This article is a reprint and intended to inform the public about the true costs of unsupervised employees.
This is intended to be merely informative, and a timeline for those who are uninformed. Below is a listing, along with highlights and results for most of the lawsuits against the town for the last 7 years or so. All of this is public information, and readily obtainable.
Acciard v. Town of Atkinson, Consentino, Sapia, et al.
We have all watched this one play out. Here's the quick recap; Acciard brought Consentino up on ethics charges, Court agreed. Consentino violated Order was found in Contempt of Court. Consentino appealed Supreme Court, lost again. We paid for all of this. Consentino and selectmen made many comments at meetings both when Acciard was there, and not. Consentino called his company told them he was being investigated. Consentino sent him a letter from town threatening lawsuit, selectmen pled ignorance, did nothing. Verbal threats, Acciard sued. No resolution yet, still in process.
Federal Court Civil Rights Case- Grant v. Town of Atkinson, Consentino, Sapia, et al.
We have all seen the meetings, where this drama played out. Selectmen shouting down Mrs. Grant as she read a statement, interupting her to tell her they don't interupt her, talking derogatorily about her after she has left the room. All of this culminating in the selectmen calling the police to evict Mrs. Grant, her husband and son from Town Hall, because she read a statement that they didn't like! It would have been so easy just to say Thank you, and goodbye, but no, that is not what our potentates do. This case has already cost the town $$$$$ in legal costs, and there are rumors floating around town of a settlement but this blog does not have confirmation or details, but watch out, when we do.
Petition to remove Childs and Sapia from office for violating their oaths of office. Allegations included improper use of force, selectmens refusal to deal publicly with elderly affairs in an attempt to circumvent Acciard's Court Order, the selectmens usurpation of the Library Trustees authority, the selectmen's purchase of an SUV without a vote. Sapia and Childs vote to pay Consentino's personal legal costs! Consentino was not on trial he was merely a witness who thought he needed legal advice, which was probably true in light of the fact that he claimed 5th ammendment protection from SELF-INCRIMINATION 31 TIMES IN A ROW! You can't claim protection from self- incrimination, unless you've COMMITTED A CRIME TO BE INCRIMINATED IN! However this was not the taxpayers responsibility to pay. Mrs. Grant represented herself,and failed to remove them.
Vietnam Honor Roll panel committee et al. v. Town of Atkinson, We all know the issues, we all know the selectmen refused to follow the 2005 town meeting vote, resulted in mediation agreement, rescinded by town wide vote in 2007.
Frank Polito v. Town of Atkinson, THIS ONE IS A BEAUT!!! Our selectmen did not like Mr. Boyle's offer to the fire chief of live hydrants, in exchange for requiring him to lay a 12' wide paved path with a 90 degree bend in it through the woods linking Winslow dr. to Woodlawn dr., They evidently got our town moderator to sue the town(after town counsel told them that they could not sue the town, as they represent the town) to FORCE Mr. Boyle to lay the path after he had already given the hydrant. Mr. Polito represented himself, and the court threw the case out for lack of standing! They said that as he lived three miles away from the site, it would not affect him, therefore he had no standing to sue. Still cost the town money, though.
Mark Acciard v. Phil Consentino Petition for injunctive relief; (3 cases in one, initial case+ contempt case+ Phil Supreme court appeal) Acciard filed this case asking the court to review the conflict of interest committee's decision that there was no conflict in a selectmen who is also police chief, deciding police issues. Court sided with Acciard, issued Court Order, directing Phil to recuse himself from any discussions of police or elderly affairs business. Phil continued to deal with these issues, Acciard brought him up on charges of contempt. Court issued contempt order, saying that if he continued to defy the court he could be placed in jail. Phil appealed to the Supreme Court(at taxpayer expense) and lost again. Acciard represented himself, and won 3 out of 3. Think about that for a moment, the Town's chief law enforcement officer found in contempt of court for willfully violating a Court Order!
William Baldwin v. Town of Atkinson, Now Lt. Baldwin sued the town because he didn't feel he was being promoted to Lt. fast enough. Claimed to have a contract guaranteeing him the Lt. spot, in reality it guaranteed consideration for the Lt. spot. It claimed Town had not paid tuition assistance, when the Town had cancelled check to prove otherwise. Case settled for nominal sum to avoid the cost of litigation.
William Baldwin had a second issue that almost erupted into a legal matter, and that was over his town pay when he was deployed to Boston, then Kuwait for the U.S.C.G. You can refer to the selectmen's minutes from for May 19, 2003, and you will see what I mean;
What hapenned was Baldwin was called up to active duty. Selectmen Boyle made a motion to advance him $5,900 to cover the difference between his military pay and his Sgt. Pay with the PD. The board asked Sgt. Baldwin to furnish his military Leave and Earnings statement, so that they could reconcile accounts. He refused, instead he furnished a commanders base pay letter, which only listed base pay, leaving out all his entitlements. This listed his pay as something on the order of $2,400/mo. when he was ACTUALLY receiving approx. $4,500/ mo. Chief Consentino was insistent that Sgt. Baldwin get the $511.51 per WEEK diff. claimed in the letter. The Board finally ordered Sgt. Baldwin to either give them the LES or return the $5,900 advance. The LES showed a difference of approx. $450./mo. The advance the Board gave him would have covered him for 14 months! There were 8 stories in the Eagle-Tribune during this time, about how the board was "nickle and diming" him, and how his wife and family were sufferring. No mention of the fact that for the first 3 months of his deployment he was stationed in Boston and able to travel home. No mention of his and Consentino's efforts to get him an extra $2,000/mo. over and above what he deserved.
Does this sound honest and forthright to you? Also check out the minutes of June 9, 2003.
Officer Gary Lorden & IBPO v. Town of Atkinson, This complaint was before the Public Employee Labor Relations Board, alleging improper conduct, retribution, and threats from the police chief towards officer Lorden. Case was settled, and officer Lorden received compensation for his losses.
Officer Micheal Rivera & IBPO v. Town of Atkinson, This case was also before the PELRB. Oficer Rivera was one of the organizers of the Union. After Chief was notified Officer rivera received numerous write ups, notably for failing to meet his quota of tickets while on 12am -8am shift. (officer Baldwin even testified that there has never been a quota). He was then notified that he would not receive his permanent status with Atkinson PD. He lsot because he was only probationary, but then won on appeal, case was settled, money was paid.
And them there is the Dale Childs matter; Mrs. Childs filed a complaint with Police standards and training, complaining that Phil worked too many hours to be part-time, and he was not qualified to be full-time. Phil sent officer Anderson over to Mrs. Childs house to take photos of the Hampstead Animal Control Car in her driveway. He then sent a Letter, On official staionary, signed "Chief Phil v. Consentino", to the Hampstead Board of Selectmen about Mrs. Childs, ciritcal of her use of the vehicle. When this was written about in the Eagle-Tribune, he claimed he was investigating her as "Phil Consentino, Resident, not Phil Consentino, Chief", but he signed the official letter, Chief.
Does anyone see a common thread here?
All of these cases happened allegedly due to official misconduct on the part of the Chief.
All cost this town money in legal fees, court costs, settlement costs, increased insurance premiums, and more.
It is time to end this madness. How much should one man's ego cost the town?
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
How many times is the chief going to be allowed to abuse his authority before he gets fired? Does the board realize that he has no power once they take away his badge?
If he enlists his son or Baldwin to achieve retribution then he should face criminal charges along with whomever he gets to help him.
The Chief has watched far too many Hollywood movies about small town dictator police chiefs.
But because he also does Childs' and Sapia's bidding, he continues to be "protected."
Maybe someone should be checking C & S finances for any unusual activity. There has to be some reason they allow the overt harassment and intimidation by the chief.
The board should also be mindful that public corruption is the jurisdiction of the US attorneys office and the FBI. When the responsible authority fails to act on proven abuses under the color of authority, the feds can and often do step in.
It just may be time for a little house cleaning in quaint Atkinson.
We should dismantle the police department and outsource the police work to the Plaistow PD. The town would save hundreds of thousands of dollars and eliminate a political organization that stifles free speech and electioneers town meetings. Keep, but move the Dept of Elderly Affairs which should be run by our town recreation dept so it won't be used as a political weapon.
All of this history is colorful but unless ALL the voters know about it and how much it has exactly cost the town in legal fees, you are talking to the wind.
One concise (short) story of facts should be written and published and sent to every town resident. The title should be "$50,000 Wasted Taxdollars" (or whatever sum has been wasted in taxpayer money on legal costs, etc.) That might shed some light on reality. Especially if you can document the cost and all of the information sources (no hearsay please) and provide copies of court documents or access to them online.
This is a battle over information and perception. Stifling town residents from speaking controls information. Last night, the refusal to discuss the letter in the meeting controlled what was disclosed to the viewing audience. Not much was really told to viewers. And the perception part, sad to say, but sometimes the victims are portrayed as loud, angry residents who have a vendetta. The opposition is good at making someone like Mr. Acciard look like the aggressor rather than the victim when nothing could be further from the truth.
There may be an obvious explanation that I am missing, but I watched the meeting last night, and why aren't citizens allowed to complain about public officials in front of the camera? Why can't we taxpayers hear, in detail, what an employee, who we pay for, is being accused of? Maybe this is a bad comparison, but I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I have seen broadcasts of the selectmens' meetings where a resident sits next to Teddy Stewart at that table complaining about him. This is usually followed by a rebuke to Teddy by a selectman. I also remember Fred recommending a reprimand to go into Teddy's file on one occassion. Why isn't this same protocol followed for Consentino? Isn't he an employee just like Teddy is?
I have also seen Linda Jette chastized in front of the camera. Why not Consentino?
Lastly, Consentino's choice of seating behind Russ last night was nothing short of pathetic. He's a sad character who's time has passed, and he just can't let go of it.
