Here are the preliminary results, published before the Eagle-Tribune even has them.
Childs(incumbent, town employee)-984
Acciard(incumbent, chair)-770
Morelli(town employee)-960
Road Agent:
2007-02: Extended family living unit:
Yes:1394 No:487
2007-03: Increase of work hours:
Yes:1488 No:618
2007-04: Allow Tower in center of town:
Yes:1403 No:736
2007-05: Waive School impact fee:
Yes:1449 No:997
2007-06: Library Bond:
Yes:1487 No:802
2007-07: Operating Budget:
Yes:1575 No:617
2007-08: Wheelchair Van Lease:
Yes:1651 No:611
2007-09: Walker rd. Paving:
Yes:1393 No:823
2007-10: Wood dr. Paving:
Yes:1298 No:857
2007-11: Fire Dept. Capital reserve:
Yes:1441 No:760
2007-12: Fire Dept. exhaust ventilator:
Yes:1425 No:754
2007-13: Recreation Capital Reserve:
Yes:1403 No:723
2007-14: Partial Facility lease:
Yes:1940 No:224
2007-15: Toddler playset:
Yes:1623 No:590
2007-16: Tee Ball Field improvements:
Yes:1629 No:582
2007-17: Create Recreation revolving fund:
Yes:1682 No:499
2007-18: Fund Mosquito control:
Yes:1952 No:279
2007-19: Emergency lane designation:
Yes:1619 No:533
2007-20: Accept Granite ridge rd.:
Yes:1364 No:722
2007-21: Lease town center for tower:
Yes:1433 No:725
2007-22: Study tower needs:
Yes:1378 No:800
2007-23: Allow town employees to be selectmen:
Yes:940 No:1213
2007-24: Prohibit tower in town center pending study:
Yes:1051 No:994
2007-25: Make Noriko full-time:
Yes:787 No:1333
2007-26: Survey and study of Sawyer ave. town land:
Yes:644 No:1485
2007-27: Conservation easement on town land:
Yes:1351 No:802
2007-28: Recreation deed on east rd. land:
Yes:1079 No:1045
2007-29: NOT accept Wright Farm rd.:
Yes:997 No:1053
2007-30: Climate change:
Yes:1447 No:711
2007-31: change wording of conflict of interest ordinance:
Yes:1359 No:629
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
You know, when you have a three candidate race and two of them split the vote like that it means Noone voted FOR Tobin or Morse. 984 people voted FOR Childs and 1227 people voted AGAINST Childs. They just split between the two, rather than rallying behind one or the other.
The people have spoken!
i dont get it we elect two town employees but dont pass the warrant article that would allow them to serve?
When making all of their phone calls over the past week did Chief and Jack forget that one?
Other than that the were successful
I'm feeling de ja vous all over again. Voters approved a study on the communications tower, and they voted to prohibit the tower pending the results of the study. They alsoo voted to allow the Selectmen to lease the land in the center of town for a tower. Isn't that a little - a lot - like saying buy your name tablets for Viet Nam veteran, but don't put them anywhere near the Viet Nam memorial at Town Hall? Is this another one of those issues that's never going to go away? Wouldn't it be funny if the Selectmen leased the land, the study demonstrated a much less costly way to provide communications, and the voters would lay out half a million to equip it?
When they build the tower in the center of town land the town has leased, I hope they paint it orange and decorate it with Christmas lights. I just wanna make sure everybody sees it.
The town voted to NOT accept Wright Farm Road. Does that mean it will be accepted? Doesn't say that in the warrant. Is this yet another battle, or will there be another article next year to accept it?
Is Fred Childs going to quit his job? Will anybody care one way or the other, in spite of the fact that the voters did vote down Article 23?
What a disfunctional town we live in!
Since #23 failed, the election of the town employees, seems to me, must then be void and the next highest vote getter would step in.
Climate change? If human activity on a global level does not cause global climate change why would anyone believe that the people of Atkinson effect climate change?
Its the Sun, people! Changes in solar activity results in changes in the overall climate on earth. Al Gore and the rest of the warming alarmist have been having a collect Homer moment for some time.
I noticed that both the article to place the tower and the separate "not without a study" both passed. Borderline schyzo ?
Do the math! The same folks who voted against Fred, 1227 of them, voted NO on Article 23. This is the problem with a 3 man race, but since we don't do primaries in local elections - IT happens!
Ok so who is going to have the fortitude to challenge the legality of the election based upon the wording of last years ordinance?
"prohibit....from being elected to"
To Mr. Acciard and Ms. Sawyer-
I’m in shock. I honestly thought both of you were the best candidates for the job. The only thing I can come up with was either an organized campaign against you or the law suit struck some kind of consensus nerve in the town. Please stay positive and continue your hard work for the town.
I also guess that people aren't too worried about their property taxes. Didn't everything that could/will increase the property taxes pass?
I knew when I saw a "global warming" question on the ballot that the moonbat population of Atkinson is getting bigger every year, and with it, higher taxes.
Well, with the way the Atkinson Community voted, get ready for the tax increases!
The results seem to say that not all understood exactly what they were voting for or against (wording can be confusing). Although, it is clear that most everyone, understood Article 23 and now it is time for some decisions to be made.
As an elderly gentleman myself I can tell you that the usual practice is for chief to spend the weeks leading up to the election calling the elderly to canvas for votes for his pet projects. His three main goals this year were get Fred elected and get Acciard out and get his wheelchair van. With Sapia's help he accomplished his goals.
did you notice the same 1200 people who voted to defeat 23 voted to defeat Childs, they just split their vote.
Thank you to anon at 8:57 AM, that clarifies a lot.
Wonder if he does all this electioneering while on the town payroll of using town facilities ?
To the elderly gentleman Anon - it's good to read your confirmation of something we always suspected - that the Chief called all his elderly for votes. And isn't it downright frightening to realize that one man can control the vote. Why bother with town meeting anymore....just ask Boss Tweed what he wants next year.
One good thing is this blog is getting more information to the wider public than before it existed.
Someone far smarter than I could ever be once said that tyranny thrives when good people do nothing.
The people of Atkinson remained silent while Chief Constantino cemented his job for life (a rather Hitlerian feat) and has been allowed to use his position of authority to intimidate and harass those who dare oppose him and manipulate the elderly into voting in a manner that benefits him.
Maybe the outcome of this last round will convince more people that getting out to vote does count. If one does not vote, one forfeits the right to complain.
Thus I have the right to tell MA voters ""we told you so" every time Devolve Patrick's red slip shows.
First, to the gentleman who said Consentino has been calling residents for the past three weeks. Is this true? If so, I'd like a formal inquiry done of the town phone records to make sure these weren't made from the police department.
Second, I hope that Consentino has the money to pay his new farm hands, Child's and Morelli, on his cattle ranch now that they are unemployed
I feel sooo badly that the town chose Mrs. Morelli over Mark and Janine. Those two people are the most knowledgable when it comes to budgeting. I personally would prefer to have people in there who know what they're doing, who can ask the hard questions and answer them as well.
But I guess the majority of the voters don't feel the same way. Thank God Dave and Mary Ann and Fred Thompson are there.
Mark should have been given a medal for the work he did on the budget comm. Not to be voted back in is an indication of had badly this town government is broken. Three more years of ineptitude is what we can look forward to.
I have no doubt any political phone calls were made from the PD, from the Chief's house (where phone is paid for by the town, I believe) and he might possibly have had his community service workers, his wife and other police officers join in the calling campaign.
Tisk Tisk! Didn't Fred say at meet the candidates night that if 23 was turned down he would quit his job with the town?
Yep town is full of moon-bats, but they are the only one that get out and vote..If more townies spoke their mind instead of not, all this moon-bat stuff would be out the door!
Hey don't forget the Chief's puppet, Sapia, was working overtime calling people and twisting arms too. Give credit where credit is due!
Back to our two-year old Viet Nam problem. Now that we can be assured the Selectmen won't give, and the Historical Society already as a stipulation agreement presented by the Selectmen that they did NOT approve, and which will probably be returned to the Board soon, what next?
The stipulation was the result of mediation, apparently ordered by the courts to try to settle the suit. Are we due back in court over this? Oh goody, more bad press for Atkinson. Keep it up guys and nobody will ever want to move to Atkinson! It's going to be great. You know the Selectmen won't budge; neither will be group of people who believe the Board should have honored Town Meeting vote.
And the beat goes on....are we having fun yet?
Guess there'll be a couple more "seniors" being helped out by the donation account at the police department to help pay bills.
The Yes votes for Article 5 seem to be incorrect. Maybe 1249?
So, the Chief calls his elderly “friends” to solicit votes. Hmmmm. And he targeted Acciard. Wonder what else he said? Can you say vindictive?
And if this communications issue was so critical, why did he leave Billy hanging out there and not support Billy’s efforts? Good job Billy! You took a beating and came out on top, for now. But we all know thins is not over. You’d think the Chief would call his list and lobby for passage of the tower in the center of town because it solves his “problem” way faster than the alternate site, Hog Hill. In fact, don’t we all know he wants it on the Hog Hill tower just to stick it to the people up there, and specifically to Brian Kaye, for questioning him over a year ago and then going toe to toe with him until the death threat.
Morelli for Budget – she doesn’t even have the decency to show up for Candidate’s Night and she’s elected? Come on! How’d anyone vote for her?
And Fred – my friend, you said you’d resign from being a town employee if you won. That letter of resignation should be at Town Hall today. We’re watching and waiting.
To Anonymous @10:41,
First of all, Ginny Morelli did not get the most votes by a long shot Fred Thompson did, and although Sapia begged him to run against Acciard, even personally ushering him in to the town clerks office to sign up 3 minutes before the deadline, he was good on budget and is a credible candidate, as Mr. Acciard said when complimenting his opponents at candidates night.
Secondly, we keep hearing from the black hats in town that the facts stated on this blog are incorrect, yet even though the blog moderators promised to correct any mistakes you point out none. You simply re-iterate your specious claim of misleading facts. Facts are facts, and can not be misleading, people are misleading. The facts are that 1227 people voted both to defeat Article 23, and defeat Fred Childs. Facts is that Consentino, Sapia, et al. have been working overtime to get Child's elected and Acciard defeated. Fact is that last years article 21 was ignored, by childs and morelli, and they were allowed to ignore it by the Town's election officials. Fact is that elderly voters made up roughly 25% of the electorate this year.
You are right however, democracy did work in Atkinson, and the voters will get the government the voted to receive, just as in recent years. The voters wishes trump all! (unless you are a selectman who doesn't want to do what the voters tell you to do)
Publius...don't you have that wrong. The Police Chief tells the voters and therefore the Selectmen what to do.
I find it interesting that we apparently have one Anonymous poster that feels that this site is nothing more than "hate and vitriol" towards our selectmen, and select others; I ask you, Anon, are any of the facts presented here wrong? Are the comments even beginning to approach the comments made in selectmen's meeting s by those people, using taxpayer funded resources such as ACTV to publish those slanderous attacks to the entire town? This blog did not see you complaining about that. You could have even complained quietly by going to the Town Moderator, and asking him to act as an "executive officer" (to use a military term) would in advising the selectmen that their conduct was perhaps not appropriate. but that may not have accomplished anything either as the Moderator did his share of demeaning other residents on camera in selectmen's meetings, appropos of nothing, too.
But you feel that the comments on this blog are uncalled for. Where were you when the REALLY egregious actions were being committed? The actions that even Superior Court Judges have described as egregious. Where were you then? I wonder.
So did we accept Wright Farm Rd or not? I really am confused on this one.
Wright Farm. The original petitioned warrant article asked "to accept". I believe it was amended on Town Meeting Floor to "not" accept. We voted against "not" accepting, but we didn't vote to accept. I would guess that the article will need to be submitted again next year. In the meantime, I'd bet it's not a town road. As a matter of note (history?) it was never intended to be a town road. The developer and the planning board negotiated some variations to the town road specifications in order to get the development going. Slope, I think was one of the issues, and road width and probably a few other things. The developer was allowed to build to amended road specs with the stipulation that it would not be put forth for town acceptance.
No matter how you look at this election, the voters got the article 23 right, and that is the majority. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the chiefs loyal voters are. And your right about the split votes between Valerie and Mr. Morse. There is one thing that the Chief can't control, and that is time. Time will go on and eventually, the town will have a new cheif and so on...Im looking twards the future, Glad Article 23 is done, and i really can't wait for my tax bill next year!
To the March 14, 2007 11:44 AM Anonymous poster,
You know, I always thought that the Chief had it in for the Hog Hill people too. Hasn’t expansion of that tower been tried, unsuccessfully I believe, for years? I Googled Signal Tower and Atkinson, and it seems that there’s been something going on with that tower since 2003, but if I recall, it may be a longer battle.
Here is what I find upsetting about this election. There are a number of town officials who have not acted appropriately in the past 3 years or so.
Consentino- His misdeeds on camera are legendary, and have been fully discussed. He apparently didn't know it is wrong to vote on stuff affecting your job as an elected official, even after being told so.
Childs- Same story, anyone with a small amount of common sense knows you can't vote on your own raise, Yet he claims he didn't know it was wrong until told so.
Sapia- Spent the last 2 years echoing childs and consentino, to the point where he shouted down residents who disagreed with the board just as much as those two did.
Yet these are the people we, as a town elect to represent us! Leave aside the issues of split votes and what the voters wanted, this is the result. We elect those wo we know are not trustworthy, honest, and straight forward. And we don't elect people who we know and have seen demonstrated have those qualities, such as Janine Sawyer and Mark Acciard.
Janine has served admirably on the budget committee for many years, is extremely knowledgable about the budget and the process, and has never shied away from questioning anyone who comes before her committee. Much the same for Mark. He has put his own family, livlihood, and reputation on the line to fight the corruption in our town. He has won every time. And he is still not worthy of our vote? In meeting too numerous to mention, in the face of Consentino screaming, and Sapia, interrupting , he has maintained his calm demeanor, polite voice, honor and integrity.
I can only conclude that these are qualities that the electorate of Atkinson no longer seek in their elected officials, and I for one feel the town has lost somethng from this revelation.
I feel that Mr. Acciard is probably the most knowledgable person in town on the budget and budget law, and was clearly the best candidate for the job.
I for one, would like to say to Mr. Acciard, THANK YOU.
I'd like to express my deepest sympathies to Mr. Sullivan, who's going to spend at least the next year in Hell.
Dear Residents
There is one issue that has not been touched on. I was at the polls for the count. The moderator stated loud and clear that the total number of residents that voted was 2,168 of which 155 were absentee ballots.
Now add up the number of votes for Fred Childs-984, Harold Morse-609 and Val Tobin-618 and it equals 43 votes more than the number of residents who voted!!!!!!
Something stinks!
This election was tainted and should have a total recount.
I think you should do an article to find out what is protocol. If Fred does not resign before being sworn in (Linda Jette swears him in), I am assuming the selectman would have to fire him. I don't think Jack will do that and Fred can't do it alone so where does that leave the town. I think this could turn into a big mess because we know they never do the right thing. If Fred gets sworn in on Friday after five, the waiting period for a recount, and doesn't resign and goes to the meeting on Monday and is still a town employee something better be done. I think people should show up there at Mondays meeting and ask him if his resignation is in.
The "grapevine" has it that Mr. Childs has already resigned his position as Maintenance Supervisor and that Mrs. Morelli is not going to resign, so a replacement will need to be appointed by the Budget Committee.
I love our grapevine. It's usually very accurate.
Why is a recount an issue? If Fred doesn't resign or he decides he does not want to be a Selectman, the law says that the Selectmen appoint someone for a 1-year term to take his spot. The next highest vote getter does not take his place.
Fred won. He said at candidate's night that he would resign if he won. Fred - you probably read this, or someone you know does. Will you post an answer, or address this on Monday night?
I dont think a recount is necesary, I am sure that the moderator simply misspoke when he stated 2163 votes cast INCLUDING 155 absentees, He probably meant PLUS 155 absentees. A simple error. I am sure that the moderator will correct this controversy.
I think it is very sad that the group of "elderly voters" would think that if they voted against the cheifs wishes, would loose their elderly affairs. Not true. I havn't heard any canidate , or any local person say that the town doesn't need any such program. So i guess what i am saying is, why does the over 60 crowd keep supporting the cheif? Could it be a generational thing? Maybe. Do they think the town will go to hell if they don't vote for his agenda? I wonder. I do know that there are alot of really good people that are trying to do the right thing, without any agenda. That is a really good thing, don't you think?
So much of what happens in Atkinson is not because of what is right, or best for the town, ut because of who has pissed off the chief or Jack or Fred or Frank. It really sux.
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