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Friday, September 7

Why are Atkinson Taxpayers paying for redundant services?

Welcome to another new contributor under the Publius byline



Salem Caregivers

(603) 434-3569

"CART" is regional transportation (yes, in our region - Plaistow uses it) for elderly AND disabled. Yet in our town, we taxpayers fund this service. We just voted for a new van for it, too.

Have you heard of CART?

What is CART?

The Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation (CART) is a curb-to-curb transportation system serving the towns of Chester, Danville, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Plaistow, Salem, Sandown and Windham.

CART is designed to: 1) coordinate the efforts of a range of existing agencies providing van service to senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, and others in need of transportation in the region; and 2) expand the level of service available by accessing federal transit funds available to the region which have not been tapped previously. CART is structured as a regional brokerage system intended to improve the efficiency of existing transportation services by centralizing scheduling and dispatching of vehicles.

Who provides service for CART?

CART works with multiple agencies in the nine-town Greater Derry-Salem region to coordinate scheduling and dispatching of rides, pool resources to be more efficient, and access federal transportation funds. The vans you see on the road will display the CART logo, and also often the logo of one of the agencies that is part of CART.

Who can use CART ?

CART is a shared-ride service that is available to any resident of the nine service towns including seniors and others in the community who need transportation. Wheelchair lift-equipped vehicles are available to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities.

What kind of trips can I take with CART?

There are a variety of times when a ride with CART can be helpful. CART service is available for medical appointments, shopping trips, visits with friends or family, or any number of other reasons when you need a convenient, safe ride.

Where can I go on CART?

CART goes to any destinations within our nine town service area that includes Chester, Danville, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Plaistow, Salem, Sandown and Windham.

In order to accommodate frequent requests for the following out-of-area destinations, CART will also provide rides to Caritas Holy Family Hospital, Lawrence General Hospital, Catholic Medical Center, Elliot Hospital, and Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Manchester.

Out of region destinations may change based on service capacity. CART is not an airport shuttle service, so rides to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport will not be provided.

When can I use CART?

CART service operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Service is not available on weekends or holidays.

How much does it cost to ride CART?

The base fare for CART service is $2 per one-way ride which can be paid in advance or when boarding the CART vehicle. Riders must have exact fare. A 10-ride pass is $20, and a 5-ride pass is $10. These can be purchased from CART. Call for additional information on CART ride cards. For riders meeting certain income limitations, free ride passes are available. Call to see if you qualify.

Yet Atkinson Taxpayers create additional work for our PD and Community Service Officers for services that are already provided by multiple, local organizations. We just voted for a van we don't even need if we used CART and Salem Caregivers. We burden our town with additional costs for personnel, vehicles, fuel, insurance and more. Our PD is growing based on the demand for these services which contnues to increase all of our taxes.

So CART cost $2 each way. Why don't we just buy passes for our citizens who can't afford them instead of funding a redundant organization? And here is the beauty of it - it is available to ANY resident that is part of their regional organization. So services actually get expanded.

Can someone please enlighten me as to why our town is not using these other services and paying our own way?


Anonymous said...

Atkinson "Free Ride" is a political ploy. The taxpayers are also being taken for a ride. 2 for 1 deal. Open your mouth and you will need the ride because your drivers license will be in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the elderly affairs program, who would Phil lean on for political support when he wants something?

Moreover, who would run to the microphone, when he does something bad, and say "but he does such good things for the elderly"

It is easy to do good things for people with other peoples money.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken I think this was brought up to the board of selectmen and the cheif said it was't anything Atkinson needed because he took care of the seniors. I could be wrong but I really think I have heard this subject addressed...

Anonymous said...

If we had an outside agency doing this service there would be accountability. We cant have that, now!

We are expected to believe that the chief does 1200 rides a year! Or was it 1200 in May as he said in the paper?

or was it 775 by Oct. last year as he said to the selectmen?

Or was it 49 in Jan, 48 in Feb, 35 in Mar, as was reported to the selectmen?

Oh hell, who is counting?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait til one of the txi drivers (community service officers) passes an accident or is a witness to something requiring a police officer and continues to drive by. I know it says on the side "Elderly affairs Division", this isn't always the case though is it? I can't count how many times I've seen a CSO driving a real police car!!! Hey Phil, better order more cars or your real cops will be walking the beat!

ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12


A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.

One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.

A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.

One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.

One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.

In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.

It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.

Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.

In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).

In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).


"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]

We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.

Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.

However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.

The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.

We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.

Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.

Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.

Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.

So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.


"To All Atkinson Residents,

I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.

There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.

Thank You

Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:

John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "