.
3. Also, too often and more and more frequently, when a selectmen's decision needs to be made, the selectmen lazily and irresponsibly pass the buck to the Town Administrator, saying, "Ask, or check with Mcallister."
An example in point is when McAllister illegally docked Linda Jette's pay for being absent, (while McAllister is absent so very frequently without having his pay docked.) When Linda objected, the selectmen told her to speak to McAllister, as if he were a selectman. McAllister was acting for the selectmen when he docked Linda's pay, but the selectmen then took no responsiblity for what the TA did to Linda.
4. In Atkinson, the TA position has been mis-used to eliminate selectmen responsibility and accountabilty by allowing an un-elected-by-the people (and un-accountable to the people) TA to play selectman.
I believe that a warrant article eliminating the TA position is definitely and absolutely necessary to get back and re-establish selectmen accountability to the people, to take back our town.
Instead of eliminating the TA position, how about changing it back to Selectmen's Assistant?
But lower the salary. Russ will look a lot harder for a new job.
And give him really great references; otherwise he'd probably stay, because it's the only job he can get.
That puts the responsibility in (now) Barbara Snicer's hands, and then hire someone to do Barbara's job (and maybe a whole lot more, because Russ lets her do very little).
WOW, in a rare occurence I find myself in complete agreement with the Chief! Who would have thought? LOL
I am reading the article about this topic on the front page of the Eagle-Tribune, and in the article the Chief is quoted as saying that "it was the powers that be that drove Linda out".
Chief, I couldnt agree with you more, and this is exactly the type of behavior that has to stop.
I just want to say Linda, we will miss you. You did a great job. Sorry to see you go.
Message to the "Powers that be".
I will not vote for your re-election Mr. Sapia. I won't make the same mistake twice. Linda made it clear why she was leaving, because YOU created a hostile environment and made it worse by letting Russ McAllister run amuck. That guy has go to go.
Linda was ALWAYS nice to me and was one of our best. Now she is gone.
Jack, this one is all your fault.
Losing Linda as Town Clerk is a sad day for the Town of Atkinson.
Linda is one of the most caring, thoughtful and compassionate people in Atkinson. The Town can't afford to lose people of her caliber. She's worth a hundred of our current Town Administrator and Selectmen.
Linda represents dedicated and always courteous service to the townspeople. Everyone who's ever dealt with Linda has had nothing but praise for her.
Something definitely needs to be done about the people in the Selectmen's Office and the conditions caused by those people which drove Linda out of office, that bought it to the point where Linda just couldn't take the abuse anymore.
I strongly agree with both Anonymous 12:40 p.m. and Anonymous 1:49 p.m. We as townspeople need to do something to stop such official abuse situations from happening in Atkinson both to residents and to valuable town public servants.
We need to bring back civility and decency back to the Selectmen's office. Besides making our collective anger and displeasure made known in the next selectmen's elections, we should also consider as a good start, the petitoned warrant article proposed by Anonymous 12:40 p.m.
I propose that we give the petitioned warrant article a shot:
pass it and GIVE THE TOWN A ONE YEAR TRIAL PERIOD to see how well we fare with such a competent person like Selectmen's Clerk Barbara Snicer assuming the duties of Town Administrator.
As was very accurately pointed out by Anonymous 12:40 p.m., Barbara Snicer is a former selectwoman and long-time knowledgeable member and Chairwoman of the Atkinson Budget Committee. She already has the requisite knowledge and actual critical experience and already knows the job better than any outside-hire Town Administrator.
More importantly, in Barbara's many years of service to the town,(like with Jane Cole's years of service) there has never been a single instance where she (or Jane) has ever been rude, discourteous, arrogant or bullying to any town resident. That's a character trait that is very sadly missing in the current "powers that be" in the selectmen's office.
In the eagle-tribune story, Fred claims that Linda's resignation was a surprise to the board, said she was not on the agenda, she just came in.
That's funny, the agenda for Monday night says right on it, "RESIGNATION" So I guess someone knew about it!
We'll just say that Fred misspoke on this one, seeing as we are getting tired of pointing out selectmen lies!
I support the proposed warrant article calling for a trial abolishment for one year of the Town Administrator's position.
I totally agree with all of the many arguements for it which have been already given. But there is another reason why we should give the one year trial period a chance.
The original warrant article calling for a Town Administrator kept repeatedly failing at several Town Meetings.
Then the proponents of the warrant article tried a different tack. They submitted the new argument that the amount of grant money which the Town Administrator would bring in to the town would more than offset the amount of that Town Administrator's salary.
