i received a letter in the mail today from my local water company. It is a very nice presentation, and with all due respect to Mr. Lewis who signed the letter, there are many factual innaccuracies in this letter.
First this ordinance was taken almost word for word from one passed a few years ago in Center Barnstead, NH. Where they got their ordinance form we don't know.
Second, The water company would not have to stop pumping for 60 days, this is a scare tactic. This ordinance was carefully worded so that it merely stops large groundwater withdrawals, over 50,000 gals/day, form being shipped out of town. It specifically does not threaten water used and sold within town. This was discussed at length at the deliberative session.
Third, we have never heard of Attorney Linzey!
Fourth, this is not a zoning ordinance, even town counsel says that! It does not prohibit something in one section of town that it allows somewhere else, it simply stops anyone from pumping water out of the ground in Atkinson, so that they can pipe it to say...... Hampstead or Chester!
Fifth, While the State purports to regulate large groundwater withdrawals, the Rep form the State that came down for the public hearing admitted that they just rubber stamp applications if they are filled out properly, and no one from the town enjoins the case to complain.
This ordiinance is necessary because the Selectmen, who had the responsibilty to enjoin this case on behalf of the residents to make certain that our needs were being considered, as usual, did nothing! People with wells in town, are very worried about their water supply, and they should be.
Lets say, you have a well, and it is 500' deep. And one of these 8 new wells are being drilled within a mile or so of your well, to a depth of 1000' or 1500', how long will it take for your well to be sucking air? 6 months, a year? Guess what you do then,.... you buy water from the water company.
But we are certain they are simply a disinterested party here. Sure.
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
This is definitely a scare tactic.
They are a utility regulated by the public utilities commission. they can not stop pumping water because they are pissed about a vote.
I read the warrant all this prohibits is withdrawing water and shipping it out of town. There is no penalty if the water stays in town, even for resale.
I hate Liars!
1 Why does a corporate person get to take 400 Gal. Of our water per minute and the state says your family well can be reduced to 4 Gal. Of water per minute? That is their law.
2. Why should we believe their testing results? Done by their Corporation? We can't believe their mail and circular!!
3. Why should we believe the water model developed by their employees? We know the problems that WILL occur.
4 Why should it cost the people of Atkinson more than $100 a year for every foot these large commercial pumpings lower our water level?
5. What happens to the people of Atkinson if the pumping brings pollution or toxic elements into our water and our aquifer?
6. Are we on water restrictions? No lawn watering etc.? What about the golf course? How much of our water does that place suck up and lower our water table?
7. How about divestiture? Will the golf course be allowed to dry-up during dry times? Why is water being pumped across town to the Country Club?
8. Why didn’t the town at least make a minimal effort to protect the people?
How dare the Hampstead Water Company threaten the Atkinson voters to cut off their water for 60 days if we don't vote their way!
How dare they endanger our school
children by threatening to cut off the water to Atkinson Academy so that our kids have no drinking water and the school kitchen has no water to prepare our kids' lunches!
Why are our school board reps silent?
How dare the Hampstead Water Company threaten to cut off for 60 days the water that keeps our kids safe by operating the school fire sprinkler system! Why are our school reps silent?
How dare the Hampstead Water Company threaten to cut off water so the toliets can't be flushed at the Academy, causing a serious sanitation problem!
How dare the Hampstead Water Company threaten to cut off for 60 days the water to the elderly in homes on their water system!
How dare the Hampstead Company threaten to cut off water to flush the toliets at the library and town hall and the community system.
How dare the Hampstead Company threaten to cut off water used by the Fire Department!
Why are our selectmen when such threats are made against the townspeople, our school kids and our seniors, our families, and our town in general. We as a town are being blackmailed and intimidated by Hampstead Water to try to influence the vote.
Speak up, town leaders, against such tactics!!!! Show some backbone!
Because our selectmen and our school board reps are all but useless! They do not have a great track record of doing the right thing in any situation.
They did not intervene when it would have been prudent for them to do so, why would they get involved now?
When the Academy go to the water system? The last I heard, they were still running off a very bad well. Lewis was supposed to put a hydrant nearby (in lieu of the roadway the Police Dept wanted) to make it less expensive for the school to hook in. Did that happen and we didn't hear about it?
I don't think Hampstead Water was saying they will shut the water off but rather trying to point out that this ordinance is flawed. I took the time to read the proposed ordinance and it does say the water company would require 60 days for the selectmen to approve the water being pumped.
Rather than a scare tactic it is a look at how flawed this ordinance really is.
No what it says is they have to notify the selectmen 60 days in advance of a large withdrawal that is being shipped out of town
The Hampstead Water Company line stops at the AFD on Academy Ave. Water from the AFD is then piped over to the Historical Society/Library. The Academy and the Town Hall are on wells.
So you are saying that the letter from Hampstead water co. lied when they said they provide water for kids at the school, and the sprinklers in the school and other town buildings?
And these are the people we should trust?
To Anon, 9:27 AM. I re-read the letter and didn't see the school or town hall mentioned. The town hall has a new well, drilled down about 1500 feet. Shouldn't need Hawac water for a while. I would believe that eventually the line will come down Academy Ave. maybe with the construction of the new library and at that time will service the Academy which is probably a good idea if they are going to have a complete sprinkler system in that building. I don't know how they can do it now on a well or wells.
The SCARE TACTIC mailing sent out by Peter Lewis was totally ridiculous, innacurate and a thinly veiled tantrum "if I don't get my way, I am going to get really mad!"
What will we do when our water runs dry??
Water resources are PRICELESS and we should NOT allow several individuals to pump it out of our town and make money from a community resource. Half the town has wells and we need to protect our water table. It's unfortunate Peter Lewis cares far more about making more money than the well-being of Atkinson.
Vote YES on keeping Atkinson water IN ATKINSON!
The flaw in the warrant article is that although HAWC fits one of the exemptions in Section 5. Section 6 requires them file to file at least 60 days before water withdrawals for the exemption or face $1000 a day fines. So on Day 1 after this warrant article is passed HAWC will be subject a $1000 if it continues to withdraw water from its Atkinson wells.
And considering that at the end of section 6 it states any citizen can take them to court you would be hard pressed to find many businesses willing to risk $1000 a day in fines to keep operating.
In the end the vote on the water control ordinance wasn't even close! But make no mistake this is just the beginning of the battle, not the end. Litigations are likely on the part of Peter Lewis et al, and the Atkinson Selectmen have shown themselves in the past far too willing to roll over in deference to the Lewis' significant interests within the town. We need to hold the selectman accountable for their deafening silence regarding the water ordinance issue and their failure to provide any information to the voters prior to the vote. And let's not be so naive as to believe that the Selectmen who have stonewalled so long over the placement of the Vietnam Vets banner will willingly comply with this new ordinance. Vigilance is the word of the day.
We need to get some local press coverage of the water ordinance issues. I have emailed the editor of the Eagle Tribune regarding the fight over the control of water in the town, and would encourage others to do likewise.
Very concerned. In that same letter it stated that if something were to happen to any surrounding wells, they would be taken care of.
Well I cannot believe this especially from a man that is full of lies. There is a law in Atkinson that states that one cannot spread sewerage onto the ground. However the Lewis field off of Salem road has recently had a dumping from Peter's condo estates. How can we trust a man that continues to break the law?
Does this mean I can dump my septic sludge onto my front lawn?
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