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Sunday, October 7

What is "Malfeasance", and how much of it is there in Atkinson's Government?

Here is the definition from Black Law Dictionary:

n. intentionally doing something either legally or morally wrong which one had no right to do. It always involves dishonesty, illegality or knowingly exceeding authority for improper reasons.

Now, how many instances of malfeasance have we seen in our town government?

1.) Government threatening a private citizen with lawsuit for criticism.

2.) Selectmen violating town ordinance by hiring the town first full time police Lt. without advetising the position.

3.) Selectmen using the police to evict people from the town hall for watching proceedings.

4.) Selectmen using the police to evict persons criticizing them.

5.) Selectmen conducting business in non-public session to circmvent Court Orders.

6.) Selectmen disparaging citizens in the town report.

7.) Selectmen failing in their duty to protect the reputations of any citizen in public selectmens meetings.

8.) Selectmen defaming, and demeaning residents critical of them in live meetings, and broadcasting same to entire town.

9.) Selectmen purchasing a $30,000 vehicle without voting to do so.

10.) Selectmen failing to obey a town vote!

11.) Selectmen refusing to accept complaints form a resident about a town employee.

12.) Selectmen refusing to exercise their duty to investigate and admonish town employee after numerous complaints.

Anyone have any others? Can anyone think of any other instances of malfeasance not lister here? If so feel free to comment.


Anonymous said...

Wondering about the water company issue and how that would fit into the list.

Anonymous said...

Here's some Malfeasance for you;

How about a police chief who, knows that the Union contract excludes him form participating in it, puts a voucher in for himself for a $1,300 "union benefit" that he has never received before, then does not bring this to the attention of the other two selectmen, just sits there as they sign the stack of vouchers including the extraordinary one for himself. Oh, by the way, he also signed it as a selectmen, authorizing that improper payment to himself.

I think that qualifies as malfeasance, how about you?

Anonymous said...

You're telling me that Consentino pocketted $1,300 that he wasn't entitled to?

How s that possible?

Why didn't the selectmen fire him then? Isn't that tantamount to stealing?

Anonymous said...

Why haven't we heard about this before? If this is true, can it be verified? Does anyone else know about this?

Anonymous said...

I know Phil does some over the top things, and he is a bully and autocratic, but I have trouble believing he would take money that he was not entitled to.

Can you back this up?

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about how Mr. Acciard has this vendetta against chief consentino, and how he is out to get him, and has harrassed him for three or four years now. I have heard chief consentino say that over and over again at meetings, if that is true, why hasn't mr. acciard gone into court with this information, it surely sounds criminal.

can you answer that for us mr. acciard?

Anonymous said...

I can answer that.

Mark did take the chief to court, and he lost. Phil appealed, and he lost again. That was on the question of Phil's insistance in voting on Police issues when he was a Selectmen. As far as I know, the only expenses to the town were for Phil's legal expenses. Mark didn't go for money; he went for what's right.

Fishgutz said...

To Anon 11:26
Nice going Mr. Baldwin, or is it Chief C.?
Mark can not take action on his own. The Board has the authority to take action against the chief for this criminal theft. However, they have chosen not to for some reason. If I recall correctly, this was one of many issues that Mark brought up with the budget committee as well as the board. However, with so many of his cronies/protectors, nothing ever gets done. That is why there is an office of public corruption at the state and federal level. Maybe it is time to bring all of the boxes of evidence to the feds.

Anonymous said...

Here are the details;

I filed a Code of Ethics complaint on this issue in Dec. 2004.

We met on Jan. 17, 2005, and I presented my complaint. As I remember it, and this is what the chief sued me over, he claimed that he had been receiving this benefit for 3 years, since a few months before he was elected. Mr. SMith, chair of the code of ethics committee, asked him 3 times abut this, and he insisted that he had received this "union benefit" for 3 years. Mr. Smith then asked me if "in light of this new evidence, would I withdraw my complaint" I responded "give me a day to check this out, and if what the chief said is true I will not only withdraw my complaint, but apologize publicly to the chief." At this point Mrs. Consentino asked from the audience, if I would reveal my sources, I told her that I would not but if I found out that I had been lied to I would deal with that myself.

