Well The Town report arrived today, and it has an absolutely beautiful picture of Dow Common on the front. The report makes interesting reading too, as it usually does.
I was astounded to see how many of our town officials endorsed this blog in the town report(spiritually, if not literally) And thank God there are no petty, vindictive slams against particular residents this year as there was last in the selectmen's report.
The report begins with an eloquent memorial day address given by Donald Latham, USNR Retired. The line in this address that jumped out at me was; "With respect comes tolerance for the rights of others." Profound words. Given the numerous selectmen's meetings where residents were shouted down by Mr. Childs and Mr. Sapia, one can only hope they re-read this address many times.
This is followed by the selectmen's report. It speaks of the many committee's formed by concerned residents over the past year, but notable makes no mention of the proposed police radio tower, in the center of town, or the work undertaken by that committee, hmmmmm, strange. It also talks of the reduction in the waste management contract this year, due in part to the reduction in fuel prices form $3.00/gal. at this time last year. But I almost choked on my coffee when I read the end of the report where selectman chairman Childs states;
"I would be remiss, however, if as a leader of the community I did not point out that we are able to accomplish more when we show each other the highest degree of respect for our differences and rise above those that choose not to."
Utterly amazing given the fact that it has been he and selectman Sapia in the past year, and the two of them along with the chief before that who have refused to allow people with dissenting opinions to speak, talked trash about those who disagreed with them after those people left, shouted down those who complained, and many other equally egregious acts that have landed the selectmen in court on a number of occasions.
Just imagine the size of the rocks it takes to admonish others about respect, in light of the selectmen's performance this past two years!
Also the Town report has something missing....
For the first time in recent history, there is no listing of payments to town employees and vendors! Why I wonder? is it excessively cynical of me to think that it may have something to do with the fact that two town employees are running for office? or the fact that our recent exceedingly generous union contract, negotiated by the chief gives three of our five full timers over $50,000 per year, plus benefits? I MUST be too cynical!
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A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
The Annual Report is out. Compliments to Shirley Galvin because I’m sure she is responsible for most of work that went into it.
I do, however, have a complaint. For the first year in several – at least 15 – there are no vendor or salary reports. I’d guess at least half the town looks for those two reports first.
Most of the taxpayers want to see where their money goes. Budgets are nice because they break the budget into departments. The vendor list, though, tells the taxpayers how much money they paid the phone company, the electric company; how much was spent on heating, or legal fees, or everything else. Several of the taxpayers also want to know who makes how much money. In light of the fact that it’s our money that pays the salaries and the bills, the taxpayers feel they’re entitled to that information, and when it isn’t made available, they wonder why, and get suspicious. Particularly in recent years, they’ll believe the Selectmen are hiding something….again.
The cover was lovely. The insertion of Don Latham’s Memorial Day speech was a great idea, and it was terrific to see so much more of the auditor’s report included.
Where are the employee payments and vendor payments? That's always the first thing I read! It's like getting the paper without the sports section!
Who is responsible for this screw up?
The selectmen are responsible for the town report, and everything in it(or not in it). In this case that probably means Russ, the town administrator. The same guy who didn't get the warrant article ready until the budget committee was walking into their public hearing last year, and missed some even then. The same guy who increased the towns phone bill when he said it would decrease. The same guy who according to the chief didn't put in for FEMA funds for that flood in May, when he was supposed to. What do we pay this guy $60,000/yr. for?
What a flagrant omission to leave out all of the detailed payment data. A new report needs to be re-issued with this information (or at least send it out as a subsequent appendix). How can their be oversight without it?
This is passive aggressive behavior at its worst. Did someone think; "Gee, maybe the stupid taxpayers won't notice?"
This whole situation is so out of control. I can't stand it. I am disgusted.
Is this what happens with town employees as selectmen? Fred says we were to stupid to know what we were voting for last year, maybe he thought we were too stupid to notice that the employee payments were missing!
I also looked forward to reading the “employee & vendor payments” in the town report. After reading the report from cover to cover, I was impressed with the quality of the report but I couldn’t help wondering who made the decision to leave out the “employee & vendor payments” section. I was hoping an addendum would be coming very soon.
About the comment about the town administrator; It’s bothered me for a while that he brings in these vendors of his choosing and then acts like a salesman for them. The phone system was a great example; he sold us a bill of goods on savings and additional features that ended up costing us a bundle. When all this happened, I remembered thinking “this guy must be getting a kickback”. I have no proof (this is puely a personal opinion) but having been a business person for many years … this deal didn’t pass the smell test.
I find the annual report just one more embarrassment for the town. A lovely picture on the cover to be sure but the content. Oh my.
It is insulting not to have the information required or desired by the residents to begin with but then.............
There is typo after typo after typo, the pages are off center and alot of the information was just scanned in from whatever report went to the State or whatever information came to the Town.
Check out the Management Discussion & Analysis....what a joke. No one could take the time to remove the ????? and insert the proper page #. Oops scanned in but not edited. Auditors Report oops scanned in with their letter head.....nice. This is a TOWN report.
And let's not forget all the empty space of 6+ BLANK pages which we pay for. What a mickey mouse job.
Shame on you Russ. It's looking like your salary would be better utilized elsewhere.
I need to respond to the Anon's complaints about the Town Report. The Auditor's general letter has always been scanned in. It demonstrates that noone in town tried to manipulate or change the letter received. The auditor's financial reports have never been included, as far as I know. Scanned or not, it's new and important information for the taxpayers. Ditto the MS1 - Summary of Inventory of Valuation and DRA Tax letter.
The big complaint is, as should be, the omission of the Vendors List and Salaries.
And I also agree that this is one of the best covers we've ever had.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm not mistaken, credit for the beautiful cover photo should go to Elaine Woodbury. Elaine's talents are indeed missed. She was single handedly responsible for the Town Report in recent years and each year did a fine job.
This blog has spent way too much time discussing Fred Childs and Ginny Morelli and giving them any acknowledgement. Everyone knows they are wrong to be on the ballot and don't qualify as neither has given in writing their intent to RESIGN from their paying positions.
That said.....there are really only 2 candidates for Atkinson to choose from for Selectmen this year. Val Tobin and Harold Morse. So let's tally them up.
Val Tobin
PLUS - a new face and no apparent conflict
MINUS - 1) definite issues with the Highway Department although Ted is STILL our Road Agent and the roads are being maintained properly and look darn good, 2) no experience with municipal government, 3) not a clue as to the Selectmen's responsibilities, 4) unfamiliar with the operating budget, 5) unsure of the Budget Committee's responsibilities and 6) no past experience serving on committees, boards or volunteering for the Town.
Harold Morse
PLUS - long time involvement with the Town on the Planning Board and familiarity with municipal government and state statutes.
MINUS - 1) definite conflict by being related to and working for Peter Lewis, although Mr. Morse has shown over time that he is able to step down from the Board when conflicting issues have arisen.
So the question becomes do we as residents want to put a Selectman in place that needs a crash course or one that has acrued knowledge over a period of time of involvement with the Town?
Excusing oneself on several issues over a period of a 3-year term seems more beneficial to the Town than someone trying to learn what should be brought to the table to begin with.
My vote is for Harold Morse.
If you have any questions or concerns about the contract, please get all of your facts first. Furthermore, please sit and down and speak with union leadership. The president is Ofc. Fardella and the Shop Steward is Ofc. Paquette. Both would be more than happy to answer your questions and calm any fears or misunderstandings you may have regarding the CBA. As you so vociferously advocate on your blog, an open and honest line of communication is the best thing for everyone. Until you have all the facts, do not pass judgement on a CBA you had nothing to do with; and are only receiving your information from unnamed sources in and around town government. We know for a FACT, that NOT ONE person has EVER taken the time to contact the union leadership in order to discuss the CBA. Please do so, sir; in order for this campaign of disinformation to stop.
One has to remember, that it was not until a CBA and a union came into being, that the Town of Atkinson was losing - on average - one full time officer a year. A fair contract, better wages and benefits have stopped the attrition that was going on. Now, we have a core group of veteran full time officer and a core group of vetera part time officers who are better able to serve the Town for the simple reason that they understand what belongs and what does not belong when they are working thier beats. If you have constant turnover in your ranks - full or part time - , then you have officers who do not have the knowledge base necessary to effectively do their jobs...that knowledge comes with TIME and retention of that employee. The CBA has done just that.
Sir, you and Ulysses - or whoever represents you and you cabal - have an open door invitation to sit down with us and talk.
You cite Valerie Tobins inexperience in town government and lack of service on anytown boards.
This blog is curious... did you raise the same issues about Jack Sapia?