So the townspeople decided to give that new argument a chance and approved the article. After all, the position would cost us no tax money since all of that great incoming grant money to the town would more than offset the TA's salary.
Guess what? The new argument proved to be untrue and a total bust. Our current Town Administrator has not HIMSELF initiated a single grant application, nor has he, HIMSELF, bought in a single penny of grant money to offset his inflated salary. Instead, his salary has been just another drain on our tax money.
Let's all support the proposed petitioned warrant article of a one year trial period with no TA. Let's see what Barbara Snicer can do. But fairness to Barbara requires that she get a fair shot of a full year to show us how very competent she really is.
Let there be peace in Atkinson and let it begin with you!
Happy Holidays and good will to all men.
Linda, you are a class act; very best wishes to you. Thank you for your many years of service to a town that thinks the world of you.
I think we need to look again at installing a five-member BoS. And, definitely, get rid of the position of TA (and thereby MR McAllister.)
Someone needs to ask Sapia, why he wanted Linda out of there, and who he wants to replace her!
Hint: It isn't Rose, who would do a fantastic job! It is a FOJ (friend of Jack's)
Am I wrong? Or does Linda's replacement need to be on the ballot?
It's no secret who the "Friend of Jack" is who is referred to by Anonymous 5:26 p.m.
For some time now, long before Linda finally gave up, that Friend of Jack has been openly stating her desire to take Linda's job.
For some time now, that Friend of Jack has been openly and confidently implying that it's a done deal that she will get Linda's job after Linda is driven out.
For some time, that Friend of Jack has been implying that she will be having Jack's support when she runs for Linda's job.
For some time, that Friend of Jack has had nothing good to say about Linda.
For some time, that Friend of Jack has stood to personally benefit by the abuse heaped on Linda by the Selectmen's Office powers that be.
Cost to the Atkinson Taxpayers of our Town Administrator's Salary and Benefits Package:
2005 -- $ 80,720. 00
2006 -- $ 82,850. 00
2007 -- $ 88,493. 00
In his three years as TA, with his not off-setting his almost a quarter of a million dollar salary and benefits package by a single grant, our current Town Administrator has cost the Atkinson taxpayers $252,063.00.
We have received no return value on that almost quarter of a million dollar package to the TA.
His time should have been spent acquiring the promised grants to the town instead of joining in on the harassment of Linda.
What a joke our town has become. First it was our police dept which is the laughing stock of southern NH. But don't take my word for it. Ask ANY police officer from Hampstead, Plaistow, Newton, Sandown, Salem, Londonderry, Derry, etc etc. They cringe when called on for mutual aid to Atkinson.
Now our Selectmen demonstrate what incompetence gets you. The best people in town leave. So all we are left with are Sapia, McAllister and their cronies they install in place of the good people who left. Consolidation of power.
I am fed up with this whole lot. Sapia, Childs, McAllister and Consentino all need to go. A new Selectman elected in the next election can make a huge difference. Anyone but Sapia. I like the idea of eliminating the TA position. That ensures McAllister goes. I will vote for that and I will NOT vote for Sapia.
To Anonymous 5:26 p.m and 7:45 P.M.
The initials of Jack's friend who is out to get Linda's job is P.M., right?
I've also heard about P.M.'s ambitions to take Linda's job from her. You would think that already serving on a town commission would be enough for her.
Linda's term of office doesn't expire until 2009.
Under the RSA's, the Deputy Town Clerk (in this case, Rose Cavaleer) assumes the position of Town Clerk, so Jack won't be able to appoint PM to Linda's position.
Sapia and McAllister can make life so miserable for Linda that she quits, but Jack still can't appoint his personally picked successor to Linda's job.
Rose, like Linda, has a warm, friendly, courteous and helpful personality.
Please consider posting an article here, detailing what goes on behind the scenes at the town hall. I am certain that the rest of us would like to know the selectmen, and the town administrators conduct when the cameras are off.
Wouldnt it be sweet if Linda ran for selectman?
Well, Patty is very efficient, and would probably do a good job, technically, as town clerk, I have always found her to... um.. not have the inherently sweet personality that both Linda and Rose has.
While I think Patty could do the job, what pisses me off, is the back room machinations to bring this conclusion about.
It would have been far more honorable, and preferable for Patty to simply have run against Linda in 2009.
But, then again, honor, and the good of the town have not been hallmarks of this administration!
Id this that much different then back in 2006, when Jack, who was sworn to defend the town against Moderator Politos lawsuit against the town, and instead, offerred his friend, sworn testimony, to aid his case against the town Jack had a sworn duty to defend.
For anyone who doesn't believe this happened, it was reported in the Eagle-Tribune, on election day 2006, check it out for yourself.
Anon 7:38 is correct. Here is an excerpt from the Tribune's article dated March 14, 2006 entitled:
"Judge Dismisses Lawsuit against Atkinson"
"........Boyle said he was pleased that Morrill's decision came in so quickly. He also said he was dismayed that Planning Board Chairman Susan Killam and Selectman John Sapia provided written testimony to support Politio's case.
Polito gave the court sworn statements from Killam and Sapia that said he had approached them with his concerns about conflicts among certain board members. The statements were offered as proof that Polito was, despite not attending the hearing, involved in the process.
"I think it's a shame that the chairman of the ZBA and the town moderator sued the town," Boyle said. "And I found it even more surprising that the chairman of the Planning Board and a member of the Board of Selectmen were there in the courtroom ready to testify against the town."
"The defendant in this case was the town," Boyle said. "I was an affected party, but the true defendant was the town of Atkinson. And I was just surprised to see what length town officials would go to sue the town. There's a lot of things in Atkinson I don't agree with. But to take the town to court"
That excerpt is copied right out of the article. Just one more example of Sapia who talks the talk but behind the scenes, he does the opposite. Thanks for testifying against the town to help your buddy cost taxpayers a fortune. Our Town Moderator and ZBA Chairman, Frank Polito's frivolous lawsuit agains the town is just another example of why we need to replace Sapia and Polito.
I was wondering who the "PM" person was, I guess I do know who it is.
She might be a wonderful person to friends and family, but I've found her to have an "attitude" that seems to lean to the "I'm doing you a favor" side of customer service rather than the "I work for you and it's my job to show you courtesy and respect" manner that Linda has always embodied. I'm not a oersonal friend of Linda's, I've always simply experienced her as my town clerk, but her attitude has always been one devoted to doing a great job of serving the public with a friendly attitude.
I hope a trip to the town clerk's office doesn't start feeling like a trip to the dentist, having to put up with the judgemental attitude of someone that feels they're doing the favor of waiting on you.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to get the feeling at times that is Atkinson being taken over by intolerant yuppies that think they know better than others, which isn't much better the longtime "local" crowd that believes that they have the right to "rule" without any questions from the public. Could we please just get some normal people that understand how a representative democracy works, and respect the public? Is that too much to ask?
To the last anon,
The problem is that is what these guys promised to be. They just didn't keep their word. Surprise surprise!
Remember Jack's "give the meetings back to the people" speech? That lasted three weeks until Acciard came in to ask how the bought an SUV without a vote. So much for your word, Jack.
Unlike Linda and her Deputy Town Clerk Rose Cavaleer, PM is not a "people person".
The job of Town Clerk is a "people person" job -- one of constant interaction with people which requires a friendly, pleasant, helpful, and welcoming personality.
A non-people person in the Town Clerk's office would negatively and detrimentally affect the whole atmosphere in there. The very special welcoming small town neighborliness of that office would be lost.
Anonymous 9:54 P.M. hit the nail right on the head in his or her 2nd and 3rd paragraph.
When I moved here a few years ago one of the greatest things about this town was doing business with Rose and Linda.
I really hope it does not become like the Lawrence Registry.
I moved to Atkinson a few years ago and was immediately impressed with Linda and her staff. Then as I became more involved in the town I realized what a total cluster, you know what, the town politics was. Selectmen that have no clue how to behaive and a police chief that must have given Methusela his first parking ticket! Phil has got to go and go not now but 10 years ago! This guy is dangerous and an embaressment to the town. He's been lauded for his work with the elderly, well bully for him, now its time for him to admit HE IS ONE OF THE ELDERLY, and let that department come into the 20th century. I figure we'll work on getting into the 20th and then get it up to the 21st. People of Atkinson, band together and oust these fools in elected office and do whatever needs to be done to get rid of Consentino. He's a relic that needs to be put out to pasture. Didn't he have another position as the dancing spokesman for the Six Flags ads? Go back to that Phil, at least there you are expected to act the fool!
You'll be sadly missed. You're good nature and thorough service was what helped make Atkinson the special little town it is. As a resident, I thank you for your 29 years!
Linda, I wish you a very joyful and prosperous Christmas/New Year! Best of luck in whatever your next endeavor might be! I applaud you for putting up with such a rude and condescending Town Manager (opps I mean glorified secretary!)... Russell McAllister really needs to read up on his job description.
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