The next day, I aske dthe town bookkeeper for the voucher on this item. Chief had only received this ONCE, The one time that I was complaining about. And he only received it then because he submitted it as a normal voucher with all the others form his dept., initialled by him to authorize it to the selectmen, and then he signed it AS A SELECTMAN, AUTHORIZING THIS EXTRAORDINARY PAYMENT TO HIMSELF.!

I didn't file ANOTHER case in court, because I was already in court trying to get Chief to step aside on police matters.

I didn't have the time or money for ANOTHER case, nor did I feel my reputation could afford any more slandering by town officials.

Anonymous said...

Another day and another scandal...

I think we should get rid of all of the selectmen and cut the legs out from under the "blow hard" Consentino.

Maybe it is time to deliver all the boxes of evidence to the state house and rudely plunk them down on someones desk. Perhaps they will actually get looked at that way.

Anonymous said...

The residents of Atkinson need to be educated. Until you write all of this down on one document and send it to everyone while making all of the evidence available to any potential skeptics, there are too many in town who are unaware that would not support the phonies if they knew the truth.

Anonymous said...

I agree that something needs to be done, probably by the DA's office. Or maybe some investigative reporter with some guts will get to the root of how things are being done (or not, in the case of the selectmen) and expose every slimy detail. People in other communities are laughing at Atkinson and their elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your summary, Mr. Acciard, where can I find evidence of the events you describe?

Anonymous said...

The case file is up at Rockingham Superior Court. Case was Consentino v. Acciard, Docket# 05-c-146. You can also call the head of the code of ethics committee, and ask to see the file on my conflcit complaint of Dec. 2004, against the chief. They are a matter of public record.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

You know; every time Mr. Acciard says something about these corrupt public officials, it appears he has the documentation to back it up. And when they talk about him, all they have is whining about people attacking them, or having vendettas, or personal attacks.

I am coming to the conclusion that Mr. Acciard is not only truthful and right, but he and his family have sufferred mightily at the hands of this corrupt regime.

It is high time these people pay for thir sins.

Fishgutz said...

to Anon 7:48
"Regime" is the right word.
Chief idiot has gone too far, too many times.
Even my one family member remaining in town no longer considers him to be a decent person.

Sounds like finally enough people have had enough.
Call him on the carpet in front of the cameras at a public meeting. Circulate copies of the video to all town addresses.
Ah but then the board would try to pull the plug on local cable access television. Corrupt bureaucrats hate the first amendment even more than they hate the second.

Anonymous said...

How the Hell did the conflict of interest committee do nothing with THIS one?

What the hell good are they?

This is as blatent as consentino handling police matters as a selectman!

If they couldn't find a conflict with THESE two issues, they wont find it anywhere. If anyof the same people are still on that committee now, they should be removed, for violating their oath of office.

Anonymous said...

A whole lot of people are wondering what good the Conflict of Interest Committee is good for.
My guess is they - like a whole lot of other people - are afraid to take on the chief.

Fishgutz said...

I say again
That is why the feds have a division dedicated to public corruption. When local authorities fail to act, they too can be subject to prosecution.
But then, a jury in California looked at the overwhelming evidence of guilt and decide they did not care that OJ was a cold blood murderer and let him walk.
But, unlike the jurors in the OJ case, the Conflict board may have broken the law by ignoring the evidence and doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of articles to contribute towards the research:

International Brotherhood of Police Officers,
Local 563 Complainant v. Town of Atkinson Respondent

Atkinson Police Assoc. vs. Town of Atkinson

Anonymous said...

And here's the one where the PELRB ORDERED Consentino to stop "bullying, harrassing, and intimidating" hos officers!


Anonymous said...

I like reading the court decisions. Make the chief look like an ass. Wonder what his legal bill has been since he started.

Anonymous said...

HIS legal bills have been nothing! because the taxpayers ALWAYS FOOT THE BILL!!!

The better question would be what has he cost the town?

Anonymous said...

You Boy's have way too much time on your hands. Why don't you just cut the cord and find a more productive project to put your energy towards...maybe your wife and kids? Blogging day after day about what you think other people are doing wrong is so juvenile. Mark, you especially need to move on with your life. You and Brian seem to do nothing but constantly point the finger at others. The only thing the two of you are good at is making yourselves look like fools...and you're sure doing a great job at that.

Anonymous said...

to anon @ 9:04

Funny you should put it that way; I moved on after I got the Court Order, directing the Chief to follow the law and step aside on police matters, when he ignored that order, and continued to speak about me publicly, I got him found in Contempt of Court. He reponded to that with, in my opinion, even more defamatory comments, and chose to appeal it to the Supreme Court, He lost again, and I went on with my life again, until I was notified by my company's main supplier that chief had calle dhim and told him I was under investigation by the PD, I was not, I was under investigation by the chief, personally. I filed a complaint with the selectmen they did nothing.

I went on with my life again, only to read defamatory comments about myself in the town report. I went on with my life again.

I found myself being the topic of discussion AGAIN at selectmen's meetings. Then I got this latest letter from the chief, and now I realize that this guy is NEVER going to let this go, and go on wiht his life! He is evidently, going to keep periodically attacking me, my family, and my livlihood. I am tired of it, and have decided that this ends here and now! I will no longer be bullied by , in my estimation, a corrupt police chief who appears to be little more than a juvenile bully with a badge, as someone on this blog so aptly characterized him.

I hope that answers your question.

PS: How many times would you allow a bully to kick you before you fight back?

Anonymous said...

Mark, I get what you are saying about fighting back and tired of being bullied, but, everything has gone too far to never be spoken of again. People are going to talk about you, just like they are going to talk about everyone else involved. This blogging sight is rediculous and our town is just too small for all this turmoil. Please don't let Consentino make you into someone you don't really want to be. And as for him calling your supplier and telling them you were under investigation, well, shame on him for using his position in that way.

Anonymous said...

The only people "looking" like fools are the voters here. We have been in the dark way to long and have been spoon fed what the political body wants the voters to hear or see.
I don't have to much time on my hands to try and fix the ridiculous BS that go on in town. It's costing me money as well as everybody else when it shouldn't.
The revaluations on property is a joke also. Look how much they overcharged by Guessing values. Imagine how much property is under valued by not getting a proper inspection! No one will call up the assessor and say "i put a finished basement in without a permit will you please come over and make sure I pay what I am supposed to!" I am definitely the fool if I allow this to continue. A week ago Monday Jack said in reference to our tax valuation procedures, " see the system works"! No it doesn't if you never went inside some properties for 10 years!!! I am just sick of it.

Anonymous said...

To anon October 11, 2007 7:16 AM

You are right, this has gone too far. And this is too much turmoil for our small town. You are also correct, we are talking about Mr. Acciard...talking about how glad we all are to see someone stand up and fight all this malfeasance.

Where you are wrong is in calling this site "rediculous". This site is only considered ridiculous by those in town who have been able to get away with so much for so long without anyone knowing.

Knowledge is power. Due to this site, we now have the power.

Your solution to this problem is to wag your finger at Mr. Consentino and say "shame on you".

I have a better solution:
Chief Philip V. Consentino AKA Director of Elderly Affairs Philip V. Consentino should draft a letter to the BOS announcing his retirement from both positions effective October 31, 2007. In it he can explain his desire to spend more time with his family. This letter should be his only comment to the media. Pass it in and say nothing.
The town can thank him for his almost 40 years of service, we can have a party and all move on.

Anonymous said...

To Anon,

Thank you for your compliments and your concern, but my question to you is; If I follow your advise and fade away again, what do I do in 6-10 months when this bully comes at me and my family again?

What would you have me do then?

Anonymous said...


To Anon 9:04

Are you soft in the head.....

That is the most ridiculous advice I have ever heard.

"Mark you should just stick your head in the sand like me and let the Chief do what ever he wants to you and yours"

That sounds great you dope. I think Mark made the perfect analogy of the grammar school bully.

AND TO YOU ANON 7:16......

You are a hypocrite. On one hand you say that you understand what Mark is saying about fighting back but, on the other hand you say that it is all ridiculous. And by the way "shame on the blow hard for abusing his athority.

WAKE UP! Nothing is going to change unless we do keep prattling on about all of this. This blog actually helps to solidify the need to take action. Eventually enough people will discove this blog and enough people will chime in that the bloggers will grow in numbers to a point when there are enough of us to actually effect a change.

Anonymous said...

To anon 9:04 PM

YOU FUNNY! If you don't like what you read here, just go away. Nobody is forcing you to read this blog.

The only people around hear with too much time on their hands is our police department! They are wasting MY Taxpayer dollars spending time and town resources on the following events as stated in the latest "Message to Residents of Atkinson from your Police Chief" dated September 17, 2007. Didn't you receive yours in the mail to all residents? Gee, I wonder who paid for this marketing brochure and postage???

Topics in the PD marketing brochure:

- Senior Citizen Flu Clinic
- Children's December Christmas Party
- Senior Fall Scenic Bus Trip
- Medical Supplies (for seniors)
- Exercise Club (for seniors)
- New Wheelchair Van
- Transportation (for seniors)
- Reliable Contractors List
- Solicitation for funds to the "APD Equipment Fund" (anyone ever audit this account??)
- Solicitation for more seniors to sign up to his "confidential" database that is not made available to others running for office so chief can call and squeeze obligated elderly for votes.

The ONLY thing listed on the entire mailer that the APD should be providing was the "Homeowners Gun Class." THAT WAS IT.

Too much time on my hands? Our police dept has nothing better to do than pander to the elderly voting block all day long buying votes.

When you can provide payola like that, why wouldn't our elderly vote the way the chief says. I mean, he's running a free social services country club over there. Hop aboard the GRAVY TRAIN!

I thought the purpose of police departments was to protect the citizens. Not harass good people like Mark and Brian and misuse our tax dollars and manipulate vulnerable, elderly citizens.

Our PD runs quite a political organization and WE pay for it. Let's not forget the "donations" he takes in and uses as he sees fit - more marketing.

Only the voters of Atkinson can do something to make this change. Talk to your friends and neighbors and tell them what is going on. Get educated and spread the TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:04 "You Boy's have way too much time on your hands."
My breasts take exception to that statement!

Anonymous said...

For a while, now, re-vals have been done over a 4-year period, with the town divided into 4 sections and over the 4 years, each section is reviewed. You're an internal inspection, appraisers should easily pick up anything new. You're also right that they don't. During the past reval year for my map/lot, nobody showed up. I haven't done anything, but that shouldn't make a difference. They're expected (and get paid) to re-measure, and inspect, inside and out.

Land rates are based on recent sales in town. Bad news for a lot of us who have been here a while. Over the past few years, with prices as high as they were, all our land values zoomed, and they won't go back down until there is another re-val. House rates are, I think, a combination of state averages and estimated locals. The State supervises any re-val, which is largely why they back the assessors.

In any given re-val, one third of the properties go up, a third goes down and a third stays essentially the same. Values may be higher, but the taxes change in accordance with the proposed budgets of town, school and country. Also over the past several re-vals, there is inevitably a lot of screaming and hollering when the tax bills go out, and one of the largest group of upset citizens live in Hemlock Heights. Always.

Just thought you'd like a little history.

Anonymous said...

Long time resident, first time blogger,

Is this true? Chief Consentino actually put himself in for $1,300, over and above his pay, for a union benefit?

I work in a union and management is ALWAYS excluded form the benefits of the contract, if this hapenned why hasn't he been fired?

And what are the selectmen doing about this?

How the hell can we have a police hcief, whose duty is to enforce the law, breaking it himself?

Anonymous said...

anon 9:04
do you see any names listed? mark is the only one MAN enough to put his, so what makes you think it's them? go back to making nice with the old people and trying to bribe them with trips and meals. you are one sick puppy (old dog)on your last leg.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 1:09.

In just a few homes in my neighborhood that I have been in there were quite a lot of illegal remodeling in the past...Some owners said they have not had an inside inspection in the time they lived here(some12+years) and some bought there properties not knowing they had illegal remodeling done. Not only the moneys are my concern but are the safety issues. I can just see a loss of life because of a non compliance gas fireplace or not enough make up air for a furnace.
Well this is a fight for another time I guess. Sorry about the rant and thanks again for some history.
Again thanks to Mark.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never heard so many people full of so much anger. The only reason I found out about this site was from hearing people complain about it. Now I understand. Anyway, good luck fighting your battles...hope you don't need a police officer anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

And why, pray tell, would needing a police officer be a problem? We all pay dearly for those officers to protect ourselves and our property, and by and large they do a fine job.