He had no qualifications, no town government experience, no budget experience, and has shown no desire to learn any of this in the last two years.
At least Ms. Tobin has actually run a successful business, ethically, by all accounts, and has employed people, managed projects with direct responsibility, rather than that of a paid manager.
I think she would be a breath of fresh air.
To IBPO Local 563:
In case you were unaware, the definition of a cabal is this:
"a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority".
Your invitation has not been taken upon because the police dept you belong to has become a political organization that intimidates and bullies residents who are in fear of retaliation. The abuse of police power going on in this town is beyond belief.
So your offer is disingenuous. "Come into my den said the spider to the fly". As if someone in town is going to walk down to the police station and ask a question about anything. Fat chance. The last ones that tried are posting on this blog.
Until there is new police leadership and new practices are implemented which no longer hold the population hostage under the badge and gun, we are forced into secrecy. So the "cabal" you refer to exists because it was created by the organization you belong to.
Your "open invitation" is about as welcoming as an armed officer presenting a warrant article at town meeting.
If you have facts to present, present them here, IN WRITING for all to see. Take this opportunity of this forum to present your case. We welcome facts. They are so hard to find around the town hall and PD these days.
To IBPO Local 563,
Was anything in the article wrong? Do we not have three ful-time officers that make a base pay of $50,000/yr.? Didn't the chief negotiate the contract? Isn't it generous by other 6,800 person towns with no retail district's standards?
Does this blog have it's info. wrong? after all it comes directly from the contract itself and the budget meeting of Nov. 28, 2006.
As a matter of fact I did not vote for Mr. Sapia for the same reasons. Unfortunately word of mouth was not enough to curb other resident's enthusiasm for the possibility of a new ethical face.
Consequently the Town got way more than it bargained for. Mrs. Tobin may well be the other end of the spectrum and the Town will get way less than it bargained for.
I for one am tired of waiting for results in this town. In my view Selectman Sullivan can't do it alone. Let's get some experience in there and begin to move forward.
Everyone in this blog should realize that the Police Department's leadership, Chief Consentino and Lieutenant Baldwin, are vastly different from the Union's leadership, Officer Fardella and Officer Paquette.
Officer Fardella and Officer Paquette represent the epitome of modern policing and effective town service. The same can't be said for Chief Consentino. Unfortunately, the pandering to senior citizens has allowed the Chief to continue his monarchy within the town's borders. This is not the fault of the union.
The union is compiled of human beings, who like everyone else, want to be compensated and valued for their daily service, as are all of these blog readers in their respective jobs. The last time I checked, the average standard of living was much higher than that of anyone of the police officers working in Atkinson. There seems to be such an outcry over three officers making over $50,000 a year in base pay. This amount certainly would not provide for resident life within Atkinson, yet everyone who is writing to complain lives within the town. Which makes me wonder how much you make.
It must be so simple and easy to sit at a computer behind the shield of "anonymous" and question the salary and intentions of those who must work in the public eye. Walk a mile as the saying goes before professing to know the rights and wrongs of everything that takes place within the police union contract.
You ask for the union to make it's case to you on this forum, so you may critique and respond from the safety of anonymity. This is not how civilized people debate such important issues. The union has come to you in the open, you should respond in the same manner.
to the last anonymous,
Unfortunately, as you yourself have noted the people posting on this blog require anonymity to avoid persecution form the police administration. As many of the bloggers here have recounted their own personal stories of outrage over the conduct of these gentlemen, you evidently being "on the inside" know fist hand of these gentlemen's conduct.
I remember Officer Rivera and officer Lorden who organized the union, stating that the reason for the union was not pay but to get work rules on paper to reign in the "harrasment and favoritism" (their words) on the part of the chief.
I think you need to take the comments about pay in the context of an employer's viewpoint, as that is what the residents are. You do not pay someone what the need to live in a particular community. You pay what you need to attract a highly qualified and competent workforce, based upon what the prevailing market wage is.
I mean no disrespect to the fine officers who populate our town force, nor do I mean any disrespect to their semi-capable leaders, but when Atkinson has the highest compensated Lt. in the state of NH. You have to ask yourself why? Does Atkinson have greater needs than Manchester? than Concord? Than Salem? I doubt it. A cop in Lawrence MA. according to the Eagle-Tribune a few Sundays ago, starts at $34,352/yr. and after 5 yrs. with step increases and COLA should be making $42,474/yr. Now I do not want to belittle the duties of out officers but I don't think the danger level, or the actual body of work compares in Atkinson to Lawrence. These are things you have to consider. I think the pay comments were probably made in that vein.