Does anyone know what the Brian Boyle issue was last night at the selectmans meeting
There are good people who work on the police department. The majority of the full time officers have families to support and do their best to do a good job in this hostile work envirnoment. I disagree with the person who wants to "dismantle the police". What about the full timers who do this job for a living? The problem is the chief who does this job as a hobby! There should be a state law that does away with part time police chiefs; and the people of this town should put forth a warrant article to get a full time chief. Once there is a regime change and a professional is at the helm, you will be a dramatic shift and a positive change. The actual police officers..the ones who are certified and not the civilians who drive the elderly around...will be proud to wear the police uniform.
anon 2:38 I agree. The PD doesn't need to be dismantled, the fuse needs to be separated from the bomb before it explodes and destroys this towns good name any further.
anon 1:34 I would gladly contribute to an account that would cover the cost of printing and mailing. Because so many don't know of this blog and others don't see the meetings on cable, the truth has to be told to the uninformed.
anon 2:15 Your guess is as good as anybody's. Brian?
Anonymous said...
I think we should ask Mr. Acciard to run! From what I have seen he is honest, forthright, not afraid to stand up for what is right, and he did a great job on budget for many years.
There are a couple of good comments in this thread in response to the original post.
Firstly to Anon 10/2/7 @ 1:13 PM, you have hit the nail on the head - I don't feel any outstanding civic pride by having my own (our town) police force. Frankly, as long as when I dial 911 a qualified officer responds I couldn't care less if he or she is wearing a Plaistow, Salem, Hampstead or State Trooper's uniform - so long as someone responds.
The answer is (referred to as "dismantle") to contract out police services for the town. I think this would be an EXCELLENT way to save some money and as a resident be treated as a "CUSTOMER" rather then just a taxpayer in town.
This is such a simple & fun concept!
Put together a request for proposal (tender) for provision of police services within town. Say 1 officer 24 x 7 and perhaps a detective working a 40 hour week to conduct investigations (?). This way, we don't need to worry about wages & benefits, uniforms, health insurance, OVERTIME, and a whole host of political issues that waste our selectman's (and petitioner's) time. If the service provider does not work in accordance with the agreement then their contract will be terminated.
Even if the cost was 1/2 of the current police budget, think of the money we would save!
Just think of it, one price, a package deal, if an employee calls in sick it's not our problem to bring in a replacement and pay overtime. If a cruiser needs replacement or repair after an accident - again not our problem the providers problem!
Now, to Anon 10/2/07 2:38PM - the tail end of your comment talks about a regime change, following which the officers will be proud to wear the uniform.
I'm not questioning any officer's integrity, however other then the chief and Lt, do any of the others actually live in Atkinson?
Notwithstanding the mental stress that must accompany the rank & file when they report for work, It's hard to imagine non - resident officers having the same committment as officers who live in the same community as they work?
You can have just as much pride in the work you do wearing a Hampstead or Plaistow uniform and be assigned a shift as a contractor to patrol the town of Atkinson.
I guess there has been too much in the news about "Blackwater" these days!
Sure, instead of spending $800,000/ yr. on Atkinson Police Dept. We can probably get Plaistow to cover Atkinson for less than $500,000. Not only do we get a professional police administration, but we save $300,000 too. And we get rid of the empire builder!
I cant help but think that when phil negotiated Sumner's new contract last year, and Sumner's retainer TRIPLED, that it was a quid pro quo!
When was the information sent to Sumner? Five minutes before the meeting started?
Your POLICE CHIEF pled the 5th 31 times in a row?
And no one thought this is strange?
Noone asked what he had done to incriminate himself in the first place?
Dont you have to first commit a crime to have the right, to not inciminate yourself?
Can you commit a crime and still be police chief?
Next month - November - marks the
beginning of the period for the submission of petitioned warrant articles for regular Town Meeting in March.
I propose that some knowledgeable person draw up a citizens' petitioned warrant article calling for a full time police chief, with the application process to begin IMMEDIATELY after it passes at March 2008 Annual Town Meeting.
The words IMMEDIATELY should appear in the warrant article or else the selectmen will drag it out for years before complying. They've already shown their willingness to pander and kowtow to Consentino by taking no action on our phony chief who has held no legal appointment since 1999. They've known that he holds no legal appointment for a couple of years now and continue to do nothing.
By requiring a full-time chief, that eliminates Consentino since he does not meet the training or qualification standards to be a full time officer, much less a full time chief.
Certainly, we can get more than the required 50 signatures for a citizen's warrant article for the ballot.
Of course, those who sign the petition will go on Phil's 'enemies" list, but so what! He won't be around after March town meeting to use the police department to threaten or intimidate residents with nasty letters or having the police car tail people around town.
I would like to see the budget documents showing a tripling of the retainer for town counsel. Given all of the lawsuits, not really a big surprise. Atkinson must be keeping twon counsel very busy ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$).
Are they available online somewhere?
I realize that Lt baldwin and Phil have a take home cruiser, but I was unaware the Community Service Officers Anderson and Magoun have take-homes too.
To the person asking about budget numbers;
If you go to the town website, click on Budget Committee, click on the town budget, it will come up as a PDF file.
You will notice that the retainer for the TOWN under legal, was $10,000 until 2006, when it jumped to $28,500.
In addition to this the police dept. has it's own legal line, which is a combination of retainer, county attornies fees, and legal fees to Sumner. The retainer here used to be $4,000, it is now $10,000, I believe.
Hope this helped.
I fear that getting rid of the chief will put Baldwin in the seat. We need a fresh start not someone who works 3 jobs and seems to be no better than the chief.
I wish I could afford to move back to Atkinson. I would support Mark for any office he chose torun for. I would run for Baldwin's seat on the school committee and I would allow any honest candidate to place any sing they wished in my yard since the house I would like is centrally located. Mark knows which one I mean.
Free Take Home Cars, to anyone who would like one. Seems that the Police Department has 12 of them. Let the town pay for your gas. Isn't that why the elderly get rides, so they can save gas in their own cars.
She would certainly be better than the do nothings and outright thugs that sit there now!
And to make it clear for the cheap seats; I consider Paul to be a don nothing, and Jack and Fred to be little more than thugs! Consentino is a thug with a badge, and Russ is the master manipulator
The car deal is not an arms length transaction. By his own words in the letter to Mr. Acciard sent via certified mail, Consentino states:
"Every two years we trade in two old cruisers to Irwin Ford in Laconia. We generally get any were from $500.00 to a $1,000.00 for these old cruisers. This cruiser was going to be sent to the junk yard for it had absolutely no resale value at all. When my son asked me were it was going I advised him that we had already traded it in with Irwin Ford and that he was gracious enough to give us $300.00 as a trade in. I advised him if he wanted this car he would have to deal directly with Irwin Ford, and that he did do."
The definition of an "arms length transaction" is as follows:
A transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have no relationship to each other. The concept of an arm's length transaction is to ensure that both parties in the deal are acting in their own self interest and are not subject to any pressure or duress from the other party.
The scenario the chief describes is a recurring business relationship where the car dealer's self interest is to keep Consentino happy and thus ensure recurring business - a virtual guarantee of 2 cars transacted every two years. A pretty good business arrangement that any car dealer would like to have. Now picture the "pressure or duress" the car dealer faces when Consentino's son approaches him. It is in the dealer's best interest to keep both Consentinos happy and thus the business arrangement intact.
It is not an arms length transaction. First, the elder Consentino divulges to his son the trade in value given by the dealer which is information that I certainly don't have access to. So, if you or I (as strangers and having no relationship with car dealer) approached the car dealer, we would not know what the dealer gave as a trade in value - a handly bit of knowledge in any car negotiation. Also, do you think he would sell it to you or me for exactly the same trade-in value he "paid" for it? The answer is: No, because car dealers are in business to MAKE MONEY, not BREAK EVEN (translation LOSE MONEY).
Consentino states:
"This cruiser was going to be sent to the junk yard for it had absolutely no resale value at all."
Well if it was such a piece of junk, why would any father tell his son to go pay money for something that has "no resale value at all"??????? I mean, what kind of dad is THAT?
Following are the only possible, logical conclusions one can come to:
1) Quid pro quo. Consentino's family member gets preferred treatment based on the relationship and car dealer's expectation of continued business. Not an arms length transaction.
2) Elder Consentino is mean to his son by suckering him into paying good cash money for something with "no resale value at all". Thanks, dad.
3) Younger Consentino is foolish for paying good cash money for something with "no resale value at all". Got no/bad advice from dad.
4) All of the above.
5) Deal was completely fair and square. The car was worth $300.
You make the call.
My call is that, and Ebay have ex-police cruisers, 2001, for sale with 160,000- 200,000+ that sell for $2,700- $3,400. The reason these cars get top dollar is that they have been meticulously maintained.
Check out those two sites to see for yourself.
If other towns can get that much for them so can we, that means the taxpayers got screwed so that the chiefs kid could get a cheap car.
And if it is such a piece of %(*%^ with absolutely no resale value whatsoever, how can it be good enough to be a daily driver?
I am starting to get into this Blog, might just be some of my favorite reading. They say that real life is better than Fiction. I believe them.. You just can't make this stuff up.
Just to summarize what i have gathered from reading thus far. The chief has been found "wrong" in court and lost roughly 7 times and has not even been reprimanded once. And also has a few more that are yet to come.
I guess that is the answer to the question. "YOU CAN BE GUILTY AND STILL NOT BE FIRED" Or maybe those timid hangnails are confused and don't even know they can fire the chief. Because, lets face it, technically he has not been appointed, hired or commissioned to do the job in the first place.
I just thought of an idea
Maybe at the next town meeting, someone should stand up and remind the selectmen that they can actually fire the chief.
Ohh. I just can't stop thinking about this little blog. A few more thoughts. I ran a car dealership before I moved back down here and if a trade in is actually a rat the we had a deal worked out with the local juck yard to give us $50. Also did you know that now-a-days if you want to junk a car that the junk yard actually charges you $50. to pick it up.
On a completly different note. A little light food for thought before dinner.......
Trick-or-treat is fastly approaching. No one has any idea at this point what the chief has planned for this year. But, I am betting that it will probably involve the neighborhoods that Mr. Acciard and Mrs. Grant live in. So here is a little public service announcment to the above mentioned people. Take your kids to another town to trick-or-treat for the evening.
To anyone thinking of a warrant article for a full time chief;
Stop in at Steve Lewis' office next to the post office, and ask him what hapenned when he put that warrant article forward in 2000.
the petitioners were called some by the chief. The chief parked is cruiser with lights on outside Mr. Lewis office for a long while he was inside screaming at him in his own office!
If you dont believe me just ask Mr. Lewis. This bullying is REAL!
Because Baldwin works for the chief. he isnt any better is that what you think...?I dont really get that..Wheres the proof on that one?
Well, I guess you have answered Gina's question as to why people are afraid, and want to remain anonymous.
To anon 7:46 regarding Baldwin. Please read through the postings on this blog and there you may find some answers. Try this one:
Thursday, August 23
Boston Police Lt. abuse details!
I thought I once read some postings from a person claiming to be Lt. Baldwin elsewhere in the blog. If you dig around, you'll find them.
The reality is Lt. Baldwin is part of the grand plan for Consentino to continue to operate the status quo from behind the scenes after he retires. The corruption in the PD has spread like a plague. Just my opinion, of course.
If the chief is fired for cause, does NH law allow suspension of any and all "retirement benefits" as is the case in MA?
With as much public evidence as their is, why not file a class action lawsuit against the BoS puppets and the Chief and Baldwin?
As for Halloween? I just might have to cross the border with my MA plates, observe every single traffic rule and then see what excuse the knuckleheads use to pull me over with my children in the vehicle.
I'll let y'all know if anything happens.
I personaly dont have a problem with the chief at all. I have to say there are some things that could be changed but I dont think there is any grand scheme either.
I persononly feel Lt. Baldwin is qualfied for Chief of police..but then again thats just my opinion.
To Anon 9:53 PM
Please enlighten me: Why do you think Consentino is not the demon others believe him to be? And why do you think Baldwin is qualified to be chief?
Please provide some basis in fact for your opinion or some examples. Many of the people posting do try to back up their opinion with some facts. I'd really like to hear your reasoning. Some of us may be missing something.
anon 9:53 Please educate us. What qualifications does he have? Where's his education and YEARS of experience? The only experience he has is with the Atkinson Police and that is working with (and learning from) a bully. Don't get me wrong, he's an ok guy, good husband and father, but that doesn't qualify him for chief. School board chairman? Only have to look at the mess our school district is in to see that clearly isn't working.
I would like to ask another question too. Where does he get the time to do Atkinson. Police full time, school board, Plaistow Police part time (is there also another town where he's a P/T officer) and spend time with family? Maybe he runs on another clock then us.
So when THE TAXPAYERS are looking for and heavily advertising for a new chief I'm sure we will get some very experienced and educated professionals to choose from. This will not be a "pass the baton on" to anyone for this job.
To anon 9:53, well spoken Lt. Baldwin. That was you who made the statement. Nice try, but we see right through it.
I hear the days are coming and maybe sooner than Phil would desire. I HOPE the selectmen at the time put together a true National search for our next Police Chief. There will be plenty of qualified candidates out there that will blow LT out of the water. I think if he remains the Lt he will still be able to work in Plaistow and Kingston. BTW with all that extra part-time work going on how can he be working 24/7 like the Chief said when he got promoted?
To Anon @ 9:53
As far as I know Mr. Baldwin became a part time cop for the first time in 1998. In 1999 he went full time, by 2000, he was a sgt. I think, and in 2005 became a Lt., pretty fast promotion for a solid "C" student, with no practical experience, no degree.
I have many friends and family members who are in law enforcement around the country, and not one of them has ever heard of someone making Lt. in 7 years, with no education. My Cousin is a Lt. on NYPD, and it took him 14 years, and a master's degree in criminal justice.
The question is, what qualifications do you want in a chief?
to anon 2:50...Any chance your cousin would consider a move to a quaint, picturesque and peaceful New England town to become our new Chief of Police? Ok, so according to consentino, we're becoming the crime capitol of southern New Hampshire, but after NYC I'm sure he wouldn't be afraid of a challenge. Just warn him the biggest thugs he'll encounter are our BOS.
Do you people have nothing better to do? I'm glad that both the chief and the LT are in Atkinson. My family receives the personal attention that we would never receive in a larger city and if you compare crime rates, our town is doing pretty much OK compared with many of the others around us. One of the nice things about living in this town is supposed to be a sense of community. I get that with the Atkinson PD, but reading these abusive comments on this blog, I'm seeing how empty and shallow some of the residents around here really are. I bet if any of you needed something done involving the police, you would be glad to have both the Cheif and the LT working on it rather than some other district(s). As far as prefferential treatment of the Chief's son regarding the "car" in question, give me a break. I'll bet that Gina and Mark did not pay for daycare when their children went. Why would they, Gina works there. Everyone has some advantage for their families depending on where they work. It's a non issue. At 9:53PM someone wrote in defending both the Chief and the LT.Is that so unbelievable? Why was the LT accused of writting that response. From what I can see he signs his name. There are many people in this town who are behind both the Chief and the LT and are disgusted by the petty and mean comments on this blog. These are the people who we depend on to help us when we need it. This is being done above and beyond the call of duty, so I say: BACK OFF!!!!
So... These comments are "petty, abusive, and mean"? But are they true?
Is there anything published on this blog, other than people's personal estimations of the two people you discuss, of course, that is untrue?
Does the Lt. have more experience, and education than listed here?
Did he NOT sue the town because he thought he should be promoted to Lt. after only 4 years as a cop?
Did he NOT misrepresent his military pay to the town when the town offerred to compensate him for any loss due to his deployment?
Did he NOT, in his lawsuit against the town, his employer, claim that the town did not pay him his tuition reimbursement? And was that not untrue, as the town had the cancelled checks?
Is the chief less of a bully than indicated here?
Is there NOT a long line of residents whom he has harrased?
Have there NOT been many complaints about his misconduct?
Have there NOT been almost endless lawsuits alleging misconduct on his part?
Did he NOT threaten a number of residents in writing?
If any of this is untrue, please inform us?
To 7:49
Wow are you kidding me? You might think things are all warm and fuzzy but wait until the "shoe" is on your foot. I never judge people for how they treat me but more on how they treat others, because I soon could become the "other"!
If you really read all the information on this blog and watch all the Selectmen's meeting, how in the world can you make a statement like you did??
Well I guess that their are a lot of worse people than the chief that has a following.
We need a better Town Government PERIOD.
I grew up in Atkinson, but no I live in Mass. I use this blog to discover what is going on in my home town. I remember Consentino 20 years ago, and I remember the endless controversy back then. I couldn't believe some of the things written on this blog, so I had a friend who works in the Rockingham County Courthouse, check some of it out for me.
You would not BELIEVE what is in the case files up there!
This Wayne Peak case that has been mentioned here, the file is 4" thick, and the story it tells is amazing! I can only conclude that the reason Consentino wasn't fired back then was the non-disclosure agreement! Noone knows about it, and noone will take the time to go up there and look it up.
But as far as I have been able to check, this stuff is all true!
to anon 7:49 And why didn't you sign your name? If you think that Consentino is so wonderful and are ready to sing his praises...sign your he and the rest of us can say, "here's a person who fears no one and will speak his mind freely without fear of reprisal."
I guess my best response would be, you are entitled to your own opinion.
Now may I add mine. You are obviously of the mind set that It is ok for the police to harass people. That it is ok for the police to break the law. That it is ok for the police to look the other way when their chief breaks the law. That is part of the "good old boy" thinking. I'm sorry but I don't see it that way. Does the chief use our tax dollars to taxi the elderly? Yes. Is the elderly affairs department being run efficiently? No. Is it accountable to anyone? Yes. IS IT being accountable? No. Consentino thinks that the elderly affairs is his, and only his, and that the taxpayers of Atkinson have no business sticking their noses into it. He doesn't think he has to account to anyone. Now let me tell you, I have an elderly neighbor who is afraid of Consentino. Why I don't know and would never be so bold as to ask. I drive to doctor appointments, shopping and various other places for her and never ask for anything for doing that. Does Consentino? Of course, it's part of his pat me on the back I'm doing something good campaign, reward me well. I don't look for gas or wear and tear on the car allowance for doing what I do, I do it without anyone knowing. It's called being a Christian (sorry if I offend anyone) and a good neighbor. Yes the service is wonderful. Let it be run out of the community center and get it out of the Police Dept. There are people that use the service who need it and there are people that abuse it, but as long as it's a number to justify the need Consentino will just keep up the "you call, we haul". Let it be run with all the other senior activities at the community center.
As for the Lt., poor guy just got caught up in the excitement. He is an overpaid, under qualified person who is going to take what he can get, for as long as he can get it. And the longer he gets it the more entitled he feels. Can't help it, because he's being told that by an incompetent, law breaking, not even sworn in chief, that he's all that and more.
let me just make something clear..I didnt write the blog at 7:49 pm But i do agree with it. also the reason i dont sign my name
is i dont think it really matters who writes to defend the PD. Just know that there are residents in Atkinson who do support the police department. But know this when i hear people bashing the chief and Lt. I will speak my mind to their face. Signed...AN ATKINSON RESIDENT AND TAX PAYER!!!!!
why is it "bashing" when you shed the light of public scrutiny on practices that ACTUALLY take place?
The Truth is the truth!
If you feel that something stated here is untrue, join the debate, and render your basis for that belief.
To the "supporters" of the PD who posted:
You can say anything you like here. So can I. Facts are appreciated more than unsupported opinions. But I do not appreciate the tone of someone telling me to "Back Off". Let me be clear: I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT, HOW I WANT AND AS OFTEN AS I WANT - GET IT? If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Just go away.
You sound like Consentino trying to stifle my first amendment right to free speech.
Look, if you want to ignore it when our own police break laws, abuse taxpayer dollars and cost ME and YOU thousands of dollars, you are free to do that. But DO NOT tell me what I can say. The truth is being exposed and some of you don't seem to be able to handle the truth. Your problem, not mine.
God Bless America and my right to free speech.
Anyone who thinks Plaistow PD has professional police administration has never met Steve Savage. Just a slicker more polished PVC.
Evidently in Atkinson, Under our current Regime, Your Constitutional right to freedom of speech can be trampled by a government that doesn't intend to hear ANY criticism.
to anon 4:03 Lordy, let's not get the Plaistow PD involved in this. Let's keep it about AHTkinson. Besides, they are bigger than us and would probabley whoop our arses.
To "Back Off" aka supporters of Atkinson PD:
I can understand your frustration.
You must be pretty upset with Phil for sending that really dumb letter like that. Now the entire gravy train is at risk all because of one silly old letter. Maybe your worried about losing that take home car paid with all the fixin's. Or maybe losing that huge salary you aren't qualified to earn anywhere else in this country, and for doing not much, really. Phil was just getting ramped up with these senior events, too. Fall Scenic Bus Tour. Nice deal. Or maybe it was just all those free rides anywhere you wanted. And all you had to do was vote his way. Just a favor for a favor. Just doin bisness.
Yup. I'd be mad at all these people postin facts and truths and talk about court cases and taxpayer costs. Now the whole thing is about to come to a crashing halt cause Phil just couldnt control himself.
If I was you, I would be mad at Phil too. It took him all these years to build this empire. All the electioneering work, intimidating taxpayers, squashing free speech, getting Fred and Jack elected, and stacking the budget committee. Yessir, lotsa work about to go down the drain. Why'd ya havta send that letter certified mail, Phil? Couldn't you have just called the guy and yelled at him like you usually do? And did you have to admit the whole car deal in writing, too?? And to go after a blog on the internet? Boy, Phil just thought he could take the whole world on didn't he? What the heck was he thinkin? This thing heah called Teck-nol-O-gee just caught up to him I guess. What's next? A website in Phil's honor?
I sure hope Fred and Jack find a way to bury that letter some how and make this all go away so the gravy train can keep rollin along!
But don't despair cause I am rooting for ya. You and all the "Gravy Train Riders". ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ABOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD! Next stop, Rockingham County District Court!! BOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRD! CHOO CHOO! Chugga chugga, chugga chugga. Almost reminds me of "The Little Train That Could". Almost brings a tear to my eye.
To anon@ 10/5, 7:49
Yes, When Gina was running private schools We did not pay for our kids to go there. That was part of her contract when she was hired. that was one of the benefits in addition to her salary.
The difference here is that it is ILLEGAL for a public official to give information aquired through their office to a private individual, especially a family member, that allows them to profit.
And a 30 year chief of police should be expected to UPHOLD the law, not violate it!
ummm i wonder if my ip address has been tracked to see whos posting what ...then i guess you would know that it not lt. Baldwin posting the support for the PD.ITS NOT THAT HARD!!!
Getting the IP address is nothing.
Finding out who wons that IP address at that time yakes a court order, unless you are a cop, and can call the coubty attorney and get him to authorize that search.
really is that how it works ..good to know....LOL....JUST REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALWAYS ANNONYMOUS EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU ARE......
Unbelivable!!! If this town is that bad, here a clue... MOVE!!!! Atkinson housing is still in demand and I'm sure you could sell your house easily, unless you're renting, in which case tax paying is your landlords issue not yours. If you don't like where your tax dollars are going no one is forcing you to stay. You obviously have the time to research the entire political make-up of what ever or who ever you want to and I'm sure that there is a town out there somewhere that will fit in to your way of thinking. Maybe this way you'll have more time to spend on other more constructive things than trying to ruin someone's reputation and acting like an unpopular miserable high school brat.
hmmm, You obviously are upset at some of the events revealed on this blog.
How is that working to desroy someones reputation?
Working to destroy someone's reputation is what Jack and Phil do, on camera, at selectmen's meetings, to the likes of Acciard, Grant, Kaye, Mrs. Zaremba, Mrs. Woodbury, Mr. Artus, and others.
I would have to agree with others who have posted, If you have facts that are contrary to what is posted here, then post them!
If not, then what is posted here is not an attempt to harm someones rep, but to reveal their character.
to anon 5:25 "Maybe this way you'll have more time to spend on other more constructive things than trying to ruin someone's reputation "
Trying to ruin his reputation? The man has broken more laws than can be counted, HE HAS RUINED HIS OWN REPUTATION. Let's stick to the facts here. We the taxpayers shouldn't have to sell our homes and move because our chief is breaking the law, is that concept beyond you? Good Lord, when is OK to break the law? When you are a not appointed, not certified to carry a weapon, chief of police, who threatens people and hides behind little old people? This is not the old time west we live in where people make their own laws and demand others follow them. I'm sorry that you like him, BUT --- HE BROKE THE LAW !!!!!!!
To anon 5:25
Is that the best whine you can come up with?
Let me translate:
"Quit telling everybody the truth or my gravy train will go away. Waaaaa."
You think I should move? Never. I shall stand and fight for what our country stands for: Democracy, free speech and untainted elections. I am determined to show my children what real leadership is which means I will not back down to bullies and criminals. EVER. You getting the picture here?
Now you resort to name calling: "...Unpopular miserable high school brat". Can't get much lower than that.
Your tactics are juvenile and your comments are empty text. Still no facts to support one of your comments.
Quick now, go catch the gravy train for Rockingham District Court where you will see your cohorts convicted for breaking the law.
I gotta tell you, these people complaining about bashing the chief and selecteman sound just lie the chief and selectmen!
We ALL have vendettas against them because we are criticizing them.
We are ALL out to get them.
We ALL have personality conflicts with them.
a note to our more CORRUPT government officials;
Offer some evidence that we are wrong,or change your ways, or QUIT BIT**ING!!!
This is freedom of speech at its best, enter the debate, counter it, but it is illegal for you to try to use government authority to end it!
To anon 5:25, you are missing alot of things in the world of reality. Since when is housing in Atkinson in demand? Do you know how many bank owned properties there are in town? Good luck trying to sell a house, right now you can't give them away. Then again why should someone have to move from a town where they have lived for a long time, because of the BS that goes on.
When are you going to come to reality and see what goes on in the selectmens office hurts everyone in town. Maybe you can't see that, but if you crawled out of underneath the rock that you live under, you would see.
Signed the high school brat.
Baldwin is a puppet on a string! CONSENTINO MUST GO! He is a hot-headed LOSER!
All i can say on this is, This ship needs to stop. I don't understand why it is so difficult to fire the chief on any of the unapropiate things that has happened? Oh yeah, i remember, because he has contoled the selectman board forever. getting 2 out of 3 elected so as to protect his position. But let me pass this message to Bill Friel, Dont be fooled by the Chief, i know you feel you should be loyal to him, (Chief got you elected)but You could be the hero in this town if you and Paul fire the Chief.
There are a number of fine officers on the Atkinson Police Department. There have also been many officers that have come to the town, received their training and immediately left for other towns, states or federal opportunities. Phil has cost Atkinson in so many ways and repulsed so many qualified and quality officers the list would scare you. To use Phil's own words "....The wounds will not heal until the infection is gone." Phil makes sure that any "infection" is removed for his own benefit. The fighters have filed actions against Phil for good reason. The officers who have left the agency realized just how wrong it was to start there in the first place. This too is because of Phil. It is time that Atkinson stands up for it's self as you are being held hostage by Phil. It is time for you to remove the infection at the Atkinson Police Department. Once you do this you will have a line of qualified officers wanting to lead APD forward.
For the people who think that "outsourcing" the Atkinson Police to Plaistow is a smart idea have no idea what they are talking about!
One, Plaistow only runs two patrol cars per shift to deal with all the calls in their own town. So, they are going to deal with their issues first and maybe..just maybe if there is time and the call is an emrgency will you get a police response.
Two, the citizens of Atkinson cannot say that they do not get quality police service. Granted there may be a problem with upper level management...but that is where the problem is...with the chief and the lieutenant.
Three, the citizens of Atkinson enjoy an almost mythical level of pseudo-diplomatic immunity in the way of motor vehicle enforcement. You all know - regular bloggers and the Anons like me - that if you are stopped in Atkinson and you are a resident you are getting a warning only!!! That will change if your "outsourcing" idea is allowed to see the light of day.
Four, how much do you think it will cost to "outsource"? What will happen is that Plaistow will have to absorb the full time Atkinson officers...their salaries and they become employees of the Town of Plaistow...the Atkinson police station will have to remain open and usable as a "substation"...and the police vehicles will probably be kept, as well. The Town will have to have additional contracts with Plaistow for exactly what we are going to get for our dollar...the bottom line is you will end up paying more and getting less.
Five, it is time for the citizens of Atkinson to stop talking and do something. You all had a chance to file warrant articles to get rid of a part time police chief with a full time one. You had the chance to file warrant articles to remove the elderly affairs division from the police department...but you didn't...
Those are the two biggest problems facing the police department: The chief himself and elderly affairs. If you remove those two variable from the equation you get a formula that makes sense.
There are hard working full time cops in this town who need their jobs to support their families. Do the right them and support a move for change to modernize the police department and remove the cancerous tumors from that agency known as the chief and is private army of cronies who pretend they are cops but are not even certified...elderly affairs
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