I dont think you have seen any complaints about the officrs, just their corrupt leadership.

I know many of the officers on the force, and trust me, they know that their chief is a buffoon ust as much as we do.

Wouldn't YOU be angry at your tax dollars being wasted so that a megalomaniacal dictator with the authority of a badge can rack up personal legal fees, and legal situations that the town has to defend for no official reason?

Don't you get angry when a public official costs you money so that his kid can get a cheap car?

Dont you get angry when your selectmen refuse an offer of $750 for a van they are getting rid of, so that they can get the credit for donating it to the needy?

Do I need to go on?

How would you feel if it was you who got the letter on police staionary threatening legal action for exercising your free speech rights?

Anonymous said...

You know, none of this is supposition.

This is all documented fact.

Maybe we need a website where the actual documents can be posted for all to see, and evaluate on their own.

It can include the transcript or tape if there is one, of Phil claiming the 5th, so many times. THAT would be a riot!

Anonymous said...

This whole issue is so upsetting. The selectmen need to do their civic duty and represent the people, not coddle the police department or are they afraid too? The chief has violated his oath and should be removed.

Anonymous said...

How can everything spoken of on this website be fact. I find it hard to believe that the Chief of Police AND all of our Selectmen are criminals...AND getting away with everything you accuse them of. Why don't you just take all the evidence to the office of public corruption,someone brought up, and be done with it. And what does our town administrator have to say about everything going on?

Anonymous said...

All of these instances and more have been reported ad nauseum in the Eagle-Tribune..

You have the citations for the court cases.

You have the court orders from the PELRB.

You have the minutes and tapes of selectmens meetings over the last four years.

You have heard people come into the meetings and complain. You have seen him blow up at these people.

What more do you need?

Anonymous said...

Comment for Mark. You posed the question...
"What would you have me do then?"

Would you consider packing up and moving to get a better quality of life? We only live once.

Anonymous said...

It's not only Atkinson people who laugh about our illustrious chief of police. I have friends on the Salem PD, Plaistow PD and Hampstead PD. They all think Phil is one big joke, and they don't envy us who live here.

Fishgutz said...

To Anon @ 6:36

Mark's only choice should be to pack up his family?
If he were a democrat that is what he would do. We all know how Dems will not fight for freedom.
But Mark has a backbone. Yes he has taken some serious "kidney punches" in his effort to be heard.
But he is not a coward. His determination has cause stress for his family. But they stand by him as he does what we all know is the right thing.
Maybe if the Board receive signed petitions from residents demand that they do there jobs or quit, then maybe they will act.
The Chief can not go after everyone on this blob. And he can not have his police officers do it either because the officers are far more likely to be men of good character. Only his son would try to harass town residents in model of his dad.
Of course, the first action after the Chief's dismissal should be the dismissal of his son and Lt. Baldwin. That will send a positive to the other officers and the town that knuckle draggers will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

this isn't mark responding but, why should he? but we'd be happy to help you pack. it's people like you who make life hell for others. are you saying if you can't keep your mouth shut,keep your opinions to yourself and let illegal activity go unquestioned then you shouldn't live here? I say to you, move to some communist country where you'll fit in nicely.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 6:36am

First of all I would like to say THANK YOU to all who have lent me their support by their comments to this and other posts here. THANK YOU!

Now to Anon;

I have lived in Atkinson for 40 years. I grew up here, went to school at the academy, was the first person(by virtue of my last name only) to graduate From Timberlane Regional Junior High School(as it was known then) And graduated TRHS. I went into the USAF from here, and ultimately returned here to live.

Why should I move because a bully with a badge cooses to harass myself and my family?

Isn't more important to not allow myself to be bullied by my government? especially as it is in violation of numerous laws!

Would you leave? Neville Chamberlain has taught you well if your answer is yes.

Anonymous said...

To anon Oct 11 8:02PM

Were you aware that as soon as $750 was offered for that van it had to go to public auction?

And were you aware that although publicized nobody showed up to that auction?

And were you aware that the offer of $750 never made it to that auction that person wimped out?

And were you aware that very same person who stated they would pay the registration fees regardless of who purchased the van DID NOT?

And were you aware that that very same person never donated that $750 to his own fire assocation like he stated he would?

I can trash the selectmen as good as the next person.....I have my own stories......however, in this instance they did the correct thing.

Anonymous said...

I keep reading these people's complaints that we, on this blog, are ruining reputations.

I assume they are talking about Consentino's reputation, but if you are merely revealing and discussing action that he truly committed, then how are we detsoying his reputation? Isn't he destroying his own reputation by committing these acts in the first place?

He should know the law after all this time, and if he doesn't then he is too incompetent to be a police chief, either way, it doesn't look good for him.

Anonymous said...

It is getting clear to me there are many new readers on this blog who are learning for the first time what is actually going on around here.

A long campaign of suppressing information the residents should see/hear has been going on for a long time. Only now it is beginning to surface and many people are having a hard time believing all this.

Understandable. Most people are too busy to follow all this stuff and have important priorities like their families, work, home etc.

By paying close attention, reading the newspaper and asking A LOT of questions was I able to actually SEE what the reality is and it is not pretty.

The recent letter from the chief to Mark is to me, the last straw. There is a long and documented history of misconduct on behalf of our chief that most people are simply unaware of. The information is out there but people just don't know about it.

It needs to be made available to them.

If our selectmen do not do something about the latest incident from our chief, then they will once again let this man continue on. In most companies, you only get one strike. This guy is on like strike 10. I really hope our Selectmen do the right thing on Monday night.

Please watch the selectmen's meeting and pay CLOSE attention to what information they actually reveal and what gets suppressed.

Fishgutz said...

Anon 10/12 @4:54

Do you know that the crime is not in the action, rather the crime is getting caught. As such the crime then becomes the responsibility of the one who got the criminal caught.
Variation on "Kill the messenger."
Chief embodies this attitude.
He does share some characteristic of Bubba Clinton. A narcissist. A megalomaniac. Has the power to destroy lives with virtual impunity because no one in authority has the courage to knock him down a peg.
Mark tried to stand up to him. So the chief brought his voters to knock him out of office.

Anonymous said...

Publius, An article for your blog. Thanks


Ken Grant

I am telling this story now for 3 reasons. First, the subject is timely and need to be seen in the
context of the problems coming to public attention now. Second, my story contains solid
examples and reinforcement of Atkinson’s current pressing problems. And last, but not least,
several people whose opinion I respect have suggested I do a short article which, in relating the
story, certainly reinforces and highlights many of Atkinson’s current problems.

On November 9, 2005, Selectman Sapia and then-Selectman “police chief” Consentino, FOR
POLITICAL REASONS, sent uniformed police to remove me from the Town Hall. They
then notified and provided a series of defamatory statements to an Eagle Tribune reporter
for the obvious intent of harming my reputation.

On that day, WMUR-TV sent their Anchor/Reporter, Kria Sakakeeny, accompanied by a news cameraman to Atkinson to conduct interviews concerning the Vietnam Honor Roll. The primary interview was to be of the ladies of the Atkinson Vietnam Honor Roll Committee in front of the map-stone.

During those interviews, the reporter stated that she also wished to view and photograph
the two Vietnam Honor Roll panels. She was given directions to the storage place but
said that she was unfamiliar with the area and could someone show her the way. I was volunteered for the job. I remained at Town Hall solely because I had the responsibility of guiding the news crew to the panels’ location upon completion of their interviews in town.

A second interview of one of Sapia’s anti-panels group, was to take place inside the main meeting room in Town Hall after the interview of the ladies, so I was asked to hang around until after that second interview was completed.

There is no LESS private place on this earth than in an open public government meeting room
with a group of people in front of a Television camera while being interviewed by a reporter
with a microphone in her hand.