As to discussing this in person, You know why that can't happen. The "powers that be" have already tried to trace IP addresses on this site in a vain attempt to discover who was behind it. They have contacted the Carraige-Towne News to try to find out who placed the flyer this past Tues. And why, because shooting the messenger is so much easier than having to answer questions. Because these people act like J.Edgar Hoover building files and getting something on those that cross them, rather than simply doing the right thing.
My sympathies to Officers Fardella and Paquette, as well as all the other "good cops" on our force. I would imagine it's extremely difficult to serve under such egotistical and often maniacal bosses, and I admire your courage.
As to salaries, several of us do compare the salaries in Atkinson to the salaries paid in other towns. We are very high, and we wonder why. Every year the Chief says Atkinson has one of the lowest crime rates in the area. He's been saying that for 30 years! From the time when we had a flock of part-time officers! We lack the businesses that other towns must deal with; the restaurants and the drunks. So, okay, we have some drunks, and once in a while a burglary, but not to the extent other towns do.
We object to the salary paid to a Lieutenant who does not even have a degree to call his own. Some of us believe the Chief is training the Lt. to take over when he retires. Some of us also think that's a scary thought.
Please note, though, that ALL comments in this blog relate to managemet. As for the rest of the force, we appreciate you. We really do.
To Anom, "Selectman's race"
So you would rather have Harold Morse, who would have to step down on all planning and zoning changes, ZBA, Convervation, recreation, maybe highway safety and possibly employee handbook revisions. Why have a selectman at all if he/she can't fulfill their duties because of their conflicts or preseved conficts? Not sure why you think that Ms. Tobin has an issue with Teddy Stewart. She only asks the tough questions, that no one else dares to ask. Just learned that Pine Knoll Drive has some "sinking" problems. Gee, wasn't that "reconstructed" a few years ago, and wasn't that supposed to last 15 years??? What happened, why are we spending hundreds of thousands of dollars reconstructing roads that fall apart in a few years. Highway has one of the largest budgets, don't you think someone needs to ask the questions?
to Anon 3/10/07 5:43PM
Guess I struck a nerve. But Anon, you need to know that if elected as Selectman I believe Mr. Morse would be required by statute to step off the Planning Board.
Not sure why you feel he would have to remove himself for Conservation, Recreation, Highway Safety, Employee Handbook revisions??? Come on! Must be you are aware of upcoming issues the Selectmen will be dealing with that everyone else is not.
To Anon 7:43 PM
Mr. Morse, according to his letter is actively involved in many capacities in Recreation, therefore, to vote our have any involvement in Recreation, would be a conflict. He should also step down from his recreation duties, just like Mr. Sullivan stepped down from his involvement from the fire department. Regarding Planning, zoning and conservation. Any new rules and regulations that are discussed, he cannot be involved with due to his employer and that his wife is a family member of the town's largest employer. Regarding highway, aren't the Stewarts some how involved with the Lewis's. It has always been so stated. LIkewise on the employee handbook, he can't participate due to his connections from his involvements over the past years. Please feel free to correct me is I am wrong. But the perception of ethics issues must always be kept in check.
Sorry for the mistake.
one of us made a mistake...my commnet was under the wrong article. Can you please move it here? Here is what I wrote:
To Anom, "Selectman's race"
So you would rather have Harold Morse, who would have to step down on all planning and zoning changes, ZBA, Convervation, recreation, maybe highway safety and possibly employee handbook revisions. Why have a selectman at all if he/she can't fulfill their duties because of their conflicts or preseved conficts? Not sure why you think that Ms. Tobin has an issue with Teddy Stewart. She only asks the tough questions, that no one else dares to ask. Just learned that Pine Knoll Drive has some "sinking" problems. Gee, wasn't that "reconstructed" a few years ago, and wasn't that supposed to last 15 years??? What happened, why are we spending hundreds of thousands of dollars reconstructing roads that fall apart in a few years. Highway has one of the largest budgets, don't you think someone needs to ask the questions?
Does any one out there in the whole town know if we are going to get the employees and vendors reports? We are looking to see if the Town Report can and will be rectified. They owe us and it should not be fluffed off. Because we care.
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