In light of the last few years this should be a no brainer. This all started in March of 2003 when Chief Consentino ran for selectmen. When asked about possible conflicts at candidates night by Mr. Acciard, he stated that he served as selectmen in the mid seventies with no problems. He further stated that he would step aside on police matters and let Sgt. Baldwin present them. He did that for the first year and there were no complaints. Also when he served in the seventies there was no conflict of interest ordinance. Then in March of 2004, when Chairman Boyle was absent the Chief made a request to withdraw money from the donation account and voted to approve his own request, with selectman Childs as the second vote.
Mr. Acciard filed a conflict of interest complaint, and the conflict of interest committee refused to do anything. He then asked the Court if Mr. Consentino should step aside on these matters and the Court said YES! Mr. Consentino didn't like that answer and appealed it to the NH Supreme Court. With your money! The NH Supreme Court said the lower court was right! Mr. Acciard also brought Mr. Childs up on a conflict of interest complaint for voting on his own raise. Conflict of interest committee said you can't do that.
It is for these reasons that we need to prohibit town employees from being selectmen. It is not because they would not do a good job, it is because a few bad apples have spoiled it for the rest!
It is because our town deserves better!
And because there is no shortage of people running. Mr. Sapia argued that we will not have people to serve if we disenfranchise town employees, well we have three people running for one office as selectman, and eight running for four slots on budget, I just do not see the dearth of candidates that Mr. Sapia does. Perhaps he sees a dearth of candidates that he can interrupt, talk over, and control.
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ATKINSON's Vietnam HONOR ROLL as VOTED and PASSED by 2005 Town Meeting and re-approved at Special Town Meeting Sept. 12

A voice of compassion, an example of fairness and reasonable government.
One who believes in the strength and comfort you, your children and your family can draw from good government leadership.
A person who knows Atkinson is our home -- our most important possession that must be preserved and protected through fair taxes and sound community planning and where our children must be safe to grow to become a new generation of leaders.
One who knows that the citizens of Atkinson are all neighbors with her leadership to be dedicated and responsive to all.
One who believes that when those from Atkinson have served our nation and honors are deserved, those honors must be given.
In Valerie Tobin, we now have a leader we know we can entrust with these responsibilities because they are part of her character.
It is our honor to endorse Valerie for election to Atkinson’s Board of Selectmen.
Just a note for those who wish to count the deer.
In January 08 this blog had 16,000 hits and 1,500 unique visitors (for the month).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
In 2007 this blog had over 100,000 hits and 5,750 unique visitors (for the year).
"I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense . . ." [TP, 1776]
We take no small measure of umbrage at such a hostile official act against this BLOG’s patron. Therefore, a timely Editorial comment is both appropriate and necessary.
Discussion of Atkinson’s financial direction, from any viewpoint, is fundamental and encouraged and we will always attempt to limit and correct errors.
However, Righteous indignation towards purported error of such inconsequential nature is not appropriate.
The ENTIRE car deal is problematic. If it was caused by poor judgement, improper exercise of authority, neglect or mistake or even specious reasoning, this will never trump the facts that the entire questionable transaction started and ended within a very small circle of confidants.
We find the entire circumstances surrounding the disposition of the police Cruiser highly irregular at the least and the "explanations" somewhat trifling and exhaustive of our intellect.
Mr. Consentino: It’s time to go. Being Chief of Atkinson’s Police Department is NOT a birthright. That is a fabled legend of yesteryear.
Historically in Atkinson, police chief appointments were made "under the hand of the selectmen" for terms of one year at a time, as was also the case in the beginning of Mr. Consentino’s assorted and discontinuous stream of appointments to this position.
Your only remaining credential established on a claim of indispensability has faded.
So time is neigh. Plan a graceful exit, Clean out your desk, Accept the gratitude and tearful sentiments from some. We plan no editorial recriminations. It is time. Thank you for your service, We wish you a long and happy retirement. Bon Voyage.
"To All Atkinson Residents,
I am writing to ask for your help. A member of the Atkinson Police Department needs our help. I am here to ask for your help in Corporal John Lapham's fight for his life. As you are aware, John has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been once again hospitalized with an infection that is threatening his life. He is one of the bravest people that I have ever met. He has never asked of anything from the residents of the town. Now is our chance to step up and help both him and his family out. As everyone is aware John has been out of work for a few months. His family has been busy helping John to get better. He needs our help, and I am hoping that this town can step up to the plate and help. From the moment that I met John, I have admired him. He does alot, but never asks for anything in return. He has helped so many people in this town. I for one am one of those people. Please help him.
There is a fund set-up in his name at TDBanknorth in Plaistow. Any amount will help John, while he is out of work. It would be great if this town could help ease a burden off his wife.
Thank You
Also if anyone would like to send a card, please address it to:
John Lapham
c/o Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Ctr.
Inpatient mail
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
United States
Please show Corporal John Lapham, that this community can stand up and show our support to those in need. I for one, miss John and can not wait until he can get better and return to work. Please show him that we support him. "
If Childs will put his own wants ahead of the voters when we tell him we dont want employees as selectmen, or when we tell him to put the honor rolls in front of the town hall.
Then he shouldn't be shouldn't be a selectman.
What has he done for the town in his three years as selectman? I can't think of one thing!
Since we have had two employees on the board of selectmen we have had nothing but lawsuits, ethics complaints, rude treatment from the selectmen of voters who question them, and just a general impoliteness on the part of the conflicted and those who wish to call them on it.
It is time to move the town forward.
It is time to update the employee manual. It is time for all of our selectmen to be able to deal with ALL issues.
It is time for Childs and Morelli to show that they respect the will of the voters rather than thinking they are above them.
i agree all the way
I agree, I am sick of selectmen that think that they can do whatever they want even when the voters tell them different.
If the voters say we dont want employees serving, we mean it!
If you cant listen to that we would be stupid to think that you would listen to anything else!
To run or not to run? That is the question.
I voted for the town article that restricts town employees from holding elected positions. When I cast my vote that day, my intention was not to create a loophole that says "you can still run just in case the law changes".
By running, Childs not only defies the will of the Atkinson voters, he will deliberately dilute the vote by taking votes from other potential, viable candidates.
I think Childs is actually taking a self-destructive path that in the end, will ensure he is never elected to a position in Atkinson again, even if he is not a town employee.
My opinion is that for anyone running for elected office, this type of approach (basically defying voters) is a short sighted view that demonstrates a lack of judgement and strategic thinking.
The town of Atkinson should not tolerate Selectman that directly defy the will of the voters.
A few weeks ago I was given a business card that directed me to this blog. Having lived in Atkinson about 5 years, and being totally frustrated with the poor quality of Atkinson news coverage in the Tribune, this seemed worth investigating. I was thrilled when I came across the following on the blog:
On Thursday, December 21 Ulysses said “This blog has been created to present current and/or vital news to the people of Atkinson”
On Sunday, December 24, Publius said “My purpose in contributing to this bog is to inform the people of Atkinson of what goes on behind the scenes in town politics. How the decisions truly get made, why most of them are not seen in public meetings, and who is conducting town business in the darkness of the night and why.”
Aside from the Tribune, my only other sources of information on Atkinson “goings on” were what I could pick up from the chatter when I bought my morning coffee at the Village Store and what I could glean from watching channel 20. Maybe I’m slow, but I have always had a hard time following what goes on at the meetings I watch on channel 20. The chatter I would overhear at the Village Store just seemed like gossip with a lot of one sided embellishment and not just a hint of bravado. I moved to Atkinson from Salem where I grew to hate the politics, mud slinging, back room deals and I hoped a smaller more quaint town like Atkinson would be different. What a shock it was to me to see the Tribune’s front page coverage of all the shenanigans in the Selectmen’s office, the conflicts of interest, the lawsuits, and the whole Vietnam Memorial debacle. So I have felt like there are things going on in town that I wanted to understand better and maybe I would get more involved by running for an elected position or putting my name in for an appointment on a committee. I thought that maybe I could contribute to making Atkinson a better place for all of us. In contrast to the personal attacks I overhear at the Village Store, I was encouraged to read this as well:
On January 27, Publius said “Plato, welcome to the blog. We posted your comment only because it was your first and we appreciate diversity of thought, however, this blog is intended as a forum for all of those who have held their noses in disgust at the actions of our selectmen for the last two years. For all of those who have things to say (civilly) and have not had a forum to say them for the last two years.
While we appreciate your contribution to the blog, and hope to converse with you in the future, we must ask you to participate in the realm of ideas. We do not wish for this to become a sinkhole of ad hominum attacks of a personal nature. No name calling please, and your contributions will be appreciated.”
I’m sorry to say it but this blog has turned out to be a major disappointment. In the past 10 days or so, the lack of civility, name calling, and venting of spleens has reached a fever pitch. So much so that, in my humble opinion, it has become a “sinkhole of ad hominum attacks”. I am no fan of Mr. Sapia but it is becoming clear to me that way too much of the content of this blog is focused on him, and in a way that is down right childish and totally unproductive. Other than my observation that he can be a bit overbearing, I can’t understand why the blog has an axe to grind with him. In fact, my opinion of him went up ten-fold when he recently knocked on my door on the third day we were without electricity to ask if my wife and I were OK or if we needed anything.
On the other hand, this blog can’t seem to praise Mr. Sullivan enough. From what I can see, Mr. Sullivan seems to be a fine selectman, but I certainly don’t see him as outstanding or some knight on a white horse deserving of all the praise this blog heaps on him. In fact, he seems to be just as human as the other two selectmen in the category of the occasional lapse of good judgment. He went after Ms Mangini, the head of the Recreation Committee, with a vengeance and seemed to be hell bent on proving that there was some conspiracy about appointments to that committee. From what I saw, he was wrong. In fact, I overheard that his daughter or daughter-in-law has a leadership position on one of the organizations that uses the Town’s fields that are under the control of the Recreation Committee. Maybe I have my facts wrong, but isn’t Budget Committee member Boyle the developer of the land that would be right next to the proposed cell tower? Doesn’t it make sense that he would be opposed to it? Isn’t Selectman Sullivan the real-estate agent that works for Mr. Boyle? If this is true, I’m not sure there is any conspiracy or wrong doing, I’m just wondering why information about Mr. Sullivan is omitted from this blog. If Mr. Sullivan is Mr. Boyle’s real-estate agent, doesn't that mean that Mr. Sullivan will have to recuse himself from all discussions about the cell tower? Again, maybe I have my facts wrong, but the one-sidedness of this blog about Mr. Sullivan raises a red-flag to me.
Another red fag for me are the deliberative session comments on this blog. I attended a portion in person and watched most of the remainder from home. Again I may be slow, but reading the comments on this blog makes me wonder if I attend a totally different meeting. What’s with the cheap shots at the moderator? Am I missing something? Just what is it he didn’t do impartially while affording people the opportunity to state their views? Completely missing from this blog is any mention of Budget Committee Chairman Acciard’s insistence on speaking to each article, often times with more than one trip to the microphone. Sometimes he had some good things to say but he also was guilty of what Bill O’Reilly calls “bloviating”. Also absent is any mention that Mr. Acciard himself moved to call the question numerous times. Where is the outrage that it took over 7 hours to do the Town’s business because the same small group of people dominated the microphone? So is it any wonder people in Atkinson don’t attend deliberative session. Does any other town in the area take this much time to deliberate? No!
I’m sure there is a lot more I don’t know about in Atkinson, but with what I do know, I’m getting the impression that this blog is nothing more than a forum being controlled by a small number of people bent on imposing their views of right and wrong and possibly their will. Quite the contrary to what is the stated purpose of this blog. I’m sure there are others like me that are genuinely thirsty for the truth, facts, and some balanced opinion. As this blog grows, I’m finding that facts are conveniently omitted or are twisted. I’m also seeing the same people constantly praised and the same people constantly berated, and in my humble opinion, not in a balanced way. I came to this blog to get away from hidden agendas and I feel like I’ve been duped! Even though my thirst for the truth went unfulfilled on this blog, I will say that it has served one purpose in my quest for knowledge of what goes on in Atkinson. Up until very recently I thought Chief Consentino’s handling of the Vietnam Memorial was wrong and I was severely disappointed that a second Veteran’s Day passed with no monument. I’m now of the opinion that Chief Consentino’s actions were likely the result of him being verbally abused, berated, badgered, and threatened; possibly by the very same people that contribute to this blog. I suspect that he had a very human, albeit unfortunate, response to those people; he dug his heals in. Politics is about the art of compromise, there can be no compromise when the discussion turns personal. And that is what this blog has become, a forum for personal attacks. Publius, thank you for trying this social experiment but I must say good bye lest I become swallowed up in this sinkhole of ad hominum attacks.
Oh and by the way, there isn’t a “snow ball’s chance in hell” that I would now run for office or serve on a committee in Atkinson and subject myself to the abuse that is foisted upon those who serve your town by the likes of the people that contribute to this blog. I suspect that the vast majority of those that serve Atkinson are good decent people, albeit human, and deserving of much better than what is said about them on this blog. Does anyone know a good real estate agent, Salem is looking better each day!
WOW, Long post anon, but I would like to try to address some of your points from my perspective.
I'll go down your post in order, I believe your first complaint is the tone of the comments regarding Mr. Sapia's performance at town meeting;
I wasn't there at town meeting because I had work out of town that day, but I recorded and have watched it since to be able to assess the validity of the comments coming in.
I believe that Mr. Sapia is getting justly beaten for his constant calling of the question(when there was a line of people at the mic who wished to speak) and when(those people were on the opposite side of the issue from him). At one point I believe even the moderator told him that he had to be recognized, and that the ending debate was getting out of hand.
As far as comments on Mr. Sullivan's performance, I believe he looks better than he is by comparison to the other two. Mr. Sullivan has always stepped aside when there was even the perception of a conflict, even during his years on budget, so his conduct, honorable as it is, looks even more so, by comparison.
Yes Mr. Acciard did call the question several times but I never saw him cut of a number of people at the mic. But yes he did bloviate, and he does seem to be opinionated, but his questions were all to the point, and he did not ramble.
No, It shouldn't have taken over 7 hours to discuss the warrant. I couldn't believe upon watching it that the budget finished three hours into the session. I believe most of the comments regarding Mr. Polito's moderation were good, I thought he did do a good job even if he was a little long winded at the beginning. He appeared to be fair, and trying his best to deal with the situation he was presented with. As to the length, there were a lot of petition warrant articles, and those always get a lot of discussion, the thing that surprised me and I haven't seen it mentioned here was Rep. Garrity's repeated calling of the question, cutting peole off at the mic. as a state rep. I did not expect that of him.
As for the honor roll panels, I believe the issue there is that the people voted to put them in front of the town hall, out side of the flagpoles, and dont spend more than a dollar of taxpayer money on it. The stickler is that the selectmen asked town counsel for an opinion on whether there was ambiguity in the two articles, he said no, and the selectmen told Mrs. Grant and the historical society to go ahead and raise their money, and they would put the stones in front of the town hall when it was done. This was on camera at a selectmen's meeting in late March or Early April. By June Mrs. Grant had said something that pissed off the Chief and he said, again at a live selectmen's meeting that he would NEVER put them there until she apologized. She was there and borrowed a piece of paper from the Eagle-Trib reporter and wrote an apology and handed it to him on camera. He said he didnt care he would NEVER vote for them. and that was it.
Town business would work much better if the personalities were left outside the door, not displayed on camera for all to see. nor should ANY town business be held hostage to one person's like and dislikes.
While I believe some of the people posting here have agendas, I truly believe the "venting" that is going on in this blog (some useful, some not)is because there is finally a place where opinions can be expressed freely without fear of retribution. So I think that some of the initial postings are people finally getting some things off of their mind that have been stifled for some time. Once the therapy from initial venting is concluded, I am hopeful the discussion on this blog will be more civil. We should set the example for open and honest debate and not emulate behavior many of us find disgusting and unprofessional in town politics.
I have kept my opinions to myself because of what has happened in the past. A lot of it is on video tape so please don't tell me these things have not happened.
I want to help make our Town a better place. I want to be involved. The only way that can occur is if I can freely speak my mind without fear.
Whether it is fact or fiction, a lot of people in town PERCIEVE it is not in their best interest to openly speak against the Chief or some of our elected officials. It is this fear that caused many people to hold their tongue.
Unfortunately, by keeping our mouths shut, we have done ourselves a tremendous disservice. We allowed others to dominate the conversation simply because they were louder or threatening or "claimed" to know the facts. These bullying tactics are really amateurish; however, they work if and when we let them.
While I may disagree with some of he comments posted from Anon (formerly of Salem), I have no problem with any of his comments. Post away, my friend. But please do not make the same mistake I have made - and that is to not participate or avoid confrontation by dropping out. That is the worst thing any of us can do.
I feel empowered by this blog. I have no intention of using it as my sole source of information. I will use it to help me understand more of what goes on in town and help fill in some of the gaps as some of the people here are far more studious on town events than I have time for. I appreciate their diligence (provided they continue to cite official references such as published meeting minutes, etc.).
I want to thank whoever it is that is running this blog. I also appreciate everyone's comments. For us to make progress, we all need to participate and speak our minds in a civil manner and not be fearful of any one person in town.
By becoming knowledgeable about town needs, attending town meetings and participating in town discussions - AND VOTING!! - that is how we can make a difference.
Here is the issue in a nutshell for those that do not understand the furor over Mr. Childs and Ms. Morelli's arrogance at thumbing their noses at the voters while asking those very same voters to put them into office.
Last year, by almost a two to one margin we passed a warrant article forbidding town employees or people who served as Dept. Heads in town from serving on or being elected to, the board of selectmen, or the budget committee.
This prohibits employees or dept. heads from being ELECTED TO these positions.
Mr. Childs is BOTH EMPLOYEE AND DEPT. HEAD. Ms. Morelli is an employee, who last year chose not to give up her job.
By the article passed last year their names shouldn't even be on the ballot. Unles they have quit and we don't know about it.
They are in effect saying, we are trying to get our friends to overturn this article, so that we can be elected, and we are signing up in case they do. We don't care what the majority voted!
So, what happens if they are elected and the article is not overturned? they either give up their jobs or give up their win. Mr. Polito said he thought the town would have to fire them.
So, lets assume for the sake of argument that they choose not to quit and therefore they dont take their seats. Now we have two vacancies that tose boards will have to appoint someone to fill. Is that fair to the others who ran?
It is a sad state of affairs when two peoples arrogance, and desire to have their own way, trumps the will of the voters, but, unfortunately that has been the way in Atkinson for the last three years.
In some ways I agree with Anon of Salem. I have been just as guilty as the rest of venting and not discussing issues productively. It has bothered me that this blog has become a negative vs positive sounding board.
However the factor that may not have been considered by the viewers as far as my comments are concerned is that I am a very long time resident, with a 20+++ year history of participation in town government, committees, boards, deliberative sessions, the old town meetings and plain old politics.
I have run up against the "good old boy network" time and time again, have been intimidated by our local constabulary, have been jeered and cheered for my undeniable presence and have probably been the reason for some small change here and there.
Unfortunately all too often the "network" prevails. They have made decisions based on their own agendas, companies, friends, relatives what not. Residents have been duped, abused, ignored and disrespected. And they continue to spend my tax money over and over again for their own best interest instead of the town's. I for one am tired of it.
So as negative as I find myself becoming on this blog I realize all to well it stems from frustration. To ignore does no good, to participate is arduous and sometimes unfullfilling but to VENT.......that feels great!!!!
Last but not least......these are only MY opinions these seemingly negative remarks but the facts, well the facts are there for all to see who pay attention to meetings and watch issues develop.
So Anon of Salem maybe putting your head in the sand and going back to Salem is better for you. Atkinson is definitely a hot bed but I have faith that it will continue to move forward slowly but surely.
In response to the former Salem anon. people in Atkinson are mad.
They're angry with Selectmen who ignore Town Meeting votes and do as they damned please. Not once, not twice, but at least three times that I can remember.
This is the only forum I know of where they - we - can vent, scream, yell and holler, and not be criticized for voicing their opinion. People who have been here a while know better than to contradict the Polie Chief. They'll pay for that contradiction forever.
In past years, it's been an effort to find somebody to run for an office. That's an indication that the town is content with what's happening and don't want to louse things up. Please note the number of candidates on the ballot this year!
You said you're reconsidering running for an office. Please re- reconsider. Maybe the town needs someone like you....someone who can look at things objectively and fairly. It appears that, now at least, a whole bunch of people don't believe that's happening, and that's what you're reading. If there's that much dis-satisfaction, there's something very wrong. We need somebody to get in there and fix it. Maybe you're the one.
To Anon of Salem, I apologize for my frustration, and sometimes negativism. I have been a town resident for 35 years. A lot longer than the people currently screwing everything up. What you are seeing on this blog is the glee at being able to say what you feel without being railed against at selectmens meeting for "having a personal vendeta" or for hating whatever it is you are against. In the last three years Atkinson has become a twon where the powers that be dont criticize the idea, they shoot the messenger, publicly! The selectmen's meetings for the last three years have been filled with public ridicule on their part against their critics. This is the only place where you can speak up without fear of retribution.
Residents who have lived in town as long as I know, but dont talk about the fact that if you criticize our chief of police you get followed through town, you get tickets for 2 mph over the limit, or leaving your car running as you run into the village store, or the chief inspecting your car as you bump into him somewhere. Everyone knows it but no one will speak up because they dont want it to happpen to them. Well this is the place where you can.
I think over time this venting will subside into constructive conversation. The people of Atkinson are largely good people and will do the right thing.
I have to agree with the last couple of comments! Just look at the people that have criticized publicly;
Mr. Kaye- simply said he was withdrawing from town business at a selectmen's meeting. Chief chased him into hallway screaming while the camera rolled, then came back in and spent 20 minutes slandering him.
Carol Grant- Came into a meeting to file complaint against chief, he turned off camera's and ordered his officers to escort her, her husband and wheelchair bound son out of building.
Mr. Acciard- Asked chief to step aside on police matters, chief refused, and continued to attack him on camera even after the court ordered him to step aside. Even after being found in Contempt of Court for disobeying the order. Even noting this in the town report for all to see forever. He even sued Mr. Acciard for slander.
Ms. Woodbury- came in to present petition warrant article on behalf of library trustees, chief and the other two selectmen yelled at her and bullied her into withdrawing the article. they got their way again.
Why would we want to criticize in the public forum and open ourselves up to all of that?
I like to judge town officials running for re-election based on what they have done for the town, you know, have they done a good job or not?
So here is my evaluation;
Childs- signed up even though voters told him not to. Didnt put the vietnam memorials where voters told him to. voted on own raise, not supposed to. town employee shouldn't be on ballot.
Acciard- kept budget increases low, questions everything, talks too much at town meetings, put reputation and self on line to get selectmen to behave ethically. (anytime someone will face adversity to do the right thing, counts for alot.)
Thompson- Did good job on budget although missed many meetings. asked good questions, always the compromiser.
Sawyer-Standley- was good on budget, good at town meeting, asks good questions.
I WOULD VOTE FOR HER(have to toss a coin in this race)
Morelli- didnt so much on committee last time, never asked questions, cantankerous, town employee should not be on ballot.
Boyle- was a good selectman, has been good on budget, questions everything, tries to do the right thing
Princiotta- good first year, asked good questions, even questioned the chief which most do not do. consistnt, intelligent
Paquette- walks quietly carries big stick. great numbers guy, rarely speaks but when he does, watch out.
I WOULD VOTE FOR HIM(coin toss again)
Polito- all in all has been a good moderator. fair, impartial on town floor, however his comments at selectmen's meeting disparaging town residents could stop.
I WOULD VOTE FOR HIM no competition
those are my views on the big three, will look at rest of ballot and writ back later
The February 8, 2007 10:10 AM Anonymous posting had some valid points. However, I choked on my morning tea when he or she wrote “I’m now of the opinion that Chief Consentino’s actions were likely the result of him being verbally abused, berated, badgered, and threatened; possibly by the very same people that contribute to this blog. I suspect that he had a very human, albeit unfortunate, response to those people; he dug his heals in.”
Forget about the fact that he’s police officer having an irrational reaction to being questioned (be very afraid of officers with temper problems). Have any of you been witness to any of this? Every time I’ve seen someone confront him, even civilly, he takes personal offense and it becomes a pity party for him – everyone’s out to get him. Ask yourself this – One, or maybe two, of those considered anti-Chief people could have a personal beef with him. The Carol Grant thing, right or wrong, runs deep and long. So I’ll give him the defensive posturing on those, to a point. But what’s Mark Acciard got to gain from locking horns with this guy? Same goes for Brian Kaye. And Elaine Woodbury? How many others have felt his wrath, and unfortunately cowered into doing nothing. Or how many people wanted to simply ask a question, but feared being attacked and labeled as anti-Chief? We’ll never know. Who's his boss? I'd never let any of my employees behave this way. Not even one time is acceptable.
Take this blog with the skepticism required of anonymous postings. But also ask yourself why there has been so much activity on this site, so many postings, so many similar opinions, and so much chatter around the local water coolers and watering holes about it. Then ask yourself, as a law-abiding citizen, should I stand idly by and let things like this happen, or should I speak up, make my voice heard, and try and change this town for the better? Or is it too late?
I’ve only been here in town for a few short years. How long has it been this way? Looks like some long-time residents say it's been decades. That's a shame.
The Chief has been on the PD for more than 30 years. The abuse started before he became chief, and it's gotten progressively worse. Attibute part of that to his ego as Chief; the rest of it probably comes from old age.
Hello again...
once again, i see that an anonymous writer has the right idea. KNOW WHO YOU VOTE FOR!. as I do not live in your town, i cannot vote in your town elections. You, avid readers and posters- on the other hand have the luxery, if not DUTY to vote in your town officials. I see lots of posts where town officials get slammed (not unlikely from other officials). Is this a popularity contest? Youve got police cheifs and Lts' who have quite a bit to say most of it negative toward ANYONE who doesnt agree with their pet projects. I have seen the propsed cell tower. Might i say, im sure your towm residents will be HORRIFIED at this monstrosity. The fact that your war memorials arent in the same place is shameful enough, but wait till the townspeople get a look-see at the cell tower that certainly doesnt fit in with your norman rockwellesque town. I would love to be able to go to my village store to get the low down of what is going on in my town, unfortunately, i dont enjoy that luxery. my suggestion to you, townspeople, is to KNOW your candidate for each position inside and out, know what he stands for, know that he has YOU the taxpayer in mind when making decisions. A police cheif who holds grudges, expects something in return for the "favors" he provides, and doesnt hold the certifications to CARRY A GUN isnt my first choice. A selectman who screams at another selectman using obsenities stomping his foot like a small child IN THE TOWN HALL is another i wouldnt even consider voting for, finally, a police LT who yells at Joe Citizen that hes protecting YOU YOU and YOU is yet another bad choice. Democracy and the luxery of being deemed a "town" is something to be honored dear citizens. Please remember that when election time rolls about. Use your intelligent, informed opinion and put the right candidate in power..... just a thought
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