I have personally observed or participated in numerous similar interviews. The behind-the-camera observing audience is often large. But, in Atkinson my quiet and non-intrusive arrival some how provoked the ire of the interviewee, a Sapia ally. He immediately singled me out and demanded “Get him out of here”, referring to me. Sapia and McAllister, amongst others, were also watching the interview, but
only I was singled out to leave., I IMMEDIATELY left and returned to the atrium of Town Hall after having been present at this second interview FOR NO MORE THAN 10 – 15 SECONDS. After all, if anything newsworthy was forthcoming it would be available on the evening news.

Within a few minutes a uniform officer arrived, immediately asked me “what is the problem” . The
officer thereafter stuck to me like glue even when Sapia came outside to the front sidewalk to taunt
me. The officer did or said nothing as I recall. While I waited in the center atrium area, Consentino entered and did a kabuki dance around me as I ignored him and did not acknowledge his presence.

Lt. Baldwin also arrived. To my recollection, I had NEVER met him before. As I recall, we met at the Town Clerk’s counter. I asked him what was going on and why were they all there? I had no idea at that time that they were there in response to a Sapia/Consentino call. Baldwin just gave me a telling smirk and would not give me the basic courtesy of an answer. I have seen him react similarly on another occasion. Why? When a person reacts like that they are either part of the problem or don’t care. He left a bad first impression.

By piecing together the police report with comments by McAllister, Sapia and Consentino in the
next day’s Eagle Tribune article, I learned that Sapia had, as usual, totally over-reacted in using
police against residents for political reasons, by directing Town Administrator McAllister to call
the police against this resident. McAllister then EXAGERATED and HYPED IT UP by falsely reporting that my presence was “intimidating behavior” and that I “tried to insert (myself) “during an interview
in a forceful manner.” Since when is a resident JUST STANDING THERE WATCHING AN INTERVIEW in a public area “trying in insert” himself or acting “in a forceful manner.”?

McAllister’s call to the police must have been to Consentino because it was Consentino who made the request dispatching an officer to Town Hall. The arriving police officer’s report states that he was told over the radio by Consentino “that there was a potentially volatile situation festering at Town Hall.” Consentino added his own hyping-up of the situation by characterizing a nothing situation as a “potentially volatile situation.” The total over-reactions by Sapia, McAllister, and Consentino in their mis-use of the police against a resident was documented by the police officer’s official report which states that “there were NO incidents of violence or any other type of disorderly outbursts. The interviews took place and NO POLICE INTERVENTION WAS NEEDED.”

The problem: We have Selectmen, two of which were installed in the office by the campaigning efforts of, the “Chief of police”, Director of Elderly Affairs, then Selectman Consentino. As the saying goes, “You dance with the one who brung you”. Call it what you will but “they” work tirelessly administrating (politically) on each others behalf. That is just wrong.

The problem: The people we now employ are not qualified to meet our needs or expectations.

The problem: Going beyond the debate on certification, appointment, and “grand-fathering” claims to office, Atkinson has not had a qualified chief of police for years. The current standards, requirements and expectations for that office are fundamentally different and more advanced than they were 30 years ago. We, Atkinson, need a temperamentally qualified, educationally qualified, physically qualified, administratively qualified person leading our police department under the guidance of the community and NOT a continuation of an arcane system of empire building. We expect the Selectmen, who hold that responsibility, to do what is necessary and proper. This is a very important governmental defect needing solution now.

The problem: We, the voters, decided to allow a “Town Administrator” to be hired with the understanding that this would “save us money” locating resources, application for grants and bringing good administrative techniques and advice. I do not believe these expectations are being met. Yes, we were spoiled by previons T.A. Vic Richards when he set us on a good track. But, we have lost that direction with our current administrator.

Finally, I do not want to leave without solutions. Let’s look at solutions. The solution is definitely NOT to “DO NOTHING”. The solution lies in separation of the offender or incompetent from a continuing opportunity to perform offensively or incompetently . The list of satisfactory options can be wide. As examples: A. Lateral Transfer – be creative and develop a position. B. Early Retirement - the golden parachute. C. Resignation. D. Re-designate the position. F. Appoint a replacement. G. Suspension. H. Termination for cause. I. Etc.

Anonymous said...

I used to think that Mr. Consentino was decent but after reading all of these common threads the truth prevails!

Mr. Consentino - you should be ASHAMED of yourself. Step down from your position with the half ounce of dignity you may have left.

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "