It was reported in the Eagle-Tribune today that when the Atkinson Republican Committee hosted an informational seminar on how the county taxes the taxpayers of Atkinson pay, are spent, County Attorney Jim Reams told the assembly that there wasn't adequate funding to investigate and arrest child predators, that arrest were routinely made every 9 weeks, when with more funding they could be made more frequently.
Our Republican? Senator..... what, you say?.... He ISN'T Senator yet?..... He is just a selectman? but how?..... never mind, that is not the point; when our republican? selectmen chairman, heard that there wasn't enough funding to accomplish everything that the county attorney wished to accomplish, his response was, We have to do more! How can we help? as if our taxes are not enough.....
Could we get a former selectmen, from times gone by, when the selectmen actually knew what their job was, to step in here and inform the current board, as to their duties?
Now, is this a noble and laudable pursuit for any individual? Yes it is! Is it within the selectmen's duties, no it is not!
Have we had cases of attacks by child predators in Atkinson, no we have not, Is it the selectmen's job to do the job of the county attorney, or law enforcement? No, it is not! Is there so little work for our four selectmen to do that they have to meddle in other elected officials jobs? apparently so, oh, and yes we said FOUR SELECTMEN!!! We are including our town administrator, because he acts much more like a fourth selectmen, than the glorified secretary, that he is.
We remember when Selectmen Sapia, stated in a selectmen's meeting that he was going to "work on the school finding crises" Hello, Earth to Jack...... The selectmen have NOTHING TO DO WITH SCHOOL FUNDING!!!, Just as you have nothing to do with the County Attornies office. Our selectman Chairman is ;
Unable to obey a town vote!
Unable to keep the town out of court!
Unable to protect town conservation land!
Unable to treat the boards critics with respect!
Unable to treat the town clerk with respect!
Unable to put the town administrator in his place!
Unable to discipline town employees!
Unable to perform the basic functions of his office, yet he can perform the functions of others offices, what is wrong with this picture? and is this what we pay our selectmen for?
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
I believe Jack Sapia is ready for bigger and better things. All of his talents shouldn't be wasted as a Selectman in a small town. He is destined for big, Big, BIG things!
I say, Jack, you run for State Rep and you have my vote! Heck, I'll send you a contribution and you can put a sign in my yard.
Maybe it is time to "Move On". In fact, that would be a great campaign slogan. 'Cause you'll be movin' on up to the state house where you can really do some good things like pursue child predators.
Yes, I believe! I BELIEVE!! Jack Sapia for higher office! Yessir, you have my vote. I promise you have my vote for State Rep.
Besides, Consentino has been exposed and you really don't want your promising political career tied to an old ball & chain like that. You sure don't want your picture up on that website next to his, now do ya? Heck, Consentino's "good name" could drag you down, down, down (can you say "investigation"?).
If I was you, I would take all of the positive momentum you have going and get out of Dodge before this house of cards comes falling down on you. First it was Frank, now the Chief.....McAllister is actively looking for a new job (he's no fool - he knows its time to "move on"). Pretty soon you'll be left holding the bag with the newspapers circling and that gang from CNHT breathing down your neck (they only show up when they smell a good opportunity to make lots of headlines). Not a good place for a promising, upstart politician like you. All of that potential and that smile will take you where you need to be. Atkinson may be your roots but sure enough, you don't want to get dragged down in this hell hole. What if you lose the election for Selectman? By March, you may not be able to count on the Chief to get you elected. This is not a risk worth taking. It could be a big setback that would take years to recover from and perhaps NEVER recover from. Especially for an ambitious guy like you. You need to leave Atkinson a winner, Jack. Just like the winner you are.
The Republican Party needs you, Jack. The Democrats are taking over. Who else is going to do it?
Trust me on this one. ;)
Your buddy,
Sapia a Republican? Not possible. Only a democrat cut from the Clinton mold could be so corrupt, belligerent, and narcissistic.
That's it fishgutz, divide this blog along partisan lines! Cut the power of the people in half, so that we can't unite and get things done in this town...
Think about your actions, don't be a twit. Have you ever heard of Tom Delay? Senator Larry Craig and the infamous bathroom? And have you forgotten that Bush has lied MANY more times than Clinton did. WMD in Iraq? Nope! Aluminum tubes and yellow cake? Lies! Wake up and stop drinking the Kool Aid...
Political affiliations have nothing to do with someone's personal, twisted, and hidden agendas. Sapia is feeling like a king in this small town, like his protege Mr Consentino. This is THEIR sandox and they rule. Nothing more needs to be understood. Voters need to have people who are HONEST about their intentions to serve the pulic, not themselves. And then vote THOSE people in and keep the power-trippers out!
As an out of towner maybe I should keep quite but then the temptation is so strong I can't help myself. To answer Fishgutz comments @ 10:01 p.m. I'd have to say he , Mr. Sapia , might just have competition with Curt Springer in running for higher office. To say Sapia is of the democratic thinking is totally wrong because if he were then he'd be of the majority and not the few as some of your declared republican town officials seem to be . Oh Hells Bells!! Isn't Mr. Sapia's offical duties as selectman in question because he isn't listening to the majority of the towns taxpayers? As for Mr. Springer I can't say what party he represents but it does seem like its republican because he is on every towns blog site from time to time to put his name in lights because of republican failings to the majority . The question of corruptness of the DEMOCRATIC presidency is just that because we now have a REPUBLICAN president and vice president who have lied to everyone about just every thing we all ,party or none, are now facing equally and trying to fix ? The question is what party , past or present , is more responsible to the majority and which is the more corrupt ?
Jack, Please don't run for anything more than a volunteer as a little league assistant coach.
Your family needs you first.
I keep reading among the last few comments, that President Bush lied many more times than President Clinton.....
But I have a question;
I thought a lie is when you say something you KNOW to be untrue....
If that is the case, then the infamous 16 words in the State of the Union address about Iraq seeking yellowcake, and intelligance reporting that Saddam was building WMD, were true!
There have been documented intelligence reports dating back to 1991 about Iraq's Chemical and Biological programs, and documented uses of these WMD.
There have also been documented intelligence reports, of Saddams quest for nukes, becaus ethey would make him the big man on the block.
The 16 words, BEGAN with "British intelligence reports that..." The news media conveniently forget those words when suggesting that the address was a lie!
The reports were just as true when President CLinton VOTED to make the overthrow of Saddam Hussein the OFFICIAL POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT!!!
Funny how the "Bush lied" crowd, never mentions that this was not a new Bush policy but one established by President Clinton.
For Myself, I would be ecstatic if my selectmen could simply do the job that they were elected to do, and leave other people's jobs to other people.
Jack, don't listen to all the uninformed. They have no idea what we are talking about.
I am thinking big - state rep, US Congress, US Senate.....
Heck if I could get Dubya elected to the White House, just think how easy it would be for you. Don't waste any more time in Atkinson. It's going to get real ugly in town real soon and you DO NOT want to tarnish that perfect resume. It would be a lot of work gone by the wayside to get dragged down in the mud. Before that happens, let's move on. It is a logical next step.
I know what you're thinking, Jack. "Am I ready?". You know, Dubya told me the same thing. I'll let you in on a little secret. I told him, "GJ" (that's what I call him), "GJ, your attitude will determine your altitude". Right then and there we signed up to run for Governer and the rest is history.
Waddya say, Jack? Are we gonna go for it or WHAT? Trust me on this one.
Your friend,
Karl Rove
Divide and conquer! Yahoo!
Speaking of kool aid drinking, how many people are still drinking the "Hillary will be a great president" hemlock kool aid?
Come on, you can come up with better examples than Tom Tom and Foot tapper.
But an honest look at the history of the last several administrations and one will find that the one that used the power of office to intimidate, harrass and investigate those who dared to call them to task for wrong doing is a Democrat.
No republican president has ever gotten away with even attempting to have political enemies audited by the IRS. Nixon tried but the IRS director rightly told him to pound sand. But Clinton's IRS puppet audited everyone that Bubba or Hillary told them to. That is a fact that can not be denied.
But this is properly a subject for another blog. Blame Publius for including the word "Republican" in the initial post. (read with a touch of sarcasm)
Nothing a good old fashioned rhetorical flame thrower to start up fire trail.
to Anon @10:10
If Atkinson was minority Republican, they would not have voted overwhelmingly for the Vietnam memorial nor would the majority be complaining about tax increases.
When I was growing up in Atkinson, the only people that were not Republican were Massholes that moved to town.
Folks would come in and start demand taxpayer fund trash collection, pushing for town water and sewer service. All the amenities they had in Mass. To which the proper response would be, "then go back to Mass."
Using the issue of child predation is nothing more than Sapia's latest ploy and another of his pandering attention-getters as he runs for re-election and realizes that his record as a selectmen is a complete failure. After being one of Atkinson's most corrupt, immoral, arrogant, and hypocritical selectmen, he's now, with re-election time coming up, trying to change his failed public profile.
For almost three years he hasn't given a damn about anything concerning children or about anything except stroking his own ego. He has not initiated a single program for the town or accomplished anything except to antagonize, bully, and abuse the townspeople and town officials.
Now, he's desperate to clean up his act by pretending interest in something he has shown no interest in for his whole three years in office -- showing interest in something that isn't even and never has been a problem in Atkinson.
This is all pretense and posturing for someone who's desperate for a campaign issue since he can't run on his failed record as a selectman.
Fishgutz to answer your reply to my 10:10 comment I have to say this --- Was it not just one of the things YOUR selectmen are in hot water over in regards to the Veterans momuments? Taxes always go up when towns grow and want things . Tax costs are related to the on going cost of better and modern living needs. When you came of age why didn't you and your young fellow republicans spear head keeping out the Massholes as you call them? Why didn't you put a fence around the town to keep out non republicans? I can try to tell you why ,its because if you did you would be called dictatorial ,a snob, or worse. Did it occur to you that your town could have opened up to industrial opportunity to lower your taxes some? Where were you when the opportunity of having a five member BOS instead of three could/would have been todays answer to Atkinsons problems? Did you vote for any or all the BOS members that you now find fault with ? The things that even I see from outside of Atkinson is that the majority of Atkinsons citizens want the present BOS out of office. So please don't put it on to non republicans as being any kind of stumbling block to getting them out . Because your outspoken doesn't make you a leader especially when you seem to be some what biased and predjudiced towards non republicans and ,of course, Massholes. What do you call those from other states that move here ? Do you lump them in as Massholes as well? You appear to forget that it takes more than just one or more old Yankee or a two party system to make governing policy in a town. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings so I'll appologize in advance in case I have or did in any way.
I don't understand. Did Sapia say he was speaking on behalf of the Town of Atkinson? Doesn't he have the right to hold personal opinions and express them publicly, just like the rest of us?
As I read all these comments, I asked myself, while still chuckling, what has Bush, Clinton, Rove etc got to do with Mr. Sapia. How does one equate the machinations of National and International politics with that of a tiny little burg like Atkinson. I further thought that, on some levels, it is, in fact, possible to do so but, in so doing, one loses sight of the real issue.
That issue is the ability of the voter to affect issues in local politics. Locally, the voter is vastly more empowered than he is even on the County and State levels. On the National level the impact of the individual voter is purely theoretical.
In the case of Mr. Sapia, the will or sentiments of the voters is most directly felt at the ballot box. It is there that a determined group of voters can successfully wage a campaign to “throw the bum out”.
Locally there is another effective tool that can be used to stick the feet of those in office to the proverbial fire. The budget. Locally it is entirely true that The Golden Rule works. That Golden Rule states that “He who has the Gold Rules”.
As in the case of “throwing the bum out”, a determined group of voters could turn up the heat by effectively pushing to not approve budgets and keeping the Selectmen stuck with Default Budgets. Further, individual line items can be drastically reduced or eliminated at the Public Hearings.
For example, given the Town Administrator’s reputation as stated in the comments, zeroing-out his salary within the line items would present a problem for the Selectmen as well as an incentive for the Administrator to seek employment elsewhere. The same process could be effectively employed in reigning-in the antics, again as described in the comments, of the Wayward Police Chief “Il Duce Phillipe”.
To sum it up, forget dragging the ghosts of national parties and national politics into a local political fight. Our Selectmen do not run for the office as members of any party. If you feel a particular Selectmen fails to do the job he was elected to do or oversteps his bounds while in office, then get together with like minded voters and “Throw the Bum out”. If unable to accomplish that, then make his life in office a living hell using the Golden Rule. The War on Incompetent Public Officials as it relates to the Voter is best won using the well-worn phrase “Just Say NO”
Will some areas of the Town administration suffer using the Budget as a weapon? Certainly, however, a quick look at our bloated, wasteful, ineffective, ill-run town government will serve to point out that it really cannot get any worse. I’ll trade not having my road paved for a few extra years or not having another police cruiser that “Il Duce Phillipe” can take to the Salem Mall on shopping excursions any day if it means that we stand the chance of running them out of their cozy little positions and replacing them with people who can do the job and have the best interests of the Town at heart as opposed to their own greedy little agendas.
To Anon @ 7:35
Yes he is certainly entitled to his own personal opinions.
The problem is when he is spending taxpayer time and money to convene a "committee" to help the county attorney with his funding christmas wishes.
Someone please explain to Mr.(oh, please will it, voters) Sapia, that we have County Commissioners, a County Attorney, County Sherrifs, and other County officials to handle this problem. IT IS NOT A SELECTMAN'S JOB!!!
But seeing as Mr. Sapia evidently does not understand his job yet, These "campaign by sound bite" initiatives, play well in the media!
Hell, that strategy worked for Bill Clinton! Promise solutions to problems that are not your responsibility, and therefore you can never be held responsible for solving, grab the headlines and goodwill, and ride it into office. And the great side effect of this policy is that YOU DONT HAVE TO ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!!!
And that is what Mr. Sapia excells at.
To be sure Observerous has hit the nail squarely on its head. As I said earlier it takes more than a two party and one or two old Yankees to make a town work politically. I didn't bring up the bias, bigot like references I only answered them. The people on this site that read my message have to take into account just what the intent was and is . No one can dispute what was said about the BOS remarks I made . What I failed to say was the elderly seem to be in control of the polls because they turn out to vote. Their intention being to get what they need to survive . If some alledged do gooder convinces them to vote by giving them a ride is one thing but the do gooders hidden agenda is another . The younger people just sit back and say "let the other guy do it" when it comes to the towns problems and voting. When it comes to time to pay taxes and speak out with or with out outrage about current happenings they say they will . Did they vote and pay attention to town politics... I don't think so and its why there is trouble in your town. The younger people forget they are the majority and care takers of the town as well as its elderly citizens. Sooooo... you young whipper snappers pay attention and stay in control with your majority!!!
Observerous, and the last Anon are surely right, but there is an even more inexplicable problem.
Consentino's abuses are well chronicled throughout the years. If you don't believe me, just go to, and check out all the lawsuits filed because of his abuses of office, read all the newspaper articles, look at all the citizen complaints that the selectmen have ignored, and you will begin to realize that this is not just one or two people's "vendetta's" As Phil likes to say, The documents that are posted there are not a "pack of lies" as Phil has been heard to say around town, They are ACTUAL COURT DOCUMENTS! And they PROVE that when he makes comments to the town like that it is he who is lying in my opinion.
So the question becomes if the selectmen bless this conduct by enabling it, and we don't want to be the next people he harrasses, then WE NEED TO THROW THE BUMS OUT!
WE NEED TO GET RID OF SAPIA, CONSENTINO, CHILDS, and probably McALLISTER, And vote in people who are not going to ignore our votes!
A thought to all as this just has just occured to me. With all the trouble nation wide and through out the world there is to many headlines resulting from depressed people. Why not openly ask at the next town meeting , a legal open proceedure, for the BOS to resign. The reason being the state or local people can assume their duties until election time pro tem. You have to be aware of the pressure the individual BOS members are under and it could lead into an unfortunate depressed related occurance hurtful to all in town. Who would like that on their conscience if it were to happen ? Its xmas time with its time of giving and peacefulness as religion has taught most but not all christians has to be thought about.
I need to agree with those who say everyone has a right to speak, and so does Jack. Moreover, there are child predators living in Atkinson, and if he's anxious to protect his children (and mine) from them, that's a good thing. IF a committee is organized, it will be volunteer. Whatever thoughts they have will be on next year's ballot if they involve money. I believe this issue rests with the school system because that's where you reach the kids. The Atkinson police used to have a program to educate children on what to do when faced with a predator. I hope they still do. It should be made a district-wide program. And if Jack's comments can be broad enough to reach the entire district, that's a good thing.
I don't agree with everything Jack has done, but give me a break....he's not ALL bad. And I don't really care if our selectmen are democrats, republicans or anything else, as long as they work for my town.
Re-reading all of these comments... WOW have we gotten off track.
I think Publius reference to Republicans with a question mark, was intended to point out that the men named are RINO's at best(Republicans in name only) Their solutions to everything are more spending, and more government control. And those are traditionally Democrat solutions. I can't speak for the author, but that is how it appears to me.
Further, the comments about Jack's new committee(there have been how many committees initiated by him, and what have they accomplished?) Is that this is not a selectmen duty, nor should it expend ANY taxpayer time or money. If this is something that he wants to do PERSONALLY, I think that is laudable, but he shouldn't use his selectmens position to advocate a personal ambition, as he did before the school board thurs. night.
Personally, given everything I have observed of Jack's accomplishments, or lack thereof, and actions, I believe that he is starting his re-election campaign, and trying to distract from his obvious failings.
As more people in town come to read here for the first time, I fear the tone coming from the informed is a bit harsh for those seeking to become informed.
Many people in town are suprised to hear such strong attacks against our selectmen and our police chief. They are hearing for the first time there are problems in our town and are surprised to hear it.
So many comments must come across as being rude or harsh when the writers are simply frustrated to a point where they have trouble expressing themselves calmly. So the newcomers have not heard of such problems and experience some surprise, shock or denial that our Selectman Sapia (Mr. Nice Smile to the soccer moms) is anything less than a good guy.
And our chief who has been hear for 30 years, well his tenure alone must provide sufficient credibility, no? I mean, we constantly hear him marketing all the wonderful things he does so how could he be bad?
I think this must be what it is like for someone to find out their local priest/pastor/saint is a child molester.
Because Selectman Sapia and Chief Consentino have done things that many writers here are as disgusted with. There are many documented examples that justify the disgust from the writers here.
These documents are all easily accessed on the new website run by the Atkinson Taxpayers Associaton at
If you can find the time to read the documents on this website such as how are Selectmen, led by Jack Sapia, have now put the Atkinson Community Center at risk, then you will better understand what people are complaining about. Read all the complaints and lawsuits filed against Consentino who was found in comtempt of a court order. Read the news articles reporting these facts.
Once you become fully educated and know what these writers know, then you'll understand why many people are so mad, frustrated, angry and beyond disgusted with the behavior of these town officials. How can we not have free speech in our town? Go ask the chief some pointed questions about his police donations account and his budget and you will see how fast you learn for yourself why his the Atkinson police union filed complaints against him for harrassment and intimidation.
These are just a few examples from a few victims. Please go read and learn and then you will understand what is wrong in this town and why we are so upset.
I would suggest everyone go to and read the posted official documents, they are eye-opening!!!
I only moved here about 12 years ago, and did not know about the conduct of our chief prior to that, and that he had been sued by a selectman, over a misappropriation of funds!
I couldn't believe that! And the documents, and newspaper articles, are damning in their totality.
Atkinsonians, listen to what they say, and then go and read what they have done, it is time to boot the corrupt, and restore some honor and integrity to our town government.
Dear Brutus et al -
I cannot say that I know Mr. Sapia all that well, and I could go so far as to give him some benefit of the doubt. What I know of him comes from the televised Selectmen's Meeting, the newspapers and speaking to other town residents. Except for a very limited few, however, I've not seen, read or heard much that makes me want to vote for him in any upcoming elections.
As to Chief Consentino, aka: "Our Local Teflon Don" I will only say that to have any long-term contact with him is tantamount to peering over the River Styx, through the Gates of Hades and into the Lair of the Beast himself. I was once told, by a man I respected immensely, to avoid him at all costs as he was inherently evil. For years I've searched for for horns and cloven hoofs and not found them. However, I have noticed the distinct odor of fire & brimstone. It says a lot to note the fact that, over the entire tenure of Mr. Consentino as Police Chief there have more Boards of Selectmen trying to get rid of him than there have been trying to keep him.
Has he done things for the elderly? Without question. However, he gets credit as does a General for the hard work of his troops. Further, a little familiarity with his historic batles with Selectmen and other Town officials would point to the fact that, if any other Town department head tried to run two town entities out of one house with so much fog shrouding the lines between the two budgets and operations, he (the Chief / former Selectmen) would have been on the warpath. His record of chastising others in town for things he routinely does is legendary.
Jack picks issues that are impossible to argue against. Saying your against his proposal is like saying "be kind to terrorists".
Here is how the opposition would sound:
"I don't know about you, Jack, but I think your discriminating against child predators. Hey, they have feelings too. I think we should welcome them with open arms and put up a sign when entering Atkinson: "Welcome Child Predators".
Jack, tackle a real issue instead of this feel good BS.
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